No matter how many new registered voters there are and offices he's setting up, the fact is right now the polls still show them neck and neck, which I think is pretty weak and disappointing on Obama's part. I hope Obama wins, and after he got the nom I figured he'd be a shoe-in, but at this point I'm not so sure. I wouldn't underestimate the Republican machine, it's not like they'll never switch tactics or anything like that ("Hey people - free $10 gas card when you register as Republican!"). I know Kerry and Bush were exchanging leads around this time, but given how much more charisma Obama has over a candidate like Kerry I figured he'd have a real lead. And about this VP pick, regardless of Biden's credentials it has received mixed reactions, which I think has been noticed by all.
Personally, I was never a big fan of Obama, even if he is the best option. My problem is that he tries to posture as a non-politician, when he's full of BS like all politicians. A couple of things bother me especially.
For one, his decision to turn down public financing. His reason as I understand is that the campaing finance system is broken, and he needs to in order to effectively fight the Republicans and their lobbyist machine. And he comes off as a good guy for not taking taxpayer dollars. But I don't buy that his reason is genuine - he should've turned it down from the start if he truly felt that way, instead of waiting to see how much he stood to gain from his own contributors. Mostly, it's bothersome as it sets a bad precedent for future candidates with lots of money to just buy their way into the white house. Anyone else feel this way? Am I way wrong about this?
I'm also botherd by his belief that we can just pull out of Iraq within 16 months. How'd he come up with that number? I want us to be out of there as much as the next guy, but anyone who understands the situation there knows it'd be a disaster to pull out now, and that its unknown when we'll be able to safely pull out (without serious consequences). When he says stuff like that, I'm sure it placates the masses, but to me it sounds irresponsible and dumb. I know Bush and Condi have set plans in motion for a pull-out, but we all know how their plans turn out.
I'm not saying he won't be a decent President, but he's not without criticism. And I noticed that a lot of gaffers view him as a sort of savior, but understand that a lot of other people I've talked to aren't impressed (and more importantly, not convinced). I'm not impressed yet, and if he fails to win, it'll be a failure on his part in convincing the people - I don't want to hear how 'the country failed us', etc.