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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Door2Dawn said:
You people need to stop scareing off the republicans godamnit.
Door2Dawn said:
What're we doing to scare them off?

Oh, you're talking to yourself. My bad! Don't allow me to get in the way!


adamsappel said:
APF can be a quality poster. PoliGAF as an echo-chamber is boring. Interpretation of subtext isn't his strong suit, though.
I think it's more, every time I post someone attacks a straw man, and I spend a lot of time trying to bring them back down to what it is I'm actually saying. See this recent thing with mckmas8808, f/e, where he spends all his time gloating that he demonstrated a point no one was discussing, only to return to that same exact thing this morning for some reason.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Door2Dawn said:
But seriously,the echo chamber does get a little boring.We should encourge people with different political views to post here.
I don't find any of the discussion in here boring at all. Keeps me informed and the usual crew of PoliGAFers are usually good with information and common sense.

If there was someone who supported McCain who had anything worth saying, there's nothing stopping them from posting it here.

This isn't a conservative vs. liberal thread, it's about the general election.

That means you're either for Obama or you're for McCain...or you're for throwing your vote away or not voting.

Any pro-McCain posters I've seen haven't been able to hold their ground worth a damn.


mckmas8808 said:
Yep and guess by how many voters Kerry lost by in 2004?

Kerry lost by 435,000 votes. Now assuming that most new voters are dems and Obama still has 2 month to GOTV, Obama can take North Carolina.

Mccain is only winning NC by 3 points on average. And that's with the likely voter scale.

Obama might get NC!
Side note: North Carolina provides weekly updates to their voter registration numbers.

http://www.app.sboe.state.nc.us/NCSBE/VR/VR Stats/vr_stats_main.asp

adamsappel said:
He needs to drop the whole "I didn't have a kitchen table for five years" shtick and go with the "investment properties" line.
Well that, or he could have just stated that it's no secret that Cindy has a lot of money and this question is irrelevant, or he could have just answered the question honestly.

"I'll have to consult with my staff" is just one of the worst answers that one could give to this question during a time of economic instability where both candidates are campaigning on how they can help average Americans who are struggling.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Nothing wrong with Guileless, and looking through his post history, I don't see anyone strongly reacting to his posts.



RubxQub said:
Nothing wrong with Guileless, and looking through his post history, I don't see anyone strongly reacting to his posts.


Him and mandark used to get into it pretty good I remember.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
woeds said:
Brian Williams is letting this woman spew pure BS :{ great journalism

Every RNC person comes on and says the same thing when they get on. If they allow this next week for the DNC members, then you can't knock it.
GhaleonEB said:
Side note: North Carolina provides weekly updates to their voter registration numbers.

http://www.app.sboe.state.nc.us/NCSBE/VR/VR Stats/vr_stats_main.asp

Interesting. Let me just calculate the increase for R and D over the last few weeks.

[b]D:[/b] 2,662,046
[b]R:[/b] 1,936,754

[b]D:[/b] +7,570
[b]R:[/b] +  981

[b]D:[/b] +3,833
[b]R:[/b] +  709

[b]D:[/b] +4,354
[b]R:[/b] +  531

[b]D:[/b] +2,188
[b]R:[/b] +  275


is now taking requests
mckmas8808 said:
Ah shit this race is in the bag so far then. Do you PoliGAF members realize that Mccain will always look better than he actually is in "likely voter" polls?

The Obama team and the Dems are registering dems at a rate that's un heard of. The Obama grounf game is WAAAY better than McCain's.

I got an article for you coming up that's proves my point beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I dont really understand the polling-system. In my simplistic view of the world, the pollers would call about 2000 persons and ask them who they'd vote for, and thats your percentage.

I dont get the significance of this 'groundgame', whats up with that?
Or uhm is it just that the people who say Obama are much more likely to actually vote? And the polls dont reflect that?


JoshuaJSlone said:
Interesting. Let me just calculate the increase for R and D over the last few weeks.

Yeah. I've got a spreadsheet running on it. What struck me as interesting is over 120,000 have registered AFTER the NC primary. The pace didn't drop off. And only 4,500 of them were Republicans.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
jorma said:
I dont really understand the polling-system. In my simplistic view of the world, the pollers would call about 2000 persons and ask them who they'd vote for, and thats your percentage.

I dont get the significance of this 'groundgame', whats up with that?
Or uhm is it just that the people who say Obama are much more likely to actually vote? And the polls dont reflect that?

Polls like to discount youth vote because historically, they never turn out. Look at the DNC numbers of vote registration above us. That is what is going on across the company.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Interesting. Let me just calculate the increase for R and D over the last few weeks.

[b]D:[/b] 2,662,046
[b]R:[/b] 1,936,754

[b]D:[/b] +7,570
[b]R:[/b] +  981

[b]D:[/b] +3,833
[b]R:[/b] +  709

[b]D:[/b] +4,354
[b]R:[/b] +  531

[b]D:[/b] +2,188
[b]R:[/b] +  275
That is... interesting.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Andrea Mitchell looks and sounds fucking awful. What the hell happened?
GhaleonEB said:
Gallup has a clean slate again today.

The Biden Bump?


JoshuaJSlone said:
Interesting. Let me just calculate the increase for R and D over the last few weeks.
Republicans not looking good, but the dems appear to be slowing down. :O Need moar powah!


is now taking requests
Agent Icebeezy said:
Polls like to discount youth vote because historically, they never turn out. Look at the DNC numbers of vote registration above us. That is what is going on across the company.

Ah ok!


heh, it was weird to see Terry excited for Obama.

He says people who claim Hillary wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012 "don't have enough to do with their lives" :lol

Zonar said:
I fucking LOVE Terry Mac.
I hated how good he was for Hillary
Exactly. He was such a tooooool.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Yeah, Terry was really good at sticking with the talking points and having this aura of unparalleled enthusiasm for his candidate.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
reilo said:
Yeah, Terry was really good at sticking with the talking points and having this aura of unparalleled enthusiasm for his candidate.

You could see Andrea fishing for bullshit. Like finding out how much money is still left to shore up, stuff like that.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Four years ago, Colorado -- a state whose name is derived from the Spanish word for red -- was true to that label on the political map. Republicans held the governor's mansion, both U.S. Senate seats, five of seven congressional seats and both houses of the legislature. President George W. Bush carried the state by 5 points.

There's a tectonic shift in the state's politics,'' said Matt Ferrauto of the Colorado Democratic Party. State polls suggest strong showings for Democratic candidates running for offices ranging from magistrate to president; this pattern has emerged in almost two-dozen states as Democrats see the best national conditions for their party since the 1970s. (Obama is leading in Colorado by 2 points now on average)

Now for Virginia where Bush won by 8% in 2004.

Seventeen hundred miles away, in the onetime Republican stronghold of Loudoun County, Virginia, Obama has 60 full-time volunteers and 700 part-timers helping out at a Leesburg storefront. The Republican candidate, John McCain, has yet to open an office in the county. In Virginia, which hasn't backed a Democrat for president in 44 years, Obama has four times more offices than McCain, and state polls show them in a dead heat

See this is what most people in the media aren't talking about. Obama has 670 employees working th GOTV in a republican county while McCain has 0.

Since the last presidential election, Democrats and independents have gained in most of the 28 states -- along with the District of Columbia -- where voters register by party, as Republican rolls have dropped, state data show.

So in 28 states voter registeration has risen for Dems and Indep, whereas the Reps rolls fall. This is also important. The GOTV for Obama is crazy. Below are some more good Obama stats!

In one of the most dramatic examples, in
Pennsylvania, more than 380,000 voters changed their registration or registered for the first time as Democrats, while Republicans lost almost 64,000 registered voters
, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

Nevada has also seen a shift.
Since the start of this year, Democratic registrations grew by 57,000, while Republican numbers increased only by 6,900

, according to the secretary of state.

Kerry won Pennsylvania by 144,000 votes, but as you can see there's been a swing of 440,000 registered voters registering as a DEM this time that either didn't vote last time or was a Indep or a Rep last time. The likely voter polls aren't including this data that Im showing you.

And in Nevada Bush wn that state by 21,000 votes. The Dems have a 50,000 registered voters lead JUST SINCE THE START OF THIS YEAR!! Can someone explain to me how this doesn't throw off the likely voter polls for Nevada that show Obama losing the state by only 2 points. Oh and Bush only won the state by 2.5% in 2004.

Now on to Turnout

Obama's aggressive field operations have contributed as well. In solidly Republican Alaska, he has four offices, including one in Anchorage that on a recent weekday had 15 volunteers tapping on laptops and making calls. McCain has no offices in the state and doesn't plan to open any, campaign officials said.

Bush won Alaska by 25% in 2004. Obama is now leading in Alaska by 3%. These are the facts. Lets continue with some more facts.

Obama has 28 offices across Virginia, compared with McCain's six offices in urban centers.
``If you build it, they will come,'' Obama's Virginia state director Mitch Stewart said, describing the campaign's strategy for attracting undecided voters.
In Loudoun County, which is about 30 miles northwest of Washington, Obama aides estimated they had recruited 75 percent of the precinct captains they need.
In 2004, Bush won the county decisively, 56 percent to 44 percent for the Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry, who didn't open a local office.

Yep you read that right. Kerry didn't even give a fuck about VA. Didn't even open a local office, while Obama has plenty this time around.

Now on to Young people and Latinos

The trend toward Democrats is particularly strong among young voters and Hispanics. In 2004, voters under 30 comprised 17 percent of the electorate. This year, with unprecedented mobilization by Obama, that is expected to grow. Hispanics are 9 percent of eligible voters and the fastest-growing demographic group.

Young Voters
According to a recent study by the Washington-based Pew Research Center, young voters who came of age during the Bush administration are giving Democrats a wide advantage, just as the previous generation that came of age under Ronald Reagan helped fuel the Republican congressional surge of the 1990s.

Fifty-eight percent of voters under 30 are Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 33 percent associate with Republicans, Pew found. The Democrats' advantage among young people has more than doubled since 2004, to 25 points from 11 points.
Hispanic voters have also moved further toward Democrats in the past two years, as Republicans have made immigration and border protection a central issue. Sixty-five percent of Hispanic voters identify with or lean toward the Democrats, compared with 26 percent who identify with or lean Republican.
No similarly significant demographic group has moved toward the Republicans in recent years.

The trends among younger and Hispanic voters encourage Democrats about their prospects in the Rocky Mountain West, where the party's convention is being held this week.

So again more advantages that just aren't being picked up in the "likely voter" polls.

Here's the link to all the information that's in the post.


So guys stop freaking out so much. Obama's ground game is crushing McCain's and the likely voter polls aren't counting most of these people.

Damn that's a long post to type on a Pocket PC phone. :O


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
This Republican strategist guy is actually pretty cool. He has clear points and isn't full of bullshit.

Why can't everyone be like him? Just solid points and no bullshit?
Agent Icebeezy said:
You could see Andrea fishing for bullshit. Like finding out how much money is still left to shore up, stuff like that.

I saw that. She's really a class act. I don't like her. Good for Terry to sticking with the positive message on trying to win in November.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
mckmas8808, saving us from ourselves... on a pocket PC :lol (you must use it frequently if you managed to type up that whole thing in a timely fashion)
Agent Icebeezy said:
Chuck Todd was saying that the pick of Biden has drastically affected how McCain will pick.

Are there any facts behind this? It makes McCain sound weak and reactionary. I really hope McCain has picked someone well in advance of Obama's announcement who he thinks will be a good VP, and not someone who is there for the sole purpose of winning the election.


PrivateWHudson said:
Are there any facts behind this? It makes McCain sound weak and reactionary. I really hope McCain has picked someone well in advance of Obama's announcement who he thinks will be a good VP, and not someone who is there for the sole purpose of winning the election.
Well that is because McCain has been running a campaign on reactionary tactics.


Andrea Mitchell just said "all the polling" shows Obama is losing the "working class, blue collar" voters.


Now she's citing the primary results to back that up.
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