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Replaying Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem


In had nothing to do so I started my second time through the game. I chose the green artifact this time (I took blue first time) and just finished Karim's chapter. I really, really love this game. I rank it as one of the best games I've ever played. Everything about just feels so good. The graphic is okay, the music is superb and the atmosphere is flawless - not to mention the story. Wow oh wow.

Btw, can anyone host some songs from the game? All I have is one silly midi :(
I played through Eternal Darkness four times...Such a great game. I had heard that Silicon Knights should be announcing a new project soon...Anyone have any info?


Why do people complain about dark games. First I'm fairly sure ED had brightness setting. Second I've never seen a TV that didn't.

I enjoyed ED got a little dragged out near the end but worth the money spent. I traded it in and have considered grabing it out of the bargin bin.


ToyMachine228 said:
I played through Eternal Darkness four times...Such a great game. I had heard that Silicon Knights should be announcing a new project soon...Anyone have any info?
4 times? Shit, that's very good! I usually don't replay games unless I really like 'em (doh :p).

So is that special ending worthit?


I played through ED three times right in a row.

The "special ending" isn't worth a whole hell of a lot, but playing through the game three times was worth it in and of itself.


ToyMachine228 said:
I played through Eternal Darkness four times...Such a great game. I had heard that Silicon Knights should be announcing a new project soon...Anyone have any info?

There is isn't much info about that. Someone here on the GAF said they emailed Denis and he said Nintendo fans would be very happy. That's about a vague as you can get. They only thing that is semi clear is that there's still close relationship between SK and Nintendo.


Wario64 said:
I'll never understand why this game gets so much praise...
C'mon Wario! You usually have good taste, how come it lacks with ED? Give it a try again. It's really good. Especially if you like ancient history and good story :)
Well the rumor that SK was teamed with Sega was shot down...

But the next thing that I had heard was that Silicon Knights was holding a press conference this summer, to announce their future plans. And Nintendo-based sites, had been invited.


Looking for Pants
I loved the game. I went through it 3 times to get the really boring special ending. I was disappointed in it, but the game was great.

I'm happy that it wasn't too much of a chore to go through the game multiple times. I got to the point where I could blaze through it in few hours or so. However, there were a couple stages that were reptitive.


I love atmospheric, dark, story-driven games, so I love this one. One of the best games ever IMO.

Deepthroat, you should be able to find the mp3s on Soulseek.


Deepthroat said:
In had nothing to do so I started my second time through the game. I chose the green artifact this time...

Xelototh was my favorite god(dess). Great voice acting, and her "split personality" and mind-fuck powers seemed to fit best within the story.


I liked this game. It had a feeling of Indiana Jonesy adventure that a lot of games lack. Mostly the Cambodian levels, of course, but I felt it was present in the others too. I ended up beating it all three (or was it four total?) times to get the best ending and all that. So I guess I liked it well enough.

It was, however, very long-winded and the two underground city levels were just pure pain to play through. The dialogue could get pretty pretentious too. Even the scarred, 5 o' clock shadow-sporting NYC detective spoke like he was Shakespeare. Dunno about that one...

And last, but not least: Anyone that praises the story has to read some H.P. Lovecraft and then come back and try to say it again. Specifically the short story "The Rats in the Walls" will be of interest to ED fans. (Yeah, I'm saying it's a pretty big ripoff, story-wise.)


I want Eternal Mode. That'd be perfect.

This time I'll try to get every Spell. I missed one or two the first time I played it through. Oh and it's great the game supports 16:9! It looks great!

Kon Tiki


01. The Last Hope
02. The Chosen
03. Snake Princess
04. The Gift of Forever
05. Ram Dao
06. Black Rose
07. Sanity's Requiem
08. A Journey into Darkness
09. The Penitent
10. The Somme
11. A War to End All Wars
12. Ashes to Ashes
13. Gateway to Destiny
14. A Purpose

I have it, pretty good too. :)


Society: Heh, you little teaser there ;)

Do you have MSN? I can trade the OST with a soundtrack I have. How about it? :p


Queen of Denmark
Great game. I never understood the hate it got around these parts (much like some of you never understood what the fuss was about ;)).


Looking for Pants
Temujin said:
By the way, what's everyone's favorite chapter? I think I like Peter Jacob's most, I just love the Amiens Cathedral setting. This chapter just gives me the creeps, especially in the beginning.

I like Michael's Chapter. It was just fun to play with the more modern weapons. It was a nice change of pace to be able to tear through the enemies.


Temujin said:
By the way, what's everyone's favorite chapter? I think I like Peter Jacob's most, I just love the Amiens Cathedral setting. This chapter just gives me the creeps, especially in the beginning.

I strongly disliked this game, but Peter's Cathedral level was my favorite, although the puzzle was lame. The battle in the background is especially sweet with a decent home theater set up.


Steroid Distributor
i picked up ED due to gaming-age hype. And although I enjoyed it I felt it was way too simple. I never ever felt challenged during the combat and the puzzles never got mentally challenging. I'm sure there was stuff that I missed. But the game was nothing special to me at all.
All I did was hack of the enemies heads and then kill them one by one. I liked the game, the setting was cool and I enjoyed the story. But the combat was far too easy to add any suspense. Silent Hill is still the survival horror king. No doubt.


ToyMachine228 said:
I'll come right out and say it...Does anyone know what SK is working on right now?
I wanna know too :(

I like Michael's Chapter.
IAWP ^_^

It was such awesome atmosphere running around in that Cathedral and hearing the war going on outside. Totally brilliant by SK.


Truelize said:
i picked up ED due to gaming-age hype. And although I enjoyed it I felt it was way too simple. I never ever felt challenged during the combat and the puzzles never got mentally challenging. I'm sure there was stuff that I missed. But the game was nothing special to me at all.
All I did was hack of the enemies heads and then kill them one by one. I liked the game, the setting was cool and I enjoyed the story. But the combat was far too easy to add any suspense. Silent Hill is still the survival horror king. No doubt.

Yup. The puzzles would have been clever if they didn't beat you over the head with the answer most of the time. More often than not, they'd write down the runes that made up the spell you'd need to solve the puzzle right on the puzzle itself (the "teleport the block" one comes to mind), and while the rock-paper-scissors element of the three colors was interesting at first, it got run into the ground pretty badly by the end.

The fact that the game had one of the most anticlimactic final bosses I've ever seen didn't help much, either.


I still go back and play ED to this day, and I really wished that SK had done something else other than that useless MGS remake for their final Nintendo collaberation.

It has been a very long time now since anything out of SK has been heard (April I believe, when the split with Nintendo was announced), so I too am now curious as to what they have been doing all this time.

Last I heard was from Matt C. saying that SK would announce their future multiplatform plans sometime this summer. Well, if thats the case, then it shouldn't be too long now since summer's only got a little over a month left.


I'm playing it for the first time. I recently willed myself to beat my console games, got metroid prime done over the weekend, now I'm working through ED. I'm right after the 1700s guy with the 2 flintock pistols and fat ass.

Does the game change on whatever artifact you choose? I chose the green one, but is it actually work replaying?


SKluck said:
I'm playing it for the first time. I recently willed myself to beat my console games, got metroid prime done over the weekend, now I'm working through ED. I'm right after the 1700s guy with the 2 flintock pistols and fat ass.

Does the game change on whatever artifact you choose? I chose the green one, but is it actually work replaying?

Endings are different, but very slightly. If you choose all three you get the final uber ending which sucks.


Steroid Distributor
I'm definely not a hater but I was expecting more variety in the insanity effects. I do admit though that the first couple I saw totally had me.
I was like WTF? There is no second disc. :D


Sucks at viral marketing
Truelize said:
I'm definely not a hater but I was expecting more variety in the insanity effects. I do admit though that the first couple I saw totally had me.
I was like WTF? There is no second disc. :D
My brother was caught by the cockroach one. He started throwing things at the TV. He was watching me play and had no idea things like that were in the game.

I'v never gotten the second disc effect. I've also never gotten the erased memory card. I did get a real disc error once and sat there for a couple minutes, thinking it was just an insanty effect.


The final ending doesn't suck, it's just very short. It basically throws in a major plot twist to the plot of the game, and that twist is actually really cool. But if you don't like the gameplay mechanics, going through it 3 times is a bit of a chore. Better someone just tell you the ending (though I suggest everyone go through the x'ellotath chapter at least once, I love that god's personality)

The main differences with the game when you choose a different chapter are kinda small. Every cutscene that has a god communicating to Pious in it is different, although similar, and there is one enemy that's unique to each one. The rest of the enemies are a different color, and they have minor differences.


Wario64 said:
I'll never understand why this game gets so much praise...

I agree. Even though I can see traces of what some people might've liked in the game, I don't like those traces myself. I didn't care too much about the story either, to be honest.


trippingmartian said:
Favourite original franchise this generation. :rock

I thought it belonged to the N64 generation?
Well OK, I didn't, but I couldn't resist typing it anyway.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I've been in way too many arguments on these boards about this game to get involved again.

Suffice to say, I think the game is pretty worthless.
Dan said:
I've been in way too many arguments on these boards about this game to get involved again.

Suffice to say, I think the game is pretty worthless.
Says the guy with the Grim Fandango avatar, which can hardly be called a game. ;)


It wasnt that bad, but i do think its a bit overrated. I never finished(got to last chapter) but I liked some of the stories and chapters. The one with the WW2 journalist/whatever(or was it WW1), whatever, that was a cool level.

However, putting the OICW in 1991(first working protype wasnt ready untill 1997) really pissed me off considering the game, at least I imagine, prides itself on some kinda historical accurate or whatnot setting. LOL! Silicon Knights screwed up LOL!


I just use the recover sanity spell when I am low. So I don't really see many effects. I did get the lower volume one, blood dripping from ceiling is common, weird pictures/statues, and the footsteps/knocks on door.
Game was ok. Awesome soundtrack and atmosphere but the gameplay was a little bland.

Does anyone remember Dyack hyping a feature to do with the ability to create your own custom spells that even the developers of the game might not discover? Something along those lines...
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