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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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TDG said:
Terry McLawliffe! As enthusiastic as always, and supporting Obama. It's heart warming.


Got to love his enthusiasm :lol


force push the doodoo rock
PhoenixDark said:
Gov of Arizona seems pretty awesome. The speakers are definitely warming things up - lets home Hillary sets the roof on fire.

Let's hope not literally.


Lemonz said:

Haha, my friend still has a bottle of crystal pepsi. It's still unopened, but the bottle is all sucked in.


Setec Astronomer
worldrunover said:
Um, no you can't. Common misconception, but poligamy is NOT legal anyhere in the US. And in fact the church of LDS condemns it.

They condemn the practice. It's still in scripture, still held as doctrine, and a man can still get "sealed" to another woman without first divorcing his late wife while a woman must divorce her late husband to be sealed to a second. Like the Law of Consecration(read: theocratic communism), it's one of the things held in the "not now" category.

All that said, the "multiple wives" and "magic underwear" jokes ARE tired, especially when there's other material to go on, but I guess references like "little factory" are far too obscure. ;)
Byakuya769 said:
I find it funny that members of the "progressive" party have no problem mocking the faiths of other people.
Your indignation would be more justified if mormons were more honest as to what their faith actually was. Same for scientologists, really. :p


Howard Dean! The guy who should've stopped this shit from happening and now has to try to clean it all up!

I still love you!


This Energy CEO has totally dodged the question. We solve Energy crisis by supplying energy while promoting conservation. The catch is the energy conservation needs to be reflected in the prices consumers pay.

APS in Arizona talks about if a few hundred homes upgraded their AC's to a more efficient model enough power would be saved to power Yuma AZ an entire year.

Excess power isnt stored its sold to California etc and the companies continue to raise prices while telling us to save them excess power to sell


bafflewaffle said:
Sebelius is on deck, hopefully she wont put me to sleep.
I was wishing that she'd be later on, like 11 or so, because my sound machine is broken, and her speech would be a great replacement. I'll TiVo it.


force push the doodoo rock
I wasn't expecting that CEO to say anything other than "uhh fuck that shit look at all this money we are making"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dean: "That's all punditacracy, and all due respect to my wonderful host, but I think it's just the media spinning. And to be frank, it's just the Republican's lying."



If Hillary doesn't knock it out of the park tonight, and Obama doesn't win this damn election, I will never support the Democrats again. There is no excuse for losing this election. I really wish I could just fast forward to Nov. 4th and see the outcome of this election.
Holy shit at O Reilly! I flip to his program since there was a commercial on MSBNC, and O Reilly is talking about media bias at MSNBC during the Democratic Convention. Besides the hypocrisy, he shows clips of a few guys that work at MSNBC that even say their own network is in the tank for Obama. One was Scarborough going crazy when some guy said he was an independent, and how everyone around Joe loves Obama. Then a woman I didn't know. O Reilly then shows a clip of Lou Dobbs and how he says the people at CNN are in the tank for Obama.

Media bias is nothing new, but what shocked me was how Scarborough and Dobbs admitting live on TV how the people they work with are in the tank for Obama. :lol


reilo said:
Dean: "That's all punditacracy, and all due respect to my wonderful host, but I think it's just the media spinning. And to be frank, it's just the Republican's lying."

Well geez, if there'sanyone who should be saying shit about the media, it should be Dean. If I were him, I'd still be holding a grudge about 2004, the "Dean scream" was the most overblown bullshit in a long time.


Setec Astronomer
Republican mayor of Fairbanks, Alaska endorsing Obama...

...followed by a woman from the deeply rural part of my state...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

PAT: "If anything is rational, is that Obama has no core, he stands for nothing, and Hillary Clinton was the best thing they've had going."



reilo said:

PAT: "If anything is rational, is that Obama has no core, he stands for nothing, and Hillary Clinton was the best thing they've had going."


PLEASE let Buchanan throw off the headset and storm off in a huff.


Keith tried to cover for Matthews and himself so they don't appear sexist and Matthews takes offense thinking that he was accusing Matthews of plagiarizing a point. IS THERE PUNDIT UNITY?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:

The numbers are quite similar but the media won't even touch on that. It's a shame this entire convention isn't about Obama anymore, or about the differences between him and McCain. It's once again about the Clintons, and it's not even Hillary's doing. You've got Bill subtly popping off and the media fanning the fire.

The media are more about their own narratives than what's really going on. Like you said the media will NOT touch that poll.
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