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Quantum Break Review Thread


I'm starting to think twice about this after Giant Bomb's review.
I have disposable income but I'm starting to doubt this is worth my time, much less my money.

Wait a couple of days and see what the general consensus is.

I assume there have been no PC reviews yet?
78 is definitely a 'think twice' score imo, i don't have a lot of money and i want to ensure i'm only buying the best
I'm glad I don't have to rely on the mass opinion about a product to buy it. I've already pre ordered the game and have done so with plenty of other games regardless of what someone else thinks.

But in your case, having limited funds is a bit different. Just get the game when it drops in price. Don't completely shut it out because of reviews. Don't live life with this view. Unless the situation is dire, you will miss out on a lot of what life has to offer.


Another thread, another display of embarrassing math skills. Since when did a 2/5 equal a 4/10? Simple math shows that a 2/5 is a much better score. We can all agree that a perfect score is a 5 or a 10 in each system. A 4/10 is 6 steps removed from the perfect 10 and thus a thoroughly mediocre game, while a 2/5 is a mere three steps from a perfect game, which would imply that the game is twice as good.

I'm unsure whether this misunderstanding is another attempt by gaf to bring a The One exclusive down by intentionally imagining poor reviews, or whether this is how far our math skills have sunken due to common core.

Holy shit. I don't even.....
that's right, it's not, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a part of metacritic, but that's just how metacritic works.

i guess i don't understand what the problem/conflict is here? what are the two sides to this argument?

There are no two sides. He did his job and wrote a review, people are bitching because his low score contributes in bringing down the games meta score. He tweets basically saying he ignores people who are not really concerned with his actual review, but with how it effects metacritic.


Here is a shortened version, straight to the point, from twitter:


What twitter is this from?
Another thread, another display of embarrassing math skills. Since when did a 2/5 equal a 4/10? Simple math shows that a 2/5 is a much better score. We can all agree that a perfect score is a 5 or a 10 in each system. A 4/10 is 6 steps removed from the perfect 10 and thus a thoroughly mediocre game, while a 2/5 is a mere three steps from a perfect game, which would imply that the game is twice as good.

I'm unsure whether this misunderstanding is another attempt by gaf to bring a The One exclusive down by intentionally imagining poor reviews, or whether this is how far our math skills have sunken due to common core.

I hope you are being sarcastic cuz man..................

Edit: Ok. I am going crazy. Thank god.


Look good, too bad some parts are in a tv show, I would have prefered everything in the game.
Just a little fear for the repetitiveness with only the time as special skills.

And a last concern which can't make the game great for me, even if I understand that it can be hard to keep a balance between this and the overall lisibility.
Why it lack the cinematic feeling which could fit perfectly with its own tv show during most of the gameplay, I wonder how the gunfights and parkours are shot in it compared to the game.
Have we made any progress in camera management since resident evil 4? /half-joking.


I'd say it comes down to more of a
Perception thing. Like a 3/5 is a solid/ok game. I wouldn't consider a 6/10 a solid/ok game. Maybe it's something that I'll get a few months later on a sale. I'd probably equate a 3/5 to a 7/10. I would consider the Division a 7/10 or a 3/5 if I were using that scale. But o wouldn't rate it a 6/10.

Yeah it makes no sense
I'd say it comes down to more of a
Perception thing. Like a 3/5 is a solid/ok game. I wouldn't consider a 6/10 a solid/ok game. Maybe it's something that I'll get a few months later on a sale. I'd probably equate a 3/5 to a 7/10. I would consider the Division a 7/10 or a 3/5 if I were using that scale. But o wouldn't rate it a 6/10.

Yeah it makes no sense

Makes sense to me


my hard graphic balls
I'd say it comes down to more of a
Perception thing. Like a 3/5 is a solid/ok game. I wouldn't consider a 6/10 a solid/ok game. Maybe it's something that I'll get a few months later on a sale. I'd probably equate a 3/5 to a 7/10. I would consider the Division a 7/10 or a 3/5 if I were using that scale. But o wouldn't rate it a 6/10.

Yeah it makes no sense
Maybe it's why hotels use a 5-star system and not 10?
For me I guess it varies. 2/5 is definitely the same as a 4/10 in my head, but 3/5 is not the same as 6/10. I guess it's because in school, 6/10 means "you done fucked up," but 3/5 mostly just makes me think "more than half full." Meanwhile, 2/5 is "less than half" and 4/10 is "you REALLY fucked up." So idk. The two scales aren't perfectly analagous, but in this case, I'd say that they're close.


For me I guess it varies. 2/5 is definitely the same as a 4/10 in my head, but 3/5 is not the same as 6/10. I guess it's because in school, 6/10 means "you done fucked up," but 3/5 mostly just makes me think "more than half full." Meanwhile, 2/5 is "less than half" and 4/10 is "you REALLY fucked up." So idk. The two scales aren't perfectly analagous, but in this case, I'd say that they're close.
a 2/5 tells me rent. 4/10 says stay away don't bother wasting money on this piece of garbage
What's sad is that consumers place to much reliance on reviews and they can't think for themselves to whether or not a game would interest them based on the masses of gameplay and previews available.

Do they though?

Destiny got a lot of low scores yet sold well. I've generally found reviews scores don't have much of a say and people go off did they like the look it when it came to their attention via whatever means. So many games with high scores sell poorly or don't tally with the scores even if they have decent marketing. Looking through the history, it just seems random.

Funny thing about the scores. If Jeff gives this a 3/5 and gamespot a 7 a lot less people would give shit and would move on. You show yourself to wanting games to get a certain score regardless of what the reviewer thinks.

People scream for choice and fairness for everyone but then want games to be brought up to a certain score they're happy with. You've got plenty of resources out there, majority think it's a good game, second majority think it's average and the last think the bad points out weighs the good, and that's Jeff's take on it as well as the others.

The second majority is actually quite a large collection of 6s and 7s with a lot of bad stuff to say about the game. Jeff is only slightly under that considerable consensus. Not surprising to see Jeff's take on it and that second majority is bringing the meta score down.

Jeff gets fired at gamespot for not giving a game a good review and starts Giant Bomb, get praise for not towing the corporate line, gives game a bad score and gamers flip their wigs and want it higher.


Anyone found a way to preorder the digital code AND get the PC version without using Xbox live? Was hoping to use my BB GCU or Prime discounts but looks like that's off the table.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
The problem with the basic idea of QB, I feel, was that it gave me to things to worry about enjoying to come off it completely satisfied: both the game AND the show since the latter is so integral to the game itself. I didn't play the game yet but watched an episode and my god it was bad. That immediately tampered my enthusiasm for the game, since Remedy is known for exquisite but repetitive gameplay and I need a hook (story and atmosphere for Alan Wake) and a big part of that fell flat to me (even if it was just one episode): being a tv show makes me feel different towards skipping it like it was a bad cutscene or glossing over it like I did for the awful spoken in-game cutscene in AW. So it went from week1 to "I'll play it, but when it hits €20". I still wish the best of luck to the title and Remedy, hope it succeeds.


Sorry to burst your bubble Gertsmann, but by allowing your scores to be included on the Metacritic site, you by default signed a contract saying you were okay with your ratings being converted to a 100 point scale.

Nice try, sport.

He's a hypocrite for sure.
After reading Jeff's review I have decided that this is my current GOTY frontrunner before even playing it.

Same here and Giant Bomb's tastes are always so inverse to mine that I know if they hate something it means I'll love it.

Plus, this is Remedy and Sam Lake. No way in hell I'm not going to love it.


The game isnt out yet and most of us here already call it dead!

I have a "very different and original" way to see the reviews , if most of them are positive, they cant be all wrong, and if im interested on the game from what ive seen, one bad review wont let me down, but its interesting to know what an opinion of one individual its doing for this game, like in evrything, we would be missing amazing things if we only rely on someones opinion.


i dont care much about the review. i'm going to watch a video walkthrough of the game and then purchase the game when its 10 dollars or when its on steam. no way i'm purchasing that on windows store
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