These are the kinds of things that make me question the basic sense people have about daily life. Own the shirt, wear it out on the street? Well, fine, if you're comfortable with what that implies about you personally. Wear it to work? Not actually appropriate, but I understand that some places don't really have HR rules and welcoming work environment as a high priority. Wear it ON TELEVISION? Failure of common sense. You might as well pick your nose and eat it on camera; either one is an embarrassing, cringeworthy choice.
I don't think he's a sexist or misogynist. I think he likes ladies in lingerie and he likes that shirt. I kind of like it too. But it was dumb to wear it in that setting. It was tasteless and unprofessional, and I can see why a lot of women might be put off by it or feel it sends a boy's club vibe though I'm certain that wasn't his intent.
Exactly. The guy's not a monstrous ogre or anything. He did a foolish thing and he should not in fact be exempt from criticism of the form "that thing you did was dumb, don't do it again."
Again, even with casual attire pretty broadly acceptable in many creative fields these days, in a professional environment this shirt would fly except in one that's so dominated by men that the perspectives of women are completely off the radar. This isn't even all that complicated. At most jobs you'd have a decent chance of eventually getting an HR complaint about it, with the chance going way up if you're a jerk (as opposed to a decent guy who makes one embarrassing choice, like Taylor seems to be.)
And going on TV, again regardless of where you work, is
always something that demands a higher standard of presentation and behavior than just going to the office. I've worked at at least four places where at some point TV crews came in (even if only for dumb local news stories) and we
always got an email beforehand telling people to step their dress game up for a day.
He screwed up. He apologized. People should
absolutely get off his back now, but it wasn't wrong to criticize it in the first place.
The shirt was made and given to him by a female friend.
I don't even know where to start in explaining how irrelevant this is.