So you're conceding that I'm not Infected?
I don't know what you are. I never said you were infected. I said you wanted the vaccines. You could be neutral for I all know.
So you're conceding that I'm not Infected?
Actually, no. Our claim has nothing to do with how you played the early game. If you had said nothing day 1 and I still got infected, fran would of cured me and I would of said exactly the same things.
You're the only one to blame for how you played day 1 and how other view you now.
I don't know what you are. I never said you were infected. I said you wanted the vaccines. You could be neutral for I all know.
I can taste your desperation, Kark.
It's very salty.
Melonrabbit, what you found should be what we are discussing today. This karkador stuff is trying, when acohrs blatently calls out an infected target before he reveals himself via vomiting...
Getting cocky?
I do have some reservations about what is going on between our supposed Mason pair. But for the moment I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, especially since outside of Kark's second tier gambit we haven't learned that much about the game mechanics at large.
This is entirely new business to consider. Was there's any breadcrumbs from the prior day?
That last bit, about Kark, was sarcasm by the by.
What do we do with Kark then? We need him gone.
Kark is a typical scum red herring today. They know not to target him since town is all huffing over him, with a director Lynch on day 4 (my recommendation on when to kill the three votes).
With kark dying either he is telling the truth (which literally teaches town nothing) or he is scum. If he is scum it's literally one of the most ridiculously dumb day 1 scum moves since "no night Kill" (aka operation surf) a few games ago. If last night was a "no night kill" then...
Putting acohrs to the test (even if we don't Lynch him) gets us information that karkador doesn't if we Insta-Lynch him.
You understand the part of the vaccines, right? He knew about the vaccines and he tried to get cured the first day. He have something to do with it. We need him gone or most likely I will be done. And with me the other vaccine.
You understand the part of the vaccines, right? He knew about the vaccines and he tried to get cured the first day. He have something to do with it. We need him gone or most likely I will be done. And with me the other vaccine.
It's a game about a virus that infects and kill, guessing flavor isn't hard... vaccines seems inocuous at best for inclusion.
I honestly think that if scum is a limited team we might just have acohrs dead to rights. And with it potentially a day 2 win, Not even trying to question him today on his very questionable post to fat4all is ludicrous.
Guessing? A vaccine doesn't generally heals, it prevents. If he would have said the cure or the remedy it could pass. But he said the vaccine. That would a really weird and lucky guess. There's no way it's true. We need Kark out if we want to keep the vaccine for day 3.
You understand the part of the vaccines, right? He knew about the vaccines and he tried to get cured the first day. He have something to do with it. We need him gone or most likely I will be done. And with me the other vaccine.
How am I somehow more suspicious for guessing the wrong word?
You mean for knowing the right word.
You even clarified that it was a vaccine.
Quite the unfortunate, spot-on 'guess'.
Anyway, as for what I wanted to talk about today, it's our Histories.
My History mentions someone I wanted to ask out, but couldn't because of the quarantine. They may or may not know who it is, but I have a feeling they might.
Alas, I didn't become a lover with them, but I share this in the hopes that someone might use it to piece together a part of the story. I have been wondering if there's any kind of visual novel element going on here, where we have intertwining histories somehow.
Whether or not I die doesn't matter really matter, I just wanted this out there, since it's not gonna reveal when my role flips.
Makes me wonder if our histories don't point toward each other (mine points to x person but x person's history points to a different person y)
I mean this isn't a bad episode of grey's anatomy, did everyone of us sleep with multiple people before getting locked in this room?
Yes, but that's a lot more than you have going for you. What do you have to backup that you're town? Why did you lie repeatedly? What did we gain from your supposed fake claim?There is only one thing confirmed so far: "INJECT:" was a valid command in the game.
That's it. It doesn't even mean it was a cure.
So we have a two on the araxometer. You think that means we specifically have two scum, both of which made a plan to reveal themselves and spend some sort of power on themselves D2 when they could've just stood by and watched you get lynched? Please Kark explain how that would make any sense. You were fucked regardless of if they even posted this day phase.So you're not gonna question how fran and fat4all come forward with a story, bringing nothing new to the information table besides what they're picking and choosing from the flurry of false information flying around yesterday?
Oh and now there's three scum. Hi guys I'm apparently scum now with fran and fat4all. Go ahead and turbo me.Let this post stand for the record. You're gonna have a very hard time explaining this when I'm gone.
Their entire claim does not hinge on you being scum. There claim verifies that there's an increased chance that you're scum. If you're an ordinary town as you claim you would not have had any info in relation to the game. It seems increasingly likely that you do.You're right, there will be no direct conflict between my role and what they're claiming. But their entire claim hinges on me being actually being scum and actually having told the truth when I dumped all that 'info' about what Infected do. When my flip proves that premise false, they can coast on a false claim until actual infected flip.
If I guessed the infected rules right, I should be playing the lottery, not mafia.
Yes, there were
One more thought, if we have a watcher, they should watch you like a hawk tonight. Your practically a lightning rod now. Scum wants though dead because you actively extend the game in a negative way for them, we would gain information from people that visit you in the night.
That's only if scum got blocked Or chose to surf the first day by... if they truly can't kill until an infected lasts until the nighttime (big BIG assumption, personally Iike the idea they were blocked as no night kill is ridiculous). Then you are clear until tomorrow night anyways as whoever gets infected can just reveal themselves and get cured (or we could just Lynch them instead). Cut the scum team off at the root and break the game completely
Yes, but that's a lot more than you have going for you. What do you have to backup that you're town? Why did you lie repeatedly? What did we gain from your supposed fake claim?
So we have a two on the araxometer. You think that means we specifically have two scum, both of which made a plan to reveal themselves and spend some sort of power on themselves D2 when they could've just stood by and watched you get lynched? Please Kark explain how that would make any sense. You were fucked regardless of if they even posted this day phase.
Oh and now there's three scum. Hi guys I'm apparently scum now with fran and fat4all. Go ahead and turbo me.
Their entire claim does not hinge on you being scum. There claim verifies that there's an increased chance that you're scum. If you're an ordinary town as you claim you would not have had any info in relation to the game. It seems increasingly likely that you do.
That would work if Kark is scum. If he really is neutral as I feel he is it doesn't work. He maybe can kill, maybe he can steal. We can't be sure.
I need to live with my vaccine so I can cure the new infected tomorrow. That way we keep the infection to a minimum. I don't think I can if Kark is still around.
Do you have some examples??
Is the game is unwinnable if we lynch you?
I don't think so. I have only one shot more.
But why would you lynch someone who can cure over an "ordinary town", one who claimed scum and who can make a believe story even if his life depend of it.
So if I'm reading this right according to your history you wanted to ask Exodu5 out but couldn't because of the quarantine?Sorry, the bread was mixed up with other stuff
So if I'm reading this right according to your history you wanted to ask Exodu5 out but couldn't because of the quarantine?
And Kark, you say you're an ordinary villager right?
We can lynch Fat4all and test your claim
No need, at the end of the day I'll be vindicated when the meter goes down.
What does anybody have to backup that they're town?
Well a claim followed by a mod verified action looks better than a claim followed by stumbling and scrambling and claiming everyone is going to look so bad when they lynch the person that claimed Infected.
Why would they need to buy time? They could sit back as we lynch town according to you. They wouldn't need to do anything to remain safe.They are buying time with the value of having "shots" of a "cure".
The only way them being scum even lines up is if franconp is the D1 scum, he infects fat4all at night, and then today he uses his power on him which presumably at that point I can only guess would mean it maybe bumps him to level 2 instantly? Again though, why would they do this when they could have just done nothing. In fact, it would have made much more sense if they're scum in this situation for franconp to wait until someone on his team gets confirmed scum and then go "Oh I'm a doctor look I can cure him". That would be ACTUALLY buying time. This doesn't get them anything they wouldn't have got by just staying quiet. No one was going to turn around and lynch fat4all or franconp today. They had no real suspicion on them.What happened to Day 1 Natiko? I'd prefer you press them on a flimsy claim
See above regarding how they gain nothing by publicly drawing attention to themselves when you're almost certainly being lynched today.I just finished telling you this, but their claim ONLY verifies one thing: a "INJECT:" command. That says absolutely nothing about me. Nothing else they're claiming about any terminology is proven whatsoever.
I've been saying from the start everything you've ever uttered about cures was odd. Why were you so confident early on that there would be cures if you're just a normal townie? Why try and draw attention to yourself knowing it could cause town to waste PRs on you when you're apparently fine? If you're town then you've done us all a disservice.You three are really trying to stress this flimsy point about me using the word "vaccinated", and claiming it's a real game term, but casually ignoring that I never said anything about an injection, the actual keyword that actually proved to do something.
That's correct
So if you are Ordinary Villager how are you lovers?
Something is wrong there.
If I choose to believe you then I wonder if Exodu5 would have the same role as you, and if his history mentions you too. Of course, I'm not gonna speculate further and I'll wait for Exodu5 to chime in.That's correct
You didn't read
That's correct
You know what it means?
If I choose to believe you then I wonder if Exodu5 would have the same role as you, and if his history mentions you too. Of course, I'm not gonna speculate further and I'll wait for Exodu5 to chime in.
Maybe I'm just lost in all your claims. So far you have claimed Infected, Ordinary town, lovers and Doctor.
What did I missed?
Anyway, as for what I wanted to talk about today, it's our Histories.
My History mentions someone I wanted to ask out, but couldn't because of the quarantine. They may or may not know who it is, but I have a feeling they might.
Alas, I didn't become a lover with them, but I share this in the hopes that someone might use it to piece together a part of the story. I have been wondering if there's any kind of visual novel element going on here, where we have intertwining histories somehow.
Whether or not I die doesn't matter really matter, I just wanted this out there, since it's not gonna reveal when my role flips.
Seriously I think something is up with Burbeting.