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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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While driving to class today I made the mistake of listening in on the Glenn Beck show. Apparently he has got wind that the DNC plans to offset their carbon usage.

This environmental responsibility doesn't sit well with Mr. Beck. Now I know, I know.. "scientist (some meteorologist) dispute global warming", whatever.. that's a debate to have. However, this is not how to react to it.

Here's Beck's response.. he decides to spear head a movement to match the offsets with carbon onsets. This fool is asking his listeners to use as much carbon as possible to nullify the offsets. So I got to hear two ingenious plans on listeners planned to do this.

One guy mentioned that his office stores a large trash can of paper to recycle which he is going to empty out into the regular trash daily.

Another winner from my home state of TN decided that since the law allows it he was going to burn his trash. He later went on to add that he has made a habit of running over his female neighbor's Obama for president sign.

This shit really needs no parody. I forgot I was actually driving and thought I was playing GTA4 and listening in on the radio...

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Deus Ex Machina said:
2008 DNC Podium (Pics)





....OH YEAH!:lol




mckmas8808 said:
Its a hidden code for "Is she a radical ni***r?"

When is the media going to jump on McCain's wife? Ask if shes still a stealing drug addict.
Or, I say just leave the wives out of it altogether unless you've got a real story to run with that isn't just idle speculation because people might tune into it. Last I checked, neither Michelle Obama nor Cindy McCain were running for president.


has calmed down a bit.
reilo said:
I'm sorry, but when someone proclaims that "it is easier to change the Constitution to fit the word of God than to convince everyone to believe in God", then it is a huge issue.

Hell, I'd argue with you that gay marriage should not be an issue either [meaning, whoever wants to get married, let them have it], but alas, it nonetheless is.

The fact that in a secular nation we are disallowing gay people to marry because marriage is a religious institution directly conflicts with the separation of Church and State. But let's not drudge up that again.

Yep, we'll disagree on this, but my problem with his stance is that, unlike John McCain or Barack Obama, he also opposes civil unions. That's where I think the real problem lies, not in the arbitrary "marriage" tag, but in the rights that it allows. Otherwise, this really is a non-issue, as you state.

This shit really needs no parody. I forgot I was actually driving and thought I was playing GTA4 and listening in on the radio...

GTA should just license that babble and save themselves some time. It's amazing, and by amazing I mean retarded, how some people's minds work.
Byakuya769 said:
While driving to class today I made the mistake of listening in on the Glenn Beck show. Apparently he has got wind that the DNC plans to offset their carbon usage.

This environmental responsibility doesn't sit well with Mr. Beck. Now I know, I know.. "scientist (some meteorologist) dispute global warming", whatever.. that's a debate to have. However, this is not how to react to it.

Here's Beck's response.. he decides to spear head a movement to match the offsets with carbon onsets. This fool is asking his listeners to use as much carbon as possible to nullify the offsets. So I got to hear two ingenious plans on listeners planned to do this.

One guy mentioned that his office stores a large trash can of paper to recycle which he is going to empty out into the regular trash daily.

Another winner from my home state of TN decided that since the law allows it he was going to burn his trash. He later went on to add that he has made a habit of running over his female neighbor's Obama for president sign.

This shit really needs no parody. I forgot I was actually driving and thought I was playing GTA4 and listening in on the radio...

I'm pretty sure it was a joke. Beck isn't as serious as Rush or Hannity.


mckmas8808 said:
Its a hidden code for "Is she a radical ni***r?"

When is the media going to jump on McCain's wife? Ask if shes still a stealing drug addict.
I watched an interview with Gwen Ifill just a bit ago on the MSNBC stream about Michelle Obama and her challenge tonight. She mentioned that for a lot of people, seeing an "educated, tall, beautiful woman who tells them what she thinks" is new and intimidating. The context was, oh yea - she's black, too.


syllogism said:
I'm not going to pretend I've any idea what the field of possible candidates is, Ben's commentary just isn't very insightful or often even relevant. He does occasionally write good articles and no doubt his blog is getting a lot of traffic, especially via drudge.
I think The Politico in general has really shined this year (as have other sites, but it in particular), and his blog is a big part of it. I don't think running a breakout blog but not having outstanding personal commentary should preclude you from being recognized.


APF said:
I think The Politico in general has really shined this year (as have other sites, but it in particular), and his blog is a big part of it. I don't think running a breakout blog but not having outstanding personal commentary should preclude you from being recognized.
The other Politico blogs are generally very good, I definitely agree with that. Ambinder's blog has probably been favorite though, but understandably can't compete in scope. A good combination of breaking news and commentary.


Amir0x said:
Anything special happen today?
pretty quiet so far. Poll of Clinton supporters say 30% will not vote for Obama 47% will but 23% of them can be persuaded to not vote Obama.

Clinton and her supporters is the big topic today


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
Anything special happen today?

Karl Rove was voted runner-up to Ben Smith as "best new political journalist" by a poll on The New Republic.


*drowns in jizz*
laserbeam said:
pretty quiet so far. Poll of Clinton supporters say 30% will not vote for Obama 47% will but 23% of them can be persuaded to not vote Obama.

Clinton and her supporters is the big topic today

Err, with all due respect, they can all go fuck themselves. 50% of all comments I read after newstories on various sites are 'Clinton supporters who claim that Obama lost their vote after he chose not to pick Clinton as his VP- he never had your votes in the first place, if thats what your preconditions were. And the majority of them state they will now 'vote McCain', which shows the extent of their pathetic spitefulness, silliness, lack of all perspective, how little they actually care about the country, and how little their 'values' mean.


bish gets all the credit :)
Slurpy said:
Err, with all due respect, they can all go fuck themselves. 50% of all comments I read after newstories on various sites are 'Clinton supporters who claim that Obama lost their vote after he chose not to pick Clinton as his VP- he never had your votes in the first place, if thats what your preconditions were. And the majority of them state they will now 'vote McCain', which shows the extent of their pathetic spitefulness, silliness, lack of all perspective, how little they actually care about the country, and how little their 'values' mean.

which is why Hildog needs to start doing some commercials for Obama stating that McCain is pretty much the total opposite of her/Obama issues wise. Although I do think this "problem" is from a vocal minority rather than an actual problem.
alr1ghtstart said:
which is why Hildog needs to start doing some commercials for Obama stating that McCain is pretty much the total opposite of her/Obama issues wise. Although I do think this "problem" is from a vocal minority rather than an actual problem.
Yeah, she needs to start campaigning for him and hard.
Dax01 said:
Yeah, she needs to start campaigning for him and hard.

She wants to but the Obama camp hasn't found stuff for her to do. I'd be sending her to Ohio, Florida, etc all the time. And I like the idea of her doing an ad for Obama


"The fact that Barack Obama chose to launch his political career at the home of an unrepentant terrorist raises more questions about Senator Obama's judgment than any TV ad ever could. And the fact that he's launching his own Convention by defending his long association with a man who says he didn't bomb enough U.S. targets tells us more about Barack Obama than any of tonight's speeches will," says spokesman Brian Rogers.

I....I don't think McCain understands that the reason 527s can even work is that the main campaign disassociates itself from the message. Not that it walks in lockstep.


I'm sure this was asked/answered, but does anyone know if there's anywhere to stream msnbc or cnn online? I really want to watch the convention but no TV right now... :(


Dax01 said:
Yeah, she needs to start campaigning for him and hard.
She has been, all over the country. But that's not part of The Narrative(TM). The Narrative(TM) is all about those fractioned Democrats.

Something doesn't add up. When Obama and Clinton were in the primary, they were both neck and neck, never separated by more than a few points from each other. They both polled within low single-digits of McCain, with Hillary usually ahead and Obama usually behind.

Now, Obama is generally ahead or at worst behind McCain. That wouldn't be the case unless the vast majority of Clinton's supporters support Obama. He's getting in the high 80 percentile of self-declared Democrats. Sure there are a few holdouts, but these polls showing half of Clinton's supporters not siding with Obama just defy logic in the face of the general election polling.
What's happening is we are seeing a vocal minority being VERY vocal. The people that went from Hillary to Obama aren't vocal at all...

Edit: These Hillary supporters are getting on my nerves though... I can hardly hear what they are talking about on MSNBC... cause of all their screaming.


We going to do a DNC thread or keep it all in here?

C-Span is showing the DNC in real-time, which at the moment involves the presentation of the colors and the pledge.

And singing children. My blood sugar is rising.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
A number of Sen. Hillary Clinton's top advisers will not be staying in Denver long enough to hear Barack Obama accept the nomination for president, according to sources familiar with their schedules.

Clinton will deliver her speech Tuesday night. She will hold a private meeting with her top financial supporters Wednesday at noon, and will thank her delegates at an event that afternoon. Former president Bill Clinton will speak that night. Several of Hillary Clinton's supporters are then planning to leave town. Among them, Terry McAuliffe, Clinton's campaign chairman, and longtime supporters Steve Rattner and Maureen White. Another of Clinton's top New York fundraisers, Alan Patricof, did not make the trip to Denver.

Robert Zimmerman, a Clinton supporter who is trying now to navigate between the two camps, will be staying for Obama's speech. But he said in an interview that it would be unrealistic to expect there would not still be some tension between the two camps -- he noted that the same was true with supporters of Gary Hart and, to a lesser extent, Howard Dean.

"This convention provides a very important opportunity for the Obama campaign to bond with the constituencies that supported Hillary Clinton," Zimmerman said. "It's not about Barack or Hillary. It's about bringing in the people here who voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Senator Obama and Senator Biden are, without question, qualified to do that."

You know what Fuck the Clintons.
GhaleonEB said:
She has been, all over the country. But that's not part of The Narrative(TM). The Narrative(TM) is all about those fractioned Democrats.

Something doesn't add up. When Obama and Clinton were in the primary, they were both neck and neck, never separated by more than a few points from each other. They both polled within low single-digits of McCain, with Hillary usually ahead and Obama usually behind.

Now, Obama is generally ahead or at worst behind McCain. That wouldn't be the case unless the vast majority of Clinton's supporters support Obama. He's getting in the high 80 percentile of self-declared Democrats. Sure there are a few holdouts, but these polls showing half of Clinton's supporters not siding with Obama just defy logic in the face of the general election polling.
I don't hear about her campaigning from MSNBC and the like...



Karma Kramer said:
What's happening is we are seeing a vocal minority being VERY vocal. The people that went from Hillary to Obama aren't vocal at all...

Edit: These Hillary supporters are getting on my nerves though... I can hardly hear what they are talking about on MSNBC... cause of all their screaming.



boy Fox News is pretty shameless, every time i turn it on I am shocked SHOCKED.

They were talking about Obama's comments about a clear choice in America between McCain and himself, and then they cut back to the Fox News host at the DNC. Then he goes "We're here at Hollywood...Mile High Denver...Oprah Winfrey will be here. Ben Affleck and Garner. Kanye West and more! No word on if Britney Spears or Paris Hilton will make an appearance."

Then they go on to something completely different. The segment had nothing to do with anything at all. It wasn't even editorial in nature, it had no journalistic value EXCEPT to smear a candidate. So horrible, even by horrible Fox News standards.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
boy Fox News is pretty shameless, every time i turn it on I am shocked SHOCKED.

They were talking about Obama's comments about a clear choice in America between McCain and himself, and then they cut back to the Fox News host at the DNC. Then he goes "We're here at Hollywood...Mile High Denver...Oprah Winfrey will be here. Ben Affleck and Garner. Kanye West and more! No word on if Britney Spears or Paris Hilton will make an appearance."

Then they go on to something completely different. The segment had nothing to do with anything at all. It wasn't even editorial in nature, it had no journalistic value EXCEPT to smear a candidate. So horrible, even by horrible Fox News standards.


For some reason I am not shocked at this point?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Fuck you Debra...



Am I the only one who doesn't have any sound on the msnbc webfeed? It worked five minutes ago but now all I get is a zoomed out camera without sound.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Anybody else get a "panelists on ESPN at a huge college game" vibe from these stage sets?
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