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Red Dead Redemption |OT| Whistling Morricone in the desert


Aspiring said:
It got boring and went on for too long. It started slow, got real good, and than with about 75% left just dragged on. Missions had no real variety and i hated dying and having to start from the start of a mission. Thats pretty much it. But it really killed me to finish, so much so that when i did i literally yelled "FUCK YES!" Took it out and never touched it since.

So really, how are the missions in this? Are they more varied?
Game Informer review said about being dragged out in the end(iirc) but the good news is, just like in ballad of gay tony, you have mid mission checkpoint this time around(also, you can replay beated missions)-- about the variety, it's supposed to be a bit more varie, but i wouldn't expect too much from the main story mission.
If you don't like wandering around in the planes feeling the vibe, if you are looking for a compelling singleplayer action packed, tight adventure(like, say Uncharted 2)i think this mght disappoint in that regard.

EDIT: I'll elabrate a second here:
IMO, people should NOT expect great story mission with awesome scripted sequences and shit like this, from RDR-- going in with this mentality is not productive.
What's great, is to experience the mood, let the world crwals on you, enjoy those casual generated moment like many preview describes, driven just by chance and AI.
Keeping this in mind, i'm pretty sure this game has the numbers to deliver pretty solidly.

As i said, just my opinion.


LabouredSubterfuge said:
Well it's an open-world game set in the west. It has shooting and cover mechanics. It's immersive and atmospheric. It has fleshed out, slightly quirky characters. You do story and side-quest missions at your leisure. I guess you could even say that cars are sort of replaced by horses.

But then you could play that comparison game with titles like BFBC 2 and MW 2 yet they are quite obviously different.

Tbh you need to specify what you disliked about GTA4. If you disliked it because you wanted jet-packs, gyms and rocket launchers then you may not enjoy RDR.

One above your post i did.

Gravijah said:
There are mid mission checkpoints, the setting is different. I've heard good things about the missions, but I haven't played the game, so.

Oh OK cool. The checkpoints will make it better. Maybe i will just wait it out a bit and see after the hype dies down. Thanks for the help guys. Will check back soon, and ask again about the missions once everybody has the game. Thanks again!

UrbanRats said:
Game Informer review said about being dragged out in the end(iirc) but the good news is, just like in ballad of gay tony, you have mid mission checkpoint this time around(also, you can replay beated missions)-- about the variety, it's supposed to be a bit more varie, but i wouldn't expect too much from the main story mission.
If you don't like wandering around in the planes feeling the vibe, if you are looking for a compelling singleplayer action packed, tight adventure(like, say Uncharted 2)i think this mght disappoint in that regard.

Arrgghh!!! What to do. This makes it honestly sound like its not for me, but it does look awesome!


@Aspiring: i've edited, just tried to explain myself better now :p
(lol, not being English, is not easy to go and explain a complex concept like that XD)
Will custom soundtracks on 360 work with this?
They work with anygame, iirc, so why shouldn't they? :)


Yeah, i knew what you meant though, your english was good :D

I do prefer a linear game like Uncharted or Gears to an open world game, but as i said i did enjoy GTA4. Its just a few things that bugged me like lack of variety in the missions, not checkpoints really hurt th egame IMO. And from the sounds of it, besides checkpoints, the game is still has not much variety. I dont know. I think for now i will just wait, and than come back when the hype dies down, and get some good gaf opinions. I mean the online modes sound freaking amazing, but i do love a good SP adventure.

Thanks for your help! See you soon, and sorry for derailing the thread. Its appreciated though!


Aspiring said:
Yeah, i knew what you meant though, your english was good :D

I do prefer a linear game like Uncharted or Gears to an open world game, but as i said i did enjoy GTA4. Its just a few things that bugged me like lack of variety in the missions, not checkpoints really hurt th egame IMO. And from the sounds of it, besides checkpoints, the game is still has not much variety. I dont know. I think for now i will just wait, and than come back when the hype dies down, and get some good gaf opinions. I mean the online modes sound freaking amazing, but i do love a good SP adventure.

Thanks for your help! See you soon, and sorry for derailing the thread. Its appreciated though!
No prob.
Also, waiting(if you're not sold as i am atm :lol)has no side effects, so it can be no harm. :p

They better. No point buying it if I can't listen to Morricone in the background (Revolver had some of his work).
I remember playing GUN with Morricone's soundtracks. :lol
Although i think i may turn down the music altogether, to get more immersion.
Aspiring said:
I do prefer a linear game like Uncharted or Gears to an open world game, but as i said i did enjoy GTA4. Its just a few things that bugged me like lack of variety in the missions, not checkpoints really hurt th egame IMO. And from the sounds of it, besides checkpoints, the game is still has not much variety.
Well there are those random generated events between a mission and another, so, by the sound of it, just going around the map should be more entertaining. One problem with GTA IV was that there was nothing to do in between missions, you just drove from a place to another (listening to Journey, as far as I'm concerned:p).
Also, we really still don't know much about the variety of the actual missions. Of course it's an open world game so a little bit of recycling is inevitable.

About the shooting controls on the Ps3.. yeah that sucks. I don't understand why any game would not give you total customization of the controls. Is it really that hard?:/
I definitely would like to know the resolution and ASAP in the nicest way. No way I'm biting if subhd and the 360 is not. No AA also concerns me quite a lot as does Gamespy because Wipeout HD was a joke for chat. Can you say hey hey hey hey?


Wasn't this thread title in all caps before or am I imagining things? Anyway, I might pick this up a few weeks after launch. I'll need to read some impressions first. I wasn't a fan of GTA IV in any sense and I don't know if the western theme will do anything for me, but i'm interested in playing a good open world game.


So like, why is Amazon.com advertising release day delivery on Red Dead Redemption's product page, but when you go through checkout the option is no where to be found? Are we being fucked with here?


Anyone know if the game supports custom soundtracks? I have 8 Ennio Morricone discs I would love to rip to my 360 if it does.


NYC peoples:

Word is that some places in Chinatown have the game up for sale (I assume J&L) already...can anyone verify this? Videogames New York was saying Saturday last time I spoke with them.


Jesus CHRIST at all this its GTA 4 in the West shit. FFS, relax and let's engage in some analysis here. Point by point on GTA 4 and RDR:

(Bear in mind, my criticisms are on what GTA 4 did wrong, it did do many things right)


What GTA 4 Did Wrong
- On the whole, Liberty City was modelled meticulously and was a very convincing rendition of an actual working city. The graphics fell down in two particular areas: shadow dithering and the color filter. Yes, it doesn't have AA, but most games this gen on the consoles don't. And I'm a PC gamer as well. I'll ding them that for the next gen. Now shadow dithering was not a 'large' stumbling block in the game for me but reared its ugly head from time to time. It seemed more prevalent on the PC, but perhaps that's my bias. The color filter was a much worse issue. It tended to mute and blend colors into one another, and create a hazy, foggy, yellowed out world that seemed more in place in San Andreas than Liberty City and every shadow was not black but gray. This is evident especially when you use the ENB series mods and correct the color filter in the game as it also muddied and covered up some brilliant texture work.

How is it in RDR - The shadow dithering is still in place, but it appears to have been diminished or shrunk so that cinematics tend to show it more with close-ups and such. The color filter though is probably the big improvement. An arid hot filter is precisely the one you want to use in a Western game (ala Fallout) and the world looks to be as meticulously modeled as Liberty City was, if not more. Godrays and bloom effects also look like they have been added and improved, respectively.


What GTA 4 Did Wrong
- Niko Bellic, oh, Rockstar. One of the most unsympathetic, uninspiring, and downright ugly main characters I have ever played. I only began identifying with the guy towards the end of the game, and that was on a limited basis. The supporting character list was not so bad, but still suffered from some cartoonish behavior amongst them. Brucie was clearly comic relief, but the whole Florian/Bernie Crane arc was downright idiotic on many levels. Sure, the mob guys tended to be cardboard cutouts, but the all seemed one prozac away from a mental home and barely stable to even work in a criminal underworld. Some of this was significantly improved on in the Episodes though with TLAD showing much more mature grounding, and TBOGT showing a lighter, funnier feel, but with things being more subtle. Both main characters in those Episodes were marked improvements over Niko.

How is it in RDR - Its too early for a full accounting, as the game is not released, but everything seen so far points to believable characters were oddities are meant for comic relief and main characters are meant to be taken seriously. Even comic relief such as the snake oil salesman seems grounded and would exist in the world. I don't know everything about John Marsten's past and motivations, but I can already say he's more inspiring to me than Niko Bellic and definitely better looking.


What GTA 4 Did Wrong
- Oh, this is where it hurt, didn't it. The cell phone calls from friends all the time. Had to answer or friendships got hurt. The distinct lack of diversions past the same actions you had to do with friends. Some of the minigames could have been fun if not forced to do them half the time. TBOGT improved on this a bit by adding the club features and some other minigames. The main game had only a replay feature for failed missions with no checkpoints. The Episodes both improved this with checkpoints added in TLAD and the mission scores and replay in TBOGT. Controlling Niko was a pain due to the responsiveness, but the cars handled decently and the gunplay was an improvement over previous games. Mission structures tended to get repetitive with fetch missions and then killing some people somewhere being predominant only switched up via location or the type of vehicle used.

How is it in RDR - Well, no cell phones so you don't have to worry about it unless friends use smoke signal or you carry around a telegraph with a very long wire on it. :lol The world is much, much larger, being three times the size of Liberty City. This could lead to the Oblivion problem of lot of open land with little to do, but it appears R* learned and is going the Fallout 3 path of random encounters with situations and NPCs. This is a dramatic change that is going to sneak up on people. In Liberty City you can get a small handful of optional missions from some people, but the City tends to be just a setting to look at and drive around in. This change gets you involved and provides real incentive to travel around and see other locations. No word on whether there will be mission scoring, but checkpoints and it appears replay is back.

Minigames, damn fool. Do I need to list them? And whats more, the minigames and diversion can win you money and items so it has a character incentive behind it. Want to spend 3 hours hunting game to enjoy riding a horse and gazing at the pretty world. Guess what, you can sell the meat, furs, etc. back for cold hard cash. Now that's a great diversion. Controls are still lacking in responsiveness due to the adherence to the Euphoria engine, but this sacrifice gives us a potent physics engine behind it. Last thing I'll hit on is morality in the game. No GTA game has done that, with you always playing the criminal. Now, you can play either a good or bad guy. That's a big change and will appeal to a lot more people who didn't like the codes some of the previous characters held themselves to.

Have I played the game yet. Nope. All of this is just analysis of what we know from R* and from impressions of players who have played it, but calling it GTA in the West I don't think is unfair given the type of game design and mission design used in their open world games. But calling it GTA 'IV' in the West is an inaccurate comparison at best, and I'll stand by that even before playing the game.

BTW, sorry for Wall of Text.

Dead Man

JoeBoy101 said:
Big post.
Not saying any of that is wrong, but you seem very certain of some things for someone who has not played the game.

I think you are also discounting some peoples legitimate concerns.


idahoblue said:
Not saying any of that is wrong, but you seem very certain of some things for someone who has not played the game.

I think you are also discounting some peoples legitimate concerns.

Where am I discounting them? I speak to the shadowing dithering still present and the control issues. I didn't get into the voice acting because I don't know otherwise. But if you want me to add in what might be issues or concerns unresolved, I'll be happy too.

My intention is not to say how awesome RDR is but to speak to the comparisons between GTA IV and RDR. I'm sorry, but the differences between the two make it an inapt comparison on its face.


JoeBoy101 said:
Niko Bellic, oh, Rockstar. One of the most unsympathetic, uninspiring, and downright ugly main characters I have ever played.
It seems that this problem was very tangible for all players in the US, however living between the Eastern and Western European states his persona makes perfect sense and feels very real.

I am not trying to dispute your point, simply saying that most average US players simply saw him as something completely alien.

Dead Man

JoeBoy101 said:
Where am I discounting them? I speak to the shadowing dithering still present and the control issues. I didn't get into the voice acting because I don't know otherwise. But if you want me to add it what might be issues or concerns unresolved, I'll be happy too.

My intention is not to say how awesome RDR is but to speak to the comparisons between GTA IV and RDR. I'm sorry, but the differences between the two make it an inapt comparison on its face.
Fair enough, but I think there are more similarities than differences from what I have seen so far. I dont think you failed to list any concerns, just that they may be more important for other people than they are for you, which is okay, but it does not mean they are wrong.

Anyway, I don't want to derail, and I hope the game is good, I will just be waiting a bit before grabbing it.


glaurung said:
It seems that this problem was very tangible for all players in the US, however living between the Eastern and Western European states his persona makes perfect sense and feels very real.

I am not trying to dispute your point, simply saying that most average US players simply saw him as something completely alien.

Actually, I really like the idea of an Eastern European character, but he just seemed very awkward to me. Perhaps your right in the lack of perspective. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Niko. I will say, once into the Ray B missions of the main game, I started warming to him more and more.

idahoblue said:
Fair enough, but I think there are more similarities than differences from what I have seen so far. I dont think you failed to list any concerns, just that they may be more important for other people than they are for you, which is okay, but it does not mean they are wrong.

Anyway, I don't want to derail, and I hope the game is good, I will just be waiting a bit before grabbing it.

Fair points all. I won't lie that the controls bugged the shit out of me from time to time, but mostly when on foot. Considering Marsten will be on foot more, the controls might be much more of an issue in this game than GTA IV or the episodes.

gravijah said:
I loved Niko. One of my favorite parts during GTAIV was when you had to
track down and kill/let go one of the people who set you up I think it was. After agonizing, I let him go, which lead to a pretty cool story moment and in my opinion was the "right" answer character wise over shooting him.

Darko Brevic probably?
I really liked that particular one myself due to how tough it would be to let him live, given what he had done.


glaurung said:
It seems that this problem was very tangible for all players in the US, however living between the Eastern and Western European states his persona makes perfect sense and feels very real.

I am not trying to dispute your point, simply saying that most average US players simply saw him as something completely alien.

I loved Niko. One of my favorite parts during GTAIV was
when you had to track down and kill/let go one of the people who set you up I think it was. After agonizing, I let him go, which lead to a pretty cool story moment and in my opinion was the "right" answer character wise over shooting him.


Good post Colonel.

glaurung said:
It seems that this problem was very tangible for all players in the US, however living between the Eastern and Western European states his persona makes perfect sense and feels very real.

I am not trying to dispute your point, simply saying that most average US players simply saw him as something completely alien.
Uhm, i agree on this.
Not that Niko was a stellar character, but still, didn't find it too far from reality.
More interesting than the previous ones in my regard, anyway.
I was wondering when the GTAIV hate would start to trickle in. Maybe I just missed it but it seems like it took longer than I expected.

The more Red Dead is GTAIV: Deadwood, the better.

Dude Abides

idahoblue said:
Not saying any of that is wrong, but you seem very certain of some things for someone who has not played the game.

I think you are also discounting some peoples legitimate concerns.

Yeah, I am rooting for this game to be great but that was largely speculation. You simply can't evaluate a big game like this based on trailers and short snippets of gameplay.
glaurung said:
It seems that this problem was very tangible for all players in the US, however living between the Eastern and Western European states his persona makes perfect sense and feels very real.

I am not trying to dispute your point, simply saying that most average US players simply saw him as something completely alien.

Yeah totally agree. I quite enjoyed Niko as a character and felt I understood where his foibles eminated from.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
oh snap! I forgot RDR ran on euphoria, sweeeeeeet. That was one of the best things about GTA4
Gravijah said:
GAF collectively let the hype get to them, as they do with every fucking game.

That was like I think literally years ago. There's more to it with GTAIV. When the exclusive DLC was announced, when they transcribed idiotic review hyperbole to Rockstar themselves, there are a lot of people who have it out for the game probably for life.


Me? I fucking loved it. Oscar-worthy? The cutscenes were better than a whole lot of shitty movies that have actually won Oscars. So if that level of storytelling is apparent in RDR, but in a Deadwood universe? I am beyond sold.


Dude Abides said:
Yeah, I am rooting for this game to be great but that was largely speculation. You simply can't evaluate a big game like this based on trailers and short snippets of gameplay.

I'm not evaluating it though on its merits or flaws. I'm evaluating the comparisons between it and GTA IV. Is it premature, perhaps. But given all that I've seen, heard, and read, it just doesn't seem to hold up.

I may still not like RDR though. I hope I do, and I'm very hopeful I will.


UrbanRats said:
As i said, every single game on 360 does.
Awesome! I've never actually used the feature on 360. So the music plays in the background but all the game sounds are still audible?

I thought GTA IV was utter garbage, personally. In a Western universe, however, it is going to be nearly impossible for me to get bored.
chandoog said:

I don't get GAF's GTA IV hate, the game is fucking awesome, that's that.
Well, I just don't like mafia, gangster, etc type games. I really don't care for modern looks at that life. So yeah, GTA4 sucked for me.

I enjoyed Mafia, though. The early 1900s is a cool backdrop.


I see RDR- GTAIV ending up like Oblivion-Fallout3.

Very similarly structured games by the same studio. Fallout got a lot of "Oblivion with guns" hate, where RDR gets GTA: Wild West edition concerns.
Some people love both, some only love one, some hate both.

I enjoyed the exploration aspect of Fallout 3, and early reports point toward RDR having fun exploration and encounters as well. I appreciate the fact RDR is not going to mark random encounters on my map (according to previews).


Foxtastical said:
Well, I just don't like mafia, gangster, etc type games. I really don't care for modern looks at that life. So yeah, GTA4 sucked for me.

I enjoyed Mafia, though. The early 1900s is a cool backdrop.

Not liking a game for reasons like that is fine. But the hate GTAIV gets on GAF is astronomical.


I feel it´s time to do the John Wayne dance..



Flib said:
NYC peoples:

Word is that some places in Chinatown have the game up for sale (I assume J&L) already...can anyone verify this? Videogames New York was saying Saturday last time I spoke with them.

Rockstar was untouchable till GTAIV. It was a good game, but questionable reviews and many bad design decisions have diminished their former glory a little bit. Lets hope for a redeem with RdR.
I'm not going to discredit anyone's concerns with this game, especially if they are pondering spending hard earned money on something. I really just wish there was no multi console releases any more. Maybe I'm in the minority but I feel like gaming is not as fun any more for a lot of people based on some of the comments.


I still can't believe how many people here hated GTAIV. It was flawed, and many of you know the flaws, but for me it's easy to look them past in light of its strengths. Like... one of the absolute best multiplayer experiences available (ranking up there with Tribes 2 and Team Fotress 2 for me) that allows you to create your own gameplay modes with friends whether through the game settings or agreed upon rules. A beautiful fleshed-out world with unrivaled object and animation physics that created one of the most atmospheric games I've played (as memorable to me as System Shock 2 and Thief).

I do have to disagree with the majority on GAF on the controls and player physics. I love the feeling of weight to the character that made him feel grounded in the world. Aside from Uncharted 2 and various Mario games I've never played a game that made me feel so connected to the environment. The only aspect of the controls I've wanted to change was to allow you to pop out of cover and aim without automatically shooting.

Anyway, I tend to not get annoyed by what forum goers think about games anymore... but the way GAF treats GTAIV really rubs me the wrong way. Actually, I think I already posted a rant or two on the subject already. But what gets me is that, in my opinion, people on GAF tend to hate on GTAIV by way of a combination of timing, community hive-mind tendencies, competitive hardcore gamer needs, and the pressure for gaffers to differentiate themselves from other forums. And that bugs me.

I've been pumped for RDR since the first talk of it being made. I'm a huge fan of the western genre and rockstar is one of the most capable developers around to honor this era in american history in game form.
Flib said:

Considering NY-based game developer Rockstar shut down all streams that were mentioned in this thread, this probably isn't the best arena for this conversation.

Especially if it keeps me from getting the game early.

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