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Now's the time to pay attention to just what kind of a bump this convention is going to bring.
McCain predicting a 15 point jump is laughable(?), and I'm expecting something much more in line with a solid 7-10 point jump.
What really matters is if Obama can take whatever bump he gets from the convention and carry it beyond the RNC. If Obama stays on top after the RNC, things are looking really good for November.
PoliGAF getting daily numbers updates during these next few weeks are going to be madness.
Just prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster folks, shit is going to be all over the place.
Keep your eyes glued here for numbers that factor in convention bumps based on previous data. Should be a better indicator than just the straight numbers.
McCain predicting a 15 point jump is laughable(?), and I'm expecting something much more in line with a solid 7-10 point jump.
What really matters is if Obama can take whatever bump he gets from the convention and carry it beyond the RNC. If Obama stays on top after the RNC, things are looking really good for November.
PoliGAF getting daily numbers updates during these next few weeks are going to be madness.
Just prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster folks, shit is going to be all over the place.
Keep your eyes glued here for numbers that factor in convention bumps based on previous data. Should be a better indicator than just the straight numbers.