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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
I assume it's supporting the homosexual agenda!

He's anti-family and anti-business!

And anti-guns.




Biden is anti-America!
reilo said:
Which son? One of his sons is Attorney General of Delaware, and is in the national guard and is about to be headed to Iraq. The other is a lawyer and serves on the board of Amtrak - you know, a government owned business? So, his both of his sons are lobbyists for the government?



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Bottom Line:

Joe Biden is against everything you are for. Worst pick of the century. Joe Biden is going to cause death and famine if he is elected into office and it is up to us to stop him!


Limbaugh Parrot
RubxQub said:
Bottom Line:

Joe Biden is against everything you are for. Worst pick of the century. Joe Biden is going to cause death and famine if he is elected into office and it is up to us to stop him!
Here it comes.


NO I didn't make this

This is more than likely a sampling of whats to come. Happens every year.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:

And what the article doesn't tell you is what they do as lobbyists. They could not have been more vague.

And let me repeat myself: Elder son is Attorney General of Delaware, is in the Delaware National Guard and JAG, AND is being deployed to Iraq. So, who's he lobbying for? I wonder...

His younger son works for Amtrak - and shocker, they're government owned.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.

Think West Viriginians.

I'd say we should probably make our first order of business in office to remove WV from the map. Evacuate decent citizens and unleash some Zombie virus throughout the rest of the state.

It's what they've earned.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.

Think West Viriginians.

I'd say we should probably make our first order of business in office to remove WV from the map. Evacuate decent citizens and unleash some Zombie virus throughout the rest of the state.

It's what they've earned.

Throw in Florida and you got a deal!


JohnTinker said:
This is more than likely a sampling of whats to come. Happens every year.

It's like quoting Star Trek to people who wouldn't know what the fuck you're talking about but still feeling all tingly because a certain segment of the population just gets it.


RubxQub said:
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.

Think West Viriginians.

I'd say we should probably make our first order of business in office to remove WV from the map. Evacuate decent citizens and unleash some Zombie virus throughout the rest of the state.

It's what they've earned.

Make sure you get me out first! I also know some people who aren't completely retarded, not many, but some!

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
RubxQub said:
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.

Think West Viriginians.

I'd say we should probably make our first order of business in office to remove WV from the map. Evacuate decent citizens and unleash some Zombie virus throughout the rest of the state.

It's what they've earned.

Hey, when I proposed 2 systems 1 nation, all I got was cricket chirping and a "dream on buddy".

But think about it... it would be the perfect solution for everyone wishing succession... Jesus, you guys need a succession so bad.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Tim-E said:
Make sure you get me out first! I also know some people who aren't completely retarded, not many, but some!
Make sure you get to the evac point ON TIME, and be prepared to take a decent competency test.

Assuming all goes well, you will not be eating the flesh of your neighbors in the coming days.

Good luck, and remember: you did this to yourselves!

*shit eating grin*


RubxQub said:
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.
Told you so.

It really should of been Sebeluscious.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
sp0rsk said:
So is the event thing happening in 20 minutes? I gotta go to bed.
An hour and 15 minutes.



RubxQub said:
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.

Think West Viriginians.

I'd say we should probably make our first order of business in office to remove WV from the map. Evacuate decent citizens and unleash some Zombie virus throughout the rest of the state.

It's what they've earned.
Thing is, these West Virginians weren't going to vote for Obama anyways. They're irrelevant.


RubxQub said:
You know what's fucking sad? This whole "Obama bin Biden" shit is going to have an actual affect on the moronic public of America.

Emotionally I know what you mean, but technically, you couldn't be more wrong in terms of that having an affect. I don't think any knuckle dragger who would be swayed by a "Obama Bin Biden" slogan was going to vote for Obama before the slogan was born, ya know?

edit: beaten 2 above.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
WalkMan said:
They're irrelevant.
So you agree that they will not be missed! I expect to see your signature on the legislation, WalkMan. This GAF Congress needs to pass this "Stupid Liberation Act" in order to keep America from slipping into irrelevance itself!


Dax01 said:
Give in.

Pfft, I'm not a roaming VP bandwagoner as you are! First Bexter, then Sebelius, now Biden.

Clark and I will be redeemed!

Ok maybe not Bexter but she is still awesome


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
JohnTinker said:
America's rave community unhappy at Biden choice because of accompanying story:

Will Obama/Biden be able to sway the rave community and make up for this? Lets see if concessions are made at the rally today.

edit: Amir0x is this legislation what is preventing you from catching the JOEMENTUM?

Alright, as a big clubber/partier, that really is horrible :( I'm extremely conflicted on this VP pick though.


Dax01 said:
Holy shit at the crowd in Springfield, Illinois!:lol The crowd is wrapping around the building it's so huge (tens of thousands).:lol

I can't wait until Thursday night. :D It's going to be an awesome image.


Dax01 said:
Holy shit at the crowd in Springfield, Illinois!:lol The crowd is wrapping around the building it's so huge (tens of thousands).:lol

Wasn't there over 70,000 people at his rally in Oregon or Washington a couple of months ago?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hootie said:
Wasn't there over 70,000 people at his rally in Oregon or Washington a couple of months ago?

Portland, Oregon. Get it right!


:lol Dick Morris:

Morris: You saw by these, these ill prepared reactions on Georgia. And you saw what he said today? Obama said that he understood that countries should not invade other countries and we would be in a better position to say that if we had not gone into Iraq.

Colmes: Where is he wrong?

Morris: Where he’s wrong is that we went into Iraq at the invitation of the government. Not as an invasion.

Colmes: We went to Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein. [….]

Morris: We’re in Iraq now at the invitation of the government.

Colmes: They’ve asked us to leave. They said there’s a timeline to get us out.

Morris: We’re in Iraq as a result of a democracy asking for us to come in there. It’s not an invasion. It’s not a takeover. We’re not trying to annex Iraq.

Colmes: We went in there by our own…of our own. We went into Iraq originally. Not at the invitation of Saddam Hussein’s government.
This is why Zogby is crap:

Zogby Poll Has Obama Ahead In North Carolina 47-39!

State: North Carolina
Updated: 8/22/2008
Obama - 47%
McCain - 39%
Barr - 3%
Nader - 2%
Not Sure/Other - 9%

"Obama continues to exceed expectations. However, the strong possibility of current Barr supporters coming home to the GOP makes Obama's lead too tenuous to paint North Carolina blue. As in Michigan, a conservative GOP running mate for McCain could help him big here
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