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Rumor: Sony PSP2 Arriving In 2010, Features PowerVR SGX543 Graphics Chip


crazy monkey said:
I think Sony main concern will be keeping psp 2 cheap. They would rather make money on hardware too this time. So it won't be this powerful. maybe like 1.5 * psp.
No way. They can easily make it at least 5 times more capable than the first psp and still keep it cheap enough, and I'm sure they will.

inthezone said:
wouldnt games be like really expensive to develop for with those specs?
You can make expensive and cheap games (and everything in between) on any spec. Maybe the upper bound of the interval increases a bit but that's all.


TheDoppelganger said:
PREDICTIONS: Made on this day, October 17, 2009

1. Price = $299
2. Memory card based drive, no UMD.
3. Full backwards compatible on downloadable PSP games + PS3 games
4. touch screen
5. NO dual analog
6. 6 hour battery life
7. graphics will be slightly under PS3 quality
8. released in dull gray, matte finish with shiny silver trim and buttons
1 - 8 = all haha.


Corporate Apologist
I am going to be honest here, my first thought was "lol more video game hardware rumors", then "Oh wait, this is sony, its most likely true then."
Drkirby said:
I am going to be honest here, my first thought was "lol more video game hardware rumors", then "Oh wait, this is sony, its most likely true then."

It's hardly suprising, this December will be 5 years since the PSP was launched in its first territory (Japan). This far into their respective cycles, I'd say it's suprising there isn't more talk of successors to the PSP/DS.


Grimmy said:
All that the PSP needs is for the graphics to be more cleaned up (more AA), not stupidly more horsepower. What's the point of HD graphics on a tiny screen???? I'd prefer the next PSP iteration to not be a so-called PSP2, instead tapping the full power of the current PSP (especially if the PSP can overclock itself to 480MHz is true) by increasing battery life. Oh, and dual analog joystick for people who have whined about it too.

A lot more memory for reducing load times, better screen (the ghosting in some PSP models is ridiculous), and the things you mentioned (specially AA/AF, these would be at the top of my wish list for psp2) would be the ideal PSP2 for me.


PSGames said:
That's not what I mean. You can only desolve so much detail on a 4 inch screen. It's like playing a Blu-Ray movie on a handheld. There are other options that would look just as good given the small display. There's no way they need PS3/360 power in a handheld device with such a small screen. It's over kill.
Well, as others have said, there is more to the game then just graphics. I would love to have the better AI, animation, and sound that you can only find on the newer consoles/PC's on a PSP sized format. It might be a bit impractical to want to play something like Crysis on it, but I would love to see an adventure like the Uncharted series to be exactly replicated on the go.


Whats really interesting to me is, will we see the death of the home console in the next generation? There will come a point when making games for consoles is just too expensive and the risk is too high and the reward too low that publishers will shift the majority of their investing and development to the hand held market.

Also from a consumer stand point the graphics on these handheld devices will be good enough that the public are going to go for the cheaper priced game on the cheaper hardware as their preferred gaming device.

My prediction: psp2 or ds2 will get a ff7 remake and handhelds will become the preferred platform for rpgs(it is already) and sport games


I don't know about you guys, but I want one feature - 3 FUCKING G.

If at all possible, I wish they would make it a cell phone, and for a heavy discount with a 2 year extension. I would totally be on this, if it were the case.
guidop said:
Whats really interesting to me is, will we see the death of the home console in the next generation? There will come a point when making games for consoles is just too expensive and the risk is too high and the reward too low that publishers will shift the majority of their investing and development to the hand held market.

Also from a consumer stand point the graphics on these handheld devices will be good enough that the public are going to go for the cheaper priced game on the cheaper hardware as their preferred gaming device.

My prediction: psp2 or ds2 will get a ff7 remake and handhelds will become the preferred platform for rpgs(it is already) and sport games
We might eventually see the death of the home console when handheld tech gets powerful enough that we can just plug a handheld into a TV for 1080p/3D output - one device for both purposes, essentially. That's several generations away, but yeah.
Slavik81 said:

While graphics hardware has advanced rapidly, its power requirements have also increased dramatically (that's why we've seen so much focus on heat dissipation in new consoles). Battery technology has not made the same sorts of strides as graphics hardware, either, so it can't make up the difference.

True. There's a reason why integrated cards or things similar to them are being pushed so much for mobile devices (laptops, etc.).

Manmademan said:
apple doesn't have any real competition for the ipod, and hasn't for years now.

Apple's always had competition with the iPod ever since it became a raging success. It's just that they've never became to arrogant or comfortable at their overly dominant position. Even this year they added some new features so that they MP3 players weren't too behind the curve compared to other offerings.

badcrumble said:
We might eventually see the death of the home console when handheld tech gets powerful enough that we can just plug a handheld into a TV for 1080p/3D output - one device for both purposes, essentially. That's several generations away, but yeah.

That could easily be done with today's technology.


badcrumble said:
We might eventually see the death of the home console when handheld tech gets powerful enough that we can just plug a handheld into a TV for 1080p/3D output - one device for both purposes, essentially. That's several generations away, but yeah.
It's not about graphics or screen size, though there will always be people who just want those experiences. The premise is that people have less time to waste away sitting infront of a static screen and want their entertainment in more mobile forms.

And as mobile devices become more capable, it can handle more genre and games.

Granted as an avid PC gamer, I'll never give up sitting infront of a screen, but the games I like on PCs are also vastly more complex than the standard console fare these days, which, are either multiplayer shoot em ups or party games.


Die Squirrel Die said:
It's hardly suprising, this December will be 5 years since the PSP was launched in its first territory (Japan). This far into their respective cycles, I'd say it's suprising there isn't more talk of successors to the PSP/DS.

Actually, lots of us were talking about successors last year. The graphics chip story hit the wires (which wasn't directly connected to Sony but was assumed to be theirs) I believe before the Go was announced, and there were some rumors that a new PSP was in the works. But then PSP Go was brought out and all of those whispers strangely died away without ever questioning the Go's place in the PSP history. Go is just the system for today, I'm certain there's a real PSP almost ready to go... I'd like to say 2010 but for sure by 2011.

Some people are doubting that power, but the portable sector is where all the huge leaps and breakthroughs are happening in computing. The cellphone is the new PC. With staggering increases in portable storage and power as well as the proliferation of wireless networking, these machines are much more in demand of constant upgrade than PC. The future of computing will be found in your pocket, not at your desk.

It only makes sense that portable game machines are enjoying the technology rush (and are fighting to stay in the game.) The amount of power we're talking about here may seem like overkill (and for a 4" screen, it might be) but keep in mind that our current machines are ignoring multitasking. It's only been this generation that our consoles have multitasked (Xbox and PS2 and even Dreamcast had OS kernals but not much behind them, this generation is proving that multiple running functions is critical and even under-anticipated with current hardware.) PSP does a little bit of backgrounding with its browser and some OS functions being available in other apps, but the next PSP (and DS, even if we assume that they'll remain conservative again) will have to do so much more to remain useful in any instance. Also, although these proposed graphic specs are high, their use can be simple. You don't have to use all that horsepower if your project doesn't call for it, and even using a few of those GPU functions will pick up the look of the average PSP2 game and help it compete against future iPhone or DS2 titles. If you make a graphics board with a solid rendering system and feature set, you make it easier to get up on the board, to keep the graphics clean without a lot of manual trick coding; you also offer the power to serious developers so that they could integrate versions of their modern pipelines (this is silly since it'll be an ARM chip, but could you imagine CryEngine 3 for PSP2?) and use versions of the same assets from other projects. It's hard right now to think of what PSP2 developers would do with all of that power, but given how much crazy technology is being packed into affordable handheld machines these days, there's no good reason for Sony not give it to them.


Josh7289 said:
The "iPhone 4G" thing kind of kills the rumor for me. Seriously, 4G is still way far off.

it was likely a reference to a “4th generation” iPhone coming next summer but working on the existing 3G network. the whole iPhone naming convention is weird.
wasn't there some GAF in joke relating to the PowerVR back in the day? I vaguely remember a picture of some big ass (photoshopped) video card being posted...

edit: aha. there it is. explanation

templeusox said:
No chance you see a new Sony console in 2012.

No, there's definitely a very good chance. The question is really only whether they launch in 2012 or push back a year.

OrigJake78 said:
Digital Distribution only.

As tempting as "Sony will make whatever decision will totally ruin their business" is after the 599-you-ess-dollars fiasco, I nonetheless maintain that there is no conceivable way this will happen.

Nfinit said:
I don't know if there would be a point to a PSP2 that was still using physical media. Any handheld going forward is going to find it's real competition in the iPod

No, the real competition of a future gaming handheld is other gaming handhelds (and, to a lesser degree, home consoles.) Nobody is really going to be sitting on the fence waffling between an iPod and a PSP2 when the former is unambiguously a far better media player and the latter unambiguously a far better gaming platform.

Manmademan said:
the only reason to sell games offline would be to appease retailers, which Sony may or may not have to do, depending on the pricepoint.

The reason to sell games offline is to provide an actually useful product that all potential customers can find use for, whether they prefer physical ownership or DD or a mix of both.

Nfinit said:
I don't get the "appeasing the retailers" argument. Apple does just fine selling iPods and accessories to retailers while virtually ignoring content sales outside of prepaid cards.

Did people just not pay attention to the whole debate over this with the Go? iPods are sold at big-box retailers who don't push product for you and at Apple-branded stores, and even then there's a retail cut so that the product is profitable for retailers. Game consoles are historically sold at zero margin and they require retail promotion from specialty retailers (GameStop and company) to really succeed; the Go is sold at a huge markup (to the detriment of consumers) to try to earn this and it still is getting marginalized at GS.

DD-only requires a completely different business model, which is a needle that Sony didn't successfully thread with the Go. A new platform would be a better opportunity to do so, to be sure, but it'd still be in conflict with Sony's home console business (which unquestionably still requires strong retail support) and many factors (bandwidth penetration numbers, general DD success rates, etc.) point to it being far less potentially successful than a traditional-model system.

thuway said:
If at all possible, I wish they would make it a cell phone

This idea doesn't make any sense and I don't get why people are always suggesting it. People have one cellphone. Making your library of software inaccessible to people because they already have a phone (or prefer the iPhone, or whatever) is a terrible business strategy.

Now, releasing a phone that is compatible with a non-phone platform's games, that could possibly be viable, though I don't see the benefit to Sony in positioning the platform this way.


No rumors about a touch-screen in the PSP2? I mean, if we get "just" a PSP2 with one generic screen, dual analog nubs and gamecube graphics, why would buy it? The PSP1 isn't setting the western world on fire, why should it change with this device? Can't wait to see the many PS3/Xbox 360 ports for it.

It seems like, they just will continue the same Ideology as the original PSP, but with better specs.
Dra-Q said:
No rumors about a touch-screen in the PSP2? I mean, if we get "just" a PSP2 with one generic screen, dual analog nubs and gamecube graphics, why would buy it? The PSP1 isn't setting the western world on fire, why should it change with this device? Can't wait to see the many PS3/Xbox 360 ports for it.

It seems like, they just will continue the same Ideology as the original PSP, but with better specs.

I'd be very surprised if it didn't use a touch screen as the primary way to control the UI. The XMB already seems suited for it, moreover touch screen is quickly becoming the standard for mobile devices. It'd increase the variety in games too.
neptunes said:
At what point did the public start hearing about the original PSP and DS? was it late 2002 or 2003? I can't remember

Sony announced PSP with some early mockup stuff at E3 2003. Nintendo announced the DS in January 2004, but we didn't see anything of it until E3.


Hi! I was told there was news in this thread regarding something about some incoming portable console and, more importantly, someone talked shit about the greatest computer and gaming device ever, the Amiga.

Where do I point the missiles?


The 'H' stands for hentai.
crazy monkey said:
I think Sony main concern will be keeping psp 2 cheap. They would rather make money on hardware too this time. So it won't be this powerful. maybe like 1.5 * psp.

Sony has been making money on PSP hardware for a LONG time.

It is all but guaranteed that the future PSP will be sold for a profit next generation from the get go.


Hcoregamer00 said:
It is all but guaranteed that the future PSP will be sold for a profit next generation from the get go.

Can't wait for my $349 PSP2 Value Pack with Sony branded head-phones.


I´m not lying, I´d buy a powerful PSP2 at a high price, stranga.

As soon as the game line-up is worth it, of course. Hopefully a new MGA at launch instead of a new MGS title :D

Azure J

So, it seems that both the DSi & PSP Go are just stopgaps to inch us into 2010? Why even bother making either then? Were Sony & Nintendo testing the waters with the newer features they toted on each device?

Skipping all that thought though, I think next handheld generation is going to be quite an important one for everyone involved. If these next handhelds turn out to be as powerful as they say, it would definitely become a great landscape for development.

Also, man I missed hardware speculation. I feel nostalgic now. :')


AzureJericho said:
So, it seems that both the DSi & PSP Go are just stopgaps to inch us into 2010? Why even bother making either then? Were Sony & Nintendo testing the waters with the newer features they toted on each device?

Skipping all that thought though, I think next handheld generation is going to be quite an important one for everyone involved. If these next handhelds turn out to be as powerful as they say, it would definitely become a great landscape for development.

Also, man I missed hardware speculation. I feel nostalgic now. :')
I think the problem with PSP Go and DSi is that both Nintendo and Sony have no plans to fully support it with exclusive titles because they'd split their userbase. Nintendo isn't going to build a Mario or Zelda exclusive for the DSi. The only DSi exclusives will be from third parties who use the camera functions and DSiWare games and applications.


[Nintex] said:
I think the problem with PSP Go and DSi is that both Nintendo and Sony have no plans to fully support it with exclusive titles because they'd split their userbase. Nintendo isn't going to build a Mario or Zelda exclusive for the DSi. The only DSi exclusives will be from third parties who use the camera functions and DSiWare games and applications.

Well, the only reason to release the DSi was to launch the DSi Store/Dsi Ware. The next Nintendo handheld should get a Virtual Console for old gameboy games from the get-go.


sex vacation in Guam
Crisco said:
lol, are you guys insane? there is absolutely no fucking way hahah. are you telling me you are buying that Sony is going to release a handheld with current gen home console level graphics next year? that's about as likely as a Dreamcast 2.

100% bullshit article
this... it sounds like complete bs.

As far as the Go strategy. It is basically, lets make some cash as we prce the PS3 aggressively. Once the price of the go comes down it will gain traction


It's been a while since we stepped into the tech-spec bullshit hasn't it? Rule number 1: Don't compare to off-the-shelf parts.


Ardorx said:
Every night before I go to sleep, I pray that I wake up to a PSP2 announcement. It would be so delicious.
I would be happy for the announcement, and immediately sell my PSPGo before it lost anymore value.


Fafracer forever
brain_stew said:
Not a chance, the hardware they're using makes it pretty much impossible.
The rumor article reads kinda like this: "I want Sony to use this and this hw, so they are". There's nothing even speculative about it - it's like a rehash of SuperKyro post. Even if PowerVR won the contract, there's no reason for Sony to stuff a bunch of Arm cores into the system - frankly I'd sooner expect SPUs in there then that.
Plus what kind of geek-dream rumor is that where they go from dualcore to dualcore system. Shouldn't PS2 be at least 8-core CPU the way these things usually go? ;)

Anyway, the "rumored" GPU part should be able to handle bc at least - the rest of the system is anyone's guess.
mrklaw said:
DD only is fine. Go has issues because it's a PSP but doesn't play UMDs - it's confusing to consumers. If PSP2 games are only DD that's ok

I think the go form factor is almost perfect. Add in a 2nd nub, touch screen and tilt controls, update the connectivity so it's like a mini PS3 with PSN etc and I'll be happy
I think you can safely expect a second analog nub and PS2 sw BC.

Releasing PSP2 next year together with PS2 sw BC for the PS3 and PS2 game on PSN makes perfect sense.

From the SEGA leak we already know PS2 games are coming to PSN, I expected a PSP2 to take advantage of that, but I did not expect a PSP2 to show up next year not after the release of the PSP Go this fall, not so close to each other. But if Sony doesn´t have a problem with that why should I? More consoles? Just bring them on. :lol
KillerAJD said:
But I would love to see an adventure like the Uncharted series to be exactly replicated on the go.

I would love this but I have to wonder. If the PSP2 truly is the beast that these specs seem to indicate, I can only imagine what the development costs and time that a game, say like "Uncharted PSP" would require. One would think that developers, especially those without the nearly endless fiscal backing of say major 1st or 3rd party, would have to make the choice between development on the Next Gen Handhelds or Current Gen Consoles.



The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.
MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.
:lol :lol :lol



MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.
Oh lord I'm going to bed :lol


MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 months time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.



MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.
What have you done.
MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.

Personally I'm more concerned about sinking any more dollars into UMDs given there's no way in hell the PSP2 will support them. I fully expect PSP DD titles to find a home, as PS1 titles have, on the PS3/PS4 at some point in the future even if not the more likely scenario of backwards compatibility on the PSP2. But UMD? Hell no.
I worry that Sony is overlooking the fact that it isn't a Playstation Portable when it's effectively tethered to your home by the need to charge it every few hours. The PSP's problem isn't power, it's the pathetic battery life, and the newest iteration of the PSP actually seems to be worse in that respect than the first. If they can come up with a battery to match whatever crazy graphics chip they're thinking of then that's great, but if they're still thinking that 3-5 hours is acceptable I'll be keeping my money.


MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.

You ROMing, man?


MysticX said:
The thing that I am mostly scared about is, will PSP GO games still be available in say...10 years time? I mean for me, a 100% DD gaming platform is not a purchase for me. But, it might help if I could Pirate the software somehow.

I would stealth-edit that post as soon as possible if I were you.
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