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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Have you guys talked at all about the drama that is supposed to go down at roll call?

Apparently, they are going to roll call some states and then after a while, all states are just going to throw their support behind Obama. Well, people of these latter states are NOT happy, they want their delegates counted as they were in the primary, and they will get vocal if necessary. Interesting to see if anything comes of this...


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
laserbeam said:
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention.

DENVER--Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.

Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown's Palace Hotel.

Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.
They've been covering the parties all week, guess they were ready for him today : /

Link to last night's report on the parties.


Karma Kramer said:
Rice would be a very smart pick in my opinion. I hope McCain doesn't pick her.
It would be great...a great reminder of the last 8 years. The marriage between the past and present would be sealed along with this election. It won't be her.


PhoenixDark said:
Drudge (more numbers coming later today)


NBC 5,970,000
CNN 4,802,000
ABC 4,760,000
CBS 3,820,000
FOXNEWS 3,499,000
MSNBC 2,574,000

That's over 25 million so far...


worldrunover said:
Have you guys talked at all about the drama that is supposed to go down at roll call?

Apparently, they are going to roll call some states and then after a while, all states are just going to throw their support behind Obama. Well, people of these latter states are NOT happy, they want their delegates counted as they were in the primary, and they will get vocal if necessary. Interesting to see if anything comes of this...

I doubt anything'll happen. Clinton's going to be the one to push for an acclimation vote. Besides, it's mostly written ballots, not vocal ones. You might get one or two nutcases, that's about it. It's going to be a normal roll call.

And sounds like the ABC reporter was arrested on charges placed by the hotel itself.


It's not going to be Rice. McCain can't possibly be that stupid. It would be like saying, "Hey American public, as if I haven't offered enough proof that I'm just more of the same, let me put a reminder on the ticket, in the form of Condi Rice."


I think there's a good chance it will be a woman because the Republicans are trying to drive a wedge between women and Obama, and Biden will be put in the position during the debate of either being too nice to score a blow against McCain or being ripped apart as a chauvanist meanie if he goes on the attack. But it won't be a pro choice woman like Rice.
siamesedreamer said:
I responded to you're bullshit, ...

and you do that.
lol hypocritical grammar/spelling nazi

And if this is the only "bullshit" of mine you could find, then you're grasping at straws, because while McCain didn't see economics the same way as Bush initially, he sure as hell came around and now at THE PRESENT TIME he IS in lockstep with Bush in regards to economics and damn near everything else. He was in line with Bush 100% of the time in the last year in regards to his voting record.

So again I ask, what bullshit of mine are you referring to, because a large majority of your postings in fact have been bullshit, like Reagan and Bush Sr. being responsible for the economic boom of the 90s LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Azrael said:
I think there's a good chance it will be a woman because the Republicans are trying to drive a wedge between women and Obama, and Biden will be put in the position during the debate of either being too nice to score a blow against McCain or being ripped apart as a chauvanist meanie if he goes on the attack. But it won't be a pro choice woman like Rice.

It's a possibility, although if it's a woman, I'd say it's one without elected experience just so they can mold their political views. I don't think it'll be possible though, because McCain is only a one-termer even if he wins most likely, they'll want someone who will be able to run for President also.


kkaabboomm said:
i think the colorado and new mexico polls are a bit off, maybe make them both 50-45?

I dunno. I got my GF to register to vote here (New Mexico) and there's a backlog 2 months long at the county clerk to complete the process. McCain isn't energizing people here quite as much as Obama seems to, so we'll see how it turns out come November.
Karma Kramer said:
Its probably just going to be Romney... I mean... its heavily rumored just like Biden was hevaily rumored...

Its got to be him.
Bayh was heavily rumored for a while too. A couple HuffPo peeps went as far as to guarantee it would be him.

Although I am praying to Raptor Jesus that it does turn out to be Romney, Lieberman or Giuliani. Campaign of lulz would be CONFIRMED.
Diablos said:
Anyone have 2004 numbers?

Cable television benefited from huge ratings Monday for broadcasting the opening night of the Democratic National Convention.

Twenty-two million viewers, which is a 20 percent larger audience than in 2004, tuned in to watch Michelle Obama’s speech, according to Nielsen Media Research.

According to the Boston Herald, Tobe Berkovitz, associate dean at Boston University’s College of Communication, said that the big numbers prove that people are still very much interested in the presidential campaign.

“You get 22 million people to watch a political convention - that’s not chopped liver,” Berkovitz said. “Those are spectacular numbers considering it’s not a Clinton or the nominee who’s speaking.”

According to Nielsen estimates, NBC averaged 4.71 million viewers from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m., the hour that included Michelle Obama’s speech. The second is CNN, with 4.27 million people watching. CNN is followed closely by ABC (4.17 million). Then came CBS (3.46 million), Fox News (2.92 million) and MSNBC (2.10 million). This was a success for CNN, which had not beaten any broadcast networks in such competitions.

All the six TV networks recorded 18.4 million viewers for the first night in 2004, Nielsen reported.

About 27.7 million people tuned into the Beijing Olympics each night on NBC, while Sunday night’s closing ceremony drew about 27.8 million viewers.

The three major networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, plan to air an hour of live Democratic National Convention coverage each night at 10 p.m.

No numbers for the other nights... that I could find.


Diablos said:
Anyone have 2004 numbers?

New York, NY (AHN) - More viewers tuned in to watch Monday's Democratic National Convention from Denver, Colorado than they did four years ago when the party nominated Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) to run against President George W. Bush.

According to Nielsen Media Research, approximately 21.4 million people watched Barack Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, deliver her speech on opening night, Monday, up some 3 million from the 18.4 million who tuned in to watch the first night of the convention four years ago.

According to Nielsen, the 8.9 million viewers who tuned in to the three cable networks (CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News) during this year's convention's 8 to 11 p.m. prime-time, almost doubled the 4.8 million viewers who watched Kerry's Democratic convention in 2004.

Nielsen statistics released show NBC in front of the ratings pack with 4.9 million viewers, followed by CNN with 4.3 million, ABC with 3.8 million, CBS with 3.5 million, Fox News Channel with 2.9 million and MSNBC with 2.1 million.



Karma Kramer said:
Its probably just going to be Romney... I mean... its heavily rumored just like Biden was hevaily rumored...

Its got to be him.

I don't think it will be him. The conservative talking heads love him, but evangelicals despise him, and he's vulnerable on the economy. If he's the pick, it will be good news for Obama IMO.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
Oh Jeezus...

Stay 16. You're a bad advocate for the cause.

Will you stop with the ad-hominems? That 16 year old is a smarter and better man than you ever will be.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
Backing down from your challenge?

I'm GAF's favorite 16 year old. Jealous!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
PhoenixDark said:
Drudge (more numbers coming later today)


NBC 5,970,000
CNN 4,802,000
ABC 4,760,000
CBS 3,820,000
FOXNEWS 3,499,000
MSNBC 2,574,000

I guess we won't be getting PBS / C-SPAN / NPR numbers?


maynerd said:
Strange this sounds like something a republican would do. Boo on the Democrats if true.

Most of the places ABC has been watching are big time multi-million dollar parties etc. Hard to say we are one of you when your hanging out at all those parties so they gotta silence ABC


laserbeam said:
Most of the places ABC has been watching are big time multi-million dollar parties etc. Hard to say we are one of you when your hanging out at all those parties so they gotta silence ABC

So this party was at a McCain house...? Which one?
laserbeam said:
Most of the places ABC has been watching are big time multi-million dollar parties etc. Hard to say we are one of you when your hanging out at all those parties so they gotta silence ABC
It's hard to say we are one of you when you say Americans are too lazy to pick lettuce for $50/hour lol

As far as addressing the actual arresting, it apparently looked like it was a private party where they simply didn't allow press in there.
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