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Rayman Origins |OT| The Rebirth


I've been playing d-pad all the way, including on the mosquito levels. The analog stick feels really nice as well, but I just have to play 2D platformers with the d-pad. It feels as natural as playing a fighting game with a stick.


Finished. Wasn't a fan of the last couple of levels at all and the last 'boss' sequence is kind of a joke.

Still, Rayman was a great game. Solid platforming with some beautiful visuals. The flying levels were kinda meh but overall it was a quality product.


I've been playing d-pad all the way, including on the mosquito levels. The analog stick feels really nice as well, but I just have to play 2D platformers with the d-pad. It feels as natural as playing a fighting game with a stick.

That's the point though. The mosquito levels aren't platforming at all.


hide your water-based mammals
Do we have anything official in terms of a Vita version release date? Will it be retail too or just PSN? I hope it's 30.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So glad to see more people getting and enjoying the game.

Ah, might double-dip on the Vita version. We'll see.

All the nonsensical singing in this game is glorious!
I even found myself singing along. So catchy. :D

And the best part? The singing motif even exists in the non-vocal parts of those areas. Listen to a bunch of the Sea of Serendipity songs, and you can still hum along to the parts that the lums sang.


I started a D-Pad, but then moved to analog. Feels way better. Some of the movements were hard to do with a dpad, like a jump into a roll/slide.


First impressions: I've been playing off and on for a week, and after a two and a half hour bout this evening my thumb is preparing to blister.

330/1000 Gamerscore so far. I'll have to play this game periodically rather than in long marathon sessions, for my right thumb is unaccustomed to smashing down upon the jump button with suck reckless abandon.



YEAH, TAKE THAT Land of Livid Dead!

Easily going to go down as one of my favorite 360 achievements. I was in the zone, still shakin'. Sat down thinking I was just gonna dick around in that last level and an hour later, BAM.

YEAH, TAKE THAT Land of Livid Dead!

Easily going to go down as one of my favorite 360 achievements. I was in the zone, still shakin'. Sat down thinking I was just gonna dick around in that last level and an hour later, BAM.

Haha! Yeah, It's one of the finest parts of an already awesome game for sure.

I also thought "eh, might as well take a look inside", not thinking the level would pull me in so much. : P

The music is cool too.


Me and my bro completed the main game yesterday (he's been doing most of it, I've been doing time trials mostly). Now time for Land of the Living Dead... when I get that last tooth.
So is this game too difficult for my gf? She can't play mw3 but is okay in ratchet or trine..

Nah, it should be fine - completing the game itself isn't all that difficult, just merely challenging in places, but if you attempt to ace the game, that's where the difficulty arrives with finding all the hidden items and areas, completing levels in par times, etc.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
just completed the game, awesome experience. took approx 7-10 hours and i finished with 8/10 teeth and about 180 lums. i especially loved the chase stages, even if they did just boil down to trial and error. story made no sense at all (lol, story), and the ending was quite brief. i havent tried co-op yet, but i'd like to play through from the start with a buddy to see how the gameplay changes. shame there was no online - seems like a no brainer.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I love that the 'Origins' of Rayman are just as loose as his limbs. There is no story at all. Go right. That's your story right there. All you need really.

yeah, basically. weird how it ended exactly as it began (hope no one considers that a spoiler).


I had never played a Rayman game before this. I basically knew nothing about the world. But damn, Ancel makes things so imaginative I wanted to know more.


I might have already mentioned this but Land of the Livid Dead with three other players, and even more onlookers cheering us on was one of the finest moments I've ever had playing a video game. This was the most I've ever seen that crowd of people get so intensely into a game!

I love that the 'Origins' of Rayman are just as loose as his limbs. There is no story at all. Go right. That's your story right there. All you need really.

Amazingly they had considered making the story more important early on, and the remnants of it are all still there!
Playing this game on an old 720p HDTV. Good GOD this game is pretty. I now understand why Klepek fought so hard to have this game be added on Giant Bomb's GOTY list


needs 2 extra inches
I started playing this yesterday, and so far I'm having a blast. I only have a few gripes, like how some of the launching panels don't give me full freedom in my jumps' directions and feel somewhat automated. That's especially apparent when you attempt to go in the opposite direction to collect something. It's understandably there for speed runs, I guess.

The other niggling issue I'm having is how it's possible to execute the running attack while holding R1/RB but without pressing any direction. It's mostly my fault for continually pressing the running button, but it led to more than one unfavorable and unplanned situations and generally looks awkward. I wish the attack was only executable during the running animation.

Those small issues aside, the game is solid, fluid, beautiful, and lots of fun. It's like they out-whimsied Nintendo's platformers.


Any 3DS footage out there that I'm not aware of? I'm certain I'd love this game on a handheld but I'm not sold on a Vita just yet. But I can't seem to find anything concrete on the supposed 3DS version.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
A bit late to the party, but;

I absolutely love the built in dual difficulty with completing the stages being somewhat easy, but getting the time trial and lum goals (especially medals) can be very difficult, but not impossible.
bought this game on the cheap from toys r us. Probably the most underrated game this gen. The best 2D platformer this gen along with super meat boy. Ubi better release some DLC soon.


Aftershock LA
My only experience with a Michael Ancel game was Beyond Good & Evil (one of my favorite games of last generation).

I had never played a Rayman game before.

It's taking everything in me to hold off buying the PS3 version, because I want the Vita version, but that demo is gorgeous on my 40" set, and it's just so much fun.

The wait for February is killing me.

I actually wouldn't have a problem with double dipping, it's just that I have my cash super tight because of all the money I'm spending on my Vita, accessories/memory card, and games. One more month to go. I can do it!
The water levels control surprisingly well with the pad. Probably the best underwater controls I've ever experienced in a game. Rayman always went where I wanted him to, even when I was navigating narrow spikey alleyways to snag coins and such.

Granted the xbox dpad sucks anyhow but trying to swim in the circles the lums were in a lot of times while underwater were a lot more frustrating with the dpad than the stick. Maybe other controllers are better but I hated it on my 360.

And so far this game is amazing, I'm at the 4th world now I think.


When the game starts, everything is just fine. Then trouble starts. When you "clean up" (bet the game), then everything goes back to being fine again.

I got the feeling from the very start that that's how it was going to end, just from the characters' personalities. How can thing's even get better than being able to just laze around and sleep?
Just finished the game, and holy shit is it a good one. Mario 3D Land is very well designed as well, but I don't feel like there's anything in that game that feels as perfectly designed as the later levels in Rayman. Levels like Land of the Livid Dead are extremely well balanced between being hard and doable, whereas in Mario you get an extremely easy first 15 worlds, some decently challenging levels in the 16th, and then a completely "Fuck you" bonus level at the end that is near impossible without using the hover powerup (and a total joke with it, like the rest of the game).

Throughout the entire Livid Dead section I felt like I was doing something legitimately skillful. There's just a constant sense of "Holy shit, I can't believe I'm doing this!" that I'm not sure I've ever even had with a game before. Especially in the section with the snake, the parts where you make a leap of faith, seeing a gap but knowing based on experience that the snake will appear at the last moment to catch you are so satisfying. And the part where you run and bounce around the falling platforms is totally exciting and tense while still feeling doable.

The game has a really cool "atmosphere" too. I don't usually pay match attention to music in games at all, and this is probably the first game I've ever played where I want to buy the soundtrack. The music always perfectly matches the levels, is catchy as hell, and while there's not a ton of them, the interactive bits like when notes play when you walk along the snakes in the second world are very cool. The "winnoo winnoo win, winnoo" thing that the fishes sing in particular is always getting stuck in my head.

The shooting sections are fun as well, and combined with the different types of levels (normal platforming, snake levels, levels where you're being chased, levels where you chase the chest) and the different ways of beating them (playing for completion to get medals or doing the time trials) it reminds me of the similar variety in gameplay that Beyond Good and Evil had.

Overall, the game just has a joyful, fun feel that I really only find in indie games these days. It's impressive that a game made by a large team like this manages to be so charming. It's really disappointing reading posts with people saying they'll wait until it drops to $10 or whatever before buying it, and it seems unfair that this didn't sell while the typical military shooters have. I don't like paying $60 for games in general, but even with the $20 sale at Toys-R-Us I don't regret spending $30 on this for a second.

I really hope this gets remembered as a classic even it's under-appreciated for awhile. I just got a 360 after not having a console for a couple years and while it wasn't a situation where I quit gaming because I was burnt out on it, this game still totally reminded me why I love games.

I beat the game with 202 smilies, and while I think I'm going to shelve the game for a bit to check out some other stuff, I can't wait to go back and get the rest of them, though a few of the later levels were tough enough just to get through without speed-running them or going for 350 yellow guys.

And post final boss spoilers: Does anyone know if
anything happens if you collect all of the yellow things that spell out "The End" after the credits before the screen blacks out?


so i beat it just now.

holy fuck that real actual final level is hard as fuck. it was like six to eight super meat boy levels in one continuous thing.

the whole game feels like this lost thing from the 90s. it's really awesome, but so hard. the only thing i kinda would have liked to see were some branching paths. there's some reward for exploration, but it only leads to collecting more stuff.

it's a great game though, and there's tons of shit to do. and boy, that endgame is just amazing.
how is the CO-OP specifically in this ?

My gf and i could not get far in NSMB at ALL, but we both loved Kirby's Epic Yarn, main problem always being that we would get into each other's way, dropping to our deaths in NSMB of course :(
how is the CO-OP specifically in this ?

My gf and i could not get far in NSMB at ALL, but we both loved Kirby's Epic Yarn, main problem always being that we would get into each other's way, dropping to our deaths in NSMB of course :(

The game is really comparable to NSMB in that respect, and maybe a bit more unforgiving because of 1-hit deaths. However, the bubble respawn mechanic works wonders and the game itself is not hard if you don't go out of your way to find challenges (like the Time Trials). All in all I would recommend it to you.

If you're not sure you should download the demo if you own a X360 or PS3. I also have the Wii version and that one controls just as tight.


I found the co-op to be equally as enjoyable as NSMBWii's while also being less frustrating. In this game, player-controlled characters can overlap each other without bumping into one another. This makes for a lot less frustration and freedom of movement, even when playing with four players. It really is a ton of fun and actually makes the game easier, as opposed to harder ala NSMBWii.
I found the co-op to be equally as enjoyable as NSMBWii's while also being less frustrating. In this game, player-controlled characters can overlap each other without bumping into one another. This makes for a lot less frustration and freedom of movement, even when playing with four players. It really is a ton of fun and actually makes the game easier, as opposed to harder ala NSMBWii.

Indeed. The checkpointing and the unlimited near instant retries are very, very generous to inexperienced players.


Up to the water stage, they really nailed the swimming. Oh and the music in this game is pretty much perfect, it really adds to the overall presentation.

Speaking of the underwater levels, it really reminds me of Aquaria and makes me want a xbla/psn version.
I found the co-op to be equally as enjoyable as NSMBWii's while also being less frustrating. In this game, player-controlled characters can overlap each other without bumping into one another. This makes for a lot less frustration and freedom of movement, even when playing with four players. It really is a ton of fun and actually makes the game easier, as opposed to harder ala NSMBWii.

I noticed the exact same thing playing with my wife.


I've spent an hour and fifteen minutes on the final platforming sequence. SEVENTY FIVE MINUTES.

And I still haven't beaten it.

I've reached what I hope is the final swing at least a dozen times only to screw it up. I'm so used to continually pressing the jump button that something goes wrong and the split-second timing required of this section is off. My right finger is cramped from keeping the run button pressed. I turned the television off and I'm keeping the Xbox running and hoping that there isn't a power outage so I don't have to repeat the previous portions of the level again, either.

I refuse to spoiler any of this shit because people like me who had very little trouble with the previous 99% of the game need to know that the last level is a bitch. I'm not good at platformers but I beat 99% of Super Meat Boy but even that game never left me this frustrated. Seriously people, I've only died a half-dozen to a dozen times per level before this and I've spent 75 minutes on one section that could add up to 200+ deaths for all I know.

And I still haven't beaten it.


And just like that. I step away from it for fifteen minutes, get back into it and beat it on my first attempt back. I hit it with solemn precision and less fatigued reflexes I suppose. Off to finish the rest of the game.


And just like that. I step away from it for fifteen minutes, get back into it and beat it on my first attempt back. I hit it with solemn precision and less fatigued reflexes I suppose. Off to finish the rest of the game.

Yeah it's frequently like that... usually when I hit a wall in a game (or IRL), I just go do something else and come back later. Most of the time repeated failures mean getting bad habits out of frustration (or maybe that's your brain trying to randomize your acquired knowledge to find a solution by itself).


Yeah I was getting frustrated, especially since I knew that I had got to the end so many times only to muck it up. I started making even dumber mistakes earlier in the sequence. Missing the timing on that platforming sequence almost guarantees death down the road. The only place for major deviation from the winning pathway are at the very end - even then it couldn't be more than a full second of difference. I don't recall any Super Meat Boy light world level requiring this sort of precision - the last level required precision, yes, but not the timing like Rayman Origins does in this spot.

I bet if I looked at Youtube runs through that level they would be nearly identical. I've never played anything like it.

I'll go through a good portion of the rest of the game, I don't know that I will collect everything, but the challenge is there if I'm interested. The speedruns look really difficult in places, so I don't know if I would pursue those. Maybe once my gamerscore is over 500 I'll consider the game satisfactorily beaten. I'm not far now.


Just got this played the first world and wow, its amazing loverly everyone who likes games should own it. Best £12 ive spent in a long long time.


So, the music after you get a medal in a stage...too good. I want the medal just so I can listen to the music and watch the dance.


Jesus Christ this game looks amazing. Is there any reason why this has already hit bargain bin prices?

Low perceived value from a lot of gamers coupled with being thrown onto the railroad tracks with its release date.

If it came out this week, it would have had the spotlight. It just got run over in the middle of the blockbuster rush.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
3DS version headed to NA on Feb. 20th/EU on Feb. 16th

Demo is also coming to the Eshop.

I've been waiting to make a decision on which version to get. Lately I've been playing more on the handhelds, and if this is the same experience I will pick it up on the 3DS. If not, I'll go with one of the HD versions. I'll basically be making that decision by playing the demo and reading up on reviews. Either way it looks like I'll finally be able to join in on the amazing of playing this game soon. Can't wait!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I have two more stages to finish time trials on, not feeling real confident about them. One is one of the final stages with the
dropping pieces
and it's just really tricky to be perfect. So close to 100%, yet so far.

So, the music after you get a medal in a stage...too good. I want the medal just so I can listen to the music and watch the dance.

Yeah, that music is awesome. In comparison, there's no real reward when you get the time trial medal. You just get a little ding, and it's pretty anticlimactic.
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