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Red Dead Redemption |OT| Whistling Morricone in the desert


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

oh R* ..
Well, there's plenty of bears in this game. There was I thinking they may be hard to find but I've found two areas around Tall Trees where I've killed around 6 in under 3 minutes. It's like there's a family of them wandering around.
The reality is they spawn way too quickly. I literally shot one, skinned it, looked up and there's another. Unfortunately they spawn so fast they will eventually kill you, particularly when they come in pairs! A bit silly really. I'd have preferred actually hunting them rather than having to defend against a small army of bears.
berserk_ftw said:
Damn these cougars, two of them were attacking me, first one killed my horse, second one me :(

Did anyone manage to kill those bastards with a knife for the Hunting Challenge? How is that even possible?

Shoot them a couple times in the body first, finish with knife.
Noisepurge said:
Shoot them a couple times in the body first, finish with knife.

I'll give it a try. Last time I tried to slow them down with shots in the legs, but this doesn't seem to affect their speed, like it does for humans :(

Rad- said:
Worst part about the game so far: no online poker. Seriously, I'd waste so much time playing poker against others.

Isn't it possible in Free Roam to play poker against each other? Didn't tried it yet, just guessing.


Label said:
I seem to be having troubles deciding if I want to be a good guy or bad guy, I often want to be bad, but my honour is fairly high at the moment. Ohh what to do! What are the differences between the two?

Can you miss out on stuff for being evil?
I don't see the point of being evil besides people just hating you more. The story portrays him a good person either way so it just doesn't make sense.

If you really want to go bad, just spend the day killing everyone in Thieves' Landing. The law doesn't apply there, but people will shoot back.
Does anybody happen to know if it's possible to fail a stranger mission and not have it come back? It says in my stats I've met 13 and helped 11 but I only have one more outstanding mission which when complete would take me up to 12/13. I know there are 18 all in but surely if I've met 13 there should be journal entries and purple circles or question marks on the map.

I'm this to bitch out and when I met all 18 it will say I've only helped 17.
Kylehimself said:
Does anybody happen to know if it's possible to fail a stranger mission and not have it come back? It says in my stats I've met 13 and helped 11 but I only have one more outstanding mission which when complete would take me up to 12/13. I know there are 18 all in but surely if I've met 13 there should be journal entries and purple circles or question marks on the map.

I'm this to bitch out and when I met all 18 it will say I've only helped 17.

I failed a stranger mission once, was marked "Failed", but after a while I was able to attempt it again.

Perhaps the open mission leads to the other stranger mission? Is this possible?
Is there anyway to get the DLC costumes and horse? also has anyone gor the Gentleman's Attire from rockstars social club? Mine refuses to show.
Revolutionary said:
Whoever goes for that 20 mission w/ one steed achievement: do NOT do a horsebreaking job in Chuparosa. The end of the job requires you to hitch the steed, unlike the one found in New Austin (forgot the name of the place - to the west w/ the rentable property), where you just lead the horse into a stable. Therefore, completing the job effectively removes your current steed and thus renders the achievement impossible unless you try again.
That's how I got fucked.

Wait, that achievement can become impossible to get? I did that horsebreaking challenge, and I'm going to be pissed off if it means I've been screwed out of an achievement. Why the fuck would they make that a secret achievement? I didn't even know about it until I read your post, and there's now the possibility that I can't get it.


Kylehimself said:
Does anybody happen to know if it's possible to fail a stranger mission and not have it come back? It says in my stats I've met 13 and helped 11 but I only have one more outstanding mission which when complete would take me up to 12/13. I know there are 18 all in but surely if I've met 13 there should be journal entries and purple circles or question marks on the map.

I'm this to bitch out and when I met all 18 it will say I've only helped 17.

Do not worry- they can all be re attempted if needed. Do you have
Aztec Gold
? oh wait- looks like you have a few left to go- they pop up after certain missions have been completed or when you are in the right area.

The bears can be real nasty when you use the knife. Did you know a wounded bear will run from you? Mine did and the damn wolves got me before I could finish my challenge. And they seem to always have friends...


magicaltrevor said:
Question for Xbox 360 players:

Are you able to join your friends' MP sessions, or is it - like in the PS3 version - invite only?

You can join through the guide button as long as there is room and it's a public game.


I've unlocked West Elisabeth 5 hours ago and hadn't done a single main mission up til now.

Now that I did the first one
on the Serendipity
I'm not at all interested in doing any more. :lol Doing hunting/gathering challenges and just riding around the world is so much more fun to me.

I'll have to start looking into the MP soon. Are there online only hunter's challenges like in MHTri?


Can anybody help me here, please?

I'm doing a gang hideout, solo. They seem to be some Mexican gang at Fort Mercer. I met the gunslinger by the wall and I was told to climb some boxes to infiltrate the place. So I climb up the boxes but I can't seem climb up the wall after that. I've tried around 20 times and I keep on falling down. Is this is a glitch? It's frustrating.


Haunted said:
I've unlocked West Elisabeth 5 hours ago and hadn't done a single main mission up til now.

Now that I did the first one
on the Serendipity
I'm not at all interested in doing any more. :lol Doing hunting/gathering challenges and just riding around the world is so much more fun to me.

I'll have to start looking into the MP soon. Are there online only hunter's challenges like in MHTri?

Do the other missions. The first one is kind of bland but the others are really good.

Also the MP has it's own sets of challenges. You unlock more as you level up too. They are similar to the SP but not quite the same.
Haunted said:
I've unlocked West Elisabeth 5 hours ago and hadn't done a single main mission up til now.

Now that I did the first one
on the Serendipity
I'm not at all interested in doing any more. :lol Doing hunting/gathering challenges and just riding around the world is so much more fun to me.

I'll have to start looking into the MP soon. Are there online only hunter's challenges like in MHTri?
I wouldn't give up on them yet, you're right at the point where the story really picks up, IMO.


Lakitu said:
Can anybody help me here, please?

I'm doing a gang hideout, solo. They seem to be some Mexican gang at Fort Mercer. I met the gunslinger by the wall and I was told to climb some boxes to infiltrate the place. So I climb up the boxes but I can't seem climb up the wall after that. I've tried around 20 times and I keep on falling down. Is this is a glitch? It's frustrating.

Move to the left a little and just jump. It should automatically climb over for you.


JambiBum said:
Do the other missions. The first one is kind of bland but the others are really good.

Also the MP has it's own sets of challenges. You unlock more as you level up too. They are similar to the SP but not quite the same.
Oh, I'll definitely do them... eventually. Good to know about the online challenges.


chandoog said:
On topic of localisation, they even bothered to translate the newspaper articles, pretty nice. Not the ads, though. Justify makes for some weirdly looking lines, but it's nice they went the extra mile.


JambiBum said:
Move to the left a little and just jump. It should automatically climb over for you.

Thanks, but I've just tried it, around 5 times and he still doesn't climb up. It has to be a glitch or something.


Oh, about the very end (super end game spoilers don't read if you haven't seen the credits roll, etc)
It felt so good to paint Ross with as many headshots as I could in that duel


Lakitu said:
Thanks, but I've just tried it, around 5 times and he still doesn't climb up. It has to be a glitch or something.

Can you take a picture or anything of where you're trying to jump at? I know in certain spots it won't let you climb over.


bunbun777 said:
Do not worry- they can all be re attempted if needed. Do you have
Aztec Gold
? oh wait- looks like you have a few left to go- they pop up after certain missions have been completed or when you are in the right area.

The bears can be real nasty when you use the knife. Did you know a wounded bear will run from you? Mine did and the damn wolves got me before I could finish my challenge. And they seem to always have friends...

I found out lasso's can stun a bear on the internet. The best way to tackle a bear like that is to wound him 8 times or so with the mauser pistol inthe abdomen then lasso him, knife once maybe twice, lasso again. then do that 3 more times and you should have him.

@lakitu have you tried running to the gunslinger? he's supposed to lift your foot up so you can get over.


Passing metallic gas
Im like 18 hours into the game and i STILL have no idea how the duels work..would be nice if they let you access the tutorials from one of the billion menus already in the game.


Thanks for the help guys. Turns out it was a glitch, I just blew myself up with dynamite and went back anyway, and it worked, first try.
Gr1mLock said:
Im like 18 hours into the game and i STILL have no idea how the duels work..would be nice if they let you access the tutorials from one of the billion menus already in the game.

I'm not really sure about being able to move your hand to draw with the right stick (I haven't noticed any difference), but I just hold the left trigger, and then you aim at various parts of their body, and press right bumper to paint markers on them. Time it so that the markers are white, as the shots then have a better chance of hitting. Press right trigger when you're ready; the red bar on the bottom right of the screen fills as you place markers (it fills faster if you place white markers, and slower if you place red ones). Just wait until it's pretty high.


Jtyettis said:
Played multi up to nearly 5 this morning. Addicting to say the least.

The only standard modes consistently bearable for me were Free for All and Hold Your Own on large areas of the world map, because of the auto-aim cover scanning so prevalent in the other modes. In FFA, the general chaos helps to prevent camping, and in Hold Your Own, at least I have an objective to pursue and a few safe routes throughout the map.

I tried the hardcore gang match playlist yesterday, and amazingly, it felt right!


Gr1mLock said:
Im like 18 hours into the game and i STILL have no idea how the duels work..would be nice if they let you access the tutorials from one of the billion menus already in the game.
Darkflight said:
I did the mission where you duel last night and I'm unsure how I actually completed it.

Push RS down, wait until the other guy draws, quickly press L2. You mark your shots with R1, time them so the crosshair is white when you mark and try to hit vital spots (head, heart). Better shots fill the bar on the right faster and whoever has the fuller bar at the end of bullet time shoots first.

If you don't want to kill your opponent, aim for his gun/gun hand instead (this is not possible in all story duels).
Haunted said:
Push RS down, wait until the other guy draws, quickly press L2. You mark your shots with R1, time them so the crosshair is white when you mark and try to hit vital spots (head, heart). Better shots fill the bar on the right faster and whoever has the fuller bar at the end of bullet time shoots first.
Oh, so that's how that works, thanks.
GullyJuice said:
That horse racing mission.

That motherfucking horse racing mission.

Which one? The only one, that I didn't liked, was the first with Bonnie, because two times in a row my horse ran to the right before the bridge, so that I died because of falling off the edge, and I never steered it in that direction.

But the kart race and the other race were not that bad, so I don't understand the whole thing that is going on here with it! Much better than the racing in GTA ^^


Holy crap! I got up close and personal with a bandit this weekend while wielding a Winchester repeater. I pressed R2, Marston got on his knees, pressed the repeater against the bandit's throat and pulled the trigger. Brains went flying, blood was squirting and the victim never made a sound. That, plus the fact that the camera panned around to give a close look at the action made it one of the best WTF OMG-moments in gaming history.


I dont get how Free Roam is supposed to be that fun. I guess I should try it with friends first, but every time I join a game its just people riding around shooting each other. I can't even make it to one of those challenges:(


I like how the game has very very limited connection to Revolver but otherwise independent, much like the loosely collected "Man With No Name" trilogy. But at the same time I'm not ready to leave Marston's world/story. So I hope we get some fleshed single-player DLC like GTAIV did and then a true sequel down the road to round out the trilogy.

Assuming the engine is up to spec by then, I'd like to see:

  • Fully custom outfits. I enjoy hunting down the scraps and completing a set but even better if you could build your own look out of different parts of clothing and customizations and then have the total outfits come together as a surprise (ala XMenLegends/UltimateAlliance combo powers/teamups).
  • Lose the manual skinning and looting. They took one step forward by allowing you to run over guns and pick them up... then decided to take two steps back by not only making looting require action and precise location but putting a ponderous animation in that you must suffer each and every time- quite literally- hundreds of times. It's simply not necessary and doesn't make the game better. The only excuse is if looting bodies had a moral or legal component to it such that deciding to be a vulture cost you in other ways, but the way it was setup, there's no reason not to loot every time (except for time/annoyance). I think the campsite fast-travel is similar. They did a great job allowing you to fast travel and save almost at will, but the enforcement of campsite is clunkly and not really necessary. I don't think forcing players to ride a few feet out of town adds much immersion and- if anything- just highlights the mechanic. You should be able to fast-travel/save at will, but only get to see/rest at a campsite with the limitations they had.
  • More, deeper melee combat. The gun executions are great, but it would be nice to have a buttstock strike as a non-lethal close in alternative (which knocks them unconscious with a headshot) with the same visceral feel, fluidity, and function of Left-4-Dead. A few too many times things crowd up real close on you and you're firing at weird camera angles that aren't flattering to the game. If you had a spacing move or KO move those would occur less. It'd be nice to see cavalry sabers, tomahawks, mine picks, push daggers, machetes, etc. as alternative melee weapons.
  • More archetypes to play as. Revolver let you play as a guns akimbo English shootist, mid range ranch woman, long range Buffalo Solider, heavy weapons Mexican general, and stealthy Indian Warrior along with Red. Granted, the game was linear allowing specific stages playing to the type's strength... but there's gotta be some way to open up the play style choice a little more. Redemption is almost all about the rifles and repeaters... it's harder to make a case for the shorter range weaponry.
  • After hitting 100% add a menu option to replay specific random encounters by choice. It is an awesome feature for missions and I love being able to pick whatever past missions I've played at will. Well some of the Stranger and Random encounters are almost as good and a pity to have to wait for the game to spawn them to enjoy them. Assuming there person's hit 100%, let them summon those scenarios at will. In a similar vein, allow people to replay tutorial missions (or aspects of tutorials) immediately and in-game (rather than relying on the mission menu) until they get a mechanic or explanation down. I feel a lot of players were lost for a bit on aspects of horse riding, Dead eye, dueling, cheating, etc. Just let them practice that thing, at will and without consequence, until they've got it.
  • Better character models/animation and direction/integration of cut-scenes. RDR is a gorgeous game but the character models- particularly in the face- and especially when animated for cut scenes have a eerie mannequin visage and marionette movements. Rockstar does a great job covering for it with compelling voice acting and story, but it plainly isn't as believable to look at as Uncharted or Mass Effect. Given the scope of RDR's games, it's understandable but this is my wishlist. If they cleared that gap so that anyone- in the same way nongamers could watch Uncharted as pure cinema- viewed everything without having to suspend disbelief or bridge a gap based on game mechanics... the game would be that much more successful.
  • Glitches. Lose the game breaking/reload requiring ones. :p I love finding some of the weird ones though.
Could think of more but stopping for now. This is a great game and hope it does well enough to justify its budget so that Rockstar keeps doing what its doing.
neorej said:
Holy crap! I got up close and personal with a bandit this weekend while wielding a Winchester repeater. I pressed R2, Marston got on his knees, pressed the repeater against the bandit's throat and pulled the trigger. Brains went flying, blood was squirting and the victim never made a sound. That, plus the fact that the camera panned around to give a close look at the action made it one of the best WTF OMG-moments in gaming history.

This! Happened to me yesterday, after getting up-close, the exact same reaction for me "WTF?!" So much win in this game.


Passing metallic gas
Ben & Haunted, thanks for the reply guys..I've literally been trying to figure it out for an hour and it was pissing me off to no end
Revolutionary said:
Whoever goes for that 20 mission w/ one steed achievement: do NOT do a horsebreaking job in Chuparosa. The end of the job requires you to hitch the steed, unlike the one found in New Austin (forgot the name of the place - to the west w/ the rentable property), where you just lead the horse into a stable.

It prompts you to hitch, but only because the hitching post is right in front of the orange mission marker. If you just walk the horse to the maker but don't hitch him you're fine. Just did it for the first time not 30 minutes ago.


phinious said:
I dont get how Free Roam is supposed to be that fun. I guess I should try it with friends first, but every time I join a game its just people riding around shooting each other. I can't even make it to one of those challenges:(

What I do is travel to a far away location, that way im uninterrupted.
berserk_ftw said:
Which one? The only one, that I didn't liked, was the first with Bonnie, because two times in a row my horse ran to the right before the bridge, so that I died because of falling off the edge, and I never steered it in that direction.

But the kart race and the other race were not that bad, so I don't understand the whole thing that is going on here with it! Much better than the racing in GTA ^^

The one with West Dickens.

Dear God. I thought rubber band logic was done away with 10 years ago. Only Rockstar.


phinious said:
I dont get how Free Roam is supposed to be that fun. I guess I should try it with friends first, but every time I join a game its just people riding around shooting each other. I can't even make it to one of those challenges:(

If it's bothering you that much, just start a private game under Multiplayer, level up a bit (get enough for 3rd horse), then come back in to public. You can easily get 2k+ at the Basin hideout next to Mcfarlens Ranch. Takes like 10-15 mins a go.
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