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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gary Whitta said:
FWIW, NBC News just reported that the latest rumor is that Romney is being "waved off" by the McCain kamp.

Lieberman or Pawlenty?!

:lol :lol


Gary Whitta said:
The hippy-looking dude with the long hair and the beard looks like someone the Repubs will be finding some shit on later.

:lol :lol Thats what I was thinking; who is that hippie?!

Overall, that was a damn good show... Biden was fantastic, Bill was solid as usual.


As a person who's work his way through his own bit of a stuttering issue, seeing Biden and his story told made me smile.

Great night, and great speeches for both Bill and Biden.

And Obama was awesome too. Truly showed his "black" side with shout-outs to Biden's family, including "Mama Biden". :lol :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gary Whitta said:
FWIW, NBC News just reported that the latest rumor is that Romney is being "waved off" by the McCain kamp.

if reports are true and McCain's camp is angling the VP to counter Biden they might go after Hutchinson and the PUMA demographic.

oh. found the MSNBC archive of Clinton's speech. i'm already two minutes in and already he was more forceful than his wife last night.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
scorcho said:

if reports are true and McCain's camp is angling the VP to counter Biden they might go after Hutchinson and the PUMA demographic.

oh. found the MSNBC archive of Clinton's speech. i'm already two minutes in and already he was more forceful than his wife last night.

McCain's camp has confirmed it's down to three:

Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman.


scorcho said:
foh. found the MSNBC archive of Clinton's speech. i'm already two minutes in and already he was more forceful than his wife last night.



testicles on a cold fall morning
reilo said:
McCain's camp has confirmed it's down to three:

Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman.
please let it be Lieberman. please please please.

aceface said:
PBS dude is saying McCain has to pick Lieberman now to differentiate himself from Bush.
because nothing will differentiate McCain more from Bush than a VP who unabashedly advocates the same unilateral, militaristic vision of the first Bush term.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
sangreal said:
btw, he wasn't there because its tradition for the nominee to only attend the final day
It was more in reference to tomorrow and the choice to move it to mile high. The debate has been that since Hilary spoke the delegates realized they "nominated the wrong candidate" and that there isn't true "unity."

I'm not expressing agreement or disagreement with the argument against Obama (and not wanting to go there), I'm just bringing forth the argument and saying the Dems made a very smart move and the polls will reflect it tomorrow.
scorcho said:

if reports are true and McCain's camp is angling the VP to counter Biden they might go after Hutchinson and the PUMA demographic.

oh. found the MSNBC archive of Clinton's speech. i'm already two minutes in and already he was more forceful than his wife last night.
Bill gave the speech of the convention so far. He really pulled through for Obama, which will probably go a long way towards restoring his standing in the party.


sangreal said:
yeah, give them 5 years
yeah id let em simmer in my stew

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Gary Whitta said:
FWIW, NBC News just reported that the latest rumor is that Romney is being "waved off" by the McCain kamp.

PBS talking heads said that McCain's only choice to attempt to dispel the McCain = Bush shit is to pick Lieberman as his vp. in fact, they seem to think thats the direction he might actually go.




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
teiresias said:
I'm trying to guess what Lieberman as McCain's VP pick would mean. I mean, geez.

If internal polling for McCain shows that he'd pick up some independents by choosing Lieberman, then oh my god, I want to know which polling agency so that everyone can ridicule them.


Dax01 said:
Alright, Obama, I am expecting every kind of epic from your speech tomorrow.

Nothing will be as epic as when Clark reveals that he killed Biden and is really just wearing his skin! HOOTIE WILL BE REDEEMED.
I never ever thought that Lieberman had a shot... so I never thought about what it would mean.

Obviously... Rush and Hannity would be pissed off.


Karma Kramer said:
I really hope McCain doesn't pick a women, cause then we won't hear the end of the Hillary narrative.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just can't imagine Republicans siding with the notion of a female Veep, though.

Would it really be worth turning of what base McCain may have, just to try and make a haphazard, feather-brained attempt, to try and appeal to the few Hildawg supporters who just won't give it up?

I'll admit it will be comical, though. Possibly even more than a Lieberman pick. :lol


reilo said:
McCain's camp has confirmed it's down to three:

Romney, Pawlenty, and Lieberman.
How do we know they confirmed it?

I could be a pundit and say the "Obama camp confirmed" that Wesley Snipes will be his Secretary of State, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm being given the correct information.


I was a bit disappointed with Biden's speech, but that's to be expected after the amazing speech by Bill, and Obama's appearance was perfect.

The convention is going very well, in two short days the party has gone from being uneasy to being pumped up. I'm very happy.


vumpler said:
I'm not expressing agreement or disagreement with the argument against Obama (and not wanting to go there), I'm just bringing forth the argument and saying the Dems made a very smart move and the polls will reflect it tomorrow.
Polls don't work that fast.
wow. I know I have been a nervous nellie these past 2 days. But I feel a lot better going forward now.

McCain picking a female VP will be an obvious desperate attempt to pander and appeal to the diminishing Hilldawgs....should be :lol

Leibermann :lol :lol


McCain adviser

But the numbers are misleading, said John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis, a right-leaning Dallas-based think tank. Mr. Goodman, who helped craft Sen. John McCain's health care policy, said anyone with access to an emergency room effectively has insurance, albeit the government acts as the payer of last resort. (Hospital emergency rooms by law cannot turn away a patient in need of immediate care.)

"So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman said. "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care.

"So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved."

Mr. Goodman's analysis drew a sharp response from the Center for Public Policy Priorities, an Austin-based think tank focusing on poverty issues. "That is not the same thing as having health insurance," said Eva Deluna, a budget analyst for the center. People without insurance are less likely to seek care, and when they do, the cost to the health system is greater, she said.

Why isn't this in an ad yet?
DNC 08 is like a party at the Hall of Justice, only more emotional and even more do-goody-good.

The RNC next week is just going to seem like an extended Legion of Doom meeting, with all of the humanity and heart-felt emotion of Solomon Grundy suffering a major three-day long bout of constipation.

In fact, here's an early look at next week's convention:


Kusagari said:
McCain/Pawlenty could quite possibly be the most BORING ticket of all time.

McCain / Pawlenty got nothing on Dole / Kemp in the 'boring old man' department. Remember when Dole fell off the podium?



I was watching PBS during biden's speech then I turned to MSNBC for the after speech talk and wow chris matthews hair was all over the place. That guy looked wrecked. What happened? :lol


demon said:
It's so much nicer watching this on PBS. You're not watching an image of the screen at the convention, and no clutter around the sides.
Yep. Like I said, I'm done with the major cable networks, all of their coverage sucks. I might watch MSNBC's streaming stuff on the web every now and then, but on election night I'm watching PBS.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
maynerd said:
I was watching PBS during biden's speech then I turned to MSNBC for the after speech talk and wow chris matthews hair was all over the place. That guy looked wrecked. What happened? :lol

They were relegated to being outside of Invesco Center at the mile-high city? That's wind fucking his hair up.
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