While driving to class today I made the mistake of listening in on the Glenn Beck show. Apparently he has got wind that the DNC plans to offset their carbon usage.
This environmental responsibility doesn't sit well with Mr. Beck. Now I know, I know.. "scientist (some meteorologist) dispute global warming", whatever.. that's a debate to have. However, this is not how to react to it.
Here's Beck's response.. he decides to spear head a movement to match the offsets with carbon onsets. This fool is asking his listeners to use as much carbon as possible to nullify the offsets. So I got to hear two ingenious plans on listeners planned to do this.
One guy mentioned that his office stores a large trash can of paper to recycle which he is going to empty out into the regular trash daily.
Another winner from my home state of TN decided that since the law allows it he was going to burn his trash. He later went on to add that he has made a habit of running over his female neighbor's Obama for president sign.
This shit really needs no parody. I forgot I was actually driving and thought I was playing GTA4 and listening in on the radio...
This environmental responsibility doesn't sit well with Mr. Beck. Now I know, I know.. "scientist (some meteorologist) dispute global warming", whatever.. that's a debate to have. However, this is not how to react to it.
Here's Beck's response.. he decides to spear head a movement to match the offsets with carbon onsets. This fool is asking his listeners to use as much carbon as possible to nullify the offsets. So I got to hear two ingenious plans on listeners planned to do this.
One guy mentioned that his office stores a large trash can of paper to recycle which he is going to empty out into the regular trash daily.
Another winner from my home state of TN decided that since the law allows it he was going to burn his trash. He later went on to add that he has made a habit of running over his female neighbor's Obama for president sign.
This shit really needs no parody. I forgot I was actually driving and thought I was playing GTA4 and listening in on the radio...