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Skullgirls (2D Fighting Game) Announced for XBLA, PSN


Sketchbook Picasso
mrklaw said:
forgive my ignorance, but do those guys have a hair fetish or is that something common to modern fighting games?

Filla has a Hair parasite; So her hair IS a bunch of weapons, morphing into crazy stuff, Morrigan-style.

Cerebella however is wearing a hat; It doesn't have much transformation ability, it just seems to beat you with it's arms. The muscles seem to change from being smoother to sinewey depending on the attack, though.

The main theme of the characters seems to be "a girl with a symbiotic relationship with some other living creature / extension from them". You have 2 girls with sentient umbrellas for example (they're sisters), one with a blade connected to her body with needles in her blood (...?), and another who'se head can detach and fight independently of her body (?!?).

Since it's called "SKULLgirls", there is a focus on head-related stuff (Hair, hats, mask, things to protect your head from rain, etc), but the game doesn't seem to focus on "Hair" at all. Just a bad side effect from their character choices to show first; it's like showing only Ryu and Ken for Street Fighter, when you have stretchy men, sumos, clawed ninjas, and acrobatic women also in the roster...


Sketchbook Picasso
Gametrailers has Mike Z himself talking about the game play overall (9 min) and some "combo gameply" (57 seconds with DHC's and 87 hits...):

Walkthrough of current build: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gdc-11-skullgirls/711325
Combo Hitsanity: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gdc-11-skullgirls/711306

Some of the things gleamed from walkthrough:

  • Hey, we get to see DHC's in action! First time I think.
  • The Tag System is shown, and roughly explained. 2 presets, 3rd custom, limits, etc.
  • Defeated character bodies stay on the ground (use to shrink away.)
  • Characters are not sprites, but hand-drawn art that's drawn 2x bigger than screen, scaled down for use in game.
  • Current engine is Mike's design, applied to Alex's pre-existing work.


Watched the Giant Bomb Quicklook not knowing what to expect, but the game looks pretty cool. I can see myself buying it.


So, I'm back home and in front of my computer. So, I'll write some stuff. I'm sorry if I've forgotten some of the specifics, but Mike said a BUNCH of stuff and to be honest, I wish I could have written it all down because there was a lot that was super promising sounding, and I'm sure I'll forget a bunch as well. Oh well.

I think that a lot of stuff has already been mentioned, such as the ability to break infinites, tag system, assists, lighting, whatever, but I'll go over some of it again. Instead of designing the game to try and get rid of infinites, the game anticipates that players will find them, and is able to recognize when an infinite has been started. When that happens, players can hit a button to break the infinite, which is pretty cool. One thing that makes it really neat also is the fact that you can screw it up by breaking the infinite at the wrong time, and if the player you're playing against is good, you can still get punished if you're dumb about when you break it. Everyone has a different place they can tag in from, so one character may tag in from the sky, another from the side, etc. The game uses 3d models and stuff for the lighting, so even though it's 2d art, the "models" still cast shadows and are lit differently depending on the background, which is really rad. Command throws don't really use too many 720/360 motions, and the game can detect when you're trying to do one and it'll keep you on the ground. Additionally, there are srk/hadouken/whatever motions, and instead of pressing a button you press the throw command, which is pretty cool. There's all the stuff you'd expect from stuff like the Marvel series like push block, DHC, assists, kara-cancels, blah blah blah. You get the gist. Read the thread and watch the videos.

Okay. So. I'll try and think of stuff that hasn't been said before now. So, you know how in Marvel games you can have unblockables when you call in an assist that comes low (or high) and you attack with the opposite high/low? Well the game recognizes when you call in an assist with unblockable timing, and will allow you to block both at the same time. This isn't to say you can't still mix it up by delaying your timing by a slight amount, but it allows you to actually not get hit if you're blocking correctly. Useful, to say the least. I'm pretty sure hit scaling/decay is pretty much non-existant as well. You can also DHC out of a level 3 super, and it'll still use 3 bars, which is pretty neat. Snapbacks are handled in a really cool way as well; each character has to be hit to the corner of the screen, so some characters (like grapplers) can send characters flying out easily, where rushdown/lighter characters need to have you near the edge of the screen to snap you out.

Additionally, the combo system does something that other games haven't done before, in allowing you to start a combo in the air and bring it to the ground to continue the chain. Say for example you start hitting someone in mid air, and they start to fall to the ground. Once they hit the ground, depending on how you're attacking, you can continue the combo instead of it just being a dead situation. Additionally, Mike talked about a lot of the problems that faced Marvel 2 in regards to hitboxes and how you could get stuck in traps in the game. It seems like this game is going to fix most of the hitbox problems that MvC2 had, so you shouldn't really run into many shenanigans where you just want to throw down your controller in disgust.

Overall though, what excites me most as a player is that it really does seem like this game is going to be very skill based, insofar as that when you're really, really beating someone bad, you're STYLING on them. Like you're not winning by infinites, or glitches, or traps that seem to not let up. It's because you're just outplaying them, plain and simple. You're reading them better, and you're just a higher quality player, plain and simple. It's designed to be friendly for beginners, but deep enough for serious fans to the point where when you're better, you're just better. Seriously, for 10-15 dollars this really seems like it's a no-brainer to pick up if you're a fan of fighting games. It's solid, and I had a pretty dang good time with it.


Sketchbook Picasso
Thanks for the info, Dartastic! Especially found the unblockable, snap-back, and throw-based details interesting. Sounds like they've decided for each character to have their own assist call-in style, which sounds like a great way to showcase personality + add to gameplay.

Should get more and more interesting as we get to see new members of the cast. Hope they start to do character spotlight + reveal videos, similiar to MvC2, or Tech-refs like SNKP did with KoF XIII. Would be a great way to showcase how much uniqueness the game has.
Interesting stuff in the writeup Dartastic. They really seem focused on easing first-time players into the game, but in new, unexplored ways. I look forward to seeing more from them.


aka acr0nym
Dartastic said:
So, I'm back home and in front of my computer. So, I'll write some stuff. I'm sorry if I've forgotten some of the specifics, but Mike said a BUNCH of stuff and to be honest, I wish I could have written it all down because there was a lot that was super promising sounding, and I'm sure I'll forget a bunch as well. Oh well.

I think that a lot of stuff has already been mentioned, such as the ability to break infinites, tag system, assists, lighting, whatever, but I'll go over some of it again. Instead of designing the game to try and get rid of infinites, the game anticipates that players will find them, and is able to recognize when an infinite has been started. When that happens, players can hit a button to break the infinite, which is pretty cool. One thing that makes it really neat also is the fact that you can screw it up by breaking the infinite at the wrong time, and if the player you're playing against is good, you can still get punished if you're dumb about when you break it. Everyone has a different place they can tag in from, so one character may tag in from the sky, another from the side, etc. The game uses 3d models and stuff for the lighting, so even though it's 2d art, the "models" still cast shadows and are lit differently depending on the background, which is really rad. Command throws don't really use too many 720/360 motions, and the game can detect when you're trying to do one and it'll keep you on the ground. Additionally, there are srk/hadouken/whatever motions, and instead of pressing a button you press the throw command, which is pretty cool. There's all the stuff you'd expect from stuff like the Marvel series like push block, DHC, assists, kara-cancels, blah blah blah. You get the gist. Read the thread and watch the videos.

Okay. So. I'll try and think of stuff that hasn't been said before now. So, you know how in Marvel games you can have unblockables when you call in an assist that comes low (or high) and you attack with the opposite high/low? Well the game recognizes when you call in an assist with unblockable timing, and will allow you to block both at the same time. This isn't to say you can't still mix it up by delaying your timing by a slight amount, but it allows you to actually not get hit if you're blocking correctly. Useful, to say the least. I'm pretty sure hit scaling/decay is pretty much non-existant as well. You can also DHC out of a level 3 super, and it'll still use 3 bars, which is pretty neat. Snapbacks are handled in a really cool way as well; each character has to be hit to the corner of the screen, so some characters (like grapplers) can send characters flying out easily, where rushdown/lighter characters need to have you near the edge of the screen to snap you out.

Additionally, the combo system does something that other games haven't done before, in allowing you to start a combo in the air and bring it to the ground to continue the chain. Say for example you start hitting someone in mid air, and they start to fall to the ground. Once they hit the ground, depending on how you're attacking, you can continue the combo instead of it just being a dead situation. Additionally, Mike talked about a lot of the problems that faced Marvel 2 in regards to hitboxes and how you could get stuck in traps in the game. It seems like this game is going to fix most of the hitbox problems that MvC2 had, so you shouldn't really run into many shenanigans where you just want to throw down your controller in disgust.

Overall though, what excites me most as a player is that it really does seem like this game is going to be very skill based, insofar as that when you're really, really beating someone bad, you're STYLING on them. Like you're not winning by infinites, or glitches, or traps that seem to not let up. It's because you're just outplaying them, plain and simple. You're reading them better, and you're just a higher quality player, plain and simple. It's designed to be friendly for beginners, but deep enough for serious fans to the point where when you're better, you're just better. Seriously, for 10-15 dollars this really seems like it's a no-brainer to pick up if you're a fan of fighting games. It's solid, and I had a pretty dang good time with it.

Good post man! It was nice talking to Mike Z for over an hour about the game; answering both me, and A Rivals questions. The gameplay is legit, and Mike Z knows what he's doing, and I have to say the game has the best button config known to man. I'll be buying this day one for the support, and will be fun to play when I'm not playing MvC3. I'm really looking forward to what Mike Z does in the future.


n3ss said:
Good post man! It was nice talking to Mike Z for over an hour about the game; answering both me, and A Rivals questions. The gameplay is legit, and Mike Z knows what he's doing, and I have to say the game has the best button config known to man. I'll be buying this day one for the support, and will be fun to play when I'm not playing MvC3. I'm really looking forward to what Mike Z does in the future.
Yeah, Mike is a dude. I completely I forgot about the button config. Press the button you want the button to be when the prompt comes up. It can take you literally a second to config the way you want. It's THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.
Dartastic said:
Yeah, Mike is a dude. I completely I forgot about the button config. Press the button you want the button to be when the prompt comes up. It can take you literally a second to config the way you want. It's THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.
That sounds great. All fighters need that.
SlamLOL said:

This image popped up on another forum, not sure where it's from.

Looks like earlier version/concept stuff, given that it's pixeled instead of drawn like what we've seen.

But it provides an idea of what some of the other characters might be and how they might look in game, for those who didn't know.
Thanks for this. Dare I say the character designs are growing on me.
Ravidrath said:
I'm not even a hardcore fighting guy, and I've always wondered why they didn't do it that way.

A lot of them did. Hell, most of them did all the way back to SF2 on the SNES. For whatever reason this changed around the PS2/DC era.
hikarutilmitt said:
A lot of them did. Hell, most of them did all the way back to SF2 on the SNES. For whatever reason this changed around the PS2/DC era.
I was playing Street Fighter Alpha 2 the other day and was surprised by it having the good kind of button config. And these days SSFIV gets it wrong :(


I've played this game several times when he's brought it around to various tournaments and events. Game is a legit fighting game and also fun. Definitely gonna be playing it when it comes out.

Azure J

After watching the videos on the game, I've realized that this game is really well thought out. It's also fun/funny as hell to watch being played. Consider me interested!
Im a huge huge fan. Feels familiar yet fresh, and definitely has some really awesome ideas that fighting games will ape from them shamelessly.

Can't wait to grab this.

Got to hang w/ Mike and some other devs at GDC & PAX. Totally bang-up folks full of heart and passion.


I played at PAX East and wasn't really impressed. The person at the booth didn't really explain the characters or movesets very well, just said to experiment with Street Fighter type controls. Maybe if I had some more time to dedicate and play around with it without holding up a line I'd give it another shot.


Personally, I think the downloadable space is the perfect place for these types of fighters now. I was pretty freakin' disappointed by the skimpy content given to me by Capcom in MvC3. To get everything they'll likely offer, I'd eventually have to shell out $80+. I love fighting games, but you'll probably never find me competing in a tournament. For me, Skullgirls looks like a sweet, little package at just the right price. Really dig the stuff Mike Z was showing off in terms of how the system recognizes infinite combos. It just seems like such a practical fighter in so many ways.


I have a question regarding the infinite system.

So, when you do an infinite, the hit sparks change to red, so the opponent can do a "combo breaker". What happens if you start doing an infinite, the sparks change to red, but after a few hits you change your combo so it's not an infinite anymore?


Dizzy-4U said:
I have a question regarding the infinite system.

So, when you do an infinite, the hit sparks change to red, so the opponent can do a "combo breaker". What happens if you start doing an infinite, the sparks change to red, but after a few hits you change your set-up so it's not an infinite anymore?
Watch the gametrailers vids. He demonstrates just that.


Dizzy-4U said:
I have a question regarding the infinite system.

So, when you do an infinite, the hit sparks change to red, so the opponent can do a "combo breaker". What happens if you start doing an infinite, the sparks change to red, but after a few hits you change your combo so it's not an infinite anymore?

The system basically acts like a traffic cop. If you mix things up a bit, it won't turn red. He explains all that later on in the video demonstration.


Who the fuck are these guys announcing, wtf lol.

Edit - That last string was dope. Really drove home that "styling" thing I was talking about earlier. :p


Unconfirmed Member
CopperDabbit with that Cerebella technology. :O

Things are looking really interesting with competitive players getting a shot at the game.
Game is looking awesome! :D

Hope they re-reveal my favorite character of their's soon!


:D <3

Ellis Kim

It just occurred to me, but they should talk to the skull candy headphone guys for some sort of marketing/sponsorship deal. I think it'd be a good idea.


Sketchbook Picasso
The more I see of this game, the more I get the feeling that Supers are much less (epic combo enders" and are more like "The best combo extenders EVER!", in this game.

That's not a horrible thing, but I do prefer my supers more as exclaimations, rather than commas, heh. It's like everything has KoF style Critical Wire... except you don't need to counter anything...

Similiar reason why I find the "OMG, Grapplers who can COMBO!" comments so funny. And what the hell with the "so many guile handcuff glitches in XIII"? 90% of those were patched away months ago...

And Super Moves are the base level of Comeback mechanics!

*ahem* ANYWAY!

Liked Cerebella's from-air throw. (The tent beatdown.) Pretty much see a new move or 2 each vid from this game.

I find it funny to describe Fillia as the "Shoto" of the game, when she hasn't been shown to have a basic fireball more, and her Dragonpunch is barely even significany to her gameplay (so far).

I expect Peacock to be some form of Zoner/trap character, very interested to see how well that style works in thie game.

I do like the music of the game so far, also. Expecially the Mullti-level town stage, and the "select" screen. Really reminds me of stuff you'd hear all over the 3rd tier fighters on SNES... like something outta Deadly Moves, Doomsday Warrior, or Hey Punk, are you Tough Enough! (Death Dance). That a good thing though! You really get a chance to see the WIDER range of the overall inspirations, when you get to hear it all, and not just focuse on the fact it's a girl VS girl + fanservice fighter.

Looks like the character personality will be pretty nice, from what we heard in this vid. Nicknames for each other, comments on similarities between themselves... good to see they're not cheaping out on the VA work.

One random hope from me, though; I hope we get at least one Background or 2 with some onlookers /crowds. I'd understand if we DIDN'T, in this case (so much to animate!), but I can still hope for it!


The more I think about it the more I want the next Darkstalkers to use this tech. Yeti would look so fucking cool and all the rest of the Darkstalkers cast. I'd really just like to see Capcom do a 2d fighter again *sigh* and with this new way of doing the animating it could be something amazing.

On topic cant wait for this Skullgirl joint gonna be hot.
Elixist said:
The more I think about it the more I want the next Darkstalkers to use this tech. Yeti would look so fucking cool and all the rest of the Darkstalkers cast. I'd really just like to see Capcom do a 2d fighter again *sigh* and with this new way of doing the animating it could be something amazing.

On topic cant wait for this Skullgirl joint gonna be hot.
What do you mean "new way of doing the animation"?



SAB CA said:
  • Characters are not sprites, but hand-drawn art that's drawn 2x bigger than screen, scaled down for use in game.

Isn't it the same method used by Muramasa (and all Vanillaware games)?
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