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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Now's the time to pay attention to just what kind of a bump this convention is going to bring.

McCain predicting a 15 point jump is laughable(?), and I'm expecting something much more in line with a solid 7-10 point jump.

What really matters is if Obama can take whatever bump he gets from the convention and carry it beyond the RNC. If Obama stays on top after the RNC, things are looking really good for November.

PoliGAF getting daily numbers updates during these next few weeks are going to be madness.

Just prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster folks, shit is going to be all over the place.

Keep your eyes glued here for numbers that factor in convention bumps based on previous data. Should be a better indicator than just the straight numbers.
NBC: Surprise! Ted Kennedy Has Arrived in Denver! Will Speak Tonight!


NBC News reports the ailing Senator has arrived in Denver, with plans to address the convention Monday night.

Appearance by liberal lion fighting brain cancer expected to be emotion high and full of symbolism.

BOSTON GLOBE: “The Senator has recently told people that he has a speech written for the convention and that he badly wants to come.”

Deus Ex Machina said:
NBC: Surprise! Ted Kennedy Has Arrived in Denver! Will Speak Tonight!

NBC News reports the ailing Senator has arrived in Denver, with plans to address the convention Monday night.

Appearance by liberal lion fighting brain cancer expected to be emotion high and full of symbolism.

BOSTON GLOBE: “The Senator has recently told people that he has a speech written for the convention and that he badly wants to come.”




Politico has a pretty good multi-part article about the campaign



To put it mildly. Solis Doyle had coined the term “Hillaryland” to describe Hillary’s female inner circle. The term caught on, and many stories were done about it. But some were unimpressed, feeling that the Hillaryland talent pool was shallow for a major presidential campaign. An influential member of Congress, who was being wooed furiously by both Clinton and Obama, was invited to meet with the people of Hillaryland. He declined. “That’s OK,” he said. “I’ve already seen ‘The Vagina Monologues.’”


adamsappel said:
But, since you're supposing Obama got more overall coverage, there were more negative stories about him than McCain in total, yes?
You obviously weren't following this conversation.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
That picture looks so awesome, like Ted came out of a huge smoke cloud and motions to the crowd that he's alive.

Freaking awesome :lol


On CNN this morning i heard...

"...and we'll be speaking exclusively to Michelle Obama and we'll ask her about allegations about not being patriotic enough."

As I've said to others around me: People in power want to keep it and they'll be the ones to create the narrative that'll keep Obama out of the office of the presidency.

I hate to say it, but I am starting to feel a bit lukewarm about his chances...He is clearly the better choice, but the level of discourse automatically gives McCain an edge with the status quo and the people in power who want to keep it.
3rdman said:
On CNN this morning i heard...

"...and we'll be speaking exclusively to Michelle Obama and we'll ask her about allegations about not being patriotic enough."

As I've said to others around me: People in power want to keep it and they'll be the ones to create the narrative that'll keep Obama out of the office of the presidency.

I hate to say it, but I am starting to feel a bit lukewarm about his chances...He is clearly the better choice, but the level of discourse automatically gives McCain an edge with the status quo and the people in power who want to keep it.
Even people in power can be surprised sometimes. I'm hoping for the sake of the future of the country that this is one of those times, but I agree with your general apprehension unfortunately.


3rdman said:
On CNN this morning i heard...

"...and we'll be speaking exclusively to Michelle Obama and we'll ask her about allegations about not being patriotic enough."

Funny, I was flipping channels this morning while eating and I came up on Fox News. They played the "This is the first time of my adulthood I'm proud of my country" (or whatever she said) clip and had a segment about her patriotism and went through the laundry list of accusations against her, with her thesis and "whitey", how she's so angry...

Actually, no, that's not funny. It's fucking sad.


3rdman said:
On CNN this morning i heard...

"...and we'll be speaking exclusively to Michelle Obama and we'll ask her about allegations about not being patriotic enough."

As I've said to others around me: People in power want to keep it and they'll be the ones to create the narrative that'll keep Obama out of the office of the presidency.

I hate to say it, but I am starting to feel a bit lukewarm about his chances...He is clearly the better choice, but the level of discourse automatically gives McCain an edge with the status quo and the people in power who want to keep it.

Sometimes I wonder, if the majority of Americans are so dumb that they won't wake up until this country falls apart, and if Republican control brings about the collapse of this country, bankrupting it with socialism for the rich/go fuck yourself for everyone else + massive tax cuts + lots of wars, then in the long run, maybe it's for the best...

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Not surprised Ted wants to be there. He was one of the first big people to give Barack his endorsement.
Azrael said:
Sometimes I wonder, if the majority of Americans are so dumb that they won't wake up until this country falls apart, and if Republican control brings about the collapse of this country, bankrupting it with socialism for the rich/go fuck yourself for everyone else + massive tax cuts + lots of wars, then in the long run, maybe it's for the best...
America will fall eventually I think. There are far too many uneducated people.


Azrael said:
Sometimes I wonder, if the majority of Americans are so dumb that they won't wake up until this country falls apart, and if Republican control brings about the collapse of this country, bankrupting it with socialism for the rich/go fuck yourself for everyone else + massive tax cuts + lots of wars, then in the long run, maybe it's for the best...
except that this collapse would hurt the world as well


Interesting editor's note from the New Republic on the lack of media scrutiny of McCain's record and the fact that Obama is also somewhat responsible for it.

I think that it's less the media trying to hang on to power and more a lack of effort. The media doesn't want to investigate, they're happy just discussing the talking points being brought out by either campaign. Obama just needs to start an ad campaign revisiting McCain's record with no embelishment, just stating the facts. 3 weeks of it would completely change the public's opinion of McCain while only marginally hurting the Obama brand since he won't be attacking McCain's character.


Just stating the obvious here.

What Obama also should have learned by now is that the press is not his friend. Of course, he gets more ink and airtime than McCain; he’s sexier news. But as George Mason University’s Center for Media and Public Affairs documented in its study of six weeks of TV news reports this summer, Obama’s coverage was 28 percent positive, 72 percent negative. (For McCain, the split was 43/57.) Even McCain’s most blatant confusions, memory lapses and outright lies still barely cause a ripple, whether he’s railing against a piece of pork he in fact voted for, as he did at the Saddleback Church pseudodebate last weekend, or falsifying crucial details of his marital history in his memoirs, as The Los Angeles Times uncovered in court records last month.


sp0rsk said:
It's like an ad for Target.

seriously though, the best thing to come out of McCain so far has been some absolute shit advertisements.

Between this and the "Both Ways Barack" That looks like it was made in Toast 10 years ago... priceless.
Kildace said:
I think that it's less the media trying to hang on to power and more a lack of effort. The media doesn't want to investigate, they're happy just discussing the talking points being brought out by either campaign. Obama just needs to start an ad campaign revisiting McCain's record with no embelishment, just stating the facts. 3 weeks of it would completely change the public's opinion of McCain while only marginally hurting the Obama brand since he won't be attacking McCain's character.
Ads? Stump speeches? Fodder for the debates? Whatever the forum, it doesn't matter. In the never-ending battle of controlling the narrative and fighting a perception war, there are plenty of things to hit McCain on. Furthermore, if that is not the desirable fight, then it's up to Obama to put the pressure on the opposition and the media to get this back on point.

I'm not going to blame 'dumb' America or the media (though I do think the media does a gross disservice to the high-minded objective of informing the public) for an Obama defeat. Why? Because nothing new is happening. "New Politics" was surely aware that this fight was coming. Obama has a good chance of winning this in November. If he doesn't, I'm going to blame his campaign. Sure, there might be resentment for the process, but that bit of cynicism is constantly there and must be ignored by anyone interested in American politics.




Kildace said:
Interesting editor's note from the New Republic on the lack of media scrutiny of McCain's record and the fact that Obama is also somewhat responsible for it.

I think that it's less the media trying to hang on to power and more a lack of effort. The media doesn't want to investigate, they're happy just discussing the talking points being brought out by either campaign. Obama just needs to start an ad campaign revisiting McCain's record with no embelishment, just stating the facts. 3 weeks of it would completely change the public's opinion of McCain while only marginally hurting the Obama brand since he won't be attacking McCain's character.
I understand you're point and you are right, but you are undervaluing the mechanism behind the news networks...As someone who has worked at a TV network, I can tell you that I've never seen discussions about right vs wrong...I've never seen anyone (producers or on-air talent) complain about anything other than how they look and whether or not they are pulling in the ratings.

The handful of people who own the networks...those who have allowed news gathering to become a profit based enterprise, have managed to replace the desire to report the news into a hunt for higher ratings. Take CNN's "American Morning" (or as I call it "American Moron") who is hosted by an ex-Video Jockey.

In other words, its not about a lack of effort but a lack of understanding of their roles and the power at their hands...they're are ignorant of what they do and as such they mindlessly repeat the easiest of themes because thats what everybody else does.
APF said:
You obviously weren't following this conversation.
APF said:
Of course, I could imagine multiple scenarios where that might occur:

For example, if Obama is discussed 1000 times in some unspecified time period, and 30% of those stories or comments are negative, while McCain is discussed 100 times in that same time period, and 75% of those stories / comments are negative, then numerically speaking Obama did receive more negative coverage.
I was basing it on this quote. But, not really, no.

Maybe McCain has had more negative coverage as a percentage (still skeptical), but what has been the criticism? Weak on the economy? Too old? Too rich? Too angry? Help me out with some others, I just don't recall that McCain has been portrayed negatively all that often, and certainly hasn't been taken to task on those issues the Obamafans in this thread have been asking about. Oh, wait, he was beaten up by Joe, Rush, Coulter, etc. for not being "conservative" enough in the beginning, but are those being counted as negative? Does that rise (sink) to the level of "Is Barack black enough?"

Crayon Shinchan said:
A decent objective analysis would also have to consider the content and the merit it has
Yeah, what he said.


Why hasn't there been an ad that just loops McSame's stupid "I don't know much about the economy" (paraphrased) line? Could even juxtapose it with one of W's idiotic chuckles for maximum "more of the same" effect.

EDIT: ^^ oh snap, there it is :lol :lol :D


gkrykewy said:
Why hasn't there been an ad that just loops McSame's stupid "I don't know much about the economy" (paraphrased) line? Could even juxtapose it with one of W's idiotic chuckles for maximum "more of the same" effect.

EDIT: ^^ oh snap, there it is :lol :lol :D
Ha, just saw the edit. They leave that line on the screen for half the ad. Interesting to see a negative ad with a feel-good vibe.

Suggested listening:


It's a campaign donation solicitation, but it's interesting to see the balance of how Joe and Barack deliver the message. Joe is the one to go after McCain the harshest.


GhaleonEB said:
Ha, just saw the edit. They leave that line on the screen for half the ad. Interesting to see a negative ad with a feel-good vibe.

Suggested listening:


It's a campaign donation solicitation, but it's interesting to see the balance of how Joe and Barack deliver the message. Joe is the one to go after McCain the harshest.
"It is literally just the beginning"

god damnit joe now obama's saying it too
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