I bought an earlier version of this for my dad:So what is the best book for space images?
Hubble: A Journey Through Space and Time
It was really impressive. I can only assume that the 20th anniversary is similarly neat.
I bought an earlier version of this for my dad:So what is the best book for space images?
I bought an earlier version of this for my dad:
Hubble: A Journey Through Space and Time
It was really impressive. I can only assume that the 20th anniversary is similarly neat.
Is the Space Launch System better and/or more feasible than the original constellation program? I prefer the looks of The Space Launch System, personally. I love the old school Saturn V styled rocket.
From Spaceweather.com :
Uh...please listen to this bit by Sagan. Hadn't heard it before. It's a message to future human martian explorers:
It echoes a few things we've all heard him say in some of those beautifully repurposed videos with LOST music, but this is particularly touching. You can hear him contemplating his own existence, just briefly.
This a new low for me as a science enthusiast, yet I cannot be the only one seeing this:
This has always been my sun:
Are you saying he's full of hot gas? :O
He's definitely full of something.
Full of love!
Did you all see that NASA didnt have it all their own way this week?
I bring you the first standalone test flight of the Project Morpheus lander
Did you all see that NASA didnt have it all their own way this week?
I bring you the first standalone test flight of the Project Morpheus lander
Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Worldwide observers are now reporting more than 30 Perseids per hour, a number that could triple during the weekend when Earth reaches the heart of the debris zone. Forecasters recommend looking during the dark hours before dawn, especially Sunday morning, August 12th, when activity is expected to be highest.
Just finished watching Cosmos. What a fantastic series it is. I'd like to see something similar be done today but with a whole new angle to it.
As for my earlier question a page ago...
What I was asking was how is The Space Launch System "better" over the cancelled Constellation program? Both programs seem very similar.
Cosmos is getting a reboot next year with Neil deGrasse Tyson hosting it.
Cosmos is getting a reboot next year with Neil deGrasse Tyson hosting it.
That is a very loving face.
Looked at some perseids
One in particular burned for so long that you'd have time to poke someone, point to it, say "Shit's on fire, yo" and they'd still have time to look at it for several seconds.
Motherfucker just kept. On. Burning.
At last it fizzled out and every single hair on my body just went
and then I saw about a dozen more before I decided it was too cold to lie in the grass anymore
The idea of aliens may seem absurd. But times change, as does science, says Phil Plait, and this makes the idea far more plausible than it once appeared.
They haven’t found anything yet, but as SETI astronomer Seth Shostak points out, we’ve just started looking. There’s a lot of galaxy and a lot of radio wave frequencies to sift through. But our technology gets better all the time, allowing for more sensitive searches. According to Shostak, if they’re out there and currently sending signals our way, we should have an answer one way or another in about 25 years given the way things are going.
oh damn...the one i was talking about is gone!
One of the best videos ever, too. Same basic quote as the one you've attached, better music, fantastic video editing. There's a particular part where Sagan is talking about our eventual descendents "a species very like us," and it showed an old tree/bush from Africa or the Outback or something and combined with the music and his words it was an instant window into the future, some millions of years forward.
found a version with the music but not the fantastic video edits:
Anyone subscribed to this thread who hasn't seen The Sagan Series, boy are you in for a show. There are 9 parts so far - each as amazing as the next.Wow I'd never seen that. Absolutely amazing. Carl Sagan was amazing. I wish he was still alive.
Anyone subscribed to this thread who hasn't seen The Sagan Series, boy are you in for a show. There are 9 parts so far - each as amazing as the next.
Watch them. I'm Sirius:
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 1] - The Frontier Is Everywhere
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 2] - Life Looks for Life (I literally shed a tear to this one.)
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 3] - A Reassuring Fable
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 4] - Per Aspera Ad Astra
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 5] - Decide To Listen
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 6] - End of an Era: The Final Shuttle Launch
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 7] - The Long Astronomical Perspective
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 8] - Gift of Apollo
THE SAGAN SERIES [Part 9] - The Humans
Seen them all, and read his book Cosmos, but thanks for posting - always nice to listen to while at work.
A lot of that comes from his book Pale Blue Dot, I highly recommend it.
one geologist thinks mars may have had plate tectonics