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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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It was obvious in March that Hillary Clinton was not going to get the nomination. She had the choice then between being doing the right thing for the country and for the world and stepping aside or doing the right thing for her political career by sabotaging the Democratic Party and setting the stage for her nomination in 2012. She saw how much damage has been done to this country over the last eight years, and she chose four more years of that over giving up her presidential ambitions. And anyone who would put themself over the well-being of the country should never be president. I will not support Hillary in 2012 if Obama loses this.

You do not praise the nominee of the opposition party while denouncing your own party's front-runner as unfit to be Commander-in-Chief during the primaries.


ShOcKwAvE said:
Yes, they are two separate people. Good job. Yet McCain believes that everything Bush "accomplished" was fundamentally sound. On some things, he thinks Bush didn't go far enough.

That should worry everyone.

global warming legislation?


aka surume
This is much better than last night.
On message. To the point.

edit: oh shit. i spoke too soon. fucking embarrassing song.


Azrael said:
You do not praise the nominee of the opposition party while denouncing your own party's front-runner as unfit to be Commander-in-Chief during the primaries.

Unless you happen to believe it to be accurate. I mean, I'm not even saying that she does believe that to be accurate, but say she did. Should she say nothing for the sake of the party and, if she was right let the country get worse under Obama just in case she was wrong and he was the second coming of............................. umm................. no, wait, I got this one.... um................ Pierce? Party loyalty over loyalty to the country is always a mistake.
Azrael said:
It was obvious in March that Hillary Clinton was not going to get the nomination. She had the choice then between being doing the right thing for the country and for the world and stepping aside or doing the right thing for her political career by sabotaging the Democratic Party and setting the stage for her nomination in 2012. She saw how much damage has been done to this country over the last eight years, and she chose four more years of that over giving up her presidential ambitions. And anyone who would put themself over the well-being of the country should never be president. I will not support Hillary in 2012 if Obama loses this.

You do not praise the nominee of the opposition party while denouncing your own party's front-runner as unfit to be Commander-in-Chief during the primaries.

Again, no matter what Hillary does between now and November, if McCain wins the blame WILL be placed on her.


Forgotten in his cell
Gaborn said:
Great to know. I think he'll do ok, I think that he did as well as he could last time considering Colbert was out to make him look foolish (an easy task to be sure)

Ronito - So everyone who refers to libertarians as lolbertarians is a conservative? Interesting, Conservative gaf is much larger than I thought.

That's because liberals call them lobertopians.


*drowns in jizz*
Kittonwy said:
How did they turn on the party? They fought for leadership but they had every right to, and the race was extremely close, the party basically wanted Barrack to win before the race was even final. The 8 years the Clintons were in office was something that the democrats used to be extremely proud of until Barrack came into the picture. Hillary already endorsed Barrack yet she and Bill are both going to be closely watched by the DNC tonight and tomorrow night, it's not like there's anything they can do at this point, why treat them that way?

The party wanted Barack to win? Complete bullshit. Hillary ran much longer than she should have or needed to. Barack beat her fari and square, even with all the advantages she had. Let's not fudge up history. And did we already forget all the nastiness she was involved in during the process? Don't act as if she lost graciously. It was anything but. She lost kicking and screaming, was vengeful, and had a net negative effect on Obama's prospects against McCain. The difference in how the 2 candidates spoke about each other was night and day.


All this talk about the Oil government really gets the blood boiling again. I wonder what the oil tipping price is that would cause us to finally expand our alternative energy.

I think Ed Rendell is about to sock Ann Coury if she asks yet another Hillary question.:lol


Warner on his speech:

"There may be parts of the speech that aren't going to get a lot of applause," Warner said Monday, "but I've got to say what I believe will get our country back on the right path."

Some Democrats were already complaining, saying that Warner's job is to put a dent in Republican John McCain's image.

"I'm not going to say one thing in Richmond or in Danville and another thing at the Democratic Convention in Denver. I understand some folks may not like that, but ... you know, I'm a job applicant," Warner said.
laserbeam said:
Warner on his speech:

"There may be parts of the speech that aren't going to get a lot of applause," Warner said Monday, "but I've got to say what I believe will get our country back on the right path."

Some Democrats were already complaining, saying that Warner's job is to put a dent in Republican John McCain's image.

"I'm not going to say one thing in Richmond or in Danville and another thing at the Democratic Convention in Denver. I understand some folks may not like that, but ... you know, I'm a job applicant," Warner said.

I really don't get this... at all.


Karma Kramer said:
I really don't get this... at all.
I'm hoping Warner comes in and talks about unity, and Hillary walks in and breathes fire and brimstone about McCain. Could be an interesting contrast.

Hillary really needs to bring her A game.


Karma Kramer said:
I really don't get this... at all.

Warners future depends on not pissing the republicans off too bad and he even says that. He cant be saying one thing in Virginia then rush out to Denver and talk shit
GhaleonEB said:
I'm hoping Warner comes in and talks about unity, and Hillary walks in and breathes fire and brimstone about McCain. Could be an interesting contrast.

Hillary really needs to bring her A game.

Yeah... I mean I guess Warner's speech will help bring moderates... but overall I think Democrats need to be tough.


Won't matter that much, people knew Warners' politics when he was selected to keynote. It'll probably be one that attacks on the economy, but moderates on stuff like gun laws. Either way, unless he gives an Obama '04 keynote, it won't even be discussed tomorrow.
Tamanon said:
Won't matter that much, people knew Warners' politics when he was selected to keynote. It'll probably be one that attacks on the economy, but moderates on stuff like gun laws. Either way, unless he gives an Obama '04 keynote, it won't even be discussed tomorrow.

Yeah... but I'd like tot have someone who would at least try to give an Obama 04 speech.

I guess there isn't really someone who could do that possibly... but still... Idk... I feel like this Warner guy is just going to be dull.
AniHawk said:
They usually don't do the fear-mongering stuff. They usually don't try to paint the other guy as the scary he-might-be-a-Muslim(terrist) guy. Usually, that's the other side. There was a point in early March when it was clear this was over. It was even clearer in April. Then we went to May. The Clintons created this rift and now they have to meet Obama halfway.
Also, they were behind the bullshit "50 page report" that said Obama attended a Madrassa (radical fundamentalist islamic school) in Indonesia.


Looks like MSNBC is going to spend the entire night talking about the Hillary/Obama schism again. Fucking soap opera. *click!* And for those of you who worship Chuck Todd, and I like him too usually, but realize he's one of the main people who sets the direction of MSNBC's coverage as their political director. This Obama-Clinton War is his baby as much as anyone else's.
Rahm Emmanuel FTW as well.

According to a group that monitors political advertising across the country, only one of the three Hillary Clinton-themed ads attacking Sen. Barack Obama has been broadcast so far --- and that ad, featuring a Clinton delegate who now endorses McCain is only airing in Toledo, Ohio, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The monitoring firm says they are "basically video press releases."

I'm in Michigan and just saw the Hillary ad ("...Obama has a speech he gave in 2004") on television
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