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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Nazgul_Hunter said:
I'm not sure how this is going to go...


Sure, John McCain has 7 houses and hundred of millions of dollars now. But he lived in a POW camp for 5 1/2 years with almost nothing! So really, his life experiences balance out and he can totally relate to struggling families in Michigan!

Umm... how exactly does being a POW in southeast Asia connect one to the working middle class? "Guys, I know these mortgage bills can be torture. Much like the kind I received for 5 years in Nam!"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
worldrunover said:
Sure, John McCain has 7 houses and hundred of millions of dollars now. But he lived in a POW camp for 5 1/2 years with almost nothing! So really, his life experiences balance out and he can totally relate to struggling families in Michigan!

Umm... how exactly does being a POW in southeast Asia connect one to the working middle class? "Guys, I know these mortgage bills can be intense interrogation methods. Much like the kind I received for 5 years in Nam!"

APF said:
Surely you don't disagree that due in large part to the efforts of outstanding leaders like General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker the surge has lowered the level of violence and created the space in Iraq for political reconciliation? Surely those are facts and you welcome them?

How much did all the ethinic cleansing that took place in Iraq before this magical surge took place impact the currently levels of violence? What exactly is the status of those political reconcilliations anyway since that was the ENTRIRE REASON for the surge in the first place?

Seems like people are using the surge to cover up for the FACT that we should have never entered Iraq in the first place. But since we are making up reasons why the surge is so great, I suppose that the surge is also responsible for the massive Iraqi surplus in funds. John McCain said that the surge created the Anbar Awakening. Now we just need the surge to defeat Russia, make China a democracy, end genoside in Darfur, and fix our crumbling infrastructure. I'll be sure to send a thank you card to General Petraeus for assisting with that reality warping surge. There really is nothing the surge can't do!

The Dark One


Bulla564 said:


I am proud of today's liberal youth, and that's not even sarcasm.
That was beautiful. Douchebag walking around asking, "Do you believe in freedom of speech?" WTF
APF said:

What's your point? Obama is merely admitting the obvious. The best bad sports analogy I can come up with for the surge is: the surge is like the Chicago Bears, or any team with a great defense but shitty offense. The defense keeps the team in the game and constantly beats back the other team's assaults...but the offense can't capitalize on the great field position they're being given by the defense. While the defense does its best to win the game it gets tough to hold off the other team forever, and eventually fatigue sets in.


Rendell: Obama coverage was embarrassing

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell was supposed to give “closing remarks” during this afternoon’s Shorenstein Center-sponsored panel discussion with all three Sunday show moderators—NBC’s Tom Brokaw, ABC’s George Stephanopoulous, and CBS’s Bob Schieffer—but instead, he opened up a can of worms about bias in 2008 election coverage

"Ladies and gentleman, the coverage of Barack Obama was embarrassing," said Rendell, in the ballroom at Denver's Brown Palace Hotel. "It was embarrassing."

Rendell, an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter during the primaries, now backs Obama in the general election. Brokaw and Rendell began debating campaign coverage, including the on-air comments by Lee Cowan, and when MSNBC came up, Rendell went after the cable network.

“MSNBC was the official network of the Obama campaign," Rendell said.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

PUMA: "I hope Obama loses so Hillary can run next time."

APF said:
I don't think there's a way to salvage that analogy really.

I told you it was a good bad sports analogy. Perhaps a good bad religious analogy will work: the military is like Moses holding back the Red Sea but - like their darker Iraqi brothers - the Israelites just won't cross the damn sea


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
"I want to know what you think of Mark Emory's extradition from Canada"


Mathews grilling an 'independent': "Who'd you vote for last time?"
Ind: "Bush."
Mathews: "And before that?"
Ind: "Bush."
Mathews: "What about 96?"
Ind: "Can't tell ya."

I'm assuming she was too embarrassed to say she voted for Dole :lol
reilo said:

Mathews grilling an 'independent': "Who'd you vote for last time?"
Ind: "Bush."
Mathews: "And before that?"
Ind: "Bush."
Mathews: "What about 96?"
Ind: "Can't tell ya."

I'm assuming she was too embarrassed to say she voted for Dole :lol


Small balls, big fun!
PD: There's a prefab metaphor for political reconciliation in Iraq. Not perfect but somewhat appropriate. Horse, water, drinking.


Is there a site/magazine/whatever that has looked into all the new people the Democrats managed to register during the primary? I keep reading that current polling is based on the likely voterbase of the previous election. I remember hearing during the primaries that hundreds of thousands new democratic voters signed up.
I'll buy a bag of "MSNBC coverage is bad", but only if it comes with a dumptruck full of "Fox and CNN are worse".

Obama needs to shift the focus back to post-partisan Obama. Hopefully he can do that with his speech at the convention, because if we have to rely on the media version of events all we'll get is more manufactured controversy.


Aah yes I believe we've all heard that saying: "it won't work to try to bring a horse to water, ok that worked but you can't make him drink, ok maybe you can but only if you forcibly partition the horse according to broad sectarian lines, encouraging ethnic cleansing."


Mandark said:
Hey Macam!

Congratulations on your boy getting the VP spot.

Ha! I never thought I'd see Biden on the ticket, but I'm ecstatic that he is. The only thing that would've been a bigger surprise would've been to see an Obama/Feingold ticket.


Dax01 said:
What time is Biden speaking on Wednesday? Obama on Thursday?
Oh FUCK. I just realized I'm in Seattle for PAX during Obama's speech. I'm going to have to hole up in the hotel to watch it.
Macam said:
Ha! I never thought I'd see Biden on the ticket, but I'm ecstatic that he is. The only thing that would've been a bigger surprise would've been to see an Obama/Feingold ticket.
BTW, Biden put out a video just sent to Obama's supporters.

reilo said:
I'm going to be in class on Thursday alpha testing a website at 7PM :(
So Obama's speech is at 7? Good, I'll be home from school by then.

Sadface... I start school tomorrow and the Dem. convention starts tomorrow.


GhaleonEB said:
I'll still be able to see it, though. If it were Friday night it would be a problem, since PAX doesn't start until Friday. Whew!
Well that's good. :D
Catchpenny said:
Not to be frivolous when bombs are going off in Iraq, but hey, it doesn't stop the Republicans:


Who looks like a quarterback ready to lead, and who looks like a wimp scared of the football? Man, flip those poses around and it would be the big story on Fox News for a week.

Expected response to criticism of the way McCain holds a football: "My friends, I could have held the football properly, save for the 5 and a half years I didn't play football - AT THE HANOI HILTON. I tell you my friends, not only does Charlie not surf, he doesn't know how to get a first down. He does know something about roughing the passer, though."


woeds said:
Is there a site/magazine/whatever that has looked into all the new people the Democrats managed to register during the primary? I keep reading that current polling is based on the likely voterbase of the previous election. I remember hearing during the primaries that hundreds of thousands new democratic voters signed up.

What exactly do you mean by "looked into"? If you just mean numbers, yes, those numbers have been reported and it's nothing a few seconds of Googling should be able to turn up.


Dax01 said:
Sadface... I start school tomorrow and the Dem. convention starts tomorrow.

Owned, I don't start until Wednesday.

Though I still have to read about 800 pages worth of summer reading books and then I have to write 2 papers on them and prepare a 10 minutes speech for one of them.

Hootie said:
Owned, I don't start until Wednesday.

Though I still have to read about 800 pages worth of summer reading books and then I have to write 2 papers on them and prepare a 10 minutes speech for one of them.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hootie said:
Owned, I don't start until Wednesday.

Though I still have to read about 800 pages worth of summer reading books and then I have to write 2 papers on them and prepare a 10 minutes speech for one of them.


lol high schoolers
Hootie said:
Owned, I don't start until Wednesday.

Though I still have to read about 800 pages worth of summer reading books and then I have to write 2 papers on them and prepare a 10 minutes speech for one of them.


Wow... this has been a bad week for you.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
reilo said:

Mathews grilling an 'independent': "Who'd you vote for last time?"
Ind: "Bush."
Mathews: "And before that?"
Ind: "Bush."
Mathews: "What about 96?"
Ind: "Can't tell ya."

I'm assuming she was too embarrassed to say she voted for Dole :lol

I'm watching MSNBC like the rest, but maybe that shows how Obama can reach different people.
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