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So, Drake is being accused of using ghost writers. Fuckery inside.

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Rap's so weird about authenticity. Like anyone cares that every singer uses song writers.

Like, does anyone care Aretha didn't write RESPECT? (Otis Redding did).

Rap's a bit different. The genre is heavily analytical so unlike other genres of music, where the performance, delivery, or vocal ability are more important. In rap lyrics take center stage (though this is becoming less and less true each day). It doesn't really matter what you sound like, what you're actually saying is what takes center stage. Which is why rap fans take things like this a bit more seriously. All in all this won't affect Drake one bit since his fan base really doesn't give a damn about about this sort of thing.
btw the cat that Meek accused of ghostwriting for Drake, Quentin Miller, used his 5 minutes appropriately and dropped a mixtape. Here's a track

This track reveals a fundamental truth of why ghostwriters exist: Some cats just aren't that nice behind the mic. I mean, you can have a wild pen game, but if the vocals are wack, the track is wack. End of story.

This negus has the charisma of a doorknob.

This track also sounds suspiciously like something Big Sean would rap, but that's another story for another time

Yeah I used to wonder if voice has an effect on whether you're a good rapper or not.

It definitely does.

If you have the best rhymes but not a superstar voice better be a ghost writer




So Meek kinda burned some bridges by snitching out this kind of information?

Like, who will even try to help him if he turns his back to you so easily. I remember Drake wearing free Meek t shirts in concerts and there's that entire Wale drama from years ago.

The dude is an emotional bomb, kinda like Chris Brown and I bet he will expose Nicki in some ways when they inevitably breakup.


So Meek kinda burned some bridges by snitching out this kind of information?

Like, who will even try to help him if he turns his back to you so easily. I remember Drake wearing free Meek t shirts in concerts and there's that entire Wale drama from years ago.

The dude is an emotional bomb, kinda like Chris Brown and I bet he will expose Nicki in some ways when they inevitably breakup.

And the bolded is the problem. I mean everyone has emotions... he just is pretty bad at choosing when to express himself.

But Nicki seems like the long term type. She was with Safare for what... 15 years?


Are there any recent Ghostface postings about Drake? I havent checked that blog thing for years and they were hilarious
Yeah I used to wonder if voice has an effect on whether you're a good rapper or not.

It definitely does.

If you have the best rhymes but not a superstar voice better be a ghost writer

If you play your cards right, ghost-writing can be an awesome job.

Peep it:

You get paid, no matter how the records do.

You're still in the entourage (and have higher station in the entourage than the good for nothing weed carrier) so you still get to live the lavish lifestyle without any of the bullshit that comes with "being famous"

You get to do what you love, writing raps, for a living.

If you can swallow your pride and let other people take credit for your work, you can eat well off of ghostwriting
So Meek kinda burned some bridges by snitching out this kind of information?

Like, who will even try to help him if he turns his back to you so easily. I remember Drake wearing free Meek t shirts in concerts and there's that entire Wale drama from years ago.

The dude is an emotional bomb, kinda like Chris Brown and I bet he will expose Nicki in some ways when they inevitably breakup.

Yeah Meek is an idiot. If you're going to call out a rapper, call someone out whose on your level popularity wise. Don't call out someone whose debut albulm sold more than your entire discography combined. I sense this will soon be another 50/Ja Rule situation.
btw the cat that Meek accused of ghostwriting for Drake, Quentin Miller, used his 5 minutes appropriately and dropped a mixtape. Here's a track

This track reveals a fundamental truth of why ghostwriters exist: Some cats just aren't that nice behind the mic. I mean, you can have a wild pen game, but if the vocals are wack, the track is wack. End of story.

This negus has the charisma of a doorknob.

This track also sounds suspiciously like something Big Sean would rap, but that's another story for another time

His flow game wack but that song hard.


Is it a surprise?

This is a guy who deadlifts catbacked using gloves


I dunno what's wrong with gloves, I've never used them before but I don't lift enough yet.

But "cat backed" is super dangerous in a deadlift. That's an easy way to injure yourself.


I dunno what's wrong with gloves, I've never used them before but I don't lift enough yet.

But "cat backed" is super dangerous in a deadlift. That's an easy way to injure yourself.
I don't get why there's a problem in using gloves. You need them unless you want to completely fuck up your hands.
even if meek mill wasn't the one to say it , it's obvious to anyone that Drake is a fraud . he speaks one way yet raps another (think similar to Iggy ) . he also steals other cultural concepts in hiphop and waters them down for his music (think popular ATL trends) he even straight up bites other rappers flows and acts as if he was the one that came up with it. I like his music but you can't take Drake seriously , after all he is an actor, he's just been fortunate to have a good marketing and pr machine behind him as well as enough talent to capitalize on his success. whether or not meek mill is a credible source I definitely don't believe Drake is the originator of his own content.
I dunno what's wrong with gloves, I've never used them before but I don't lift enough yet.

But "cat backed" is super dangerous in a deadlift. That's an easy way to injure yourself.

I don't get why there's a problem in using gloves. You need them unless you want to completely fuck up your hands.

Gloves add an extra layer between your hands and the bar. They effectively make the bar thicker and harder to grip. Rather than increase your grip strength, they actually decrease it.
Drake can't match up with just about any decent rapper in a battle so he'll stick to subliminal shit. His childish response to Control ("bububu people won't want to work with Kendrick anymore!") told me everything I needed to know about him.

And you know he texts Nicki. Dude doesn't respect boundaries and needs to be touched. Diddy gave him an L but I think he needs a bigger one.
Drake can't match up with just about any decent rapper in a battle so he'll stick to subliminal shit. His childish response to Control ("bububu people won't want to work with Kendrick anymore!") told me everything I needed to know about him.

And you know he texts Nicki. Dude doesn't respect boundaries and needs to be touched. Diddy gave him an L but I think he needs a bigger one.

I mean this is the guy who may or may not have written Marvin's Room. The quintessential simp anthem.


lol who is this politician guy? I like him

He's a city councillor in Toronto, and was the Deputy Mayor under Rob Ford. He's the one who took over the duties of the Mayor when they stripped Ford of his powers (but not his title.)

He's also got a really good sense of humour and seems pretty in touch.


Meek's smart; this is the most I've heard anyone talk about him, second only to him getting out of jail


He's butt though


I always figured he has a ghostwriter when it was rumored that the guy who did "Krispy" wrote all his songs. And the last time I cared enough about listening to him freestyling, he was reading from a damn phone @_@

But I stopped caring. Just as long as the music is good, it doesn't bother me.


I always figured he has a ghostwriter when it was rumored that the guy who did "Krispy" wrote all his songs. And the last time I cared enough about listening to him freestyling, he was reading from a damn phone @_@

But I stopped caring. Just as long as the music is good, it doesn't bother me.
Lol for real?


You can't trust a guy whose real name is Aubrey. Just sayin'.

Plus the whole being on a teenie bopper sitcom for years. It's impossible to take him seriously.


If you play your cards right, ghost-writing can be an awesome job.

Peep it:

You get paid, no matter how the records do.

You're still in the entourage (and have higher station in the entourage than the good for nothing weed carrier) so you still get to live the lavish lifestyle without any of the bullshit that comes with "being famous"

You get to do what you love, writing raps, for a living.

If you can swallow your pride and let other people take credit for your work, you can eat well off of ghostwriting
Are salary ghost writers a thing. You make it seem as though any given "artist" is gonna go to the same well repeatedly. If they're smart they'll spread it out so no one man can claim you used their lyrics and you can at least make the claim some or most of your stuff is yours.
I just can't get behind any musician that doesn't right their own stuff. You're either born with a good voice or you're not. It's the songwriting that is the true talent.
Drake can't match up with just about any decent rapper in a battle so he'll stick to subliminal shit. His childish response to Control ("bububu people won't want to work with Kendrick anymore!") told me everything I needed to know about him.

And you know he texts Nicki. Dude doesn't respect boundaries and needs to be touched. Diddy gave him an L but I think he needs a bigger one.

Yeah. Plus the fake hood shit.
Yeah this happened back when drake was a newcomer (but still fairly popular) countless parodies of it too. The rap community has always talked shit on jimmy but he still on top.

Drakes on top because he's the most marketable rapper . He's raps equivalent of Rihanna , makes rap pop music that is marketed towards younger white girls so he gets tons of radio play, big shows and features . Having a Drake feature is valuable just like having a Rihanna feature is valuable , it gives your track a better chance on mainstream music charts. Drake is mad corny and it's obvious to any real rap artist he's a fake. Notice there's really no Drake beefs , that's not cause people don't dislike him, it's because he's smart enough to not fuck with the real hiphop artists and the rappers that really want that come up or nice bump in popularity don't dare diss Drake cause they know they'll never get that feature they're so desperate for. Most authentic hiphop isn't radio or award show friendly and usually neither are the artists who are making the tracks so Drake is king of mainstream hiphop cause either the authentic hiphop artists aren't trying to compete with him or the other mainstream hiphop artists can't compete with him. Drake also had virtually no consigns from the rappers who pull weight in the hiphop community, as far as I know he hasn't had anybody besides pop rappers do features on his tracks. He even got completely silent way back when Wutang Forever dropped and no one in Wutang were fucking with that track, Ghostface and Inspectah Deck even took shots at him as an artist and he never responded cause he knew that'd be a bad career move to bring that sort of attention from the authentic hiphop heads on him. the only other pop rappers giving Jimmy a run for his money are Kendrick, J. Cole , and Kanye. I do respect Drake for putting lots of money into the battle rap community tho so he gets props for that.


Cant deal with grown ass hip hop artists in an industry chock full of bravado and chest thumping, crying and throwing shade on social networks like little high school teeny boppers.

This entire generation lost.

The M.O.B

Im surprised Meek can still get away with using the same exact flow in every one of his songs.

Meek literally doesn't have a single memorable verse from the 15-20 songs I have heard him in.

I await the ether
Im surprised Meek can still get away with using the same exact flow in every one of his songs.

Meek literally doesn't have a single memorable verse from the 15-20 songs I have heard him in.

I await the ether

very true , meek mill is a one note artist but no way Drake is coming at him with a diss song. Drakes never done a diss song, he sneak diss'a on tracks but he isn't going to come with ether. If he did that'd make him a target for every rapper that wants their name in hiphop blog sites front stories to do a diss track against Drake. Or even worse Drake might wake sleeping hiphop giants who might feel they need to chime in on his back and forth with meek mill. So I highly doubt this will result in anything more than a simping contest between meek and and drake .
Nah Drake will never say Meek's name on wax. He is Jigga's child when it comes to beefing. He'll pop sub shots from now until Kingdom Come and goad Meek into making a fool of himself, instead of attacking him directly.
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