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Rate the PlayStation Consoles by Library


PS2 : The King, the master. The greatest console there has ever been. It also had a few rough gems from Sony's first party (Primal, Ghost Hunter) which showed the promise we see from Sony first parties today.

PS3 : This was a tough choice between PS1 and 3 but I've got to give it to PS3 simply because my love for the games I play now started with this system. It also had some of the best trilogy of games across all Gen's, Resistance 1-3, Uncharted 1-3, Infamous 1-FoB, Dead Space 1-3, Mass Effect 1-3, Bioshock 1-3 etc etc.

PS1 : The original and just comes up short of PS3 by a hair.

PS4 : Had development times not exploded, I expect I would have placed this higher. The sad fact is there are fewer of the games I liked vs. prior Gen's.

Won't rank the portables because even though I owned both, they always took a backseat to the main hardware.
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1. PS2 - The greatest of the greatest. Nostalgia is clearly talking but its library is objectively of insane quality.

Favorites : MGS2/3, Silent Hill 2/3, Fatal Frame 1/2, GT 3/4, GOW 1/2, GTA 3/Vice City/San Andreas, FF X/XII, ICO, SOTC, Tekken 4/5, Ace Combat 4/5, Gradius V, DMC 1/3, Katamari 1/2, Persona 3/4, ZOE 2, SMT Nocturne and the Digital Devil Saga games...

The number of absolute masterpieces in this machine is unmatched. Thank god the Dreamcast got killed by this incredible console and not by, I dunno, the Pippin !

2. PS1 - I'm a retro dude so a lot of PS1 games are still pretty playable to me.

Favorites : Castlevania SOTN, FF 7/9, Xenogears, Suikoden 2, Parasite Eve 1/2, Soul Reaver, GT 1/2, Oddworld, the Spyro trilogy, Ridge Racer 4, Ape Escape, Omega Boost, Silent Hill, Resident Evil 1/2/3, Tony Hawk 1/2, Tekken 2/3, Fear Effect, MGS, Wipeout 1/2097/3, Klonoa, Crash 3, Crash Team Racing...

Ahhh the memories ! Again Sony got what gamers and devs wanted a lot more right than Sega, even though I love the Saturn.

3. PS4 - The right machine at the right time. Simple architecture, easy to manufacturate, easy to develop for, not filled with DRM, and we can still buy second-hand games. And the best Dualshock yet. Not a very exciting machine specs-wise but it delivered.

Favorites : Bloodborne, Spiderman, Horizon ZD, God Of War, TLOU Remastered, Drive Club, GT Sport, The Last Guardian, SOTC Remake, UC4, Gravity Rush 2, Wipeout Omega Collection, Ratchet & Clank, Yakuza 0/6, Persona 5/Royal. Excited for Ghost Of Tsushima.

And of course PSVR being a surprising little success with great games like Astro Bot. Can't say they didn't deserve their win over Xbox One, those games are truly great.

4. PS Vita - All those Vita haters in the thread, smh. Just for Persona 4 Golden ALONE, this system is worth picking up. It's one of the greatest games I've ever played !
And with the PSP emulation, you can play every Persona entry in it, apart from 5 of course.

Favorites : Gravity Rush, P4G, P4 Dancing All Night, Killzone Mercenary, UC Golden Abyss, Steins:Gate, Virtua Tennis 4, YS Mems. Of Celceta/VIII, Wipeout 2048, Tearaway, Danganronpa V3, Muramasa...

You can download PSP games, play PS1 games on the go, and Remote Play bayybaaay ! Such a beautiful-looking, well made machine ! Shame about the Memory cards, but still worth picking up.

5. PS3 - Didn't buy it back then, I chose 360 over this one. Apart from missing Journey, GOW 3 and TLOU (and I bought the better versions on PS4 afterwards), ehh, I didn't regret it...
Still, I now bought it for cheap and it's a nice machine.

Favorites : Ninokuni, Persona 5 (looks like shit tho), GT 5/6, GOW 3, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, the Motorstorm games, Journey, Uncharted 2/3, TLOU (runs like crap but holy shit the graphics !), Wipeout HD Fury, Ridge Racer 7, MGS 4 still trapped in here for whatever reason.

Good machine but now that most of those titles are in better shape on the PS4 (apart from MGS 4, why ?), there's not a ton of reasons to pick it up.

6. PSP - like the PS3, I missed the boat and picked up the DS instead. The system just didn't do it for me at the time. It's nice for homebrew stuff and emulation, and I remember a few friends of mine playing pirated games on it. I bought it pretty recently but of course the games didn't wow me like they should've done back then. The screen is blurier than in the Vita, and the colors are less vivid. Still, it's a very impressive machine by 2004 standards.

Favorites : Wipeout Pure/Pulse, Ridge Racer 1/2, MGS Peace Walker, Lumines, Danganronpa, GTA Liberty City Stories, Motorstorm Arctic Edge, Gran Turismo, Locoroco, Patapon 1/2/3, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Persona 2/3, YS 7, Everybody's Golf

Very good library, but apart from Ridge Racer and Crisis Core, most of those games are on the Vita for cheap, so I would advise to pick them up here (even though they take place, and the memory cards, god dammit...).

I must admit, there's not a single Sony machine that I would call less than good. They are a pretty consistent company and they pretty much deserved their place in the sun. Pretty excited for PS5, they seem to have a pretty nice machine in the ovens.
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Ps2. Top 5 console fuggin dope but not as dope as any xbox. Sweet jrpgs and survival horror.

Ps1. Doper than lame ass sissy boy cuck 64, sweet JRPGs, and survival horror. Seriously such a sick console would be top 5 if ps2 didnt play all its games.

Psp. Put CFW on this dope fuckin handheld and it shits dope diarrhea all over Nintendo cuck Switch

Ps4. Until dawn, last guardian, bloodborne, and horizon zero dawn are all games I wish I could play on xbox or pc 😓😤

Ps3. 3d dot heroes is dope but everything else sucks balls compared to dopeness diggity bomb GOAT xbox 360. Cool cell processor works great with my cyber fridge

Vita. I've never even held one before. Probably cooler than Switch though.

Spot on.

But on a different note. Do you use tumblr?


Its a hard one.

Probably PS1, slightly over PS2 just because of Jrpg’s and resident evil’s.
But PS2 is stacked and was awesome for God of Wars, DMC, Onimusha, Shadow of Collosus, MGS 2-3 and so much more.

PS4 and PS3 are close. I enjoyed this gen alot more. But Demon Souls, Last of Us and Uncharted 2 and 3, MGS 4 was some special games.
Probably enjoyed Bloodnborne, Uncharted 4, God of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Sekiro, Death Strandin and the rest some more plus the smaller titles and indies.
I also only played Dark Souls this gen lol, so I enjoyed it on the PS4 lol


PS2 > PS1 >>>>>>>> PS4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS3

The first two PlayStation generations marked the golden era of survival horror. Nothing has come even close to that...

The first Resident Evils
Silent Hill 1-4
Fatal Frame 1-3
Forbidden Siren
Echo Night
Clock Tower
Alone in the Dark
Cold Fear
Rule of Rose
Haunting Ground
... Iru!
Martian Gothic
Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis

..... and I'm probably missing something.

It was a goldmine, I tell ya!
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Playstation console is kinda difficult to rate. They had the best library of their respective gens and nostalgia is also a factor.

Anyway, I'd put PS4 on par with PS2. Although 3rd party is not as diverse as that era I think first party grew so much it actually make a difference in favour of PS4.

Psone comes next and it is above PS3.

But when we talk about Playstation portable they obviously don't have the same kind of support. PSP was the best portable outside nintendos, Vita died too soon.


2 1 4 3

the ps2 had a better a Release schedule of games in late 2001 that would rival a gen for most other consoles. by that I mean if you got games that good and that important in a gen you’d be ok. That was insane.
seminal games pretty much all at once MGS2, Ico, Silent Hill2, GTAiii, GT3, DMC and FFX.

ps2 wins it there.


1. PS2
2. PS1
3. PS4
4. PS3 (Garbage)

I would say the PS1 and PS4 are tied, but if I have to choose, I'll go with PS1.

I didn't play the vita and PSP.
1. Playstation Vita
2. Playstation 4
3. Playstation Portable
4. Playstation 1
5. Playstation 2
6. Playstation 3

Prefer the modern consoles libraries as had a much better time with them.
Of the systems I own/owned:

1. PlayStation (own)
2. PlayStation 2 (owned)
3. PlayStation Vita (own)
4. PlayStation Portable (owned)
1 - PS2 - Best library ever.
2 - PSP - Just like the PS2.
3 - PSVita - Had the potential if only Sony cared.
4 - PS1 - Only reason this is low in my list was I came in late in the generation. Had little money to buy any games but of the ones I did played they were awesome. Then I played the PS1 games I missed with the consoles above.
5 - PS3 - It was okay.
6 - PS4 - The least system I played.


1. Ps1
Ps2 does arguably have the better library but to me Ps1 was the golden age of JRPG's which puts it on top. FFVII-IX, FF Tactics, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Suikoden 2, Breath of Fire III-IV, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon and many more.

2. Ps2
Amazing Gen with tons of great games. It had some of the best entries in existing franchises while also introducing a ton of new ones. It also felt like the last gen before budgets and dev times skyrocketed so there was a basically unmatched variety as far as releases go

4. Ps3/Ps4
It's a tie. Ps3 had more variety and introduced new IP's while Ps4 had the fewer but better games.
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Tough for sure.

1. PS4-has to be first as it's the one time I've been super into gaming AND mained Playstation.

2. PS1-Lots of classics (even if they didn't age well for me) and was the console that broke my Nintendo fanboy-ism (to that point I/we had only had NES, Gameboy, SNES and N64--got the PS1 later that gen after playing RE1 and FF7 at a friends). Shifted my tastes from primarily gameplay focused stuff to narrative-driven games being my favorite.

PS2- This was an odd gen for me where I had all three, didn't really main any, built a small back log and sold it all off with a fair bit unplayed. It wasn't really the games, but more just life as it was the tail end of undergrad and start of grad school for me. I was busy, I got super into movies as I build a DVD collection etc. Still a lot of good games and PS2 likely got the most play time. That or GC as I got an Xbox late mostly for KOTOR and only played 10ish games on it.

PS3-Got this very late gen after my Xbox Live account got stolen and migrated to another country. It took over 3 months to resolve with MS support and my saves etc. were tied up so I got a PS3 and caught up on exclusives. It would probably be above PS2 if I'd gotten it earlier in the generation and played more of the exclusives as I never got around to all of them before just giving up and moving on to PS4.

Old Retro

Original PSX is the runaway winner for me. Library was groundbreaking for me and gave me legendary fun. Its titles are still being remade, rebooted, and sequeled endlessly.

I'd then rate them by their releases: 2, 3, then 4.


I'd have to go :

PS1 would have to be number one for me since my favorite games of all time were created during that gen like ff7, ff8, ff9 , mega man legends, and rhapsody.

PS2 had a lot of great games as well but nothing that hit the highs of the ps1. So number 2

PS3 is number 3 just because it has more interesting variety of games than the ps4.

PS4 is last but that is because they have less games that wowed me in how interesting they are but relied completely on nostalgia this gen.

PS5 will probably be a continuation of ps4 but I would have loved more new AAA ips this gen. Sony needs to double the size of their studios so that they can make more than 2 games per studio this gen.
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I’m blown away by how many of you have placed PSP in a higher position than PS3, and even sometimes PS2. Also, I’m really surprised how low PS3 has placed on many lists.


1. PS2
An absolutely expansive and stellar library packed with variety and passion. It felt like a more polished and ambitious evolution of the PS1.

Another incredible system, I feel that some of its games are hindered by that jump to 3D. While it may not have aged as well, I still love them.

While the variety and quality may vary from game to game, I feel that this system's games offered a solid amount of diversity and fun.

A damn fine system, and currently my favorite, its exclusives are great but few and far between(first party) whilst some are too same-y for my tastes. Many genres are lacking, and most follow a similar template. This whole gen has an unhealthy obsession with remakes and remasters.

PS Vita.
Incredible hardware to this day, as much as I love the niche titles it is mainly an indie machine and was left to die an undeserved and early death.

In summary, my observational opinions based primarily on first and second party support, or titles generally not found elsewhere. I adore Jrpgs, platformers, survival horror, and arcade racers along with strange stuff like Mr. Mosquito and more. I feel that PS4 is seriously lacking in diversity, and I'd love for Sony to invest in games that aren't all third person open world games with walkie-talkie exposition dumps. In that sense its kind of crazy just how influential Ubisoft have been.

But still, I've enjoyed just about everything I've played from them and try to give each game a chance, including the soon to be released TLoU part 2 and GoT. I would like to see a return to form from the PS5, but I doubt it'll happen. Critiquing third party devs and pubs I level the same judgements, too much trend hoping and dollar chasing focus groups over unique experiences, ideas and above all fun games. Still plenty of quality to be found though, plus its great to be able to freely import games across multiple systems.


For me it’s
PS2 - can’t be beat, quality of software was/is unbelievable.
PS4 - stellar first and third party games, with best version of third party games (until X1X) plus DS4 = my absolute favourite PlayStation controller And preference of controller this gen

PS3 - some of my favourite first party games ever like GoW3 and Uncharted 2, and TLoU but hampered by poor third party ports and performance. For me though the free online and solid PS plus support was awesome.

PS1 - amazing at the time, fond childhood memories, but aged poorly. I can’t play the games today. MGS will always be my standout

PSP - loved the GoW games and portable GTAs were amazing. Oh and Portable Ops. Loved this system.

Vita - other than uncharted, For me an abysmal system, waste of money Especially the propriety cards, and glad I sold it when it had some value. Mega disappointment for me coming from the PSP
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I’m blown away by how many of you have placed PSP in a higher position than PS3, and even sometimes PS2. Also, I’m really surprised how low PS3 has placed on many lists.

PS3 just has a really poor library since it was Sony at the weakest, and thier first party stuff is pretty mediocre to begin with, and multiplats were better on the X360. Normally Japanese 3rd parties would pick up the slack but that was a pretty damn dismal period for them too. Thing picked up a bit at the very end but most of that stuff
got ported to ps4 anyway.


It's basically in order for me:

PS1 (I mean my favorite genre was born here, survival horror)
PS3 (close with the PS2 for me. it had a horrible launch, but got itself together)

PS4 (while still a good gen, it's definitely my least favorite)


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
PSX the absolute KING people who place PS2 over it must have VERY different tastes in games than I do I don't see it

PSP Amazing selection of titles

PS3 Underrated I enjoyed way more games than with PS2

PS2 I bought this at launch and think the system is overrated spent more time playing XBOX

VITA right up my alley the only system this gen I truly enjoyed

PS4 MEH I sold my ps4 and have zero interest in ps5 or nextgen in general the trill is gone
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AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Vita > PSP > PS3 > PS1 > PS2

Not sure where PS4 falls as gen isn't over yet.
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PS3 is the only one I've never owned. Too expensive in a moment of my life I didn't have either money or time to enjoy one.


2, 4, 1, 3.

Which is weird because 3 has the best game I have ever played, ever.
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1) PS2
2) PS1
3) PSVR(not a console but I prefer its library over other platforms)
4) PS4
5) Vita
6) PSP
7) PS3

I would actually give ps1 and ps2 a tie. It's just so close for me and I like them both for different reasons. I would normally just leave PS3 off the list entirely if I could, but it was a sony console so its there.
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Now that we got a look at some of the initial software, How well do you think the PS5 will compare to other PlayStation consoles in terms of library?


Its between the PS1 and PS2. I give it to PS1 simply because many great PS2 games were sequels to games conceived on PS1. It was also Squaresofts golden era. Their library alone on the PS1 is unmatched.



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I'm a sensible man, I don't take nostalgia as a drug:


Got not portable PS. Every new generation is way more better to me.
Noooooo. I won't Jubenhimer Jubenhimer . 😋

I ❤ all the Playstations. The video made by Sony with people aging while playing Playstation is just a part of my life. I love them all. ❤❤❤

OP, you should give a try to Rayman Origins and Legends on PSVITA. With the oled screen, it's gonna be one of the greatest experience in your gaming life (BlazeBlue CF extented is soooo good too). 😉😘
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