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Sept NPD


Shortage or not Xbox outsold PS2 once again, and with that Topspin/NCAA 2005 bundle coming out things could get pretty interesting for Christmas. Are Halo 2 and DOA enough? No, but if they had Forza and Splinter Cell 3 before Christmas I would have given Xbox the nod for the Christmas shopping season. PS2 will win out for November and December with MGS3, GT4, and Grand Theft Auto SA. The biggest of those is clearly GTA SA though, with a release at the same time maybe Xbox would have had a chance.

I'll make a prediction though, GTA SA won't sell as much as Vice City though. I see the GTA series in a decline either with GTA SA or the next iteration. Should be interesting to see October NPD and of course November and December as well.


SolidSnakex said:
"One could argue that the GCN has always been behind, so when did this change accure?"

That isn't the truth though, Nintendo themself had been saying the GC was in 2nd place for quite awhile. It's start slipping more and more in recent months. Then came Nintendo fans starting to spin the GBA into thing to overshadow how much the GC was underperforming.
I just realized the other thing is that they couldn't before because PS2 almost always outsold GBA anyway.


JayFro said:
Shortage or not Xbox outsold PS2 once again, and with that Topspin/NCAA 2005 bundle coming out things could get pretty interesting for Christmas. Are Halo 2 and DOA enough? No, but if they had Forza and Splinter Cell 3 before Christmas I would have given Xbox the nod for the Christmas shopping season. PS2 will win out for November and December with MGS3, GT4, and Grand Theft Auto SA. The biggest of those is clearly GTA SA though, with a release at the same time maybe Xbox would have had a chance.

I'll make a prediction though, GTA SA won't sell as much as Vice City though. I see the GTA series in a decline either with GTA SA or the next iteration. Should be interesting to see October NPD and of course November and December as well.
KotOR II is tentively on the slate for Dec. and Doom 3 Activision might be able to sneak into Dec. too.

I don't think Forza would help because of NFSU2 and after RS3 last holiday and SC2 this year another Tom Clancy game is going to bring in many new Xbox owners either.

There's really nothing else MS could do to help out after Halo 2 and the crowded multiplatform release list.

BTW, everyone says Xbox sales won't go up much because everyone who wants Halo has it. The same could be said for GT, GTA, and MGS this year on PS2. I think the redesign with the biggest library will help move PS2 hardware more than new titles.
JayFro said:
I'll make a prediction though, GTA SA won't sell as much as Vice City though. I see the GTA series in a decline either with GTA SA or the next iteration. Should be interesting to see October NPD and of course November and December as well.

There's always someone doing that. With VC it was Nintendo fans saying that GTA has lost its popularity and it wouldn't even sell half as much as GTA3 did. They also said Metroid Prime would outsell it. :)


Sucks at viral marketing
SolidSnakex said:
"One could argue that the GCN has always been behind, so when did this change accure?"

That isn't the truth though, Nintendo themself had been saying the GC was in 2nd place for quite awhile. It's start slipping more and more in recent months. Then came Nintendo fans starting to spin the GBA into thing to overshadow how much the GC was underperforming.
Oh, come on. So you're saying that people began bringing up the GBA sales only 6 months ago?

:( SSX, you, of all people, should know better than that.

Idiotic bickering aside:

Have these numbers been verified? Because if these are true, this could possible be one of the worse months in sales this generation. Other than the GBA, Pokemon, and Fable, sales for everything were practically crap. Nearly everything was below estimates; Wedbush Morgan's predictions were way off.

The biggest loser this would be EA. Madden 2005 - PS2 was down 40% from Madden 2004 - PS2 for September; and even the Xbox version was down 2%. BO3 did nothing. Who has the percentages by publisher? I'm guessing, this month, EA didn't make up 40% of the market....

On the bright side, NBA Live did really well considering it was released Sept 28th ..... hmmm, maybe too well.... does anyone have last year's numbers? (NBA Live 2004 was released Oct. 14, 2003)


SolidSnakex said:
"One could argue that the GCN has always been behind, so when did this change accure?"

That isn't the truth though, Nintendo themself had been saying the GC was in 2nd place for quite awhile. It's start slipping more and more in recent months. Then came Nintendo fans starting to spin the GBA into thing to overshadow how much the GC was underperforming.

I think that argument stems from people using "Gamecube" and "Nintendo" interchangeably. It is incorrect to say "Nintendo is failing" when meaning to say, "Gamecube is failing." Usually in the past, when people use "Nintendo" I called them out on it and brought up the other part of gaming they're in. I cringe when people try to defend the Gamecube itself by using the Game Boy, though.
JJConrad said:
Have these numbers been verified? Because if these are true, this could possible be one of the worse months in sales this generation. Other than the GBA, Pokemon, and Fable, sales for everything were practically crap. Nearly everything was below estimates; Wedbush Morgan's predictions were way off.

I think this year's an exception to the normal holiday sales of the past. Starting in October and onthrough December...this will be the most insanely-packed period for so-called AAA titles ever, I think. GT4, GTASA, H2, MP2, HL2, MGS3, MA2, GR2, PM2, Pikmin 2, etc. November and December sales numbers will make up for all the relative silence at retail thus far.


JJConrad said:
Idiotic bickering aside:

Have these numbers been verified? Because if these are true, this could possible be one of the worse months in sales this generation. Other than the GBA, Pokemon, and Fable, sales for everything were practically crap. Nearly everything was below estimates; Wedbush Morgan's predictions were way off.

The biggest loser this would be EA. Madden 2005 - PS2 was down 40% from Madden 2004 - PS2 for September; and even the Xbox version was down 2%. BO3 did nothing. Who has the percentages by publisher? I'm guessing, this month, EA didn't make up 40% of the market....

On the bright side, NBA Live did really well considering it was released Sept 28th ..... hmmm, maybe too well.... does anyone have last year's numbers? (NBA Live 2004 was released Oct. 14, 2003)
Maybe because people are saving their money for the big games in November? I know I am.


Ghost said:
Anihawk, i thought you were an xbot now.

I am as long as I have Panzer Dragoon Orta. I couldn't stand seeing it in that ugly green box, so I switched it with Amped's. Now it's in a nice silver/grey box and looks perfect. :)

The game rawks too. Will be going back to it if I have time between Paper Mario and Shadow Hearts Covenant next week.


So Fable sells twice as much in its first month than Ninja Gaiden. How is it possible that ugly men with swords are more popular than ninjas...THIS WORLD IS GOING NOWHERE!!!!
This Fable love is making me sick. For every choice a consequence my ass. Most linear RPG evar. Character alignment system is a joke. No DLC. Can be finished in under 20 hrs. Ugh!

That being said, it's great to see Xbox kicking ass and taking names. Too bad about the GC, though. Bring on the "revolution"! :lol


being watched
XBX $39,379,728 265,067
PS2 $38,046,609 253,295

"...as was as if a billion blue bananas all cried out at once...and then were suddenly silenced".

There is indeed a disturbance in the Sony force.
70+ million PS2 owners probably didn't even notice to be fair. They were probably the ones picking up Xbox as a second system :p

Sales are actually up year on year for Gamecube all round. The excellent Xbox performance is deceiving, but deserved. What they (nintendo) need is a catalyst to push the system like the system price drop last year. They rallied really well at the end of last year. Sadly, I don't think it's going to happen again. Hopefully I'm wrong of course.

Definately not going anywhere though.. and what say ye with sub 100k predictions? All in all I think the hardware ratios are about right for what gamers get. In the next few months, Nintendo are getting quite a lot of good stuff out there... hopefully they give people a reason to join in and pick it all up.
Damn I hate when I go to bed early!!!

Hardware numbers about where I thought they'd be. I was hoping for more PS2, but there were competing forces (Sept normally being a huge month for PS2 sales, significant shipments received in early Sept, shortages again in mid-to-late Sept)

Fable - OMG ! OMG ! OMG!
Pokemon - OMG! I thought it would be big, but damn!
Star Wars: Battlefront: OMG!
Xbox SW:BF & Burnout 3 beating PS2 versions. I think I made a thread to that effect.
Burnout & Madden - Extremely disappointing numbers
Star Ocean - WOW! I didn't see that coming at all
Sly 2 - Thankful it cracked 100k, but still it deserves more
Pikmin & Donkey Konga - disappointing numbers. GCN is showing no signs of a resurgence this holiday.

11 BURNOUT 3: TAKEDOWN $5,198,917 104,545
12 STREET RACING SYNDCTE $4,840,836 97,316

So sad.

Besides my ownage on Fable, could someone summarize the general thoughts here for me? :D


sonycowboy said:
Besides my ownage on Fable, could someone summarize the general thoughts here for me? :D

Sony will outsell Xbox "with ease" this holiday (debated)
Shortage affected Sony
Burnout, NHL2K5 & Battlefront all sold better on Xbox
Nintendoomed (Pikmin am crying)
600k for Fable?! What? Who? Why? WHY!!

I mean ... it's okay ... but 600k?! Where are these people coming from?!

Also DONKEY BOM-BA!! I am happy to see it fail as it's one of the most boring music games to hit the home in a while! TAIKO UBER ALLES!
11 BURNOUT 3: TAKEDOWN $5,198,917 104,545
12 STREET RACING SYNDCTE $4,840,836 97,316

jeSUS that is sad. Fucking stupid consumers. Who the fuck would pick SRS over BO3?

so no one had an answer to my question on FABLE? How does the NPD take into consideration returns? Is a sale still a sale even if the consumer brings it back after 3 days? etc etc

If anything; didn't we read a lot of posts about how Fable was the most returned game in a long while? I think GhaleonEB returned it despite his overt enthusiam for it


Most of these numbers don't surprise me. Fable was going to do big even though the game made good on few of it's promises. The GC is pretty much done and I'm sure by now Nintendo has written off.

The only thing that I'm sad about is Pikmin 2. This is a great game people--don't ignore it.


Poor Gamecube. I'm afraid the console will get over shadowed by Xbox and PS2 this holiday season. Metroid Prime 2 is all GCN has this year, and that still won't be enough. :(

Capcom really should've released RE4 in December.


Who cares?

No, seriously, who cares and why?

Every month I check all the threads at NPD, expecting a little of common sense, I only find dumness about how Nintendo is doomed, how that game bombed, and taking numbers to prove my game/company/console rules and your game/company/consoles game sucks.

Apart that this is a forum and people speak of whatever one wants (with mod seal of approval), anyone could give me a good reason why all NPDs thread are so long and always the with the same reasons from the same people?


The only solution left for Nintendo is to bundle a GBA with a GameCube...
A bundle with Mario Kart and another controller could give a little boost....but not in the long run IMO.
Consoles :-
PS2 vs XBox vs GC

Handhelds :-
GBA (SP) vs N-Gage vs Mobiles etc

People can argue all they want about what competes for 'gaming dollars' - hell this month I wanted to get Fable, but didin't because I wanted a new Sound Card for my PC...

I was weighing up a Game and a PC component to decide what to spend money on...

Hmm... they aren't in the same market though are they?

Anything could be argued to be in competition for your hard-earned green if you try hard enough, but you have to draw the line somewhere...

I like Consoles, Handhelds and PC as groupings personally. "Videogames" is too broad - why not "Software"? (Maybe because MS sells a shitload? :D ) It's a logical category no? Doesn't wash tho.

Of course it's an ongoing joke in the UK software sales that Norton Anti-Virus is permanently in the Top 10... :D

Dave Long

Pikmin 2 is the best game so far this year. Those of you that skipped it should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. It's a work of art and can entertain anyone from 3 to 100 years of age. Get off your asses and buy it.
Gaijin To Ronin said:
Who cares?

No, seriously, who cares and why?

Every month I check all the threads at NPD, expecting a little of common sense, I only find dumness about how Nintendo is doomed, how that game bombed, and taking numbers to prove my game/company/console rules and your game/company/consoles game sucks.

Apart that this is a forum and people speak of whatever one wants (with mod seal of approval), anyone could give me a good reason why all NPDs thread are so long and always the with the same reasons from the same people?

Because each month there's always fans saying that certain games/systems are going to have big months, and when they don't that gets pointed out. A few months ago it was all about how the supposed "uprising" didn't happen. Now its about how despite the GC getting 2 big titles according to Nintendo fans, they couldn't even manage decent sales with the GC hardware and how neither of those games did all that well.


Green Giant - Most sales system regard a returned item as a cancelled sale. Otherwise it will mess up accounting pretty bad, when it's sold a second time. Of course, if the game is returned and sold as used it's a different matter all together.


Microsoft: We're all about kicking ass and taking names.
Sony: You see, we're so ahead, we can't see anyone in our rear view mirror! har har!
Microsoft: That's cause we've just passed you, bitches!

And, finally, :lol :lol :lol @ sonycowboy's predictions :D MolyneuOwned!
open_mouth_ said:
Microsoft: We're all about kicking ass and taking names.
Sony: You see, we're so ahead, we can't see anyone in our rear view mirror! har har!
Microsoft: That's cause we've just past you, bitches!

And, finally, :lol :lol :lol @ sonycowboy's predictions :D MoyneuOwned!

Except for my infamous Fable won't crack 200k (which in my predictions after the M$ PR, I predicted at 410k), I think I did pretty good.


SolidSnakex said:
There's always someone doing that. With VC it was Nintendo fans saying that GTA has lost its popularity and it wouldn't even sell half as much as GTA3 did. They also said Metroid Prime would outsell it. :)

I wish the old board was available because I was the first person to go out on a limb and call the Xbox outselling the PS2 when the price cut was made as well as the Halo bundle. I was pretty much laughed right off of the boards, but I called it and it happened. I also predicted a shift in momentum between Xbox and PS2 months 2-3 months ago while many laughed and said it wasn't possible. Look again :)



Gaijin To Ronin said:
Who cares?

No, seriously, who cares and why?

I guess people who invest in video game stocks care, with good reason.. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with wanting to see your fav. gaming company do well


Marconelly said:
I think it's also true that GT3 is still far ahead when it comes to worldwide sales (NPD is US only). Not sure, though.
It is... in fact it's outsold Halo two times over (5M Vs 11M)? Unlike Halo, GT is phenominal success in more than one region.

And Jesus Christ, what with all the unwarranted GBA bashing?!? Now that Xbox managed to beat out a shortage hurt/pre new model PS2 for a little while, Xbots must be turning their attention to the real number one platform. ;)

Mrbob said:
Proof positive that Nintendo needs to dump their console business and go 3rd party while focusing on handhelds. Well, maybe not for long as they'll be forced to develop for the PSP soon.
I'd say just drop consoles period. Why use your desirable brands to push someone elses's machine, especially when they're progressively forcing you out of the market? Nintendo's not Sega, no need to grovel.

Subitai said:
Yeah, all it will take is some exclusive mature game, like say GTA, on PSP to turn things around pretty quick.
Too bad there's no streaming for PSP software (and no GTA as a result).... guess GTA owners will just have to buy a GBA to get their portable fix. :p

Kanbee-san said:
I am not knocking your opinion, but you just sound like a nintendo fanboy. I cant see how playing pixelated, crippled portable games could compete with the likes of online, 3d rendered, 5.1 chanel imersive console games.
Different strokes I guess? Personally, I like fun.

SolidSnakex said:
That's it. Pretty much whever the GC is doing badly, the GBA sales are brought up to damage control everything.
Hey now, I could care less about GameCube. There's actual GBA enthusiasts out there you know... about 58 million of us actually.

huzkee said:
I think a lot of people argue out of ignorance against GBA. I've said it before. Nintendo portable software is some of the most compelling software around. Games like Pokémon, Astro Boy: Omega Factor, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Advance Wars 1+2, Warioware and Fire Emblem can attest to this.

The fact that they are on a handheld doesn't take away the fact that they are as addictive and enthralling as their console counterparts. So, there's those who would argue they are equally or even more appealing than flashy 3D games with 5.1 surround, so what? I too find myself playing gameboy more often than my other consoles. It's called personal preference.
Well said. :)

Vagabond said:
Portables and Consoles ARE two different markets.

For portables you have two choices. Handhelds in the vein of VTechs/Palm pilots and GBA. Or really just GBA. Consoles are split amongst 3 candidates.
Well, there's also the rapidly growing mobile/cell gaming market, which GBA is actually feeling the most heat from. Handheld gaming is naturally more casual by design, GBA doing as well as it has for a dedicated portable gaming platform is pretty amazing... it's not successful by default, there's a range of other options for handheld gaming many of them being even more accessable and inexpensive. I'm not aiming this at you but I've noticed people around here tend to attribute GBA's monster success to some lack of competition, when the truth is GBA is likely the most heavily targeted game platform by other hardware makers.

Subitai said:
I just realized the other thing is that they couldn't before because PS2 almost always outsold GBA anyway.
Only in PAL regions. In America and Japan, GBA has almost always outsold PS2 month to month since it's launch. Europe (as usal) is Nintendo's downfall it seems. :/


jarrod said:
I'd say just drop consoles period. Why use your desirable brands to push someone elses's machine, especially when they're progressively forcing you out of the market? Nintendo's not Sega, no need to grovel.

Indeed. This will happen long before anyone at NCL would entertain the idea of developing on another console platform. I wonder if they will seriously consider making that kind of jump if the next console does GC like performance. They have proven that they can support a niche machine, but would it be worth it to do so when consumer aren't caring about what they do in the console realm anymore?
"I'd say just drop consoles period. Why use your desirable brands to push someone elses's machine, especially when they're progressively forcing you out of the market? Nintendo's not Sega, no need to grovel."

That seems like the best choice. Its becoming more and more obvious that they don't want to compete in that market. Look at all the push they're putting into the DS which is more than they've ever done for the GC. They don't seem to really care about the console market anymore. If that's how they keep viewing it then it'd make more sense to focus on the market they really care about which is handhelds.


Dave Long said:
Pikmin 2 is the best game so far this year. Those of you that skipped it should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. It's a work of art and can entertain anyone from 3 to 100 years of age. Get off your asses and buy it.

I dunno, it is a decent game, but the dungeons kind of suck at that is nearly half the game.

bloke said:
So Fable sells twice as much in its first month than Ninja Gaiden. How is it possible that ugly men with swords are more popular than ninjas...THIS WORLD IS GOING NOWHERE!!!!

Good point.

Speaking of Ninja Gaiden, how did it do in September? Did it sell enough to crack 500K?


Queen of Denmark
A few comments on issues raised in the thread:

- Nintendo, as far as we know, continues to profit on its console business. It would be ridiculous to quit something that still generates a profit because people on messageboards sometimes make fun of them.

- Pikmin 2's sales are disappointing, but Donkey Konga's are not. Remember, the game came out at the tail-end of the month.

- Yes, there still was a PS2 shortage in September. October NPD will be far more telling of just how much "momentum" Xbox has going for it.

- GC software sales may be lacking this month, but its hardware numbers hardly warrant some of the reactions in this thread. A console that's still selling over 100k a month is far from dead.


Oh, and a prediction for Fable: its sales will drop off massively. I've seen game shops flooded with used copies. It sold well initially on hype, but I think the game's questionable quality and short length will cripple it in the end.


I don't think anyone is doomed this gen, from here on out. I mean, it's been, what, 3 years since GC and Xbox were released? Xbox is selling more, but the Cube is still selling too.

The market is supporting three consoles.

Also, people who say GC only has Metroid this holiday season are ignoring the annual Mario-milking Nintendo will be doing. Mario Tennis and Mario Party 6 will probably do pretty well, maybe better than Metroid, and I think the Mario brand titles might even have a chance of avoiding the HL2/H2/GTA/MP2/MGS3 squeeze.


human5892 said:
A few comments on issues raised in the thread:

- Nintendo, as far as we know, continues to profit on its console business. It would be ridiculous to quit something that still generates a profit because people on messageboards sometimes make fun of them.

- Pikmin 2's sales are disappointing, but Donkey Konga's are not. Remember, the game came out at the tail-end of the month.

- Yes, there still was a PS2 shortage in September. October NPD will be far more telling of just how much "momentum" Xbox has going for it.

- GC software sales may be lacking this month, but its hardware numbers hardly warrant some of the reactions in this thread. A console that's still selling over 100k a month is far from dead.


Oh, and a prediction for Fable: its sales will drop off massively. I've seen game shops flooded with used copies. It sold well initially on hype, but I think the game's questionable quality and short length will cripple it in the end.

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