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Rumor: Sony PSP2 Arriving In 2010, Features PowerVR SGX543 Graphics Chip

graphics shmackicks...i mean, seriously. we saw what getting "ps2 games" on psp did for the console...if sony relies solely on graphics we'll get...what....ps2.5?

sony needs to come with some innovative platform shit. when psp came out i LOVED that thing. but man has the game changed. psp is some silly shit to me now. it's the things i can't even think about that excite me about game hardware. if sony's like, "look! we got graphics smackicks, a mic, touch screen and psn store integration on the dashboard!" i am out.


Black_Ice said:
I believe every Sony related rumor I see now when it comes to hardware.

PSP Go, PSP 3000, PS3 Slim, various PS3 SKU's

All spot on.

No one knows what the industry will be like in 6 months, so this is entirely plausible.

Bet that it will be backwards compatible for sure.

Yeah just like the 360 and PlayStation 3... wait uhh...

but yeah, they will shoot themselfs in the foot if they don't


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
H_Prestige said:
Plenty of mobile devices, including some from Sony, are already using OLED displays. I would be surprised if psp2 didn't have one. DS2 will probably stick to LCD though.

OLEDs are horrible outdoors though, it's like the original GBA (no backlight.)

Though if this really is still pushing the "console in your pocket" angle, then maybe people won't play it outdoors as much.


Will Eat Your Children
itsgreen said:
Yeah just like the 360 and PlayStation 3... wait uhh...

but yeah, they will shoot themselfs in the foot if they don't
I just played some FFXII on my PS3 last night

It was soooo good


Teetris said:
I just played some FFXII on my PS3 last night

It was soooo good

Ah cool maybe I should buy a PS3 slim and... oh wait...

Damn sorry, too easy, but I think we can all agree that backcompat is damn shitty this gen on 360 and PS3. Wii is good, but ducttape etc etc
Nirolak said:
Unfortunately it's very hard to tell without having all the hardware specs to simulate it with. We also aren't entirely sure how many cores they're talking about here, which makes a huge difference as well. If I had to make an estimate based on this though, I would say something like PSP::pS2, PSP2::pS3. The console is obviously quite a bit more powerful, but the portable still looks quite nice relative to it.

A lot depends on the display resolution as well. 800x480 displays seem to becoming popular in the mobile space and if the device is going to have TV out and support HD video it would make a lot of sense.

So basically, there's a lot of variables here, which will all have a huge impact on performance, there's clock speed to consider as well. A dual core 200mhz SGX and a 800x480 screen would still produce some nice results, but a 400mhz quad core SGX @ 480x272 and PS3/360 ports would likely be common as long as there's 256MB of RAM or more.


Junior Member
Quasar said:
So how does this chip compare to the Tegra/Tegra2?
The problem that we don't have a detail of next gen Tegra.

Tegra APX can achieve:
- Over 40M triangles/sec
- Up to 600M pixels/sec
- Texture 240M pixels/sec
Run Quake 3 Arena
- 45+ fps WVGA (800 x 480)
- 8x Aniso Texture Filtering
- 5x Coverage Sampling AA
I think it is oldest Tegra, there is 600 and 650 on the market but couldn't find more info on those.

PowerVR SGX543
	                   SGX520 SGX545 SGX543 SP SGX543 DP SGX543 QP
Die size (sqm)	            2,6	  12,5	 8	   16 	     32
Mtri/sec	            7	  40	 35	   70	     140
Mpix/sec (OD: 2.5)         250	  1000	 1000	   2000	     4000
Mpix/sec (OD: 1.0)     	    100	  400	 400	   800	     1600
Z-Reject/clk               1x  	  1x	 2x	   2x	     2x   
TriSetup/clk/core          1x	  1x	 1.5x	   1.5x	     1.5x
"Perf Shader-Heavy"/core   1x	  1x	 1.4x	   1.4x	     1.4x
FP-ALU/clk/core	            1x	  1x	 2x	   2x	     2x
Pipelines/Core	            ?	  ?	 4	   4	     4

But don't take my words, it is what I've found on the internet.
Grimmy said:
All that the PSP needs is for the graphics to be more cleaned up (more AA), not stupidly more horsepower. What's the point of HD graphics on a tiny screen???

How about just the ability to do more geometry? I'd like to not walk around in dungeons that resemble cardboard boxes, for one.


If PSP2 uses LCD video technology for the screen, I won't be interested.

Now, if Sony uses an OLED display for the screen, well, that's a whole 'nother story.


Well it's good that Sony has seen the light, and they finally realize that the reason the PSP isn't selling as well as the competition is because the graphics aren't good enough.
Andrex said:
OLEDs are horrible outdoors though, it's like the original GBA (no backlight.)

Though if this really is still pushing the "console in your pocket" angle, then maybe people won't play it outdoors as much.

Nothing is going to look great outdoors but OLED will still look much better than LCD. If nothing else, the expanded viewing angles alone will make OLED more bearable.
I expect big push on digital downloads but also has physical media capabilities. Also good
possibly HD
video output.

LCfiner said:
yes, this.

I don’t expect it to be DD only, since the Go has given them some trouble, but to go back to discs would be a mistake. Solid state as the physical media, please.

and, of course, every game, 1st and 3rd party, available as DD on the day of release.

SONY has been known to be pretty stubborn with adapting certain physical media that they aren't invested in. If it's going to be anything that's solid state it will most likely be a memory stick.
mrWalrus said:
you were saying?


Sad, but it was overpriced to begin with.

Where is that pic from? I got a chuckle from the "Playstatino" network.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Phantasy Star Portable 2, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Monster Hunter Portable 3, Persona 3 Portable, Final Fantasy 13 Agito, Cardboard Senki, Ushiro and more say: No. Not plausible. Maybe we'll hear about it at TGS 2010, but it sure as hell won't be out until at least 2011.

There's no Monster Hunter Portable 3.
lorddarkflare said:
Fuck that, i do not want to pay more than 200 for a handheld.

hey, neither do I....I'm factoring the fact that it's Sony and everything they release is (either in their minds or in actuality) a "premium" product


BigNastyCurve said:
Where is that pic from? I got a chuckle from the "Playstatino" network.
That's a Fry's Electronics hand made sign. All this weekend and until Tuesday the price of the PSP Go is $199.99 there.
Crisco said:
lol, are you guys insane? there is absolutely no fucking way hahah. are you telling me you are buying that Sony is going to release a handheld with current gen home console level graphics next year? that's about as likely as a Dreamcast 2.

100% bullshit article
I cant wait to smear you all over ur face


GPS, TouchScreen, Camera (need to play Invizimals afterall), Tilty thing, Mic, TV-Out, etc. Everyone will need a second job. And everyone will

xfactor said:
There's no Monster Hunter Portable 3.

Didn't some dude from Capcom earlier this year confirm another Monster Hunter for PSP was in development? I wonder what that could be...
PREDICTIONS: Made on this day, October 17, 2009

1. Price = $299
2. Memory card based drive, no UMD.
3. Full backwards compatible on downloadable PSP games + PS3 games
4. touch screen
5. NO dual analog
6. 6 hour battery life
7. graphics will be slightly under PS3 quality
8. released in dull gray, matte finish with shiny silver trim and buttons
PSGames said:
WTH would they need that type of power on a 4 inch screen?

you're beginning to see a next generation of handhelds that are HD capable and output to external monitors. The instinct HD is a cellphone that takes and outputs 720p video with an hdmi cable.

not that big of a jump to go from something like that to a handheld that can be played on the go as well as output to a larger tv when it's available.
woodsey1982 said:
What's the odds it will be digital download only, and the go was a testbed for this. However, that didn't go smoothly and may force a Sony rethink? What kind of storage would you be looking at for games with that graphical prowess?

Whats wrong with memory cards like the DS uses?

I bought a 2GB Memory Stick M2 (smaller than a SIM card) for 5.99$ today. Considering retailer + manufacturer markups, it costs around $1 to produce. And thats today, a year from now an 8GB card should cost around $1 to make.

A UMD type device is not longer needed (and arguably never was)


Dra-Q said:
60 fps in every game, 4xaa and great graphics. Why not?
Psh, didn't you read the part about hd graphics? :p

But seriously though, 720p pixel density in a 4 inch screen? yes please :D Wouldn't even need AA.


TheDoppelganger said:
PREDICTIONS: Made on this day, October 17, 2009
5. NO dual analog
They've expressed quite the opposite. They said the only reason they didn't add it to the Go is that it's mid cycle, and that they even considered doing it for the Go regardless.

Kotaku said:
In the new issue of Game Informer, Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida says as much:

We also felt — like many users — that we wish we had a second analog on the PSP. But we are talking about the mid-life cycle of this platform, and the PSPgo is designed to be perfectly compatible with the PSP-3000 and all the games that released before that. So we had a very serious discussion about this particular subject, but we decided not to add a second analog, and some of the developers are doing quite a nice job translating the second analog functionality to different buttons. We didn't want to divert their efforts either.
Source: http://kotaku.com/5320022/sony-considered-two-analog-sticks-for-pspgo
jamesinclair said:
Whats wrong with memory cards like the DS uses?

I bought a 2GB Memory Stick M2 (smaller than a SIM card) for 5.99$ today. Considering retailer + manufacturer markups, it costs around $1 to produce. And thats today, a year from now an 8GB card should cost around $1 to make.

A UMD type device is not longer needed (and arguably never was)

1+gig cards were astronomically expensive when the PSP was released. you were looking at $100 or more for 256 meg cards.

you could argue that not predicting the absolute freefall in flash memory prices was shortsighted on sony's part, but saying the UMD was "never" needed is going a bit far.


I don't know if there would be a point to a PSP2 that was still using physical media. Any handheld going forward is going to find it's real competition in the iPod, and as such will need tons of internal storage and a dedicated online store. If you have those two things you don't need to sell games offline anymore.
Nfinit said:
I don't know if there would be a point to a PSP2 that was still using physical media. Any handheld going forward is going to find it's real competition in the iPod, and as such will need tons of internal storage and a dedicated online store. If you have those two things you don't need to sell games offline anymore.

the only reason to sell games offline would be to appease retailers, which Sony may or may not have to do, depending on the pricepoint.


[Nintex] said:
Why not, technology has a come a long way due to the increasing popularity of handhelds and other devices. The PS3 has an ancient nVidia chip on board based on the Geforce 7 series. That's 4 year old technology.

The PSP released when the PS2 was still kicking and the performance was equal.

While graphics hardware has advanced rapidly, its power requirements have also increased dramatically (that's why we've seen so much focus on heat dissipation in new consoles). Battery technology has not made the same sorts of strides as graphics hardware, either, so it can't make up the difference.


And even i am moderately surprised
prediction :

unit will not be BC with the PSP or PS3 dl games, the hook will be downloadable PS2 games.


A PSP2 that could play all PSP / PS1 / PS2 games, either on its own screen or through a TV (and the game's native res), seriously would probably be my most favorite piece of gaming hardware ever. Do I expect that to happen? Hell no. But it'd be nice.

If there's no backward compatibility with the PSP, though... that might be a deal breaker for me. Seriously, I'm getting to the point where from this generation on I'm going to expect backward compatibility. I'm done having 18 different pieces of gaming hardware just for the handful of games on each that I can't give up.

Plus, with the PSP just now really coming back from the brink of death, I'm not exactly looking to consider it and its library over and done.
WhiteAce said:
prediction :

unit will not be BC with the PSP or PS3 dl games, the hook will be downloadable PS2 games.

BC with PSP games would be a no brainer. they're already online, the infrastructure is there, there's no reason not to do it.

PS2 games are a matter of getting a working software emulator up and running, and as we've seen with the PS3, that's a lot easier said than done.

disc based PS3 games will never, ever happen on that handheld. smaller PSN titles (like say..bionic commando rearmed, fat princess, etc) will probably make their way over though.


Nfinit said:
I don't know if there would be a point to a PSP2 that was still using physical media. Any handheld going forward is going to find it's real competition in the iPod, and as such will need tons of internal storage and a dedicated online store. If you have those two things you don't need to sell games offline anymore.

That's a nice fantasy.


Manmademan said:
the only reason to sell games offline would be to appease retailers, which Sony may or may not have to do, depending on the pricepoint.

I don't get the "appeasing the retailers" argument. Apple does just fine selling iPods and accessories to retailers while virtually ignoring content sales outside of prepaid cards.


And even i am moderately surprised
BC with PSP games would be a no brainer. they're already online, the infrastructure is there, there's no reason not to do it.

never overestimate sony! If it's obvious then they'll run a mile in the other direction.
PSP2 will definitely have PS1 compatibility. Beyond that is anyone's guess. Hopefully this teaches Sony not to make such weird systems from now on.
Nfinit said:
I don't get the "appeasing the retailers" argument. Apple does just fine selling iPods and accessories to retailers while virtually ignoring content sales outside of prepaid cards.

apple doesn't have any real competition for the ipod, and hasn't for years now.

Sony has an uphill battle against some pretty tough competition (Iphone, DS, rest of the cellphone industry) and can't afford not to have its product sold/distributed in gamestops and similar stores.
I think Sony main concern will be keeping psp 2 cheap. They would rather make money on hardware too this time. So it won't be this powerful. maybe like 1.5 * psp.


Manmademan said:
apple doesn't have any real competition for the ipod, and hasn't for years now.

Sony has an uphill battle against some pretty tough competition (Iphone, DS, rest of the cellphone industry) and can't afford not to have its product sold/distributed in gamestops and similar stores.

Apple also sells its iPod line (multiple products) at a massive premium with the retailers getting a nice cut. It's treated as a CE device like all MP3 players are where margins are high because there's no expectation of music sales at the same time, though most electronic retailers have expanded into music just to capture that business.

The gaming model has always been to sell the product at a loss of breakeven (on the manufacturer's end) for several years, with software sales picking up the slack. They're not treated at CE devices, at the retail level, though retailers do receive a cut of the price, it's not a big revenue generator for them. Which is why software has always been so integral to the retail game business and why there's boutique businesses like gamestop that specializes in the turnover of videogame software and hardware as a business unit.

Furthermore, the format itself is proprietary to the platforms. This makes the sale of a unit of hardware to a unit of software critical to retailers. They know a hardware that moves in their store has the potential to move software from the same store. That's simply not true in the music business.
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