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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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step back, you stanned Gaga once too


oh well her too i guess



Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Touchdown check your PM ;)


I still keep thinking about her, where I walk out of a room and for a moment I think about seeing her before I remember that i can't. I'll drive home for lunch, think about her on the way home, and even after having her on my mind on the drive home, when I open the door I still somehow expect her to be there. She was before; why not now?


I know exactly what you're going through :( I lost a brother/sister pair of twin orange cats 12 years ago (not the one in my avi, he's my current buddy) both at the same time, and I was devastated. It took me a long time to move on, and it does get easier with time, but you never forget your animal friend <3 I still tear up if I let myself think about them for too long


"I Never Learn" is still one of the best songs of 2014. I just wish it had one more chorus or whatever. But still &#128557;


pitchfork's scathing review of Banks her Goddess is exactly how I feel about it

The worst crime wrought by this decade's wave of woozy, trip-hop-influenced R&B has been inciting boredom. Dreary, midtempo music often triggers that feeling, and those are two adjectives that could describe Goddess, the debut album by Jillian Banks, at both its best and worst. Banks is an American singer/songwriter in her mid-twenties who made it big after Zane Lowe played her single "Before I Ever Met You"on his BBC Radio 1 show; with its dull greyscale backing track, the tune put all the emphasis on her voice, husky and rough around the edges. Banks' vocals carried an ambiguous and perpetual fatigue that might have been personal, or just a response to the crush of the world around her. As embryonic as it was, "Before I Ever Met You," showed real promise, like a Martina Topley-Bird for the Weeknd generation.

Goddess ends up with the hodgepodge feel of a music industry product that was forced to exist, rather than an album that came together naturally.
If London caught Banks at an especially vulnerable moment, showing off her range and raw emotion, then Goddess tries too hard to push in either direction, alternately shrouding her in smoke ("Stick") or hammily over-emoting ("You Should Know Where I'm Coming From"). Opener "Alibi", another Sohn-produced cut, has an impassioned chorus, but her multi-tracked voice dissipates on impact, too wispy and rehearsed. On "Goddess", her run-on mushmouth obscures an otherwise fiery scorned lover narrative, and the same goes for the jaunty "Fuck 'Em Only We Know", where she practically whispers the chorus as if she were afraid to let a profanity slip.
Buried deep in the album is "Beggin for Thread", a brief respite of (relative) sunshine with perky drums and a lilting chorus. Catchy in spite of its desperate lyrics, there are moments where she sounds unpretentious and charming, which is more than you can say for the rest of Goddess. Banks' aesthetic often feels far too cultivated; it's all trendy misery assisted by equally fashionable producers, without any substance to hold it all up. Whenever she does try to get personal, the phrasing and lyrics come off stilted and awkward, the hallmark of a novice songwriter ("What if I said I was built on bricks of carelessness and crumbs?"). Armed with a voice that can go from brooding and low to spine-tingly icy in the span of one musical measure, Banks could certainly go places&#8212;but Goddess doesn't, and instead seems content to wallow in the same depressive rut for an exhausting 59 minutes.

now that I think about it, there were a lot of disappointing albums this year
pitchfork's scathing review of Banks her Goddess is exactly how I feel about it

now that I think about it, there were a lot of disappointing albums this year

I was just about to edit my post to add this ;__;. But yes he scalped the hell out of that album.

5.0 for a score though? DAMN. That's sad for the super hype BANKS had riding behind her to only come out with a mediocre typical bland album. I agree with most of it... Except his review on alibi and This is what it feels like.
pitchfork's scathing review of Banks her Goddess is exactly how I feel about it

now that I think about it, there were a lot of disappointing albums this year

mmm, it's just so boring. I don't get how she gets so much *blogger acclaim* and the glowing 'oh my god amazing' reactions in the Goddess thread are bizarro world. it's the definition of background music. The production is stifling, there's a lack of melody, argh.

apparently britney's next album is going to be 'artsy fartsy' and she clearly has no clue what she's talking about so it's going to be crap. And she wants to work with La Perra and/or Piggy too.



sputum-flecked apoplexy
make a space
for my body
dig a hole
push the sides apart
this is what
i'm controlling
it's a mold
the inside that i carved
this will be my monument
this will be a beacon
when i'm gone
when i'm gone
when i'm gone

so that when the moment comes
i can say i did it all with love
all with love

i didn't even know that i wanted this version of the song until it existed, but now it's the only version i want to hear tbh


is Monument about making a dildo of your lovers penis so that when you die of your terminal cancer they will still be able to remember you?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
is Monument about making a dildo of your lovers penis so that when you die of your terminal cancer they will still be able to remember you?


i think it's about when you want to sit down on a full couch so you make the people budge up and then you squeeze into the too-small gap and they all hate you for it
Thanks again for those who have submitted their votes to me so far, I know I've gotten a lot of submissions so far but I ALSO know there are a few of you stragglers who haven't participated yet and I would love for you to join in! Godels, Nemesis, sistren.. get in there! :p

For everyone that hasn't voted yet, keep in mind that this is a super close race, and since I'm only accepting the top 18 entrants it's a stiff competition all the way through. For example, a second place contestant fell all the way back to 8th then bounced back up today. Kylie Minogue and Bjork are currently fighting for that last spot, with Kelly Clarkson, Annie and Charli XCX making the top 18 as of today. Other developments:

- Rihanna, Robyn and Lana Del Rey are currently tied.
- Britney Spears and Taylor Swift are currently tied.
- Mariah Carey is beating Katy Perry, but Ellie Goulding is beating Mariah.
- Lady Gaga has more than 4 times the votes Nicki Minaj has.
- Rihanna has more than 13 times the votes Shakira has.
- Iggy Azealia and Ariana Grande are tied, though Rita Ora is ahead of both.
- The top 6 nominees have been switching rankings onsistently since Sunday, though now two have started to take the lead.

Remember that this is still anyone's game. I'd like to have every active POPGAF member participate in this so don't hesitate to send me a PM now! Remember that you're not required to submit 10 nominations, just anywhere from 1 from 10. Hope that helps! Now switch this game up and support your faves! Thanks again :)

Mau ®

Didn't know we had so many Ellie supporters. That's cool tbh. Even though Halcyon Days was trash, the actual main album Halcyon is still top notch IMO.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Godel and Nem it is your CIVIC DUTY to not let Kylie fall out these rankings
I will not have her be knocked out by trash like Ariana, Rita and Kelly Clarkson.

Evidently Rihanna has 13 votes and Shakira got 1, or do we have enough members that would vote for Rih 26 times? Certainly the rhat was not on my list. Effe stanned for models, I do not.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
and here was me with a glimmer of hope that taylor had something interesting about her
it's not nice to play with peoples feelings stefan.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Mau ®;129338771 said:
I thought you liked Rih :(

No doubt she is stunning and knows how to werk it, but her live game aint shit, her albums are always dire and for me most of her hits have aged like prawns left in the sun.
I will admit she can make me kii like no other pop girl can, but more often than not I find her personality revolting.
I mean I don't hate her like I do some of the other girls and I can see the appeal, but I do often wonder just how she got so big and managed to sustain it for this long. But each to their own I guess
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