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Sony to Release New Game Console at U.S. Expo in 2005

WTF is this? Somebody please enlighten us. Also, have they given any updated hardware shipped numbers???



gofreak said:
This was in the other thread that got locked - it's from a gameindustry.biz article.

Why are they talking down the possibility of decreased memory capacity by invoking greater bandwidth? Seems like they dodged the question..perhaps they're suggesting that increased bandwidth will mitigate the impact of decreased capacity?

Well, there are two possibilites:

a/ bandwidth stays the same, memory gets halved

b/ Bandwidth doubles, memory stays the same

On a different note, Kutaragi had this to say:

Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi has confirmed that a playable version of the PlayStation 3 will exist by next spring, with the console set to appear at E3 next year, quashing rumours of serious delays to its development.

Speaking at a press conference about the PSP in Tokyo this morning, Kutaragi confirmed that the console would be at E3 next year in playable form, and reacted directly to industry rumours which had suggested that difficulties in the creation of the Cell microprocessor could push the company's schedule for the system back.

"There has been some talk that development is not going well, but we expect to have a playable version at E3," he told the conference. "We are pushing ahead with that schedule in mind."


GAF's Bob Woodward
SolidSnakex said:
It's basically just a place where fans can brag about who did the best. Most gamers aren't going to care about it and some might not even know it's going on.

I'd say there will be a good amount of general media coverage next E3 if all 3 are showing new home systems (as they will)..people will hear about it. But the impact of E3 '05 will be pretty much nullified if another E3 swings by before launches (as will likely happen, at least in the case of Sony & Nintendo).


sonycowboy said:
WTF is this? Somebody please enlighten us. Also, have they given any updated hardware shipped numbers???

Talkman. Translation software for the PSP that uses the microphone and presumably voice recognition.







I take it TM will probably be the bundle software for the PSP microphone peripheral? Is it more along the lines of a virtual pet (Hey you Pikachu, Seaman) or communcation software (Picto Chat) then?


wait so lemme get this straight...

XBOX 2 November 2005 launch = oh noes! microsoft is teh stupid! no match for ps3 power!!

PS3 March 2006 launch = YES!! REJOICE!!


I take it TM will probably be the bundle software for the PSP microphone peripheral? Is it more along the lines of a virtual pet (Hey you Pikachu, Seaman) or communcation software (Picto Chat) then?

By the looks of it, it could be a portable babblefish. Maybe better. Sure that would have limited use, but it'd be really neat for tourists.


GAF's Bob Woodward
golem said:
wait so lemme get this straight...

XBOX 2 November 2005 launch = oh noes! microsoft is teh stupid! no match for ps3 power!!

PS3 March 2006 launch = YES!! REJOICE!!

It depends ;) It is 5 months..which could well be enough time for Sony to capitalise on in terms of technology. I also think Sony will be willing to take a bigger hit on their hardware than Microsoft will (allowing them even more leeway), but we'll see...
golem said:
wait so lemme get this straight...

XBOX 2 November 2005 launch = oh noes! microsoft is teh stupid! no match for ps3 power!!

PS3 March 2006 launch = YES!! REJOICE!!

I don't think we've seen any meaningful speculation regarding a March 2006 launch. The PS2 launched in March 2000, but I don't think that has any bearing on the timing between the US & Japan launches for the PS3. It's a different world. BTW, The PS launched in Dec 1994 in Japan.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
cja said:
Panajev, thanks. Mid-late February would be the same as for the original PS2 unvealing wouldn't it? Is PS3 aimed at a late '05 release in Japan? The PS2 was intended for a late '99 release there. If anything it looks as if Sony are slightly ahead of the PS2 schedule.

PlayStation 3 is likely to release around March 2006 in Japan and around October/November in the U.S. following the same path PlayStation 2 took if all goes well.

If there are issues I see them delaying the Japanese launch a bit and leave the American launch the same or shift it to very late November-to-mid December.

I think that thanks to the premium that PlayStation 3 will be sold at in Japan and maybe England and some other parts of Europe plus the fact that I see Blu-Ray technology dropping in price quite nicely in the next two-years should allow a $299 price-point in the U.S. with normal losses taken on the Hardware by SCE (also, Blu-Ray ROM should be cheaper to include than Blu-Ray Re-Writeable).
2006 launch is perfect timing for PS3 by that time I should be just about caught up with the PS2 library :p

and Microsoft should launch AFTER PS3 to make sure they get any type of hardware advantage they can.


GAF's Bob Woodward
seismologist said:
and Microsoft should launch AFTER PS3 to make sure they get any type of hardware advantage they can.

Microsoft is pretty adamant they won't let sony get any headstart..in fact, they want the situation to be the reverse (them with the headstart).


DarienA said:
I'm trying to follow your logic here but I'm having trouble... an 05 demo with an 06 launch has pretty much been the speculation from the giddyup.

I thought the same thing when I read his post. How can one worry when they've sold 70 + million consoles and the competition is nowhere near that total?


Who else sees the humor in this? Looks to me like Sony doesn't wanna be left in the dust when Nintendo shows their next system.


what humour? Sony are a very powerful business. They do what is needed to destroy competition. You saw how cynically they succeeded in manipulating the market so that Dreamcast never had a chance. They are doing the same now.

They simply want to make sure that whenever Nintendo and MS come out with definite plans/demos, Sony have a counter too, to reassure everyone that its still OK to wait for PS3, and its only just around the corner.

Even if they delay a year, they'll promise earlier first, and by the time they delay MS has already lost potential sales.


Why are they talking down the possibility of decreased memory capacity by invoking greater bandwidth? Seems like they dodged the question..perhaps they're suggesting that increased bandwidth will mitigate the impact of decreased capacity?

Read the wording carefully....

What's more interesting, arguably, is that SCEI also admitted that it has changed the memory chips being used by PS3 from 512Mbit units to 256Mbit units. However, contrary to some reports, this is unlikely to mean that the company has actually reduced the amount of RAM in the system - rather, that it has boosted the memory bandwidth from the previously expected 25.6GB/sec up to 51.2GB/sec, making the console's memory technology significantly faster than even top of the range modern PC technology.

To me, what this is implying is that they are upping the NUMBER of RAM chips so they can get increased bandwidth...for example, they might be using four 256Mbit RAM chips/w 51.2GB/sec bandwidth *instead of* two 512Mbit units with 25.6GB/sec bandwidth....

Same amount of RAM (1024MB) but double the bandwidth.......that is how I interpret it anyway....
gofreak said:
This was in the other thread that got locked - it's from a gameindustry.biz article.

Why are they talking down the possibility of decreased memory capacity by invoking greater bandwidth? Seems like they dodged the question..perhaps they're suggesting that increased bandwidth will mitigate the impact of decreased capacity?

They don't seem to be implying that at all. What they do say is that by switching to smaller (cheaper) chips, they can use more of them in parallel. Each memory chip has a set amount of bandwidth it can handle, so when you need more, you split the bandwidth between two chips instead of just one.

Memory bandwidth is a huge deal for extremely complex scenes, and if the PS3 is really as powerful as Sony's been gloating about (with CELL anyway), the system will need every megabyte per second it can get its hands on.


Kleegamefan said:
Read the wording carefully....

To me, what this is implying is that they are upping the NUMBER of RAM chips so they can get increased bandwidth...for example, they might be using four 256Mbit RAM chips/w 51.2GB/sec bandwidth *instead of* two 512Mbit units with 25.6GB/sec bandwidth....

Same amount of RAM (1024MB) but double the bandwidth.......that is how I interpret it anyway....

Uh... four 256 mbit chips is 128MB RAM, and would result in a total bandwidth of 25.6 GB/s, not 51.2 GB/s.

8 bits = 1 byte.


Final hard PLAYABLE at E3 2005 ?

PS2 was announced November 99 and there wasn´t anything playable nor game , and even they downgraded later de famous 75 million os polys .

But they are talking of being playable , and this for me means a 2005 release .


Jan said:
Final hard PLAYABLE at E3 2005 ?

PS2 was announced November 99 and there wasn´t anything playable nor game , and even they downgraded later de famous 75 million os polys .

But they are talking of being playable , and this for me means a 2005 release .
Playable doesn't mean that they will be running final hardware, or that they will be showing actual games.

Their chart indicates that they are not expecting to have initial dev kits out until the beginning of '05, so it's probably unlikely that there will be much in terms of playable game content up and running by May '05.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Jan said:
and even they downgraded later de famous 75 million os polys .

Do you know what the figure you quoted refers to ?

I seriously do not think so and my PS2 GS manual tells me that I happen to be right this time ;).


And even i am moderately surprised
"I also think Sony will be willing to take a bigger hit on their hardware than Microsoft will (allowing them even more leeway), but we'll see..."

i can't see Sony being to happy to eat costs on possibly two fronts (PSP and PS3).
I think we'll see slightly more expensive units this time.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Imagine PS2 3rd party support with graphics > Doom 3 and Far Cry."

Yeah, i can't wait for the Xbox 2 either ;) *runs*


seismologist said:
PS3 is going to own.

Imagine PS2 3rd party support with graphics > Doom 3 and Far Cry.

Could be the greatest console of all time. :D
goddamn, when did the forum get this stupid?
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