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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Tamanon said:
The same reason that there's a disconnect between all religions, they're not the right one. Although I think it's because they added to the Bible, that fuels the hatred. It really is strange, sometimes it seems that Mormons are more hated than atheists by some evangelicals.

There's not that same level of dislike among, say Catholics or other Christian religions as there is among LDS.
worldrunover said:
Quick get this man into surgery! There's a stick stuck up his ass!

Oh by the way nice job of making a racist joke while trying to defend your religion. Bravo.

It's not my religion, heaven forbid people stand up for respecting the opinions and faiths of others.

What the fuck, and do you even know what uncle tom is?
Ironic you assume I am a mormon, then assume I am not black and claim I'm making a racist statement.

Check your mental faculties at the door.


Kittonwy said:
Who says you can't do that in a primary? Candidates do whatever they can to win, all of a sudden they now have to pull punches?

They usually don't do the fear-mongering stuff. They usually don't try to paint the other guy as the scary he-might-be-a-Muslim(terrist) guy. Usually, that's the other side. There was a point in early March when it was clear this was over. It was even clearer in April. Then we went to May. The Clintons created this rift and now they have to meet Obama halfway.
Karma Kramer said:
First of all dude, I was making a joke... that is factually based. As a mormon you can legally have more then one wife. Sure I know Romney doesn't have nine wives... but again... it was a joke.

You need to relax.

Um, no you can't. Common misconception, but poligamy is NOT legal anyhere in the US. And in fact the church of LDS condemns it.
worldrunover said:
Um, no you can't. Common misconception, but poligamy is NOT legal anyhere in the US. And in fact the church of LDS condemns it.

Well then my mistake... I thought in Utah you could still legally have multiple wives.
Karma Kramer said:
First of all dude, I was making a joke... that is factually based. As a mormon you can legally have more then one wife. Sure I know Romney doesn't have nine wives... but again... it was a joke.

You need to relax.

Yea, see you dont' know shit about them apparently. They've renounced that position for years, go look up lds.. hell can probably look it up on wikipedia.

Hahah, you think it's legal in Utah to have multiple spouses. Why are you even talking when you don't know a damn thing about them? Get on the "ignorant ppl of faith" stump all you want, but don't do so when you're ignorant of the faith you're mocking in the first place.
Byakuya769 said:
It's not my religion, heaven forbid people stand up for respecting the opinions and faiths of others.

What the fuck, and do you even know what uncle tom is?
Ironic you assume I am a mormon, then assume I am not black and claim I'm making a racist statement.

Check your mental faculties at the door.

So you're a black guy who's calling a Mormon an Uncle Tom and telling him to get his tap dancing shoes on.

Beyond that making no sense... no wait there's nothing beyond that. You make no sense and have a huge stick up your ass.
Byakuya769 said:
Yea, see you dont' know shit about them apparently. They've renounced that position for years, go look up lds.. hell can probably look it up on wikipedia.

You must really hate the new movie by Bill Maher.
worldrunover said:
So you're a black guy who's calling a Mormon an Uncle Tom and telling him to get his tap dancing shoes on.

Beyond that making no sense... no wait there's nothing beyond that. You make no sense and have a huge stick up your ass.

Once again, apparently you don't know what it means. That or you just assume that as a black guy I am supposed to just get mad only when blacks are made fun of...


The FLDS still condones it, but it's not legal, they just don't get more than one license while doing so. Polygamy is illegal, but Polyamory is not.


Tamanon said:
The FLDS still condones it, but it's not legal, they just don't get more than one license while doing so. Polygamy is illegal, but Polyamory is not.

The FLDS is the equivalent of an Extremist Islamic group minus bomb vests etc. They dont follow the traditions of the mainstream group
Byakuya769 said:
Once again, apparently you don't know means. That or you just assume that as a black guy I am supposed to just get mad when blacks are made fun of...

Holy crap. I know what an Uncle Tom is, I've read the book and have heard the phrase used in multiple instances. But you're completely missing the irony of you saying you don't get mad at black jokes when you're upset with him for not getting mad at mormon jokes.

I mean do you not see that? Are you just typing things for the hell of it?
worldrunover said:
Holy crap. I know what an Uncle Tom is, I've read the book and have heard the phrase used in multiple instances. But you're completely missing the irony of you saying you don't get mad at black jokes when you're upset with him for not getting mad at mormon jokes.

I mean do you not see that? Are you just typing things for the hell of it?

I see that you cannot read. I said you think I am only supposed to get mad at black jokes apparently, and ignore other instances of ethnic/religious insensitivity.


has calmed down a bit.
worldrunover said:
I don't know as much about Mormonism as I probably should, but it seems their values and beliefs are similar to those of evangelicals, so why is there such a disconnect there?

The Book of Mormon


laserbeam said:
The FLDS is the equivalent of an Extremist Islamic group minus bomb vests etc. They dont follow the traditions of the mainstream group

I know, I was just pointing out where he got the idea that some mormons still have multiple wives.


Ratings: On Opening Night, Democrats Draw at Least 21 Million

At least 21 million television viewers watched the Democratic convention Monday night, when Michelle Obama spoke about her husband and her family, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Television ratings are often used to judge the amount of attention Americans are giving to the political conventions. The numbers for the first night suggest that slightly more viewers are watching this year than in 2004, when the first night of the Democratic convention drew an average of 18 million viewers to the three broadcasters and three cable networks.

Up ~17% from last election.


shooting blanks
VanMardigan said:
The Book of Mormon

And they dont believe that Christ existed before he came to earth as a human. Plus those guys on the bikes knocking on doors creep me out, I did take the book of mormom from them one time but it just had bad writing.

I come from a family of evangelicals but I dont see why they refuse to vote democrat sinc the only issues in which we disagree is abortion and gay marriage. I rather let unborn people die than people that have families which are sent to iraq to die. As for the gay thing well you cant have it all, and they're usually non violent at least.


ChrisGoldstein said:
And they dont believe that Christ existed before he came to earth as a human.
False. I'm not active any longer, but that's just plain wrong.

But that's not really a topic for this thread.


Vgamer said:
Wow that ad is just brutal. McCain is really going after Clinton voters.
This is one thing I can't fault McCain for. Hillary is dumb for even saying that in the first place. She should be ashamed of herself. It's her fault. If you say something like that, and you lose to Obama, the Republicans are going to use it against your party. As soon as I first saw Hillary make those remarks I KNEW they'd use it against Obama if he won the nomination.

I don't know if Hillary wanted to win so bad that she'd be willing to wait another four years, or if she's not as smart as many think she is. Either way, it was a bad idea.
Gaborn said:
They're back stage with Mrs. Butterworth.

WAS THAT A BLACK JOKE?! I need to get overly offended by it!

Also, for those of you pining for attacks: Warner has said his speech has no McCain attacks in it, and from what I've heard of Hillary's speech, it also sounds like it will just be generic attacks but more of a healing speech.

Tomorrow should be fireworks though.
So far these "attacks" on McCain are laughable. Warner isn't going to say anything negative apparently, so does that leave it up to Hillary to punch him in the face?


worldrunover said:
WAS THAT A BLACK JOKE?! I need to get overly offended by it!

Also, for those of you pining for attacks: Warner has said his speech has no McCain attacks in it, and from what I've heard of Hillary's speech, it also sounds like it will just be generic attacks but more of a healing speech.

Tomorrow should be fireworks though.

No, that was a "I had pancakes for breakfast this morning and they were amazing" joke.
Gaborn said:
No, that was a "I had pancakes for breakfast this morning and they were amazing" joke.

Oh, ok good thing. I'm a Log Cabin man myself, although tbh I don't think I could tell any syrup apart in a blind taste test (other than 100% maple).


PhoenixDark said:
So far these "attacks" on McCain are laughable. Warner isn't going to say anything negative apparently, so does that leave it up to Hillary to punch him in the face?
Presumably. No one will see or pay attention to anything but Hillary and Warner today. (Or not. Obama's keynote last year wasn't even carried, IIRC.)

Tomorrow it's Bill and Biden. No one will give coverage to the rest.
Karma Kramer said:
I'm not too excited about Mark Warner... hopefully he impresses.
He's going to be doing a bi-partisan speech and already warned that Dems won't be applauding everything he says.


worldrunover said:
Oh, ok good thing. I'm a Log Cabin man myself, although tbh I don't think I could tell any syrup apart in a blind taste test (other than 100% maple).

Is that a gay republican joke? /mock offense

seriously, I can't really tell the difference for the most part, though Mrs. Butterworth's seems to be slightly thicker in consistency if I'm paying attention.
worldrunover said:
WAS THAT A BLACK JOKE?! I need to get overly offended by it!

Also, for those of you pining for attacks: Warner has said his speech has no McCain attacks in it, and from what I've heard of Hillary's speech, it also sounds like it will just be generic attacks but more of a healing speech.

Tomorrow should be fireworks though.

Yea, move on elsewhere after being proven to lack reading comprehension...
GhaleonEB said:
He's going to be doing a bi-partisan speech and already warned that Dems won't be applauding everything he says.

Awesome. Can't wait for that /sarcasm. In all seriousness I love bi-partisanship but you're at the national convention, grow a pair and hit the other side!


BTW, Gaborn, Bob Barr is going to be on Colbert Report tonight again. Hopefully he'll have a bit of a better time than the last one when his Patriot Act votes came up.

Isn't Morning Joe defeating his argument from yesterday that the Obama campaign was super nervous about the polling? I think Joe got a talking to from the management not to pick fights with the big dogs at MSNBC:lol


Byakuya769 said:
I'm not a conservative, but great job of playing the mormon version of uncle tom for your party affiliation.

Put on your tap dancing shoes.
You sure you're not a conservative? Because you're sidestepping the issue by calling people names like one.


Tamanon said:
BTW, Gaborn, Bob Barr is going to be on Colbert Report tonight again. Hopefully he'll have a bit of a better time than the last one when his Patriot Act votes came up.

Isn't Morning Joe defeating his argument from yesterday that the Obama campaign was super nervous about the polling? I think Joe got a talking to from the management not to pick fights with the big dogs at MSNBC:lol

Great to know. I think he'll do ok, I think that he did as well as he could last time considering Colbert was out to make him look foolish (an easy task to be sure)

Ronito - So everyone who refers to libertarians as lolbertarians is a conservative? Interesting, Conservative gaf is much larger than I thought.
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