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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Small balls, big fun!
Amir0x said:
Now his positions have been modified and thus he's no longer running on some of the things he was during the 5 month primary season.

Ah! "Things!" Everyone here would do well to raise their discourse to your level.


Mandark said:
Ah! "Things!" Everyone here would do well to raise their discourse to your level.

We've all discussed them before, so trying to pretend like we all don't know what they are seems more than a little disingenuous on your part.

There were some elements of political jockeying during the primaries - the NAFTA thing springs to mind - but the ones after the primary season were most egregious for me. The public financing (clearly strategic, still disappointing), the FISA bill (there is no compromise good enough to fix it, and no filibuster), D.C. Gun ban flop and some smaller flips regarding the language he uses to discuss certain policies regarding Israel and Meeting with leaders (a sort of weak, bendable vocabulary that leaves much to interpretation). He has also made slight tweaks to his positions regarding nuclear energy, and shifted on the death penalty issue when that supreme court ruling came down a few months back.

There are a variety of topics which we've all discussed, and most of them are reaaaally obvious so please drop the act for future conversations. Much thanks.


Agent Icebeezy said:
I think that if he goes on about it, someone will call them out on it. Some in the media already have. 527s on the democratic side will as well.

They will risk a backlash since Biden even calls McCain a war hero. The Public has generally responded poorly to attacks on War Heros.

Before anyone say what about Kerry. He came home and started calling troops baby killers etc. He is an interesting case but I dont think anyones ever considered Kerry a war hero
Democrats shouldn't go down the road of criticizing McCain on using the POW card way too much, cause all it would do is anger the Republican base and get them more riled up.

Best way to beat McCain is just to get him to stand in Obama's shadow. Make him constantly play catch up... which will indirectly make him look old and out of touch.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Given that the first debate is about national security and foreign matters, how do you all think this is going to play out? Looking at polls, they think that John McCain is better at it, but that has always been an assumption. He's going to have to prove it. Is he able to or is what we are going to hear is 'surge this, or surge that, mixed in with some POW goodness?
"victory," "surge," "Islamic fundamentalism" etc. Don't get your hopes up for the debates, especially now that we've decided nuance is a bad word.

Edit: :lol @ laserbeam


Clinton on the ad:

"Hillary Clinton's support of Barack Obama is clear. She has said repeatedly that Barack Obama and she share a commitment to changing the direction of the country, getting us out of Iraq, and expanding access to health care. John McCain doesn't," said spokeswoman Kathleen Strand. "It's interesting how those remarks didn't make it into his ad."
GhaleonEB said:
Clinton on the ad:

"Hillary Clinton's support of Barack Obama is clear. She has said repeatedly that Barack Obama and she share a commitment to changing the direction of the country, getting us out of Iraq, and expanding access to health care. John McCain doesn't," said spokeswoman Kathleen Strand. "It's interesting how those remarks didn't make it into his ad."
Hopefully Hillary will go out campaigning for Obama more after the convention is over.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BREAKING: A man carrying rifles and illegal handguns arrested at Nancy Pelosi's hotel.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
worldrunover said:
Has anyone posted this?


"The One II: Road to Denver"

Ummm.... k.

Isn't kinda messed up that McCain and his team is joking on Christianity? Why does his campaign think it's okay to make fun of Obama at God's expense?

Are evangelicals this stupid to not see that their religion is being used in a vile way just so McCain can win an election?

The Obama campaign needs to hit back on this "The One" crap and fast. They need to raise the same points I just raised.


Small balls, big fun!
Here's the thing, Ami.

When someone tut-tuts those around them for not discussing the issues the smart money says that the speaker is just wallowing in unearned self-regard.

If you really want to talk policy then talk policy buddy. Starting a meta-discussion of how much deeper your opinions are than everyone else's is just going to make people say mean things about you, which you don't seem to like at all.
Amir0x said:
We've all discussed them before, so trying to pretend like we all don't know what they are seems more than a little disingenuous on your part.

There were some elements of political jockeying during the primaries - the NAFTA thing springs to mind - but the ones after the primary season were most egregious for me. The public financing (clearly strategic, still disappointing), the FISA bill (there is no compromise good enough to fix it, and no filibuster), D.C. Gun ban flop and some smaller flips regarding the language he uses to discuss certain policies regarding Israel and Meeting with leaders (a sort of weak, bendable vocabulary that leaves much to interpretation). He has also made slight tweaks to his positions regarding nuclear energy, and shifted on the death penalty issue when that supreme court ruling came down a few months back.

There are a variety of topics which we've all discussed, and most of them are reaaaally obvious so please drop the act for future conversations. Much thanks.

just for the record, obama was always in favor of the death penalty on certain crimes, and he's been pro-gun (while still wanting gun control laws). He's had these positions way back when Audacity of Hope was written, so I wouldn't really consider them "flip flops".

He did change on the FISA thing though, and yeah, he has become more "vague" when speaking on things like Israel in the general election.


Mandark said:
Here's the thing, Ami.

When someone tut-tuts those around them for not discussing the issues the smart money says that the speaker is just wallowing in unearned self-regard.

If you really want to talk policy then talk policy buddy. Starting a meta-discussion of how much deeper your opinions are than everyone else's is just going to make people say mean things about you, which you don't seem to like at all.

The thing is I've discussed them before (as I just did), and everytime I go ON AND ON, people like to complain that I'm going so over the top and trolling or whatever. So recently I do not repeat myself, so that I am not constantly vomiting my viewpoints on every page. I mean just yesterday I wrote only two posts detailing my disagreements with Biden, and then for eight pages I had to argue with people who told me to stop raining on the happy parade.

Your "meta-discussion" doesn't exist ITT.
Okay, I have discussing with on of my friends back and forth over Obama and his policies. The issue of tax policy naturally come up, and I told him that, any family's household income less than 250,000 dollars a year, will not see a raise in their taxes, and any single person who is making less than 200,00 dollars a year, will not see a raise in his/her taxes.

His response:
ha! So the fact that my boss will be forced to raise his prices, minimum wage will go up, which will inherently raise taxes, that means nothing? That would destroy the law of supply and demand, not to mention cripple whoever is on a fixed income.

I'm not sure where to begin...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
Okay, I have discussing with on of my friends back and forth over Obama and his policies. The issue of tax policy naturally come up, and I told him that, any family's household income less than 250,000 dollars a year, will not see a raise in their taxes, and any single person who is making less than 200,00 dollars a year, will not see a raise in his/her taxes.

His response:

I'm not sure where to begin...

Just laugh at him for the stupidity. Does he also believe that if his boss gets his taxes lowered that he would share his extra profits with his employees?


Dax01 said:
Okay, I have discussing with on of my friends back and forth over Obama and his policies. The issue of tax policy naturally come up, and I told him that, any family's household income less than 250,000 dollars a year, will not see a raise in their taxes, and any single person who is making less than 200,00 dollars a year, will not see a raise in his/her taxes.

His response:

I'm not sure where to begin...

I'd start by having your friend take an economics course.
Not to be frivolous when bombs are going off in Iraq, but hey, it doesn't stop the Republicans:


Who looks like a quarterback ready to lead, and who looks like a wimp scared of the football? Man, flip those poses around and it would be the big story on Fox News for a week.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Catchpenny said:
Not to be frivolous when bombs are going off in Iraq, but hey, it doesn't stop the Republicans:


Who looks like a quarterback ready to lead, and who looks like a wimp scared of the football? Man, flip those poses around and it would be the big story on Fox News for a week.

There's a "but white people make better QBs" joke in here somewhere.


polyh3dron said:
Another suicide bombing in Baghdad...

bu bu bu bu bu but teh surge is working?

Surely you don't disagree that due in large part to the efforts of outstanding leaders like General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker the surge has lowered the level of violence and created the space in Iraq for political reconciliation? Surely those are facts and you welcome them?


Nazgul_Hunter said:
I'm not sure how this is going to go...

You gotta be kidding me. God damn, he really does use that to respond to everything. That doesn't even make sense.

Catchpenny said:
Man, flip those poses around and it would be the big story on Fox News for a week.
Seriously. "Next up on Fox News: does Barack Obama's inability to hold a football show that he isn't ready to lead? Or does it just show that he's out of touch?"

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

If there ever was a sign of how Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton have revived the Democratic grass roots, it's the fact that nearly 60 percent of the Texas delegation to the Democratic National Convention have never been to one before.

Among the Texans in Denver, 155 of the state's 261 representatives are first-timers. Only 15 of the rank-and-file delegates attended the 2004 Boston convention that nominated John Kerry and John Edwards.

I thnk that this is an indicator of the strength of the grass roots that will come out November 4th
Tamanon said:
I'd start by having your friend take an economics course.
He took Civics and Economics class last year...

reilo said:
Just laugh at him for the stupidity.
I could do that, but I love proving somebody wrong...such satisfaction.
Does he also believe that if his boss gets his taxes lowered that he would share his extra profits with his employees?

Don't think he would have said it if he didn't believe it...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
He took Civics and Economics class last year...


I could do that, but I love proving somebody wrong...such satisfaction.

Don't think he would have said it if he didn't believe it...

Tell him to go ask his boss for a raise.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Damn now Chris just asked McCain to pick Hillary since they love her so much now.

WOW! Chris is on today.


Some warmonger said:
Let me once again praise General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker – they are outstanding Americans. In Iraq, gains have been made in lowering the level of violence thanks to the outstanding efforts of our military, the increasing capability of Iraq’s Security Forces, the ceasefire of Shiite militias, and the decision taken by Sunni tribes to take the fight to al Qaeda. Those are the facts, and all Americans welcome them.

Let’s be clear: our troops have completed every mission they’ve been given. They have created the space for political reconciliation.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Okay oh shit Chris Matthews is now just straight dropping bombs on the republican party. He called the new McCain ad about her not getting the VP choice "Great BS!"
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