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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Understand this, I'm not looking
For true love tonight
If you wanna be my little baby
You can meet me in the pale moonlight

I've been working everyday eight to nine and
Servin' coke and fries at the movie blue drive-in
If you want me you know where to find me

I can be your one time baby
I can be your little dairy queen
I don't wanna care tonight, I don't wanna fight
You don't have to give me anything
Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby



irresponsible vagina leak
Understand this, I'm not looking
For true love tonight
If you wanna be my little baby
You can meet me in the pale moonlight

I've been working everyday eight to nine and
Servin' coke and fries at the movie blue drive-in
If you want me you know where to find me

I can be your one time baby
I can be your little dairy queen
I don't wanna care tonight, I don't wanna fight
You don't have to give me anything
Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby


Imagine if the new album went into that direction.Lord.
I don't know why I just remembered but I did
The first time I ever saw Gaga was when I was flicking through TV channels in 2008 and saw the Poker Face video, and I thought "so that's what Christina is up to these days"

I don't know why I just remembered but I did
The first time I ever saw Gaga was when I was flicking through TV channels in 2008 and saw the Poker Face video, and I thought "so that's what Christina is up to these days"


I think the first time I ever heard Gaga I was getting my hair cut and Disco Stick was on the radio. I remember thinking to myself "wtf is this trash?" Eventually I came around though and checked out The Fame.
First time I heard of Lady Gaga was when I heard Poker Face months before it became a single and legit thought she was a drag queen. I was like "too bad no one will ever hear this song"

Mau ®

My first Gaga experience was Just Dance way before it became popular. I thought it was the best thing ever.

She looked like Kylie Minogue on the single cover I had, so at first I thought she was some american Kylie knockoff.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I remember when Just Dance was just getting big, I had no idea who this 'Lady Gaga' character was

But I do remember when the Bad Romance video dropped. Once of those once-in-a-decade definitional moments in pop music. Maybe the most impressive statement of pop intent since Cant Get You Out Of My Head or Crazy In Love. Me and my housemates were crowded around my computer, we watched that damn video about four or five times in a row.


Mau ®;153182765 said:
I never thought she was trans or drag. But she clearly encouraged that debate lbr.

Genius tbh

She used it for controversy, and it kind of worked. The Telephone video cleverly mentioned it.


Telephone put the rumors to another level tbh.

Oh! and since we are in the daily Gaga Talk remember that she will be performing during the Oscars, but some members here will be watching it for other reason =/

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