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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Actually, I had to go to a Christmas party for my job. :/

NOT suprised to see you NOT disagreeing with or acknowledging any of my points, tho. Because you know I'm not wrong. AZEALIA is the problem with Azealia's career. Iggy could be back in Australia shoveling red dirt, and Azealia would still be feuding with industry heads, over-promising and under-delivering, and making albums only drag queens could love that come out years after they were supposed to.

Also, extra "sit the fuck down" points go to Azealia for still talking shit about Tiny, who never did anything to her. Azealia is a damn hoodrat. She's a failure because she does nothing but attract failure. Deal.

Lol. What did she ssay, about the industry, that was a lie?

Why waste time writing essays about her?

He only fonts that which he loves.


So of course Azealia wants to introduce greater race issues to the equation.

Because there ARE greater racial issues to Iggy's success.

Iggy has done so much cultural appropriation, cannot even respond to the issues that are plaguing the people who created the genre of music she is supposedly dominating right now, and she's a disgusting racist.

OF COURSE Azealia would be pissed considering hip hop is her life and then she sees that creature being embraced by the general public... Whether or not she is a flop and is foiling her own career, at least she is exposing these very relevanT issues.
Why waste time writing essays about her?

Because sometimes the truth needs to be said, even if some of the floppier posters in this thread don't wanna hear it,
this is a good post..
like you
and you
and you

and the rest of you who went to buy her album and PRAISE HER for releasing something years late and completely ignoring what a vile piece of shit she is. I get that people can separate the artist from the person, but holy shit. It was like the spirit of Kyon had possessed all of you for a while there.


Because sometimes the truth needs to be said, even if some of the floppier posters in this thread don't wanna hear it,

like you

and you

and you

and the rest of you who went to buy her album and PRAISE HER for releasing something years late and completely ignoring what a vile piece of shit she is. I get that people can separate the artist from the person, but holy shit. It was like the spirit of Kyon had possessed all of you for a while there.

bye @ you

BWET is great and I don't care if she's outspoken and vulgar. She's transparent and I know what I'm getting unlike with igloo.


Because there ARE greater racial issues to Iggy's success.

Iggy has done so much cultural appropriation, cannot even respond to the issues that are plaguing the people who created the genre of music she is supposedly dominating right now, and she's a disgusting racist.

OF COURSE Azealia would be pissed considering hip hop is her life and then she sees that creature being embraced by the general public... Whether or not she is a flop and is foiling her own career, at least she is exposing these very relevanT issues.

I think when it comes to Iggy this is pretty hard to fault. Not that I like Azealia at all because she's a pretty gross human being too but the issues are definitely relevant regardless of the delivery.



Madonna - Rebel Heart releasing March 10th.


Because sometimes the truth needs to be said, even if some of the floppier posters in this thread don't wanna hear it,

like you

and you

and you

and the rest of you who went to buy her album and PRAISE HER for releasing something years late and completely ignoring what a vile piece of shit she is. I get that people can separate the artist from the person, but holy shit. It was like the spirit of Kyon had possessed all of you for a while there.

oh hi Beef.



irresponsible vagina leak
In the end many of Azealia's points are valid but at the same time she goes a bit too far with her emotions and tongue on the issue and looking petty with the way she behaves about the matters. If she actually bothered to write fully articulated pieces instead of limiting herself to the 140 character limit of twitter maybe people wouldn't be pushing her aside as she does and at the same time learn when to not let her emotions blur her message. Azealia as talented as she is also is hard headed and while it might be good for a few things it is also wrong for others.

I know she is a young talented artist still but at the same time the petty behavior of her is keeping her from being approachable to the masses. When she spews her usual slurs she makes herself look vulgar and while there is an audience for the ratchet behavior at the same time is limiting herself from being liked by a bigger audience. I am not talking only about being liked by white people but also black people as there is people who dislike her behavior. She has a good heart there and her cause at the same time can be respectable but when you're acting like a bratty kid on the internet you are only turn people away or just watch for the mess instead of your message.

Iggy Azalea as disgusting her behavior has been in the past she has at least learned to keep her disgusting behavior out of the view of the people which automatically makes her look more approachable. As weak as her music might be and how she might rely on collabs to stay relevant she in the end knew how to play the game to get to where she is now.

Overall and it has been said before they are both trash for different reasons.

Dr. Malik


My problem with Azealia's interview is that it was a whole lot of pretentious, undeserved whining. You could see the wheels spinning in her head, desperately trying to alter reality. She clearly wants to tell a story of how she's REALLY supper talented (hint: she's not), and that the only reason she's not getting her just desserts is because of Iggy Azalea and her whiteness. Which is a complete fabrication.

Maybe I speak on this because I was a fan of both of their careers in the beginning, but Azealia is really being bitter boots bringing Iggy into all of her career failures. People so easily forget that Iggy Azalea LOST her record deal in 2012, and virtually disappeared off the scene that year with the exception of a go-nowhere song she did with Steve Aoki. Meanwhile, 2011-2012 was the period Azealia Banks' 1991 mixtape took off, and all the videos from the EP had millions of views, including demos she would never release.She was EVERYWHERE. A darling of the blogs, and even had her EP featured in TIME. At the same time, Iggy's most popular video was still Pu$$y from the year previous, and at that point it had only BARELY hit a million views. Iggy was definitely seen as the fading white chick, and Azealia was the up-and-coming greatness.

But why didn't the future shake out the way? Simple. Because Iggy hustled her ass off in the face of adversity, touring even when she didn't have a SINGLE popular song, making connections wherever she could. And what was Azealia doing? Sitting on her lazy ass, feuding with everyone with a Twitter account, and being so smug in her "greatness" ("I'm the head negress!") that she thought all she had to do was sit back and wait for her filet mignon to be delivered to her. Iggy is where she is because she Worked. simple as. Azealia fell off because she's a dumb bitch. Simple as. And make no mistake, she did fall off. Releasing your one album 3 years late and having it barely make a splash among the gays it equivalent to a certified "Nobody gives a fuck" flop.

So of course Azealia wants to introduce greater race issues to the equation. It distracts the public, and makes her feel better about the fact that she's toxic to her own career, and gives her yet another reason to hate on her biggest rival (even though Iggy barely pays attention to her). But those greater race issues don't reflect reality. Even if Iggy didn't exist. Even if Iggy never left Australia, Banks still wouldn't be shit. Because she ain't shit. In ANY reality she would have torpedoed her own career, because that's all she knows how to do.

literally me right now:
Because sometimes the truth needs to be said, even if some of the floppier posters in this thread don't wanna hear it,
What truth is that? That poor widdle Iggy works soooo hard to release that tired ass music and Azealia called Perez Hilton a faggot a couple times or some other reprehensible shit on twitter? Everyone wants to castigate her for what she says on twitter but then ignore what she has to say when she'd unburdened from the 140 character limit. How many people would we revile in this group for the heinous shit they've said on twitter. As I recall an oft celebrated, now permed member wished aids on some faggots. Some of our monsters wished death on Sharon Osborne. I think I recall a member @'ing Miley Cyrus telling her to get black dick out of her mouth. Either twitter is a silly place where people get to say silly shit, or its srs business. I wish we'd come to a consensus.
Everyone wants to castigate her for what she says on twitter but then ignore what she has to say when she'd unburdened from the 140 character limit.

Have you ever heard of the story "the boy who cried wolf?" Because it's relevant to this situation right now. All Banks is known for is talking shit. She more known for talking shit than she is for her music. People only follow her BECAUSE SHE TALKS SHIT. If that entertains you, then honestly that's cool. People are gonna like what they wanna like. But if all you do and all you're known for is talking shit, then all of a sudden you wanna try acting serious? Don't be shocked when nobody wants to, or is even there, to listen.
Either twitter is a silly place where people get to say silly shit, or its srs business. I wish we'd come to a consensus.
Freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequences. If you say stupid shit, then don't be shocked to get called out on it.


Because sometimes the truth needs to be said, even if some of the floppier posters in this thread don't wanna hear it,

like you

and you

and you

and the rest of you who went to buy her album and PRAISE HER for releasing something years late and completely ignoring what a vile piece of shit she is. I get that people can separate the artist from the person, but holy shit. It was like the spirit of Kyon had possessed all of you for a while there.

I guess I have to pick who is shittier. Both say stupid ignorant things but personally, and maybe I am biased as a gay man, I am not that offended by bisexual Azealia Banks trying to redefine the f-word. It's certainly really stupid of her to say and I understand why people take offense to it though. I DO have a problem with the racist things Iggy has said in the past and the things she continues to say. I'm not sure why "releasing an album years late" should make us hate an artist either, someone who left their major label and had to literally upload the album to iTunes themselves.

better or worse than MDNA so far???

Way way way worse. She somehow managed to make the final ones worse than the demos. ARTPOP teas all over the place.


Iggy Azalea as disgusting her behavior has been in the past she has at least learned to keep her disgusting behavior out of the view of the people

Nope. Because this a few months ago is totally out of the view: (I'm going to keep posting this till people get it)


In reply to Azealia ranting on how Iggy doesn't talk about black social issues:


Well I guess what is disappointing is how people care much more about Azealia's dumb tweets than the very real issues with Iggy Azeala :(

lmao @ roy continuing to only give a shit about who's the hot white girl at the moment that sells the most. Azealia is the one with a 3 YEAR LATE ALBUM that ended up being CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED and is on all the year-end lists. No one is talking about Iggy's album and never did. The only time Iggy even gets attention these days it seems is when Azealia mutters her name.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Nothing really immediately grabbing me on the RebelHeart stuff :(

Something about Madonna's voice has changed (vs, say, Ray of Light era). I don't know if it's a lot of autotuning or what but I don't like it. Needs a really kickass song to lift it, but I'm not getting that here.

Also...why Minaj, again? Is this the first time Madonna has repeated a 'feature' between albums?

Maybe the full album will deliver.



Anonymous are coming to destroy Iggy Azalea.

We apologize for our followers with regards to this following statement: Fuck you, @IGGYAZALEA. #ICantBreathe

Trashy bitch.

We have so much shit on you, your scandal would be bigger than Bill Cosby's.

Take note @MTV, (cc @BET, @AZEALIABANKS)

How are we "alienating our feminist supporters" by calling out a woman that completely degrades and trashes the word?

If you call yourself a feminist and end up displaying a racist character, you are not a feminist.

Okay, how about this, we understand insults are going to get us nowhere. So let's try this...

MESSAGE: @IGGYAZALEA, you have exactly 48 hours from now to release a statement apologizing to @AzealiaBanks and the protesters in NYC...

MESSAGE:mad:IGGYAZALEA if you do not do so, the memory of you will burn from the public faster than the moment you surfaced. We're not kidding.

You are guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner's death. @IGGYAZALEA

There's an X rated tape of you, we bet you'd certainly don't want public, are we right? @IGGYAZALEA....and this is nothing. Comply or else.

No mercy.

All we ask from you is that you comply with our demands. Failing to do so will grant you a one-way ticket to a life of suffering @IGGYAZALEA

#Anonymous is committed to standing with the people, combatting fakery and lawlessness by the upper class...

...who believe that just because they can "sing" and "dance" that they have owned our complete allegiance.

Now about that sex tape. We wont release the actual video. We have values to live by.

However, we will release various snapshots of her face to confirm. The idea is not about releasing nudes. This shows nothing.

We are not in the business of pleasing 13-year old boys and their fantasies.

The problem is why this tape even exists. It involves a man in a business suit, a kardashian-like attempt at fame, and a record label.

This is not just @IggyAzalea's story. This is a saga of corruption that we will expose. Not only will her reputation go down the drain...

...but so will a lot of important people.

All we simply ask for is an apology.


Because there ARE greater racial issues to Iggy's success.

Iggy has done so much cultural appropriation, cannot even respond to the issues that are plaguing the people who created the genre of music she is supposedly dominating right now, and she's a disgusting racist.

OF COURSE Azealia would be pissed considering hip hop is her life and then she sees that creature being embraced by the general public... Whether or not she is a flop and is foiling her own career, at least she is exposing these very relevanT issues.

Oh bull. Was Iggy the only celebrity to not comment on #BlackLivesMatter? Was she even the only celebrity appropriating black culture to not comment on #BlackLivesMatter? No on both counts. Hell, the only reason anybody cares what Iggy has or hasn't said is because Azealia started this beef. I don't need Iggy's comments, neither does the world, either.

Azealia...who didn't even want to BE a rapper until...well, she was one.


Nope. Because this a few months ago is totally out of the view: (I'm going to keep posting this till people get it)


In reply to Azealia ranting on how Iggy doesn't talk about black social issues:


Well I guess what is disappointing is how people care much more about Azealia's dumb tweets than the very real issues with Iggy Azeala :(

lmao @ roy continuing to only give a shit about who's the hot white girl at the moment that sells the most. Azealia is the one with a 3 YEAR LATE ALBUM that ended up being CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED and is on all the year-end lists. No one is talking about Iggy's album and never did. The only time Iggy even gets attention these days it seems is when Azealia mutters her name.

How does that even make sense? If I gave a shit about who the "hot white girl" of the moment was, I'd be a Taylor Shit stan. I'd Be a Katy Perry stan. I wouldn't be an Iggy Azalea stan.

What's more annoying are the people pretending like they give a shit about my culture on a deeper level because "culture appropriation" became the new Tumblr buzz word two years ago when, really, you couldn't care less. And you prove you couldn't care less when you post fake tweets about Iggy Azalea (and another tweet that had nothing to do with Eric Garner and was Iggy ignoring Banks attacking her) all to defend a ratchet trollop who was just online defending a rapist...and all because she makes "better" music.
Oh bull. Was Iggy the only celebrity to not comment on #BlackLivesMatter? Was she even the only celebrity appropriating black culture to not comment on #BlackLivesMatter? No on both counts. Hell, the only reason anybody cares what Iggy has or hasn't said is because Azealia started this beef. I don't need Iggy's comments, neither does the world, either.

Azealia...who didn't even want to BE a rapper until...well, she was one.
And the celebs who borrow from black culture who didn't say anything about it should've, just because Azealia didn't call them out doesn't mean that they shouldn't have said something.

Also, it's kind of different because Miley Cyrus or whoever is not being posed as the "face of rap" like Iggy is. It's so much less about Iggy and more about the fact that a white person is being lauded as the face of a genre which originated from black culture when there are already white people as the faces of most genres. It's just erasing their presence further.


And the celebs who borrow from black culture who didn't say anything about it should've, just because Azealia didn't call them out doesn't mean that they shouldn't have said something.

Also, it's kind of different because Miley Cyrus or whoever is not being posed as the "face of rap" like Iggy is. It's so much less about Iggy and more about the fact that a white person is being lauded as the face of a genre which originated from black culture when there are already white people as the faces of most genres. It's just erasing their presence further.

But nobody actually cares about that. If they did, they'd have made a bigger stink about Eminem doing that same thing over a decade prior.

The thing is you can't blame Iggy Azalea for being popular. This is shit the public says about her as a result of her being popular, but she's not the one going out there screaming "I'M THE FACE OF RAP". Iggy Azalea is a pop rapper, and she'd be the first to tell you she's just a pop rapper. She's not trying to be a social leader on some fake deep shit like Mackelbore. She's trying to make fun bops people can dance to, that'll top the charts, and get this paper. This is why Iggy on social media actually APPLAUDS other female rappers trying to come up unlike bitter ass Azealia who disses everyone but Nicki Minaj (and even came for HER in the beginning). Iggy ain't trying to block anyone's shot, but she can't help that she's the big face right now.

Honestly, this complaint is like when people get personally offended by Christina Aguilera being considered "The Voice of Her Generation" like she was the one coming out on stage and saying that.
Oh bull. Was Iggy the only celebrity to not comment on #BlackLivesMatter? Was she even the only celebrity appropriating black culture to not comment on #BlackLivesMatter? No on both counts. Hell, the only reason anybody cares what Iggy has or hasn't said is because Azealia started this beef. I don't need Iggy's comments, neither does the world, either.

Azealia...who didn't even want to BE a rapper until...well, she was one.

Stop, she didn't only talk about Iggy and definitely said a lot of white people who want to be all about the black culture are the only ones who haven't said shit.

Including Miley, Justin Bieber, Macklemore and coincidentally Iggy. Yes, she has an on going beef with Iggy so it makes sense that she would be a target but she certainly wasn't the only one who didn't say anything. Half of these folks didn't even pop a "America has got to do better" tweet or Instagram picture on nome of they shit. But they will throw up peace signs and be all about the hood culture yadda yadda ya speaking that slang, swagga jackin our look to make them some money but turn they back on important social issues that hurt the audience that they will gladly take that money from.

It's not their prerogative to give a fuck and that's cool. But not everyone who calls the shit out is ignorant, bothered, crazy, angry or whatever racist Vile stuff people have called azealia for giving a damn about her culture and something that goes generations in before her.

Someone who's educated and are in tune with their culture would have a problem and it shows she not your average uneducated chick. She's from NYC, in which the entire culture is changing color... This is not something new.


Also, I don't buy this BS that because she happens to be a very outspoken individual that she doesn't deserve to have an opinion or shouldn't be sensitive to issues that does mean something to her and her pairs in the industry. I don't give a shit if she talks shit. That's the same thing that people criticize Kanye for and think he's some asshole but he is really just a human being with strong outspoken opinions. Right or wrong, sometimes you certainly can separate the career and demeanor of a person to the opinion they hold.

At the end of the day, I think it's petty to make it seem like this is personally about her career because there is absolutely no evidence of that. It's not like she is crying wolf because her album sold 15,000k or whatever. She's talking about a real issue that has been affecting blacks for more than a century and this discussion really came up due to the Grammys and that fufu bullshit where they can throw blacks into ghetto categories but whites can dominate all the good shit and our shit as well.

Artistic freedom and putting your hard labor and sweat into traditional experimental hip hop is a problem when generic ass can be made, sold to a basic crowd of parents dying for a appropriate rap star their kids can bump to without needing to support Nicki anymore because she's "vulgar" and not a good "role model".

The worst part of this lol, I spoke to a lady who said this shit to me and I think I'm happy that I was at work behind a phone being recorded in which I couldn't say anything because it was offensive as fuck.
But nobody actually cares about that. If they did, they'd have made a bigger stink about Eminem doing that same thing over a decade prior.

The thing is you can't blame Iggy Azalea for being popular. This is shit the public says about her as a result of her being popular, but she's not the one going out there screaming "I'M THE FACE OF RAP". Iggy Azalea is a pop rapper, and she'd be the first to tell you she's just a pop rapper. She's not trying to be a social leader on some fake deep shit like Mackelbore. She's trying to make fun bops people can dance to, that'll top the charts, and get this paper. This is why Iggy on social media actually APPLAUDS other female rappers trying to come up unlike bitter ass Azealia who disses everyone but Nicki Minaj (and even came for HER in the beginning). Iggy ain't trying to block anyone's shot, but she can't help that she's the big face right now.

Honestly, this complaint is like when people get personally offended by Christina Aguilera being considered "The Voice of Her Generation" like she was the one coming out on stage and saying that.
I get that it's not Iggy saying it but whenever anyone brings up that legitimate complaint she just goes "well I'm successful y'all I had to hustle to get here I be at the Grammys naw". If she acknowledged it instead of just talking about how successful she is I don't think people would have as much reason to complain.
Who is this other female rapper that Iggy applaud on social media and why does that even get her out of heat?

This isn't about high fiving her competition or sucking up to them. This is about the media using her as a scapegoat to put a new face on hip hop and her being dense to that one issue.

I don't understand how hard that is for her to say that, recognize it and clear her name and rep for it. If we got to take the good from Iggy, we also need to see her take notice. No one is asking her to apologize, but to peep what's going on

Saying deflecting stuff like "Haha I'm famous you aren't." "I make pop and Hip hop." "You're a demon to your own career blah blah blah" and every deflection piece she can throw up to ignore a simple reason is lame. She knows what real hip hop is and she knows that just because you rap does not mean you are hip hop. Respect the genre enough to separate the two.

Lady Gaga appropriated Jazz in making a full real jazz album. She didn't cut corners. She had respect to what it was and properly delivered on that. She kept it true to the sound and left it like that.


Stop, she didn't only talk about Iggy and definitely said a lot of white people who want to be all about the black culture are the only ones who haven't said shit.

Including Miley, Justin Bieber, Macklemore and coincidentally Iggy. Yes, she has an on going beef with Iggy so it makes sense that she would be a target but she certainly wasn't the only one who didn't say anything. Half of these folks didn't even pop a "America has got to do better" tweet or Instagram picture on nome of they shit. But they will throw up peace signs and be all about the hood culture yadda yadda ya speaking that slang, swagga jackin our look to make them some money but turn they back on important social issues that hurt the audience that they will gladly take that money from.

It's not their prerogative to give a fuck and that's cool. But not everyone who calls the shit out is ignorant, bothered, crazy, angry or whatever racist Vile stuff people have called azealia for giving a damn about her culture and something that goes generations in before her.

Someone who's educated and are in tune with their culture would have a problem and it shows she not your average uneducated chick. She's from NYC, in which the entire culture is changing color... This is not something new.


Also, I don't buy this BS that because she happens to be a very outspoken individual that she doesn't deserve to have an opinion or shouldn't be sensitive to issues that does mean something to her and her pairs in the industry. I don't give a shit if she talks shit. That's the same thing that people criticize Kanye for and think he's some asshole but he is really just a human being with strong outspoken opinions. Right or wrong, sometimes you certainly can separate the career and demeanor of a person to the opinion they hold.

At the end of the day, I think it's petty to make it seem like this is personally about her career because there is absolutely no evidence of that. It's not like she is crying wolf because her album sold 15,000k or whatever. She's talking about a real issue that has been affecting blacks for more than a century and this discussion really came up due to the Grammys and that fufu bullshit where they can throw blacks into ghetto categories but whites can dominate all the good shit and our shit as well.

Artistic freedom and putting your hard labor and sweat into traditional experimental hip hop is a problem when generic ass can be made, sold to a basic crowd of parents dying for a appropriate rap star their kids can bump to without needing to support Nicki anymore because she's "vulgar" and not a good "role model".

The worst part of this lol, I spoke to a lady who said this shit to me and I think I'm happy that I was at work behind a phone being recorded in which I couldn't say anything because it was offensive as fuck.

The funny thing is, absent ALL context, I don't really have a problem with Azealia's point. Cultural appropriation, when it's correctly identified, is a problem. Well, more a symptom of a society in which certain groups of people still have to work harder than others to be accepted.

However, I take issue with Azealia Banks trying to be a mouthpiece for these issues. Azealia, who at this point has amassed her own wealth of ignorant ass comments online. Azealia, who is taking this serious moment in black culture/history and using it to start yet another beef with Iggy Azalea. I don't care about that shit. None of that shit matters, and if she really gave a fuck about these issues herself she'd be doing something else (ANYTHING else) other than using it to lob the same stupid-ass "Igloo Australia" attacks at Iggy that she's been throwing for years. This is more about her jealousy than anything righteous. She's obsessed with Iggy, and it's pathetic.

And that's what this is really about. Azealia Banks is nothing but a negative, bitter, shit-stain of a person, and really everyone knows it. It's why she'll never actually pop off. But Iggy Azalea has become the ONE thing she can focus her hate on and actually have the public root for her. It's the one beef she can start at this point that'll actually have people pay attention to her and not further tank her hopeless career.

Lady Gaga appropriated Jazz in making a full real jazz album. She didn't cut corners. She had respect to what it was and properly delivered on that. She kept it true to the sound and left it like that.

If Lady Gaga respected Jazz she wouldn't have made that album and then used it as a prop to distract people from her dead Pop career.
The funny thing is, absent ALL context, I don't really have a problem with Azealia's point. Cultural appropriation, when it's correctly identified, is a problem. Well, more a symptom of a society in which certain groups of people still have to work harder than others to be accepted.

However, I take issue with Azealia Banks trying to be a mouthpiece for these issues. Azealia, who at this point has amassed her own wealth of ignorant ass comments online.

It shouldn't matter who says it. So what if she said ignorant stuff?

She has also said meaningful stuff? Do we hold her to those also or are we just latching on to the Vile stuff? This is Kanye syndrome.

Let's pay attention to the negative without acknowledging the positive. It's the same with people who still holding Iggy to some vile stuff she said back in the day.

She's a black artist, seeing fully what other black artist are going through. She may talk shit and may be ignorant but she has the balls to say what other can only favorite, re-tweet or whatever makes them sleep at night.

At this point, she has nothing to lose so why shouldn't she be able to talk about this. Unless you are telling me that someone like Janet is the only person who can. Or a viable mouth piece who will say it nicely or be mindful of Iggy feelings before they say it?

Azealia, who is taking this serious moment in black culture/history and using it to start yet another beef with Iggy Azalea. I don't care about that shit. None of that shit matters, and if she really gave a fuck about these issues herself she'd be doing something else (ANYTHING else) other than using it to lob the same stupid-ass "Igloo Australia" attacks at Iggy that she's been throwing for years. This is more about her jealousy than anything righteous. She's obsessed with Iggy, and it's pathetic.

I don't think she's obsessed but it's easy for her to call out the girl she has history with. That's not abnormal in beefs. Jay did it with 50. 50 did it with Ja etc etc etc.

If you have beef you have beef. It's not 100% obsession and it's not like she mentioned Iggy name to address this issue. Iggy felt she was being talked about. Had something to say throwing a sub. AB caught on and boom. Interview comes out where she talks about the issue in depth actually saying stuff that no one disagrees with but she got to be bitter just because she's saying it? Nah, she's not bitter. She's pissed. Passionately pissed to see her craft being taking for a joke.

I'm not gonna say that her not getting her message across better isn't of her doing. She did spoil the way people think about her with some ignorant.. If not, could of been better said comments, that she did not apologize for. but I'm just not in it to make it seem like everyone else isn't being ignorant to a real issue. Don't care about the mouth pieces, but I respect her enough to say it.

Everyone wants to but no one will....... Except J. Cole.

And that's what this is really about. Azealia Banks is nothing but a negative, bitter, shit-stain of a person, and really everyone knows it. It's why she'll never actually pop off. But Iggy Azalea has become the ONE thing she can focus her hate on and actually have the public root for her. It's the one beef she can start at this point that'll actually have people pay attention to her and not further tank her hopeless career.

If Lady Gaga respected Jazz she wouldn't have made that album and then used it as a prop to distract people from her dead Pop career.

I mean, the surface of the issue is certainly, Iggy is big and I'm not but their beef has been going on way before Iggy was big. So this isn't even a thing about using Iggys career to catapult her own.

The name situation with having the same name. The XXL magazine snub in 2012.

As far as I understand, she an Iggy isn't even on the same level musically point blank period. Azealia Banks career as she put it, came down to artistic freedom. She wanted things a certain way and she ruined some of that along the way. She's hard headed and a dumb bish at times as well. No one is excusing that, but this is certainly not the case of using a popular girl to garner interest to herself. If that's the case then Nicki subbing her at the awards would of been of that exact thing, trying to coast her fame but it wasn't. Lighthearted jab, nothing more nothing less. It makes media go crazy, attack Nicki of course (like clockwork) and done with it.

Even after this whole thing blows over and no one cares anymore, How long is it going to be before we see the same shit being applied to some other small chick with that fame bs. Come on, it's weak.

Distraction or not, Lady Gaga took a creative risk to do something different and respected it while doing it lol


Let's pay attention to the negative without acknowledging the positive. It's the same with people who still holding Iggy to some vile stuff she said back in the day.

But what's the positive here? Yay we get to throw more shade at Iggy? Because that's all people seem to want to do, especially Azealia. That's my whole problem here, it's all basically negative bullshit.

Also, not sweeping the rest of your post under the rug, sis. Because we fundamentally agree on the bigger point here. I just can't deal with Azealia trying to be the voice here.
But what's the positive here? Yay we get to throw more shade at Iggy? Because that's all people seem to want to do, especially Azealia. That's my whole problem here, it's all basically negative bullshit.

Also, not sweeping the rest of your post under the rug, sis. Because we fundamentally agree on the bigger point here. I just can't deal with Azealia trying to be the voice here.

No one is trying to shade Iggy but highlight the error in her "positivity" in this timely situation in regards to the music biz, and social issues as well. This conversation about black appropriation didn't really get heated until the Grammy nominations. When that came out, it had the whole industry shook and confused as to why.

AB's name could of been blocked out, said by an anonymous figure and what she saying isn't a lie.

I don't care for the fight between the two on the surface. They are both nasty and vile in their own way. I don't even think Iggy is racist though she said some questionable things. I think the only thing I'm waiting for is for her to really just acknowledge it and stop acting like everyone is always out to get her. Damn girl, you're from Australia but you know how it is in the US. She know what they are doing to her - exploiting her to something she knows is an issue in music and in society itself.

It's not her fault... Why doesn't she just say that. Why come off with the BS "If you work as hard as me, you'll get where you want." Come on sis, it has never been like that for centuries.

I'm not siding with banks on the personal beef nor the petty argument. I'm siding with the issue. She just happened to say it Friday.


Living for Love is really middling. Like it just goes nowhere. It doesn't reach the heights that any of her previous work has reached.

I wrote the demos off because well.....they were demos......

but fuck



Living for Love is really middling. Like it just goes nowhere. It doesn't reach the heights that any of her previous work has reached.

I wrote the demos off because well.....they were demos......

but fuck


I've just listened to both demos and iTunes-released songs and I can only say I agrih. How did Madonna come to this? She's releasing something that wouldn't have sounded trendy even five years ago. Ugh!

That sounded like it was written by Ryan Tedder, didn't it?


Nope. Because this a few months ago is totally out of the view: (I'm going to keep posting this till people get it)


In reply to Azealia ranting on how Iggy doesn't talk about black social issues:


Well I guess what is disappointing is how people care much more about Azealia's dumb tweets than the very real issues with Iggy Azeala :(

lmao @ roy continuing to only give a shit about who's the hot white girl at the moment that sells the most. Azealia is the one with a 3 YEAR LATE ALBUM that ended up being CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED and is on all the year-end lists. No one is talking about Iggy's album and never did. The only time Iggy even gets attention these days it seems is when Azealia mutters her name.
That facebook post is fake. It is another fake account with her name on it so you can stop posting it because it is not true.

And what if she wants to promote her tour? I mean Azealia starts this shit with her and in the end she posts a link to her album on iTunes too.

That's why I can't take her seriously with this issues either.

Also the Anonymus threat comes from a fake account IIRC.


Living For Love: asco
Devil Pray: okay
Ghosttown: basic
Unapologetic Bitch: asco
Illuminati: asco
Bitch I'm Madonna: asco

her vocals are MUCH better than her last two albums at least

where is R8 tho
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