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Silent Hill Downpour |OT| Rain, Rain, Go Away


Would such a thing be possible for consoles post release? I don't think I've ever heard of a developer retro-actively improving engine performance before

It happened to Darksiders on the 360. It ran at an unlocked framerate with no v-sync, and it tore every other frame; it was patched to fix those.

Now, do I think Konami would foot the bill for Vatra to do a patch that would at least improve the performance issues? The answer to that is, of course, no.
Yeah, Konami has been absolutely horrible this generation. If only the game would receive such treatment, I shudder to think what the town proper is like after reading so many posts about how it runs like a dog :\
Also unless the combat gets worse or something I'm failing to see the issue with it. Is it great combat? No, but it's not hard and I feel like it's the best combat in the series so far. I like that the camera focuses Murphy toward the enemy he's encountering, and blocking/attacking is a breeze. It's also very easy to just run away as well. It's certainly easier to deal with than Homecoming's combat and I feel like I have better control concerning attack and focal direction.

Literally the only problems I have up to this point are the performance issues, Murphy's hair being a permanent jaggy, the overall visuals looking slightly smudged, and the sound. There are a lot of sound details, but the voices and such are too muddled. However, I'm not playing it in surround so it could just be my TV.


Have I missed something on this
bells/blue candle
puzzle? I haven't seen a thing that would be any indicator as to the sequence these need to be rung.. Any help??


Also unless the combat gets worse or something I'm failing to see the issue with it. Is it great combat? No, but it's not hard and I feel like it's the best combat in the series so far. I like that the camera focuses Murphy toward the enemy he's encountering, and blocking/attacking is a breeze. It's also very easy to just run away as well. It's certainly easier to deal with than Homecoming's combat and I feel like I have better control concerning attack and focal direction.

Literally the only problems I have up to this point are the performance issues, Murphy's hair being a permanent jaggy, the overall visuals looking slightly smudged, and the sound. There are a lot of sound details, but the voices and such are too muddled. However, I'm not playing it in surround so it could just be my TV.

The only thing I dont really like about the combat is the impact sounds arent very satisfying (think the thwack from bashing enemies with a pipe in SH2). Enemy reactions however are decent (popping a screamer in the head with a nearby rock and running is always fun).

Do the enemies get stranger than what i've seen so far? Because the only thing remotely off putting are the tall white things. I know the Silent Hill monsters didnt get truly disturbing till 2-4 (1 had some creepy environments and those kid enemies, the rest of the fleshtone enemies weren't that scary unless i'm forgetting something), but so far they seem too normal.


Well I caved and bought this, I'm about to fire it up. After all the ups and downs of this thread, I'm weirdly excited.

EDIT: Well this game is successfully terrifying me, but the technical problems I've seen even in just the first hour are...noticeable. Still, I love janky games and this game is great in spite of itself so far.
Okay, finally reached the town of Silent Hill, had to duck into a basement cause it started raining and... Holy Christ is this game creepy. I don't think I've ever played a game as oppressively dark as this. Darkness is just enveloping and beyond the edges of your flashlight it's pitch black. At this rate, it's got high potential to unnerve me, which makes this the second game after Fatal Frame to make me hesitate to proceed at times


What the... i decided to hold onto the ladder hook after leaving the old rin down apartment building, and some how i end up inside the
? That just raises further questions!


Okay, finally reached the town of Silent Hill, had to duck into a basement cause it started raining and... Holy Christ is this game creepy. I don't think I've ever played a game as oppressively dark as this. Darkness is just enveloping and beyond the edges of your flashlight it's pitch black. At this rate, it's got high potential to unnerve me, which makes this the second game after Fatal Frame to make me hesitate to proceed at times

Yes I fully agree. This game is not the best looking, but the atmosphere is incredibly dark and creepy. As you said, oppressive is a great word for it. It's giving me a bit of an Alan Wake vibe, but in that game I loved seeing what was around the next bend, whereas here I'm dreading it.


The Centennial building was the best part of this game so far, holy fuck was I unnerved during the entire thing. They just never let up on the scares in that place. God damn..
whispering the entire time! Was enough to nearly drive me mad

What the... i decided to hold onto the ladder hook after leaving the old rin down apartment building, and some how i end up inside the
? That just raises further questions!

Might wanna remove the s from your tags, it's spoiler not spoilers. But yes, that was a very awesome throw back, as soon as I loaded into the room and saw those...yeah. It was a big "No fucking way!" moment.


The Centennial building was the best part of this game so far, holy fuck was I unnerved during the entire thing. They just never let up on the scares in that place. God damn..
whispering the entire time! Was enough to nearly drive me mad

Might wanna remove the s from your tags, it's spoiler not spoilers. But yes, that was a very awesome throw back, as soon as I loaded into the room and saw those...yeah. It was a big "No fucking way!" moment.

fixed, thanks for the heads up.
Someone please explain my ending to me? It felt VERY ABRUPT.
So I became a monster/guy in a raincoat. I didn't really get much closure. So Murphy killed the person whom killed his son at the beginning and as a favor he has to kill the prison guard who looked out for him? And then I attempt to kill his daughter(who kills murphy) and then she wakes up and is about to get transferred like its the beginning of the game again? I know SH has multiple endings but this one seems pretty terrible. Too quick to end in my opinion.

Ok. So I didn't realize you could hit continue.
and do things a bit differently as in kill the daughter or spare her. Without having to play through the whole thing again. Much more satisfied seeing the spare her ending.


Someone please explain my ending to me? It felt VERY ABRUPT.
So I became a monster/guy in a raincoat. I didn't really get much closure. So Murphy killed the person whom killed his son at the beginning and as a favor he has to kill the prison guard who looked out for him? And then I attempt to kill his daughter(who kills murphy) and then she wakes up and is about to get transferred like its the beginning of the game again? I know SH has multiple endings but this one seems pretty terrible. Too quick to end in my opinion.

You got one of six endings. That's actually not even one of the proper ones, that one only happens if she kills you before you can hit her. Load up your last save and try again for a proper ending.
You got one of six endings. That's actually not even one of the proper ones, that one only happens if she kills you before you can hit her. Load up your last save and try again for a proper ending.

You nailed it! Feel much better knowing I can do that for my ending.


You nailed it! Feel much better knowing I can do that for my ending.

The ending you get there is based on one final choice. Whichever one you choose, you can load up the save again and pick the other choice for another ending. Each of these endings will give you an achievement/trophy.
My copy from America arrived this morning! I'd wait until dark before I start playing it but my willpower is not that strong, so I'm gonna pop it in now. I hope the technical issues don't hamper my enjoyment too much.
When you hit them they sound ceramic.

But have you ever heard what Murphy says when he sees one for the first time?

mannequins aren't ceramic either. doesn't murphy say something like:

someone has really specific tastes

it wasn't my first encounter with one, but he said that when i was playing last night.


Wow the frame hitching in the 360 is pretty annoying. I can adapt to the low framerate, but the random 1-2 second lock ups are crazy. They aren't frequent enough to not enjoy the game, thankfully, but at least it has an inverted camera! (I'm still bitter at you, Double Helix!)

Here comes that non-existent post support from Konami!


Hopefully I am able to get this from Gamefly soon. Have not played Silent Hill in years, and from what I have seen, this looks like the best one to come along in years. I'll be looking forward to getting my hands on this one.

the chris

Played this for about an hour on the PS3 last night and I really liked the atmosphere so far, however it is really hard to get past all the technical issues. There is no excuse for this much freezing and screen tearing in the game, especially since it was delayed from October.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Played this for about an hour on the PS3 last night and I really liked the atmosphere so far, however it is really hard to get past all the technical issues. There is no excuse for this much freezing and screen tearing in the game, especially since it was delayed from October.
Yeah, I've had to stick with the 3D version to enjoy the game at this point. It still runs poorly, but it's definitely an improvement over the 2D mode and has great depth to boot.


Gold Member
I'm actually really enjoying this game.

Silent Hill 2 > Silent Hill > Silent Hill 3 > Silent Hill: Downpour > Silent Hill: Shattered Memories > Silent Hill 4: The Room: > Silent Hill: Origins > Silent Hill: Homecoming


story starts out so promising and just turns into a big pile of "meh"

My biggest beef is that the game just isn't scary. The atmosphere is pretty good, especially early on, but it's all just ineffective jump scares. The otherworld has some really great visuals later on but it never manages to be all that terrifying.

apart from those two issues and some other minor quibbles I thought the game did a lot of really good things. Vatra has easily outclassed every other western SH. Hopefully they can get another crack at it and build on all the stuff they did well.

SH1 > SH3 > SH2 > SHD >>>> SM > SHH = SHO>SH4


It's interesting to me that three of the four Team Silent games didn't use the "repressed memories and guilt" storyline, yet every Western developed game has.

These people need to do new things with Silent Hill's story.

Also, with this new game...just how big is the town now? :lol


It's interesting to me that three of the four Team Silent games didn't use the "repressed memories and guilt" storyline, yet every Western developed game has.

These people need to do new things with Silent Hill's story.

Also, with this new game...just how big is the town now? :lol

For what it's worth,
that's not really the big theme in Downpour's story. Murphy did not exactly repress any memories here, it's just that the player doesn't find out until later in the game. The "twist" is that Sarah's also influencing the Otherworld through her wish for revenge.

The execution may not be optimal, but I do like some of the ideas here.
Very early impressions. I've arrived at the Devil's Pit.

- Let's get this out of the way - technically the game does run like shit at times. That's no secret by now, so yeah. At first I thought I got lucky, as there was little screen tearing at first and no frame rate issues... and then I got to the Devil's Pitshop. Oh lawd. It's like the game had been clenching its buttocks since the beginning, couldn't hold it in anymore and decided to shit all over itself. Since then it's been inconsistent. Bizarrely, the first Otherworld segment ran without a hitch, and that's when the game was at its busiest.

- Graphically, game is suprisingly good looking. Murphy's face looks weird in-game, like it's low-res or something, and like Brandon said, the fat guy in the tutorial looked lolworthy. But the environments look terrific, especially the interiors. What's really impressive is how detailed everything is; there's a real sense of 'place' with everywhere you visit.

- Because of that attention to detail, the game is soaked in atmosphere. To me that's vital in a survival-horror, so... that's good.

- Licht's score is excellent. I guess I knew that already, but hearing it in context I must say; I'm not particularly sad to see Akira go.

- Set combat to easy. Kinda wish I hadn't now - those Screamers went down like Thai hookers. Currently have no qualms with the combat; it feels natural more than anything. But we'll see.

I really hope Konami let's Vatra release a patch to aid these performance issues. I'm amazed the game was allowed to be released in its current state, but given Konami's history I guess there's little chance this will be resolved. It's a shame; with the frame rate locked at 30 I'd have little else to complain about right now.


Short bus special
Nobody has done a real platform comparison yet. Damn.

Well, from what I gathered from the internet regarding the technical performance of this game is: "Technology-wise it's dogshit on both platforms."

So, pick your poison more or less.
The combat is pretty frustrating for me. I tried taking on a screamer with a hammer and it took forever to kill it. I ended up landing the finishing blow with my fists cause the damned hammer broke :l Lost more health than I'd like too cause the damned screamer alternates between grabbing you and slashing you. Team Silent's enemies might have been creepier looking, but they were dumb as bricks and never posed much of a threat. These enemies however, can legitimately fuck your shit up if youre not careful. So from now on, I'm runnin the hell away from everything lol


I can overlook the technical flaws, I just think the game looks damn fun based on the footage I have watched. It certainly looks like the best Silent Hill offering in years to me. Looking forward to finding out if this is the case when I eventually get around to playing it.


Haven't received my game yet so I'm listening to the soundtrack and I gotta say: it's pretty good. Didn't know Licht before cause I don't watch Dexter but the guy is a good replacement for Yamaoka...


Contrary to my earlier opinions, I had a great time last night when I was exploring the Northern part of the town, and all of it's interiors. Some of the sidequests led me to some pretty freaky places.
Mirror Mirror sidequest kinda freaked me out

Now I'm looking for all the pieces of the rhyme book at the
. I really like this environment a lot.

And whenever I turn on my forensic light and see wheelchair markings, I get chills. WHO IS THAT GUY
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