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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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geez Lanny Davis, don't get too excited now!

"I believe the overwhelming polling data that Senator Clinton would have helped Senator Obama the most to win the election, especially in battleground states," said Lanny Davis, former Special Counsel to Bill Clinton and one of Hillary Clinton’s most passionate supporters. "Having said that, I completely support the decision he has made as his alone and will support Joe Biden."



*drowns in jizz*
Azrael said:
I think he probably will too =/. Hillary wants McCain to win so she can run again in 2012, so she will do as little as possible to unify the base that she doesn't appear to be overtly supporting McCain, and the corporate media will slime Obama till November as a fern' elitist who eats babies, cheers when American soldiers die, and wants to raise taxes on families making $40,000 a year. I think Democrats will pick up seats in both houses of Congress but lose the White House.

I've had enough of all all these fucking ultra-defeatist posts. Maybe you secretly WANT McCain to win, as you guys can't help yourselves from typing this crap over and over. Who gives a fuck what Hillary wants? It will have little to no bearing on the election. Nothing is guaranteed, but a McCain win will irreversibly confirm the utter idiocy of America.
Someone just pointed out something I forgot about. McCain lost to Bush in 2000 . . . so basically, the GOP is giving us the guy that they thought WAS WORSE THAN BUSH. :lol

Considering Bush's approval ratings, it is amazing that McCain is doing so well. But then again, there is an amazing willingness to believe on the right. And if people want to believe, they'll believe anything.


*drowns in jizz*
Wow, awesome comments on that youtube vid. I hate the internet.

Now I have a problem...Obama is a Muslim in sheeps clothing, a coward, an elitist, and does not have enough experience to be president, but I do like Joe Biden.

I think John McCain should offer the V.P. spot to Hillary. I can't stand her personally, but she does know how to close the deal and she has 18 million supporters waiting to vote for her.
speculawyer said:
Considering Bush's approval ratings, it is amazing that McCain is doing so well. But then again, there is an amazing willingness to believe on the right. And if people want to believe, they'll believe anything.

It's not really that amazing. Bush's approval is still 30%...that's 30% guaranteed votes for McCain. The remaining 10-14% that he gets nationally comes from Republicans who like McCain, right-wing independents, and dissatisfied/racist Democrats. It's really not surprising that McCain is so competitive.

The real problem is that Bush still has a 30% approval rating. Party loyalty in this country is way too strong.


speculawyer said:
Someone just pointed out something I forgot about. McCain lost to Bush in 2000 . . . so basically, the GOP is giving us the guy that they thought WAS WORSE THAN BUSH. :lol

Considering Bush's approval ratings, it is amazing that McCain is doing so well. But then again, there is an amazing willingness to believe on the right. And if people want to believe, they'll believe anything.

Or you could say that McCain isn't Bush, and a win for McCain is further proof that this country is tired of Bush.


Slurpy said:
What the fuck- I always thought the AP was supposed to be as neutral as they come- they have shills like this guy? That article was complete trash.
He's been running stuff like that for months. Entire series of hit pieces on Obama, fluff on McCain. There's tons of examples just like that.
Dirtbag 504 said:
Or you could say that McCain isn't Bush, and a win for McCain is further proof that this country is tired of Bush.
That might be true if we were talking about year 2000 McCain. But year 2008 McCain has back-flip/flopped right into Bush's positions.


Oh boy, I tried to warn my coworker, but he wouldn't listen. Too bad he's in Denver covering the convention so I can't tell him "I told you so" on Monday :lol


Limbaugh Parrot
Stats on Biden:

# Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance. (Dec 2006)
# Rated 78% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance. (Dec 2006)
# Rated 100% by the NAACP, indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance. (Dec 2006)
# Rated 32% by the US COC, indicating an anti-business voting record. (Dec 2003) [ed note: no idea who the US COC is]
# Rated 71% by CURE, indicating pro-rehabilitation crime votes. (Dec 2000)
# Rated 75% by the NCJA, indicating a mixed record on criminal justice. (Dec 2005)
# Rated 91% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
# Rated 83% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence. (Dec 2006)
# Rated 95% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes. (Dec 2003)
# Rated 16% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-family voting record. (Dec 2003) [ed note: ???]
# Rated 42% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues. (Dec 2002)
# Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record. (Dec 2003)
# Rated 100% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record. (Dec 2003)
# Rated 80% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record. (Dec 2003)
# Rated 8% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance. (Dec 2006)
# Rated 100% by the AFL-CIO, indicating a pro-union voting record. (Dec 2003)
# Rated 100% by the AU, indicating support of church-state separation. (Dec 2006)
# Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)



Rasmussen is at +2 today as well.

Bounce watch mode: on.
The more I read about Obama, the more I see he's the complete antithesis of Obama's message for the past year.

Biden's son is a fucking lobbyist for Christ sake. :lol
Amir0x said:
The poll takes up half the page?

Get a better screen damn it :lol

Well, it doesn't now after I was basically forced to select a choice just to minimize the poll.

It's still a dumb thing.

Who gives a shit about Nader or Barr?


Limbaugh Parrot
Amir0x said:
There are countless bits of legislation over his career that he has been apart of that I despise. There are endless social issues that we are different on. There are god knows how many fucking mouth vomitations he's had over the years, including many borderline racist remakes and countless insensitive ones. Running with a black candidate does not forgive those indiscretions. He cannot shut his fucking mouth, he was wrong on Iraq, he goes counter to Obama's change message, he brings in no states anyone gives a shit about, he brings in no constituencies that Obama has a shot at (he's never going to bring the Catholic vote in at any measurable level), he's not going to shore up many of Obama's strengths, is only going to weaken many of them and his GREATEST asset - being an ATTACK DOG - is simply a translation for Obama not having the balls to do it himself, as has been the case since post primary season. Being a foreign policy hawk is a weak at best defining point as Democrats are going to lose that argument with the public by simple fact of nature; and Obama's one surefire foreign policy win (his judgment on Iraq) is now undermined by this dude.

Obama himself has flipped on many issues in the general campaign season and has been pissing me off for a minute here, even though I should have expected it. But this is one of the biggest problems for me. This is almost as bad as him going for Hillary in my book. Biden may help Obama win the election, but if he does it won't be a good thing. I don't want that fucker in the White House.
Fair criticisms. You have my respect for being able to articulate them a lot better than others who just spout "WTF HE SUCKS" and etc.

Also, touching a bit more on those mouth gaffes..

Expect to see some of these quotes used in the GE, all from Joe Biden:
Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007: "The only guy on the other side who's qualified is John McCain."

On Meet the Press, November 27, 2005: "I've been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others subsequent to my saying that."

Assessing Obama's Iraq plan on September 13, 2007: "My impression is [Obama] thinks that if we leave, somehow the Iraqis are going to have an epiphany" of peaceful coexistence among warring sects. "I've seen zero evidence of that."

Speaking to the New York Observer: Biden was equally skeptical -- albeit in a slightly more backhanded way -- about Mr. Obama. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Also from that Observer interview: "But -- and the `but' was clearly inevitable -- he doubts whether American voters are going to elect `a one-term, a guy who has served for four years in the Senate,' and added: `I don't recall hearing a word from Barack about a plan or a tactic.'"

Around that time, Biden in an interview with the Huffington Post, he assessed Obama and Hillary Clinton: "The more people learn about them (Obama and Hillary) and how they handle the pressure, the more their support will evaporate."

December 11, 2007: Biden said in a campaign ad, "When this campaign is over, political slogans like `experience' and `change' will mean absolutely nothing. The next president has to act."

Biden on Meet the Press in 2002, discussing Saddam Hussein: "He's a long term threat and a short term threat to our national security... "We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world."

Biden on Meet the Press in 2007, on Hussein's WMDs: "Well, the point is, it turned out they didn't, but everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them. He catalogued -- they catalogued them. This was not some, some Cheney, you know, pipe dream. This was, in fact, catalogued."

Biden, on Obama's Iraq plan in August 2007: "I don't want [my son] going [to Iraq]," Delaware Sen. Joe Biden said from the campaign trail Wednesday, according to a report on Radio Iowa. "But I tell you what, I don't want my grandson or my granddaughters going back in 15 years and so how we leave makes a big difference."

Biden criticized Democratic rivals such as Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama who have voted against Iraq funding bills to try to pressure President Bush to end the war. "There's no political point worth my son's life," Biden said, according to Radio Iowa. "There's no political point worth anybody's life out there. None."

Biden on Meet the Press, April 29, 2007: "The threat [Saddam Hussein] presented was that, if Saddam was left unfettered, which I said during that period, for the next five years with sanctions lifted and billions of dollars into his coffers, then I believed he had the ability to acquire a tactical nuclear weapon -- not by building it, by purchasing it. I also believed he was a threat in that he was -- every single solitary U.N. resolution which he agreed to abide by, which was the equivalent of a peace agreement at the United Nations, after he got out of -- after we kicked him out of Kuwait, he was violating. Now, the rules of the road either mean something or they don't. The international community says "We're going to enforce the sanctions we placed" or not. And what was the international community doing? The international community was weakening. They were pulling away." [this is a pretty damning quote for the anti-war crowd]

Biden to the Brookings Institution in 2005: "We can call it quits and withdraw from Iraq. I think that would be a gigantic mistake. Or we can set a deadline for pulling out, which I fear will only encourage our enemies to wait us out -- equally a mistake."

Biden in October of 2002: "We must be clear with the American people that we are committing to Iraq for the long haul; not just the day after, but the decade after." [this one too]


StoOgE said:
guys, McCain just had a week of Obama on vacation, a week of free reign to do as he saw fit, and is still behind in the polls.

On top og his house thing, and 5 mill thing, he is going to pick Mitt and paint himself as an out of touch ultra wealthy ticket.

Plus Obama is probably going to roll out Luger, Hagel and Powell endorsements.

I thought Luger already endorsed McCain?


JohnTinker said:
Fair criticisms. You have my respect for being able to articulate them a lot better than others who just spout "WTF HE SUCKS" and etc.

Also, touching a bit more on those mouth gaffes..

Expect to see some of these quotes used in the GE, all from Joe Biden:
You can do the same for every candidate to every run against another. Nothing new here. And tame compared to, say, what Hillary was doing.


can someone tell me how mccain is so rich?
hes a former POW and then went into politics

how much do they pay these senators?


For people needing a sell on Biden, personally I was pretty sure the Obama ticket would have lost or had to squeak out a 3am win if he picked a small name on the national stage like Sebelius, Bayh or Kaine. Obama gained a lot of his momentum with college kids and packed speeches filled with cute girls in tight Obama t-shirts and all the changey hopium and other slogans, but these people generally don't vote come November. The college age kids demographic is notoriously unreliable. I know Obama's campaign has been making a lot of efforts to change this for November, but they're still not a demographic to rely on as a game changer until proven otherwise. Most voters have mortgages and kids and shitty jobs and are only a few missed paychecks away from dire financial straits. They also don't follow politics all that closely and would have been nervous picking a ticket of relative unknowns in November like Obama/Bayh or Obama/Sebelius or Obama/Kaine. Biden's name recognition gives them some confidence, some reassurance that they won't be handing the keys to the country over to two political neophytes.

Or, to put it more bluntly and succinctly, older people are generally distrustful of younger people, rightly or wrongly. It will be older people who will be doing most of the voting in November. They had to be appealed to. It would have been so easy to hang the "who are these guys?" narrative on an Obama/Kaine/Bayh/Sebelius ticket, and it would have stuck with a significant portion of the voters, and it would have hurt.


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Mmm mmm...

Just woke up and I get to see Chuck Godd on TV. This weekend is going to be fucking awesome.


siamesedreamer said:
The more I read about Obama, the more I see he's the complete antithesis of Obama's message for the past year.

Biden's son is a fucking lobbyist for Christ sake. :lol

Yeah, Biden's son is on his way into Iraq. According to Obama, that's the entirely wrong direction!



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
The more I read about Obama, the more I see he's the complete antithesis of Obama's message for the past year.

Biden's son is a fucking lobbyist for Christ sake. :lol

Which son? One of his sons is Attorney General of Delaware, and is in the national guard and is about to be headed to Iraq. The other is a lawyer and serves on the board of Amtrak - you know, a government owned business? So, his both of his sons are lobbyists for the government?


Tamanon said:
Plus, anyone bitching about Obama shifting to the center, Biden is a pretty staunch liberal. And my god, so many years in the Senate and he's one of the poorest Senators out there, still takes the train to work every day. You don't get much more blue-collar than that.

Yeah, I read that today. Kind of interesting.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm more concerned with how much his running mate will help him win than anything else, and I don't see how Biden is a bad choice in that respect. Older, experienced, more well known than the other short-listers, and good foreign policy experience. Whatever it takes to kick the GOP the fuck out of the executive branch, that's change enough for me. Almost....almost....makes me a little disappointed he didn't pick Hillary. Those Hillary-or-bust mouthbreathers have me worried. I would've lost a lot of respect for him though.


Junior Member
Captain Pants said:

That isn't a bad pic at all, but I like that Stanley has the crazy eyes in my current avatar.
hah yeah when i first came here this was my avatar, then i had one that i didn't know looked like a cock or someting./.....
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