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So... I have been dating a stripper for 6 months....

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Abandon ship!



She is not in love with you. She is using you. I would tell you to bail, but it appears that you are a bit delusional about this. I say delusional because:
  • You "fell in love" with a stripper after a few weeks
  • You gave her money that early in your "relationship"
  • You guys fight about you not giving enough money
  • You cannot see that she has probably more men like you
  • You believed the pregnancy story
  • You still plan on moving in with her
  • You still have not bailed


- She got pregnant back in February by me, she had a miscarriage, she never showed proof of pregnancy, never showed one bill from the Doctor as it was an Ecoptic pregnancy and she had to have the remains removed, no proof, no dr name as she refused to give it to me.

Seriously. Dude.


She has two cars, two condos and a million dollar home, and despite all that she's demanding you support her financially?


This is one of those topics.

Ask GAF for advice

Ignore GAFs advice

Come back wishing you had listened.

Bail out now, you're getting played and you know it.


I went into this thread thinking it was going to be about a guy trying to come to terms with the fact his girl was a sex worker and I was going to say it doesn't mean she's a bad person or not worth dating. I read the first couple paragraphs and I was wondering why none of your bros who most likely high fived you for scoring a most probably extremely hot girl didnt spend 5 seconds slapping the shit out of you and knocking some sense into you. Bail out.


Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.
That's the post you responded to?
Umm, I think you're being played
Part of me thinks we're getting played. I know it's April 2nd, but....

IF this is real, OP....I've known strippers. Even been friends with a few. You are getting played. If she loved you, she wouldn't be doing what she's doing.

If she loved you, she'd sacrifice at least one of the 15 houses / condos she apparently has. My eyes cannot roll any harder.


So my current GF was a stripper.. She was when I met her (I did not meet her there).. she was going to school full time.. has 2 kids... was only there for the money but also worked another job... she graduated school 2 months ago and quit her job the very next day... is super honest.. no red flags have popped up in 7 months... she is the exact opposite of what I thought when she first told me what she did... and trust me I dug.. I looked.. I tried to find out the dirt.. and its not there from what I can tell. She is everything I have every hoped a woman could be in a relationship... from attitude.. work ethic.. communication.. and of course looks and intimacy.

It really depends on the person... sounds like you landed one that really only wants to use you for money. My advice is to just move on.. fast. The moment I get a bad feeling in my relationship I will also bolt.


Why do you say that? The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.

Is this a joke post? Literally re-read what you wrote bro. She doesn't love you.

Permanently A

Junior Member
What has been a struggle with me with her is that I am in love with her, she is in love with me, I can tell, she says so. But it is always about her needing money and that in her culture and with the men she has been with in the past always helped out.

She's in love with your money and if you can't see that you're a fool.
That was surprising.


No it isn't. She wasn't in the DR, but was pretending to be while she worked another guy in the area. She knew that by giving back a little bit of money now, she could hook him for the long con to come.

I used to have a roommate who danced at a "high end" strip club on Moorehead in Charlotte and I would hear amazing stories from her and her coworkers about how much money they got from men. When I asked how they could make that much while dancing they laughed and explained how they make 10 times more by giving out the phone numbers to guys and then having a series of personal crises.

Strip clubs are for suckers.


The only thing that makes me thing she is not in love with me is that she constantly wants to bring up things I did wrong in her eyes and me not helping her financially. I dont bring up things she did to me because I have forgiven her and I am in love with her. Love doesnt enjoy constantly putting down the one your with.

I don't know why you're doubting yourself at all, she clearly loves you. After all, who are these people, to tell you what love is? Hugs from their mothers are the only touch of a woman most Gaffers have felt. YOU are the sole person who can truly understand your situation, and from what you've been saying, the clear answer is to let things stay the way they were. Continue to forgive her past transgressions (after all, she's only human), admit your own faults (so are you!), and above all, do your best to keep giving her money.


The Beard

I feel bad for you. This is seriously a fucked up situation. My advice is leave her now, like right now. Everything you said about her made me cringe. When I thought it couldn't possibly get worse, you revealed something even more disturbing.

Ask yourself this question: If she wasn't hott, would I stiil put up with these lies and let her use me as an ATM ?
If you believe that she really loves you after all you've typed out, then I have some money in a Nigerian bank account with your name on it.

PM for details.

Says she loves you, constantly asks you for money, has a million-dollar house...

You're being played like a damn fiddle, OP, you're just too in love lust with her to see it yet.
Put yourself in her shoes and have some empathy. With the assets she amassed you can tell her she's a very hard working person that is going through a bad time. And in her area of work you surely know the amount of abuse she must have suffered, no wonder she wants to be treated with basic human decency.

She deserves better. Break up so another gaffer can treat her well.


So what say you GAF?

From this story, you're a good guy with a good job. Saying that a stripper is your dream girl is sorta weird, but that aside, you probably have lots of options out there.

Go look for them. This woman has baggage and is totally using you. Guaranteed that the moment you leave for good, she has another guy lined up.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This is one of those topics.

Ask GAF for advice

Ignore GAFs advice

Come back wishing you had listened.

Bail out now, you're getting played and you know it.

Nah, dude ignores all those warning signs kinda deserves it. Guy like that is a Gold Digger or Con Man's dream. Next update he'll be telling us about how she wants him to start selling Cutco Knives door to door for her or something.

This entire story is so shady that I'm going to come back to it in the summer with a good book and sit under it.


First question. Is she from the island? Like born there? If she is then what part? It would explain a lot about her behavior and customs.

Second. Is the amazing sex she is giving you worth it? I mean, if you love her then eject immediately cause it'll be nothing but heart ache for you. But, if you know she's using you for something, use her right back. Don't get attached to that kid tho lol

Third. Dominican women (my people) are fine and I find tend to be very independent (especially ones from the heights or other parts of nyc/east coast). If you are looking for a fine ass Dominican chick, simple go to Washington heights in NYC, and just walking around st.nicholas, you'll literally bump into tens of thousands of them. Good luck though, dating a Dominican chick requires a phd in patience lol
Watch what happens when you tell her "hey honey, we love each other but money has dried up on my end. However, I know in my heart we can support each other with our feelings and willingness to overcome adversity, plus you have all those assets you can lean on in case any emergencies come up."

You won't even have to leave her. She'll be gone like the Roadrunner dashing off into the horizon.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I have a little experience with this so I will chime in. I dated a few strippers back in the day. 8 out of 10 or bad news. There are actually the 2 of that 10 who are going to school, only doing it to pay some bills, it is a temporary thing, etc. But that 8 are usually in it for the long haul. They think of money as something they deserve to get. They look at most guys (especially nice ones) as marks and something to use to get what they want. So when I "dated" the strippers, I used them just as much as they wanted to use me. I got some freaky nights, took them out of some dates to places they had never seen (like a museum) and bounced.

She does not love you. She is using you. Let's just say that in her warped mind, she may love you. But her idea of love is you giving her money and doing anything she asks of you and she doing whatever she wants to do. Either way it is a toxic situation that you need to see your self out of. When you gave her that $1000, you screwed up. She saw you as a mark at that point. The only stripper relationships I have seen that actually worked were the guys who didn't give a dime to them and it was the other way around. Even those weren't long-lasting. The other stripper relationships that I have seen work are the ones where the man gets off on the stripper being with other men.

Think about it like this. A woman who for 10+ years has taken off her clothes for dollar bills, has grinding on random dudes for $20 bills, has gone into the champagne room and has done who knows what for $100s may end up with some warped ideas of what intimacy and a relationship is supposed to be. One stripper told me that stripping totally screwed up her idea of empathy and intimacy to the point that she only cared about money, getting drunk and making sure her kid didn't make the same mistakes.

Run like hell dude. Why in the hell were you taking care of her and her kid that soon? You say you pretty much moved in within 2 weeks, with her kid there? You didn't think that was a bit odd.

Man these chicks look for lonely guys with money and juice the hell out of them. The crazy part is the guys run right back asking to be abused even more.

Is this you OP?

Seriously, are you 21 like your username implies? Why are you blowing your financial security on a woman just because she's fine? Why are you busting raw nuts in a woman you barely know that has a shaky financial history just because she's fine? Why are you indulging her frequent staycations thousands of miles away when neither of you can afford it?

I mean, I know the answer; the sex is amazing. But think real hard, with your brain, about whether anything that has transpired in the past 6 months indicates that this is a person you can grow old together faithfully with. If anything gives you the slightest doubt - and meeting up constantly with her ex who gives her shit all the time would have most people running for the hills - break up with her. And for God's sake use protection man. Jesus Christ.




I was already done the moment you stupidly gave her 1k dollars but then the horror story just kept going on. Dude, if she was pregnant by you then she clearly had your baby aborted. Let me repeat that, she had your baby aborted. RUN. FOR. YOUR. LIFE!!!

What has been a struggle with me with her is that I am in love with her, she is in love with me, I can tell, she says so. But it is always about her needing money and that in her culture and with the men she has been with in the past always helped out.

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