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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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polyh3dron said:
It's hard to say we are one of you when you say Americans are too lazy to pick lettuce for $50/hour lol
Hyuck hyuck hyuck. Whats the matter need to try and change the subject? We had unfair arrests made because a Invetigative reporter was tracking lobbyists and their parties that all these "we feel your pain" people are at.

These parties are the exact thing Obama said is part of the problem.


laserbeam said:
Hyuck hyuck hyuck. Whats the matter need to try and change the subject? We had unfair arrests made because a Invetigative reporter was tracking lobbyists and their parties that all these "we feel your pain" people are at

You know this is completely true right? There couldn't be any other reason? It was the Democrats that had them arrested right? BTW did you get mad when the McCain campaign had a woman removed from a public place because she had an anti-McCain sign...?
Remember this?



You know, from the guy who God told to attack Iraq?
laserbeam said:
Hyuck hyuck hyuck. Whats the matter need to try and change the subject? We had unfair arrests made because a Invetigative reporter was tracking lobbyists and their parties that all these "we feel your pain" people are at.

These parties are the exact thing Obama said is part of the problem.
It was likely a private party where they didn't allow photogs, which is their right. Obama can't stop private people from having private parties.

*EDIT* ok so he was on the sidewalk.. yeah that's pretty fucked up. But the Repubs are worse with this kind of shit and you know this man.


testicles on a cold fall morning
if SD has been posting while drinking again, we might have a replay of the NFL thread :)

don't do it!


maynerd said:
You know this is completely true right? There couldn't be any other reason? It was the Democrats that had them arrested right?
Taking pictures on a public sidewalk and being arrested certainly lays out quite clearly that people with positions of power made a decision to silence it


laserbeam said:
Taking pictures on a public sidewalk and being arrested certainly lays out quite clearly that people with positions of power made a decision to silence it

First let's see all the facts before jumping to conclusions.


laserbeam said:
Why are you trying to dodge the topic?

when presented with corruption in the democratic party how else can one respond than by attacking mccain's houses. also how many people actually believed obama when he said there would be no lobbyists? guys, its just like obama taking public money.
PhoenixDark said:
Remember this?



You know, from the guy who God told to attack Iraq?
I just saw this from Ben Smith...
compared to Obama's stage...

and, well, get ready for some pot calling kettle black if the GOP hits him on stage setup alone...


kkaabboomm said:
I just saw this from Ben Smith...
compared to Obama's stage...
and, well, get ready for some pot calling kettle black if the GOP hits him on it...

"But Bush did it too!" is indeed a powerful line of defense!
Door2Dawn said:

True but detractors aren't criticizing Obama's setup for looking presidential: they're criticizing it for being over the top and "Temple"-esque. It's bullshit


Karma Kramer said:
Ar people going to be standing on the field?
They are filling the field with Seats if I recall. There was a live feed on fox earlier on the field and it seemed like seats being put out
This thread is a nice microcosm for politics in the world today. Both sides bicker back and forth over worthless crap and I like it for a while, but then it gets tiresome. :p

Have fun!


testicles on a cold fall morning
someone mentioned Gov. Patterson's remarks before, but this deserves a repeat -

Gov. David A. Paterson, continuing his oratorical assault on John McCain as Democrats gather in Denver for their national convention, used a phenomenon known by physicists as the “Parallax Effect” to slam the presumptive Republican nominee.

Mr. Paterson — a lawyer by training, not a physicist — said he thought the metaphor worked as a way of illustrating “how obtuse” and “how distant” Mr. McCain is from most Americans.

“When something is so far away that you cant even measure it, you take an object that’s a little closer. And by knowing the distance between you and that object, you can now assess how far away the third body is,” Mr. Paterson told New Jersey delegates in a speech on Wednesday morning.

As his frame of reference, Mr. Paterson likened President Bush to Pluto, which drew chortles and applause from the audience. “Now President Bush is very distant from what the American public needs,” Mr. Paterson said.

Apparently not content with reserving his satire solely for Mr. McCain, Mr. Paterson slipped in a dig at Mr. Bush, noting that Pluto had been downgraded by astronomers, who no longer consider it a full-fledged planet. “And I think down the road historians will declassify President Bush as president because he was never really elected.”

Then, bringing it back to Mr. McCain, the governor continued, “Just comparing him to President Bush, you know that John McCain is not even in our solar system but is far off in a distant galaxy.”


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
laserbeam said:
So if they are gonna go there and speak some truth does that mean they havent gone there and been speaking lies?

Or it could mean they are going back? If Obama can be in two places at once, then I suppose he truly is an omnipresent messiah.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
Like I said - nobody wants to challenge me on Obama's bullshit...

The hell? We challenge you everytime you open your mouth. It's just that after a certain period, we got tired of your bullshit and constant outright lies that we start feeling pity for you, and instead see it fit to laugh at you.


Captain Pants said:
For whatever reason the page doesn't load when I'm clicking it, would someone care to summarize?

One of Obama's staffers says "If McCain keeps being a schmuck, we'll play in Arizona and speak the truth there", I guess suggesting that if McCain keeps on being negative his own state will move into play.
siamesedreamer said:
Like I said - nobody wants to challenge me on Obama's bullshit...
We've BEEN challenging you but you never address our challenges and respond with ad hominem and non sequitur BULLSHIT.

And then you complain about being inundated with bullshit.

And THEN you call people names.

And THEN you say "bububu but nobody wants to challenge me cuz im too smart hur hur hurrr"



testicles on a cold fall morning
i think Obama's detailed policy platform, as well as independent vetting (at least vis-a-vis his economic platform) is enough to counter most of what SD argues. as for the rest, i can't see any fault to a cap-and-trade policy to lower emissions, no harm in reducing the tax burden of lower-income Americans (especially since wages have been stagnant for quite some time) and think Obama's pullout timetable is both correct and (as it turns out) prescient.
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