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Rumor: Sony PSP2 Arriving In 2010, Features PowerVR SGX543 Graphics Chip

zoku88 said:
I also hope that get rid of UMD. What an awful format. Day and date digital releases for every title too.

(Also, I hope it comes out in 2011...)
I learned just how awful UMD was when I re-purchased some games digitally. Mana Khemia for an example, had beyond awful load times and lag with the UMD. As a digital download, the lag mostly went away and the load times were fast. It makes me want to translate my entire UMD collection to DD. It's also why I'm taking a loss just to get DD versions of games (they run so much better IMO).

I can't say I'm a fan of cartridges also because they can get pricey if you need a lot of memory, and you still have to swap them. But one thing I do hope Sony does (if possible) is give the discs their own unique serial number, where once its activated, it ties to your PSP or download list only (basically, a way to prevent people from selling it or trading. I dunno, hard to explain, but I'd like something to make all digital work).
igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:
I have a question...
Alright so people always say "You can't have DD only you gotta keep retail happy", and I can't see why retail can't get involved. Is there any reason why you couldn't go into a gaming store, pay for a game then have it saved to your memory card or straight to the handheld?
Only way retail might work is by selling game cards, like SCEA does at Best Buy.
I hope so. It would be awesome if the PSP Go was just one big experiment to see what would fly for the real PSP2. I hope we provided good data by not buying it and complaining about how they handled it.


GTX 260 power on a handheld? Holy shit...
PSP2 would destroy even PS3/360. :lol
I don't want to imagine how much this thing is gonna cost..

Dual analog or bust


igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:
I can't help but think that the goal of the Go was to get people warmed up to the idea of a DD only handheld

I'm not just warmed up but positively hot on the idea of DD.

Show me the games, get big retailers involved so that we have price competition to reduce prices (such as Amazon) and, oh, reduce the price of the Go.
Linkzg said:
I hope so. It would be awesome if the PSP Go was just one big experiment to see what would fly for the real PSP2. I hope we provided good data by not buying it and complaining about how they handled it.
Baby steps, if they decide to stick with they will be walking within a year. By not buying it/complaining about pricing/complaining about online setup = very good data.

M.I.S. said:
I'm not just warmed up but positively hot on the idea of DD.

Show me the games, get big retailers involved so that we have price competition to reduce prices (such as Amazon) and, oh, reduce the price of the Go.
Haven't Sony been selling DD games through Amazon lately? Like I said baby steps, surely big retail is on the agenda.


careful said:
GTX 260 power on a handheld? Holy shit...
PSP2 would destroy even PS3/360. :lol
I don't want to imagine how much this thing is gonna cost..

Dual analog or bust
:lol with Sony's and MS' next-generation consoles apparently hitting 2012+... a handheld outdoing the HD consoles in power for ~2 years. Hilarious thought.

will never happen
I want the choice to buy a disk/cartdrige and be able to copy over the data from that disk onto the system. Or you can download games without a disk. Or you can just play directly from the disk/cartdrige.

It makes sense to be DD only because you don't want to be carrying round lots of disks with you along with your portable system.

I just think a lot of "casual gaming" consumers such as mum's buying for their 7 year olds cannot understand how DD works. It's not something that is advertised in that sort of market.


When I look at the PSP, the last thing I think it needs is better graphics. Don't get me wrong, better graphics are always nice....but in a portable esp, it is about the games, offering a unique experience, well suited to the mobile platform. Games need to be inexpensive and preferably easy to get. High end gfx cost more to make, reduce chances of experimental and unique games.

The DS should have beaten this into Sony's heads....
Haunted said:
:lol with Sony's and MS' next-generation consoles apparently hitting 2012+... a handheld outdoing the HD consoles in power for ~2 years. Hilarious thought.

will never happen

My exact thought. Gamecube graphics, meh, maybe.


careful said:
GTX 260 power on a handheld? Holy shit...
PSP2 would destroy even PS3/360. :lol
I don't want to imagine how much this thing is gonna cost..

Dual analog or bust
Haunted said:
:lol with Sony's and MS' next-generation consoles apparently hitting 2012+... a handheld outdoing the HD consoles in power for ~2 years. Hilarious thought.

will never happen
Yeah I doubt they would actually use an 8 core SGX 543. Even the original rumor states that they think four is far more likely. There is also the option of less than that even.


Still Alive
Vorador said:
2010? Too early with the PSP Go still fresh. I call BS.
Really? Only skimmed through but they didn't say when in 2010, did they? I can possibly see this releasing in late 2010, and easily see it coming out in the FY 2010.
I could see it happening, though I don't know how wise it is. The revenues they get from sale of psp hardware have to be fairly nice in light of the ps3 business (though it is getting a lot better with the slim now). Also, I firmly believe (like others) that the GO is simply a testing grounds for form-factor, content delivery, and retail participation... that and an easy way to get suckers to pay $250 for something cause it's new and shiny, so I'm sure they like any sale they get from a GO.
Haunted said:
:lol with Sony's and MS' next-generation consoles apparently hitting 2012+... a handheld outdoing the HD consoles in power for ~2 years. Hilarious thought.

will never happen
No chance you see a new Sony console in 2012.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Witchfinder General said:
Sooo, anyone want to post pics of games that would look comparable to the specs in the article for us non-tech plebs?

Vorador said:
2010? Too early with the PSP Go still fresh. I call BS.

Why? the closest comparison to the PSP go is the Gameboy Micro. The Gameboy Micro was released after the DS with the purpose of being a much more portable version of an existing system (the GBA). Granted, the Micro was a failure (even though it is an awesome piece of hardware). Maybe we'll soon see if there is another link between the Micro and Go.


red shoe paul said:
My exact thought. Gamecube graphics, meh, maybe.
I'm 99% certain that PSP2 will have >>GC graphics when it materializes. The GPU will probably be beyond the HD consoles' in features, but somewhat weaker in performance.
Either that or it is the rumored PSP 4000 coming out in 2010.

With the way Go is being handled, it doesn't seem like Sony had much confidence in the thing at all. I wouldn't doubt that it probably was just a scheme to put off the PSP2's release for a couple of years and in the meantime, see how viable a DD only handheld is. Sounds ridiculous but it isn't like Sony dropped the ball with the Go, they dropped the ball and don't really seem bothered in picking it back up again. Either the 4000 is coming out next year or they're just that confident that the PSP2 announcement they will probably make next year will make consumers forget about the Go and renew their faith in the PSP.

I think the PSP2 will come out late 2011 in Japan and 2012 elsewhere. Features to integrate heavily with the PS4 coming out either in 2012 or 2013.
If it's all comparable, I can see it getting close to what's expected on PS3/360. I mean, most PS3/360 games attempt to reach 1280 x 720 as the standard (many don't) while the current PSP screen res is 480 x 272 (same as Zune HD; 480 x 320 for iphone). Unless they plan for full HD out for games, it's going to have the benefit of running at a much lower resolution. Doubt they will really bother making the screen on the device itself much higher resolution, especially if it's still a 4.3 inch screen (or 3.8 on the Go).


dont mind me, i'll just carry a 6 cell battery that weights 1lb with me that gives my psp2 4 hours of battery life


Post Count: 9999
J-Rzez said:
I just hope they learned what people want, and how to do it. Go! was sent to die when it was unveiled with it's features, and more importantly it's price. Want to go the DD route on a portable? Fine. But at least make the thing pleasing to look at, hold, and use.

Have you used one? The majority of people that have used both prefer the Go on all levels.


I like how they consider the Tegra-DS2 already a done deal. :lol

Considering the lifespan of earlier handheld gaming devices, a realease of both the DS and PSP next year would actually make sense. Considering the present market, however, I don't really see it happen.
BSN said:
When it comes to Sony PlayStation Portable Gen2, selecting PowerVR was the right way to go and since the company unofficially stated [but officially acted] that they don't give a darn about backwards compatibility [take a look at PlayStation 1-2-3 and PSP-PSP Go], programmers will just have to get used to utilizing the ARM core and PowerVR SGX graphics to the max.

Digital Distribution only. A large catalog of downloadable PS1, PS2, and PSP titles. TV Out. Connectivity with the PS4. A second analog stick, touch screen, and a folding design similar to PSP Go.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Sounds great, at long as it has 8x FSAA and runs 60 fps on an OLED screen.

Realistically, I don't think it will happen, unless this GPU eats a small amount of electricity so that my PSP2 wont die every 3 hours.


Durante said:
I'm 99% certain that PSP2 will have >>GC graphics when it materializes. The GPU will probably be beyond the HD consoles' in features, but somewhat weaker in performance.

Wouldn't be surprise if the PSP2 is more powerful than the Xbox and Wii. I mean the PSP it's about what 90% close to the PS2 graphics and that's with the PSP being release 5 years ago. So it will take about a 20-25% graphical jump to meet/surpass Xbox/Wii, I see that being doable.


The specs sound interesting.. I think it's only logical to expect that you'll get more bang for your buck on the performance of the chips for the amount of power being used. Or to put it another way.. i can't imagine Sony making another system that has a shorter battery life than the original PSP.

Honestly, I think the next thing that'll most dictate a new handheld form Sony is being able to use OLED in it. Unless of course that technology is too far away form being cost effective.. but given that the Zune HD has one I can't imagine we're that far off. Besides.. we all know MS is (probably) going to start pushing the ZuneHD as a game device at some point, right? Sony isn't as lame as we all think. They know what's at stake and they aren't the types to be beat out on having the sexiest device out there.
mrWalrus said:
The specs sound interesting.. I think it's only logical to expect that you'll get more bang for your buck on the performance of the chips for the amount of power being used. Or to put it another way.. i can't imagine Sony making another system that has a shorter battery life than the original PSP.

Honestly, I think the next thing that'll most dictate a new handheld form Sony is being able to use OLED in it. Unless of course that technology is too far away form being cost effective.. but given that the Zune HD has one I can't imagine we're that far off. Besides.. we all know MS is, probably, going to start pushing the ZuneHD as a game device at some point, right? Sony isn't as lame as we all think. They know what's at stake and they aren't the types to be beat out on having the sexiest device out there.

Plenty of mobile devices, including some from Sony, are already using OLED displays. I would be surprised if psp2 didn't have one. DS2 will probably stick to LCD though.
The next generation of handhelds excites me much more than the next generation of consoles. I can't wait to see what kinds of graphics, features, and et cetera will be in Sony's and Nintendo's new handhelds.

K' Dash said:
>= $200 and I'll be there day -1
Umm... you may want to look that over...


J-Rzez said:
I just hope they learned what people want, and how to do it. Go! was sent to die when it was unveiled with it's features, and more importantly it's price. Want to go the DD route on a portable? Fine. But at least make the thing pleasing to look at, hold, and use.
The Best Buy close to my job seems to be selling them pretty damn fast so who knows it is the holiday season. Consumers with credit cards are scary.
If this is true I will only buy if it's DD only and if PSP DD games are playable on it. In this day and age there's no reason why a mobile device should have to rely on physical media when we have digital distribution. I don't want my handheld being larger than it needs to be and I don't want to carry my games around with me.

The Go is an awesome device that I want but hearing about this rumor has me hesitant to purchase now...

I say they should release two SKUs, a smaller Go-like DD only model and one with an <insert Sony proprietary drive name here>.


As a satisfied Go customer, this doesn't bother me.

As long as there is no UMD in this new system, I'll buy it.


H_Prestige said:
Plenty of mobile devices, including some from Sony, are already using OLED displays. I would be surprised if psp2 didn't have one. DS2 will probably stick to LCD though.
Exactly. I don't see how Sony can afford to NOT release in late 2010. That said, they better have some games ready :lol


BSN has an iffy track record. Until more sources start popping up I can't really believe this.

I think Sony would want to release its next-gen portable a few months before (or after) the PS4 is released. And seeing as new consoles aren't expected until 2012, 2010 is a bit of an unrealistic release date.
:lol Sorry, but I find the idea of a PSP2 next year about as likely as WiiHD and Xbox 720 also launching in 2010.

Could I see Sony doing hedge-bet contracting for graphics chips like everyone else? Sure. Could it even be a call to start trial-run manufacturing for prototypes? Sure. But there's just reason to ship a new handheld right now that blows away their old customer base.
Dra-Q said:
Even without the PSP2, the Go is dead. But thank God I waited with my PSP purchase, Gamecube graphics on my PSP2? Fuck yeah :D

Monster Hunter Portable 3 as launch-titel in winter 2010

If they really do go with a quad core SGX543 @ 400mhz it'll have graphics way in excess of the Gamecube.
HiResDes said:
Yeah I agree, 2012 would seem more plausible.

They're not going to launch it the same year they push out a new home console. It has to be either 2010 or 2011. The PSP will be six years old next year, that doesn't sound like a rushed launch to me.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I believe every Sony related rumor I see now when it comes to hardware.

PSP Go, PSP 3000, PS3 Slim, various PS3 SKU's

All spot on.

No one knows what the industry will be like in 6 months, so this is entirely plausible.

Bet that it will be backwards compatible for sure.
Black_Ice said:
I believe every Sony related rumor I see now when it comes to hardware.

PSP Go, PSP 3000, PS3 Slim, various PS3 SKU's

All spot on.

No one knows what the industry will be like in 6 months, so this is entirely plausible.

Bet that it will be backwards compatible for sure.

Not a chance, the hardware they're using makes it pretty much impossible.
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