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Red Dead Redemption |OT| Whistling Morricone in the desert

I think I'll revise my opinion of this game:
RDR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ANY GTA

This is closer to the game 'coming to the player' feel that I think GTA has always begged for but never gotten. Everything in GTA has always been treated as islands of content to go to and seek out, but as the size of the games got larger, the distance between interesting things happening with the AI and systems also received larger and larger holes of nothingness to cross over. This game brings the world to you with little effort while still maintaining geographically-bound content. The wanted system and the general feel of a world that doesn't just abide crazy player action makes everything better and more valuable on a moment to moment basis compared to any other sandbox action game. Being bad takes more work and skill and is more satisfying because of it and the same holds true for being good...maybe it's even more challenging and satisfying. The temptation to go either way is better-realized in this game than it's ever been in a GTA, that's for certain. Fan-fucking-tastic game. Kudos, Rockstar (San Diego).


Artex said:
I'm praying that there are cheat codes that either just spawn animals, or if you can play as an animal. How awesome would it be to terrorize people as a bear. :lol

This is like the greatest idea ever. I'm getting flashes of L4D's survivor mode.

I want to play as a goddamn bear in a game and run humans over. Why doesn't that exist?

JBuccCP said:
Yeah there's all sorts of reactions. Some will start shooting at you, some will run. You don't even have to really shoot *at* someone to set them off. I was next to a campsite with these two guys shooting randomly and they didn't like that too much and both attacked me.

Sounds awesome.

I'm leaving work now, a bit early. Time to finally play this damn thing!


God, multiplayer is a fucking disaster right now. :(

Invisible everything randomly, disconnects, can't connect to competitive games half the time, can't sign in to Rock Star social club to link your account...whew. Also, when you get disconnected from a multiplayer game and thrown back into single player I just get a never ending loading screen and have to quit out the dashboard.

Seems like they need some fixes pronto.

Edit: 360 Version, after update.


Horsebite said:
God, multiplayer is a fucking disaster right now. :(

Invisible everything randomly, disconnects, can't connect to competitive games half the time, can't sign in to Rock Star social club to link your account...whew. Also, when you get disconnected from a multiplayer game and thrown back into single player I just get a never ending loading screen and have to quit out the dashboard.

Seems like they need some fixes pronto.

What version?

No one is saying what version the MP problems are on.


Bloodwake said:

Make sure that you turn Caps Lock on when you punch in the code. The code is evidently case sensitive. Which is fucking stupid, I know, but that's how I got mine to work.
Did that and it still isnt working : (
MightyHedgehog said:
This is closer to the game 'coming to the player' feel that I think GTA has always begged for but never gotten. Everything in GTA has always been treated as islands of content to go to and seek out, but as the size of the games got larger, the distance between interesting things happening with the AI and systems also received larger and larger holes of nothingness to cross over. This game brings the world to you with little effort while still maintaining geographically-bound content. The wanted system and the general feel of a world that doesn't just abide crazy player action makes everything better and more valuable on a moment to moment basis compared to any other sandbox action game.

I appreciate these words.


It seems Gamestop(at least the one I went to) is handing out the "special editions". Not sure if they were meant for preorders or not, but I didn't. Anyway, it will have to wait until tonight. :D


Well multiplayer is a complete clusterfuck waste of time (at least the auto aim modes). At least it's a relatively lag free clusterfuck waste of time unlike GTAIV.


Ok I am taking a break from SP. Anyone want to ride around a bit in a posse just add me. I am getting my ass handed against others.

Btw I am on PS3


Last night right before I decided to shut down for the evening, I thought I'd try out a poker game. Walk into the room where everyone's playing and I notice a chest lying off to the side. On screen prompt appears and without thinking I press Y to loot the chest. (Just spent a lot of the weekend ammo hoarding in Alan Wake.)

The whole room turns on me immediately, so I charge toward the nearest guy. Could swear the whole thing seemed to slip into slow mo as I stuck the riffle under his chin and pulled the trigger. Awesome.

Of course they surrounded me and gunned me down, but I plan to restart tonight from an earlier save. :lol


Anyone else get the Deck of RDR playing cards? Picked this up at Wal-Mart last night and they were giving them away w/the game purchase.. Good quality cards that match the art of the ones you use when playing poker..


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
FYI my Preordered amazon copy did not come with anything inside the case or packaging. 360 version.
camera rotation speed and aiming sensitivity should be 2 different options...

MiniDitka said:
Did that and it still isnt working : (

yeah i still can't connect to the social club. it's like R* didn't expect this game to be popular or somethin'.


Good news, I'm at home with a sick kid.

Bad news, Amazon says May 19th delivery.

But wait! Tracking says Arrival scan in the area 2 hours in the future and it's in transit.

Man it's really frustrating to play pass-the-controller with friends. I'm trying to walk the straight and narrow but any time they play they just start killing dogs, getting drunk and blowing heads off and eventually getting killed or thrown in jail.
Whoompthereitis said:
For those that have played it, how does the shooting feel?
Great. Cover is a lot better and less clunky than GTA IV, though not quite as seamless-feeling as Gears or Uncharted. Still, completely consistent after getting accustomed to it and that means you should not be hold LT or L2 and then find your target if it isn't on-screen already...that takes too long and because of the acceleration effect, it will swing wildly unless care is taken to control your movement on the right stick. Turning to face and then kicking in the aim/targeting mode is the way...sort of like shooting from the hip after turning to face the threat.

As for the targeting feel, the normal (default) setting lets you lock on to people but only in a generic fashion that still asks you to fine tune the aim before firing if you want shots to hit more critical regions and not just target the cover they are using. It's basically a better-feeling version of the advanced aim mode in GTA IV. Expert is free aim with no auto-locking...and that's infinitely more satisfying, but more difficult...especially with the amount of foliage that can obscure, say, a bobcat about to pounce on your ass or for finding small critters on a desert floor littered with brush. Casual (easy) aiming is extraordinarily forgiving and locks straight to people in the way that the easier setting in GTA IV does. Can't say anything about multi as I haven't tried it yet.

Dead Eye is great...even more satisfying in Expert mode.

Can't get over good this game regularly and seemingly effortlessly looks with its draw distance and lighting (X360 version here). Amazing color (I jack up the color saturation in the display options for a Technicolor approximation.) and equally-amazing soundscape and soundtrack. Phenomenal production quality.


notjackbauer said:
Man it's really frustrating to play pass-the-controller with friends. I'm trying to walk the straight and narrow but any time they play they just start killing dogs, getting drunk and blowing heads off and eventually getting killed or thrown in jail.

That's why you make them have their own save files. :lol


notjackbauer said:
Man it's really frustrating to play pass-the-controller with friends. I'm trying to walk the straight and narrow but any time they play they just start killing dogs, getting drunk and blowing heads off and eventually getting killed or thrown in jail.

Your friends sound allllllllll right.
Whoompthereitis said:
For those that have played it, how does the shooting feel?
Much much better than the complete dogshit shooting, cover mechanics of GTA4.

FYI: Toronto people.. Gamecenter has a few copies left.

Darkman M said:
So is it better to install this game?(360)
Why are you even asking this? It always is better to install.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
How do you take down bounties alive? I shoot them in the leg, and the get up and start staggering away. If I shoot them in the leg again, they do the same. Third shot to the leg kills them.

I shot one in the leg then switched to fists, and I would just kick them to the ground over and over.


Anyone know if you need a gold account to download the Gamestop bonus content? I was able to download the soundtrack so I know I'm typing in the right code.
So for free roam multiplayer, is it the same basic idea as, say, Burnout: Paradise? I ask in the sense that I'm wondering if it'd be cool to play solo, as a sort of rogue/wanderer, or if that's pretty much out of the question.


Zeliard said:
Oh I definitely plan on playing both tonight. In fact, I've been considering how I'm going to balance the delicious trifecta of Red Dead, Alan Wake, and Lost tonight.

That's what you call one of them good problems.
lol, I've been so excited for this game I forgot about LOST.

I guess I'll play RDR when I get home at 6 until about 9:20, then watch lost on dvr so I can skip through the commercials.


Neo Member
Mayyhem said:
I got a code for some War-Horse or w/e. Should I activate it before I start the game? I'm thinking maybe it defeats the purpose of looking for good horses, etc when apparently its the best horse in the game. What you guys think? (btw is it SP or MP related?)

How do I know I have a good/better horse?
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