Jez won't let basic economic principles get in the way of his fanboy duties.
What do you expect? Microsoft can’t even come close to Sony/Nintendo sale margins. Nintendo is not all about power and Sony knows that so the gaming market is all theirs for right now.
Yea, Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard for 70 billions (and they trying to go the Netflix route with gaming) but that not what is going to sell the Xbox console especially, if you can play those games on other gaming consoles.
There is no competition for Sony to change their tactics to make their fan base happy anymore. There are just like Apple with the iPhone same phone with a higher price tag.
Sony is definitely going the Apple route and until someone comes along and challenge Sony in the gaming market this is what we are going have to deal with. Cutting features and selling it for a higher price tag. This is what Sony thinks about its fan base.
We are mindless fool willing throw money away to buy their products no matter what it as long it have the Sony name on it. Insult our intelligence and we keep allowing them to do it. Can we really blame them? No. If we speak with our wallet then Sony wouldn’t have the opportunities they have now to cheat and disrespect us as gamers.
Sony doesn’t care about its fans base anymore it has always been about the money (every company is like this). PSVR2 was wasted and now it is sitting in the Sony warehouse collecting dust. $550 for PSV2 same price for the PS5 and you need a PS5 to use it.
The people that bought it Sony abandoned I am not surprised. Make a hardware, sell it for a high price, make your money on it, then abandoned it. Repeat…
The rumors PS Vita 2 is supposed to be coming out 1 or 2 years from now. Once Sony makes their money on the PS Vita 2 then they will abandon that hardware as well if it does not reach it sale numbers.
Prices are only going up now because of the inflation and this will only hurt us consumers because now we will have to decide if we want to keep supporting a company that only care about your wallet instead of its fans who help the PlayStation brand to be what is now.