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Sept NPD

human5892 said:
- Pikmin 2's sales are disappointing, but Donkey Konga's are not. Remember, the game came out at the tail-end of the month.

Donkey Konga's numbers are disappointing. The first week is alwasy indicitative of how well it will sell, and it doesn't look good for DK. Next month will be interesting.

human5892 said:
- Yes, there still was a PS2 shortage in September. October NPD will be far more telling of just how much "momentum" Xbox has going for it.

There's still a shortage of PS2's and I expect October to be similar to September. Maybe with elevated levels of XBox's as we get close to the holidays and the anticipation of Halo 2 heightens.

human5892 said:
Oh, and a prediction for Fable: its sales will drop off massively. I've seen game shops flooded with used copies. It sold well initially on hype, but I think the game's questionable quality and short length will cripple it in the end.

Doubtful. Despite the image that was shown with a buttload of used Fable copies, I haven't seen any at all. The game is popular and MOST people don't return. Or else the Matrix and Driv3r wouldn't have sold as well as they did in their 2nd month.


Queen of Denmark
sonycowboy said:
Donkey Konga's numbers are disappointing. The first week is alwasy indicitative of how well it will sell, and it doesn't look good for DK. Next month will be interesting.
A game in a niche genre on a niche system moving 41,932 units in a few days is pretty good in my book.

There's still a shortage of PS2's and I expect October to be similar to September. Maybe with elevated levels of XBox's as we get close to the holidays and the anticipation of Halo 2 heightens.
I think the shortage officially ended this month.

Doubtful. Despite the image that was shown with a buttload of used Fable copies, I haven't seen any at all. The game is popular and MOST people don't return. Or else the Matrix and Driv3r wouldn't have sold as well as they did in their 2nd month.
I guess that's the problem with anecdotal evidence: we both can cite completely different experiences (you saw no used copies, while I've seen plenty) and arrive at different conclusions.

Nonetheless, I still expect sales to drop off for the game. It's very short and has gotten mixed reviews from both gamers and critics alike.


sonycowboy said:
Donkey Konga's numbers are disappointing. The first week is alwasy indicitative of how well it will sell, and it doesn't look good for DK. Next month will be interesting.
uh, the game is selling on word of mouth... some games sell quickly initially then kind of die off, but his game looks like it's going to be a consistent seller...

It's almost certainly going to double up on Pikmin 2 sales before the year is over, in fact it's likely to do 3-4 times what Pikmin 2 does during the holidays...

Doubtful. Despite the image that was shown with a buttload of used Fable copies, I haven't seen any at all. The game is popular and MOST people don't return. Or else the Matrix and Driv3r wouldn't have sold as well as they did in their 2nd month.
yeah, Fable will have a substantial drop-off, but it'll still do in the 200,000-300,000 territory...


sonycowboy said:
Donkey Konga's numbers are disappointing. The first week is alwasy indicitative of how well it will sell, and it doesn't look good for DK. Next month will be interesting.

I don't think Donkey Konga's numbers are that bad.. it's a music based game.


btw, Donkey Konga has been selling out at some stores, that's definitely an indication that the game is selling, even if the shipments weren't that big...


I've gotta admit, I was totally shocked at how well Fable's done... looks like Xbox will be getting it's 5th million seller soon. :)
jarrod said:
I've gotta admit, I was totally shocked at how well Fable's done... looks like Xbox will be getting it's 5th million seller soon. :)

and 6th, 7th, and 8th.

Splinter Cell
GTA: Double Pack

Madden 2005
ESPN 2k5
Halo 2


ge-man said:
They have proven that they can support a niche machine, but would it be worth it to do so when consumer aren't caring about what they do in the console realm anymore?
Until a Mario stops selling millions of copies in all it's incarnations, I doubt they would want to stop...

they can churn out Smash Brothers and Mario Kart's left and right if things get desperate, but they've opted to keep things fresh with stuff like Pikmin 2, Donkey Konga, Metroid Prime, and Paper Mario, not traditional stuff from Nintendo...

IMO, they've tried to prove it's not just Mario platformers and Zelda adventures, and as long as their games can still sell millions world-wide, I don't see any reason to forego easy profits...

A next-gen Mario Kart or Smash Brothers would instantly sell millions of systems on their own...


Queen of Denmark
SolidSnakex said:
Does that put it past the GC's million seller number?
As of August 2004, the GC had six million sellers in the US:


Metroid Prime 2 is probably a likely candidate for a million seller, and both Mario Party 4 and Sonic Adventure 2 will almost certainly cross the barrier at some point (both have sold over 900k as of August 2004).

open_mouth_ said:
Haterz yes, critics no.
An 85% ranking is good, but not great. The reviews were not overwhelmingly positive...hence, they are mixed.

What you read on a few messageboards (full of rabid fanboys) does not always equate to reality, as hard you try to want it to be...
No need to make it a personal issue, because personally, I don't care. I'm just making conversation, here.


sonycowboy said:
I mean disappointing to Nintendo fans who were hoping for this to be big. They almost had me convinced. :D
If Nintendo had competent marketing, it really could a lot bigger. People love playing Donkey Konga, and they're usually amazed at how cheap it is to buy a GameCube and the game. The problem is that nobody knows about any of this until a GameCube owner tells them. And word of mouth only goes so far with the system's reputation.
"As of August 2004, the GC had six million sellers in the US:"

So the Xbox is going to pass the GC up in million sellers also? That's one areas where Nintendo has fallen off significantly. The N64 had lots and lots of million sellers, most of which was Nintendo's own games. Now sequels to those games aren't reaching million seller status and their new franchises aren't getting there.


Queen of Denmark
SolidSnakex said:
So the Xbox is going to pass the GC up in million sellers also?
Maybe, maybe not -- sonycowboy predicted eight total for the Xbox while not counting some future games like KOTOR2, and I predicted nine for the GC while not counting games far in the future like the new LoZ. Whatever the outcome, I think they'll both end up being pretty close to one another when this generation is all said and done, though.

That's one areas where Nintendo has fallen off significantly. The N64 had lots and lots of million sellers, most of which was Nintendo's own games. Now sequels to those games aren't reaching million seller status and their new franchises aren't getting there.
I agree -- Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart: DD, and the Wind Waker are all examples of franchises that aren't doing nearly as well as their N64 predecessors (although the Wind Waker's sales are actually in line with what the average Zelda game does). Whether this is an issue of quality (all three games are arguably inferior to their N64 counterparts) or diminishing public interest in the brands is up for debate.


SolidSnakex said:
So the Xbox is going to pass the GC up in million sellers also?
It looks like it for the USA, but I doubt it worldwide. Then again if just 2 GC games can pass the million mark this year (Prime 2? Pokemon Colosseum? SA2 Battle? Mario Party 4?) then they'll be even in America.


Metroid Prime 2 won't hit a million this year looking at what the predecessor did. Sure come Player's Choice it will no doubt go seven figures but not this year. I'm not so sure Fable will hit a million either. It needs three very strong months to do so, certainly possible but not certain.

Does someone have the numbers for earlier ESPN NHL games? Looks like pretty good numbers to me, especially considering the lockout.How much do EA's NHL games do?
human5892 said:
I agree -- Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart: DD, and the Wind Waker are all examples of franchises that aren't doing nearly as well as their N64 predecessors (although the Wind Waker's sales are actually in line with what the average Zelda game does). Whether this is an issue of quality (all three games are arguably inferior to their N64 counterparts) or diminishing public interest in the brands is up for debate.

It's a bit of both I think. They shouldn't have let NST make 1080 and Wave Race for starters. The Mario name also doesn't seem to carry nearly as much weight as it once did.


Well, I think the Mario love is more spread out now. We get a Mario game, it seems, every couple of weeks. They all do pretty well, but nothing like Mario 3 or Mario 64.


Then don't come in here. No, seriously, DON'T COME IN HERE!

And what about if you don´t answer and save yours and my time? you know, you can lose your time however you want, but advices are free.

I guess people who invest in video game stocks care, with good reason.. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with wanting to see your fav. gaming company do well

Thanks for the answer. Firstly, I never said it was wrong, but if you see this from distance, always it´s the same. If you want the truth, I find nice people saying "Go Fable!, or Go MS"! or whatever you want. But I find a lot more of "owned", "bomb"... , maybe is negative reading?.

Because each month there's always fans saying that certain games/systems are going to have big months, and when they don't that gets pointed out. A few months ago it was all about how the supposed "uprising" didn't happen. Now its about how despite the GC getting 2 big titles according to Nintendo fans, they couldn't even manage decent sales with the GC hardware and how neither of those games did all that well.

Thank you. So I could say that NDS threads serve to prove people wrong or right and make fun of it and maybe discuss over it?


SolidSnakex said:
It's a bit of both I think. They shouldn't have let NST make 1080 and Wave Race for starters. The Mario name also doesn't seem to carry nearly as much weight as it once did.
Well, you also have to factor in that on N64 that everything was going 3D for the first time as well and there was a huge amount of expectation and buzz over that. Similarly, most big PS1 franchises haven't lived up to their heritage sales wise on PS2 (Final Fantasy, Twisted Metal, Tomb Raider, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Minna no Golf, Tony Hawk, etc).


Queen of Denmark
jarrod said:
Similarly, most big PS1 franchises haven't lived up to their heritage sales wise on PS2 (Final Fantasy, Twisted Metal, Tomb Raider, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Minna no Golf, Tony Hawk, etc).
That's a good point -- I hadn't even thought of doing a PS1-PS2 comparison.
Duckhuntdog said:
This prediction is going to come back and haunt me but, metroid Prime 2 will never break a million copies.

I think its a very good possiblity that its not going to reach a million. MP1 has barely sold that much and its been out for quite awhile. The GC and its software sales have slowed down quite alot now, and there's very little hype surrounding MP2.


Originally Posted by efralope:
and when some consumers are looking for stuff like Pokemon, they aren't going to pay $70 more for a console that doesn't have those games...

And evidently consumers aren't willing to pay $20 more for a console that does have some Pokemon titles on it."


Anyways it warms my heart to see Fable doing so well. I need to hurry up and finish Xenosaga so i can go pick this puppy up.


ge-man said:
The only thing that I'm sad about is Pikmin 2. This is a great game people--don't ignore it.
its probably getting ignored because it doesn't looks much different from the first one, at least that's the reactions I noticed when I was played the demo

SolidSnakex said:
It's a bit of both I think. They shouldn't have let NST make 1080 and Wave Race for starters.
they shouldn't let NST make anything imo

SolidSnakex said:
The Mario name also doesn't seem to carry nearly as much weight as it once did.
yup Nintendo overexposed the Mario brand and in the process they've neglected to nurture any new IPs, yeah Pikmin's new but it doesn't look like it'll have much branding power

Duckhuntdog said:
This prediction is going to come back and haunt me but, metroid Prime 2 will never break a million copies.
I also say MP2's gonna sell worse than MP1

jarrod said:
Well, you also have to factor in that on N64 that everything was going 3D for the first time as well and there was a huge amount of expectation and buzz over that. Similarly, most big PS1 franchises haven't lived up to their heritage sales wise on PS2 (Final Fantasy, Twisted Metal, Tomb Raider, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Minna no Golf, Tony Hawk, etc).
while some big PS1 franchises may have died down, new franchises have risen to take their place on the PS2 like J&D, R&C, DMC, GTA, DW, etc, but with the GC we don't really see that happening
Big Winners:

GBA & Pokemon: Price drop + 1.25 Million copies of Pokemon

Microsoft: Highest non-price drop, non November/December unit sales ever. Fable destroying all but the most optimistic of predictions

LucasArts: Timed to perfection w/the Trilogy on DVD, SW: Battlefront was a monster.

Take-Two: They've taken a big chunk out of Madden. However, they've made absolutely no money on it and we'll have to see what this means for next year.

Big Losers:

EA - Madden has it's biggest fall ever, NHL 2005 bombed so far, Burnout 3 really disappointed.

Sony - Lowest September hardware sales ever, big name multiplatform versions selling better on Xbox

Gamecube - Anemic hardware sales continue, Pikmin & Donkey Konga disappointed. (Cubers hope that DK has great word of mouth and will sell well throughout the holidays.)
sorry about this but I am curious and this is my third time asking:

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

thank you.
TheGreenGiant said:
sorry about this but I am curious and this is my third time asking:

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

thank you.

what are you talking about? do you think massive amounts of people go out and buy a game, keep it sealed, and then take it back 3 days later? i dont know, nobody answered because THEY DONT KNOW... and nobody cares because it doesnt really effect the NPD #'s in an significant way.
TheGreenGiant said:
sorry about this but I am curious and this is my third time asking:

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

VG returns in retail stores aren't really much of an issue. The large majority of stores do not allow a game to be returned if it's been opened. A person's only option is to trade it in for store credit. That is not considered a return as far as retail is concerned.

If an item is accepted as a return, it counts -1 towards the monthly totals. So the monthly totals reported by a store are the net sales = unit sales - unit returns.



TheGreenGiant said:
sorry about this but I am curious and this is my third time asking:

so no one had an answer to my question? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

thank you.

what difference does it make? it would be even for everything anyways its not as i Microsoft sent employees out to buy 250K copies of FAble and then returned them.....or did they. :D


God this thread have some dumb posts.

Just the fact that someone is spewing out shit that the GBA is a disgrace to the word "video games" because it happens to sell well, or that any game with 5.1 surround and in 3D is automatically better than any GBA game says something about this generation.

Geez what have we come to? That actual hype and specs are better than good games?


force push the doodoo rock
Fable sold alot, but we got alot of fables in trade. we got some like 2 days after the game came out.
This will be the biggest year for this generation. Sales will be insane.
In terms of software sales, or what? Hardware sales are overall slightly down from last year (-0.74%). Even more if you include the GBA(-7.30%).

Subitai said:
I just realized the other thing is that they couldn't before because PS2 almost always outsold GBA anyway.
Now that's just inaccurate. Looking back at the numbers, they were pretty close with GBA usually behind during GBA's first year... but since the SP launched (March 2003) I count 2 months where PS2 has been ahead (January & Februray 2004). GCN didn't start it's current big slip behind Xbox until a full year later (April 2004). Even then it's mostly been Xbox siphoning numbers from PS2.

SolidSnakex said:
So the Xbox is going to pass the GC up in million sellers also?
Well, if you're comparing speculative post-holiday figures for the one and mid-2004 figures for the other, it's possible.

SolidSnakex said:
I think its a very good possiblity that its not going to reach a million. MP1 has barely sold that much and its been out for quite awhile. The GC and its software sales have slowed down quite alot now, and there's very little hype surrounding MP2.
It seems like with Metroid Prime coming with the GCN and the Metroid Prime Hunters demo coming with the DS, they're hoping that each Metroid Prime product will help energize the others. Whether that'll work, *shrug*.

Inaccurate of course since it doesn't take into account the real world situation of the next few months, but taking the current year-to-date year-over-year numbers and applying them to the totals for the year before, here are predicted hardware sales for the year. I'll put the previous year's number in parentheses
PS2: 5.1 million (6.4)
XBX: 4.8 million (3.2)
GCN: 3.0 million (3.3)
GBA: 6.8 million (8.2)


Link316 said:
while some big PS1 franchises may have died down, new franchises have risen to take their place on the PS2 like J&D, R&C, DMC, GTA, DW, etc, but with the GC we don't really see that happening
Not really besides GTA & DW. Madden & WE are also getting progressively stronger though... but really Jak & Rachet are a poor substitutes for Crash & Spyro sales wise (neither franchise has really done what Sony has hoping in terms of replacing those IPs) while DMC & Onimusha aren't anywhere near RE's record highs last generation (hell they're not even close to Dino Crisis 1). GTA & DW are about it for "new" PS2 megahits...


sp0rsk said:
Fable sold alot, but we got alot of fables in trade. we got some like 2 days after the game came out.

I love shit quotes like these.

jarrod said:
Not really besides GTA & DW. Madden & WE are also getting progressively stronger though... but really Jak & Rachet are a poor substitutes for Crash & Spyro sales wise (neither franchise has really done what Sony has hoping in terms of replacing those IPs) while DMC & Onimusha aren't anywhere near RE's record highs last generation (hell they're not even close to Dino Crisis 1). GTA & DW are about it for "new" PS2 megahits...

Kingdom Hearts

Jak has sold 1.6 million units (NPD) and did very well overseas so I think it's probably on a similar track to Crash currently.

01-98 Based on continuing sales of Crash 1, as well as the smash sales of Crash 2 worldwide, THE CRASH SERIES REACHES 5 MILLION UNITS! Naughty Dog thanks Sony for its incredible run. Naughty Dog begins Crash Bandicoot: Warped.


I dont have the old cumulative May 2002 spreadsheet on this PC, but I distinctly remember Crash 1 and 2 (as well as maybe CTR and another title) being over 2-3 million and multiple Spyro's also being at that mark... in America alone.

None of Sony's platformers this gen have come anywhere near those titles did.


really when you take a good look at the numbers, the GCN really isn't in a worse off position than they were last year or the year before...

They've got more or less a 20% marketshare and have had that regardless of the differences in performance from XBox and PS2.

If anything, GCN sales have been steady at their normal rate, while XBox has risen significantly, and PS2 and dropped off quite a bit.

How is the GCN doomed if it's garnering similar sales as they did last year, with Nintendo recently posting an uptick in revenue forecasts?
Meier said:
I dont have the old cumulative May 2002 spreadsheet on this PC, but I distinctly remember Crash 1 and 2 (as well as maybe CTR and another title) being over 2-3 million and multiple Spyro's also being at that mark... in America alone.

None of Sony's platformers this gen have come anywhere near those titles did.

NOTE: This is only for games that were actually sold during the month, so if a game didn't sell, then it isn't on this list, so some games may be missing, but those that are here are correct.

Again LTD as of May 2002

PSX   GRAN TURISMO RACING          MAY'98        SONY                          3,228,79
PSX   CRASH BANDICOOT 2            OCT'97        SONY                          2,999,69
PSX   FROGGER                      OCT'97        INFOGRAMES                    2,945,00
PSX   CRASH BANDICOOT WARP         NOV'98        SONY                          2,839,02
PSX   GRAN TURISMO 2               DEC'99        SONY                          2,753,63
PSX   CRASH BANDICOOT              SEP'96        SONY                          2,629,74
PSX   SPYRO THE DRAGON             SEP'98        SONY                          2,597,63
PSX   TONY HAWKS PRO SKATR2        SEP'00        ACTIVISION                    2,555,73
PSX   TEKKEN 3                     APR'98        NAMCO                         2,502,40
PSX   TONY HAWKS PRO SKATER        SEP'99        ACTIVISION                    2,459,83
PSX   DRIVER                       JUN'99        INFOGRAMES                    2,445,81
PSX   METAL GEAR SOLID             OCT'98        KONAMI OF AMERICA             2,393,60
PSX   FINAL FANTASY VII            AUG'97        SONY                          2,382,68
PSX   WWE WARZONE                  JUL'98        ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT         2,163,50
PSX   DRIVER 2                     NOV'00        INFOGRAMES                    1,837,08
PSX   FINAL FANTASY VIII           SEP'99        SQUARE EA                     1,821,54
PSX   NAMCO MUSEUM VOL 3           FEB'97        NAMCO                         1,729,08
PSX   CRASH TEAM RACING            OCT'99        SONY                          1,664,88
PSX   NEED FOR SPEED III           MAR'98        ELECTRONIC ARTS               1,617,47
PSX   NAMCO MUSEUM VOL 1           AUG'96        NAMCO                         1,570,20
PSX   SPYRO DRAGON 2: RAGE         NOV'99        SONY                          1,526,84
PSX   SYPHON FILTER                FEB'99        SONY                          1,508,61
PSX   A BUGS LIFE                  NOV'98        SONY                          1,489,61
PSX   WWE SMACKDOWN 2              NOV'00        THQ                           1,458,70
PSX   RESIDENT EVIL DIR CUT        SEP'97        CAPCOM USA                    1,399,57
PSX   TOMORRW NEVER DIE 007        NOV'99        ELECTRONIC ARTS               1,342,07
PSX   WWE SMACKDOWN!               MAR'00        THQ                           1,340,70
PSX   TOMB RAIDER 3                NOV'98        EIDOS INTERACTIVE             1,281,27
PSX   RESIDENT EVIL 2              JAN'98        CAPCOM USA                    1,263,70
PSX   RAYMAN                       SEP'95        UBISOFT                       1,257,21
PSX   FINAL FANTASY IX             NOV'00        SQUARE EA                     1,240,86
PSX   SPEC OPS                     APR'00        TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE            1,199,72
PSX   NEED FOR SPEED:STAKES        MAR'99        ELECTRONIC ARTS               1,154,04
PSX   MEDAL OF HONOR               NOV'99        ELECTRONIC ARTS               1,144,66
PSX   SPYRO: YEAR OF DRAGON        OCT'00        SONY                          1,135,73
PSX   SPIDER-MAN                   AUG'00        ACTIVISION                    1,079,23
PSX   SYPHON FILTER 2              MAR'00        SONY                          1,038,81
PSX   RESIDENT EVIL 3:NEMES        NOV'99        CAPCOM USA                    1,010,72


sonycowboy said:
Kingdom Hearts

Jak has sold 1.6 million units (NPD) and did very well overseas so I think it's probably on a similar track to Crash currently.
SOCOM & KH are good ones actually, but still it's obvious the trend isn't limited to GameCube and Nintendo here. That's all I'm pointing out.

Also Jak's nowhere near Crash and it's bombed horribly in Japan (where as Crash was actually a million seller there). For USA sales...

Crash Bandicoot (2.75M)
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (3.12M)
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (3.05M)
Crash Team Racing (1.90M)
Crash Bash (1.10M)

Spyro The Dragon (2.75M)
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (1.74M)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (1.42M)

...none of SCEA's new platformers (Jak, R&C, Sly) can hope to compare with what they they lost.
jarrod said:
SOCOM & KH are good ones actually, but still it's obvious the trend isn't limited to GameCube here. That's all I'm pointing out.

Also Jak's nowhere near Crash and it's bombed horribly in Japan (where as Crash was actually a million seller there). For USA sales...

Crash Bandicoot (2.75M)
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (3.12M)
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (3.05M)
Crash Team Racing (1.90M)
Crash Bash (1.10M)

Spyro The Dragon (2.75M)
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (1.74M)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (1.42M)

...none of SCEA's new platformers (Jak, R&C, Sly) can hope to compare with what they they lost.

I think the decline of the platformer has been well documented in the new "mature" market. However, SCEA made ALOT more money on the current gen titles than they did the last as they simply published the titles for Universal. Now they own Naughty Dog and work directly with Insomniac.

However, when you look at the list, while there may be some titles missing, there aren't many. There appear that there will be many, many more million sellers on the PS2 than there were on the PSOne.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Now that's just inaccurate. Looking back at the numbers, they were pretty close with GBA usually behind during GBA's first year... but since the SP launched (March 2003) I count 2 months where PS2 has been ahead (January & Februray 2004). GCN didn't start it's current big slip behind Xbox until a full year later (April 2004). Even then it's mostly been Xbox siphoning numbers from PS2.
Thank you for correcting me. :)

My main point is still GBA was never brought up until it was consistently above PS2 and GCN numbers started getting anemic.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
San Andreas's temporary exclusivity, as well as the timing for the next generation Gran Theft Auto, are tied to earlier arrangements and renegotiations among Sony, Take Two, and Microsoft.

Another winner this month, SEGA continues to show how they've broken through the last wall that was keeping them from improved profitability these past few years: for once since their inaugural year as a third party, they won't have to make a last second downward revision to their operating numbers from greatly missed expectations on their 2Kx line of sports titles.


sonycowboy said:
However, SCEA made ALOT more money on the current gen titles than they did the last as they simply published the titles for Universal. Now they own Naughty Dog and work directly with Insomniac.
I sort of doubt it when Crash/Spyro were outselling Jak/R&C five times over. Crash was a phenominal franchise in terms of poularity and recognition (same with Spyro to a lesser extent), I don't understand why Sony didn't just try and purchase the IPs from Universal? :/

sonycowboy said:
However, when you look at the list, while there may be some titles missing, there aren't many. There appear that there will be many, many more million sellers on the PS2 than there were on the PSOne.
The point was last generation franchises holding up and doing the same numbers. With few exceptions, that doesn't seem to be happening on any platform.

Subitai said:
My main point is still GBA was never brought up until it was consistently above PS2 and GCN numbers started getting anemic.
I've been bringing up GBA whenever I can since 2001 thanks. It rocks. :)


I'll be back much later today after Bunkum updates with Sept numbers. About 5:00-6:00 PDT with the Nintendo and Sega numbers.
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