sowrry but the OG cover is better. it fits the overall art direction of the game and even the music. The new one is just generic and cringe.
I agree.
Its funny cause it literally looks like the new cover was done by a graphics artist. The focus isn't on anything conceptual to add any layers or depth to the cover, its like "here be da characters, dis da title......" a concept artist and illustrator, i think its very fucking clear that the old Konami crew simply had better artist. Looking at the new cover, looking at the recent trailer from MGS3 remake that literally comes across as fucking soulless (and if you guys know me, I fucking RARELY ever make some argument about charm or soul or any fucking shit that can't be measured)
Its simply that it comes across bland. That isn't to say the team currently doesn't care or something, merely that they may not be as good as the prior team's artist. A cover should feel like a timeless piece, something so good it can stand on its own as a poster, not simply a fucking screenshot of 2 characters and a title.... I'm not trying to be mean or a bitch, I really feel like any of us literally might be able to take a fucking screenshot of the game and place the title on it and do just as good as a job as what we are seeing here and that doesn't bode well for that team imho.
So I hope to god that is just some place holder type image.
In terms of the MGS3 remake trailer, I think it goes to show that having a cinematographer and really actually planning the trailer and treating it as its own thing really does have an impact on the work.