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The Irregular At Magic High School Episode 4 - Enrollment Part IV (mahouka)

ELISA song playing over the Tatsuya and Miyuki conversation with them discussing the ten families and ultimately their dilemma with wanting to stay Shiba's over being Yotsuba's was really the most powerful moment of the episode. I like how they are continuously trying to stay independent of their family upbringing and make it on their own rather than being controlled by family as said in the first episode and then again here. Of course Egalite/Blanche with the sentiments of being potentially misunderstood and treated unfairly in general for being second class magicians is also an issue, but its all fitting nicely for a two pronged storytelling approach for the present and the future.

So much comedy this episode though, far too hilarious seeing Leo and Erika comment over the sibling moments and then StuCo playing around too to get Miyuki to start her potent Interference Power a few times.Also good cast Jamming.
I hear you, brother. Can't believe this:


gets replaced by this:


Electric guitar rock at the end of the end of the episode always got my pretty excited, then it became that crap.

It's a pretty huge change, but I really like the third ending. It made the Greed Island arc feel like the perfect cooldown arc after all that crazy shit went down in Yorknew City.

That's not to say that Greed Island has some crazy shit of its own, I just think the transition felt right.
Mahouka 4

[Onii-sama intensifies]

In this episode we have the after math of what happened last episode. I promise more action will come. Still all of the conversations save for two major ones in the anime revolved around Onii-sama. Mahouka does not hide the fact that he's the protagonist.


Nisekoi 16

Oh look an Onodera episode, how exciting. Look at how excited I am.

Okay so it's a bit amusing watching these two futz around like a pair of floppy dead fish acting like idiots and having no chemistry whatsoever. Just not for 20 minutes.

Oh wow @ that endcard.
It's a pretty huge change, but I really like the third ending. It made the Greed Island arc feel like the perfect cooldown arc after all that crazy shit went down in Yorknew City.

That's not to say that Greed Island has some crazy shit of its own, I just think the transition felt right.

I really can't see this ending being crap, I mean it's not the best ending but it's still above crap it's good. Now the ending for the chimera arc is really great and my favorite since it uses symbolism with every character being a game piece.


Ah, sorry about the later response. I got busy with some things which was why even the end of my Banner comments were maybe a bit rushed. Thanks for the responses. :)

Happy Belated Birthdays to cosmicblizzard and Mature. :)

Happy Gaf Anniversary to KirbYuuYuu. ;p


Spoor is pretty best:

I keep this picture for special occasions. Like people dissing Makoto.
Also Crest III is pretty short and cut down so you should be able to just get it out of the way.

Yeah, I saw that Banner III is just a couple of OVA's this time.

He does show up again in the book set just after Banner 3. It's unfortunate because he's nowhere near as interesting. Although that may be an unfair representation in the series. He certainly gets into an .... interesting situation in the book at least.

I forget, did you buy the newest Banner book? I'm kind of interested in this interesting situation,haha. Unless it's something weird...?

My 2 biggest complaints about Banner 2 would be: i) I didn't really like the main plot point of the prison planet. It's necessary since it's representative of what happens every single time the Abh end up liberating a planet but I found it rather dull in comparison to the war scenes from the first two series.

Yeah, I'm the same. On the one hand I did like it because it was more Banner and it's interesting to see that the story focuses somewhat on the Abh's actions and their response to them. Ultimately I do find the bigger picture more interesting. That or the similar smaller scale events that happen in Crest or the first Banner are more interesting anyway. I like the personal moments more when they are dealing with Lafiel and Jinto or even getting to know the other Abh commanders and Generals more.

ii) For whatever reason I took the opening scene of the first episode way too literally. I've since re-watched it and I don't understand how I came to this conclusion but
the scene where Lafiel rushes to a seriously ill Jinto I somehow concluded that this was a death scene which would be from the end of the show!
I got so incensed by this I was angry all the way to the end where I was proved wrong.

Did you watch Banner II before III was released? I personally wasn't as worried as
I assumed he would be alive in Banner III.
Then there's also the knowledge that not all the books didn't get adapted.

I quite like Banner 3 although some of the details are a bit unclear and rushed due to it being an OVA. I recommend looking for the director's cut version though! It only adds some minimally extra scenes but it all helps!

Now that I see you mention it, I think I vaguely recall you mentioning there was a director's cut version of Banner III. I don't know which version I've been watching,haha. I'll have to look.

I'm pretty sure that that's the first viewers find out about it, I was kinda surprised as well.

Yeah, some of the Abh are kind of androgynous looking. The obviously female seiyuu doesn't really help either. Abh bishie I guess? Haha.

Spoor is the best. Anyone know which Spoor's the real Spoor(I guess canon Spoor), in the movie she's a little more flamboyant, I like her better in the TV series.

I'm not sure. Now that you mention it though, I remember you mentioning that about Spoor and a movie version before. I might have to look that up. Even if it is maybe more of a condensed recap, it's more Banner. :)

Thanks Nafe! Here's a picture of KirbYuuSunshine and yourself I found roaming the internet, is there something I should know about?

That's a neat picture since I like Smile and Sailor Moon. It seems like some here have defected and don't like Smile, as much anyway, anymore. :(

I'm not sure if I've seen all those pictures yet actually.

*looks at HapCha OP*

Ruh roh

Captain Planet He's a Hero 4

In this episode we have some action and crepes. Not necessarily in that order. Also some character development for Teppei. The brown girl everybody loves has like a combined screen time of maybe 2 minutes this episode. Looks like this'll Star Driver even further and
have the best friend Teppei maybe betray Daichi at one point

There were no evil adults plotting on how to use the children this episode and no new terms introduced besides all the livlaster talk and name dropping. So people should be pleased.

The thing that called out my attention though, is one particular scene where the baddies were basically introducing themselves as Team Rocket. They need a talking cat companion.


Mekaku City Actors - 3

Based Shaft. Finally some explanation, and the last eps tied down. Loving every minute of it. Also, I get this feeling that
the monster from the storybook part at the end is the one responsible for these people having powers.
Well uninteresting is not necessarily a problem. If you think about it, if Akane were a real person living next door she'd be plenty interesting. A cute tomboyish girl who loves martial arts and lives at a dojo, I'm sure she'd stand out in your neighborhood.

So what makes her "uninteresting" in the show, and probably the manga as well, is that she's not as neurotically obsessed with another person like other characters or doesn't change into some kind of animal. From my perspective I don't think a blind unyielding devotion is inherently interesting.

Character development's always funky for me to think about because there's so much to it. Technically everyone in Ranma is a character by virtue of being fictional character. Now, I think they're all pretty flat myself but I think most real people are too, so when I think character development I generally tend to think of something that informs or changes that character which is something I don't feel is all that necessary. Since I'm not a writer though I may be thinking totally backwards as I guess the act of character development takes on a different meaning when applied to developing the character in the eyes of the viewer which could in that case be informing the viewer or reader of something that has already defined that character versus actually doing something in the story that changes that character and defines them in that very moment. But what I feel Ranma, and most things in general, are really lacking is in characterization, especially when creating "extreme" characters. People so literally two dimensional and singular that in real life you'd say "that guy's such a character." And in many works I feel this is tied into in-world consistency, especially in things set in the current reality we all currently live in. Anyone interesting in Ranma is interesting because they're so one-dimensional it isn't even funny. They're one-liners given shape. So when you have a character whose defining moment is his hatred of Ranma that was sparked off because he got all the good food at lunch at school already you're on a slippery slope as far as relatability goes. I mean, maybe I could relate if this were a dystopian post apocalyptic madu maxu Japan but it's not, it's 80s Japan bring your lunch with your Sony walkman® fool. Of course that's irrelevant because since his other schtick is getting lost, so extreme he wound up in other parts of the country on accident instead of showing up at the vacant lot behind his house, he shouldn't have even been at school enough to have had lunch taken away from him so much! So already I feel that Ryuga's "quirks" are built on a house of lies, one that neither holds up to real world standards or in-universe standards, it's like his habit of getting ridiculously lost only started in-universe conveniently right before his fight with Ranma! I feel like most of the characters are equally stunted in such a manner. For instance the gymnastics girl, she falls in love with Ranma because he bumped into her? Hell, I get that there's a lack of guys in an all girls school but come on, you never bumped into another guy before? When you're already off to such a shaky start can you even build upon such a foundation and call it development?

This is all irrelevant though because it's a supernatural comedy strip so exaggerated characters are common. Considering how the show, and by extension probably the manga, presented itself I'm not sure neither it nor the readers wanted great characterization or character development, they probably just found a single quirky character they liked and just kept reading to see what wacky hijinks occurred along the way. Which to me is fine, like I said before, I don't care that much about character development but when the words and visuals match up it gets to be annoying. Going back to Akane the message is one thing what I'm shown is another, the two don't match and that makes my head hurt. I just need the two to match how simple or complex the story is doesn't matter.
I agree ...
Espacially at the last part...
All the characters in ranma have an overall chemistry thanks to their stereotypes that make the thing look good.
But in this vast sea of stupidity, stupid techniques, stupid situations , stupid character transformations, akane is just too "normal" that's her role i get it ( even her sisters have a big array of hidden sides , and skills )... But when every'one is crazy and they don't even hide that fact , being normal is not enough.

Still surprised they never bothered to fully change HxH2011's OP. I mean, it's good, but for 120+ episodes?
I'm already getting ready for the 6th part of the song for the election arc.
Well they can't change it now.
Plus I love that OP.

Then they continued to add more unneeded vocab to the show's already too big Lexicon. I said that last week. I feel like this is leading up to one (or two) big exposition dump episode.
Meanwhile the villains have become Team Rocket. Even moreso then before. They've gone from BLASTING OFF AGAIN every episode to Kindergarten tier espionage. Before just BLASTING OFF AGAIN. Again. But not before
Getting real close to dropping this.


sealed with a kiss
Then they continued to add more unneeded vocab to the show's already too big Lexicon. I said that last week. I feel like this is leading up to one (or two) big exposition dump episode.
Meanwhile the villains have become Team Rocket. Even moreso then before. They've gone from BLASTING OFF AGAIN every episode to Kindergarten tier espionage. Before just BLASTING OFF AGAIN. Again. But not before
Getting real close to dropping this.

but that all sounds really funny and entertaining :(


Then they continued to add more unneeded vocab to the show's already too big Lexicon. I said that last week. I feel like this is leading up to one (or two) big exposition dump episode.
Meanwhile the villains have become Team Rocket. Even moreso then before. They've gone from BLASTING OFF AGAIN every episode to Kindergarten tier espionage. Before just BLASTING OFF AGAIN. Again. But not before
Getting real close to dropping this.

It's the fourth episode and there's some humor and fan service so you're going to drop it?


What's Miku done now to be spoken about on Fox News?

BuddyFight took until Episode 4 to explain the game. I thought it could never get worse than that but here we are.

Well I overheard it while my brother was watching some program. Maybe it was fox in the morning. Miku started singing and it was really cute. Then they said "Japan has some very weird things in it"

What are your opinions on spoilers in the OP and/or ED? Having just watched
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
made me think of this since there is a rather obvious one considering the story in the latest episode.

Its stupid and theres no good reason.

I don't approve, personally, but a number of shows do it fairly blatantly. Then again, people seem to miss them all the time so what do I know!

Im not a fan of it at all. Its lazy and rixiculous.
There's also the lesser well known bit of people whose tastes I align with catch my attention with their praise. It's likely generally unspoken but with the general activity of the thread, certain opinions carry more weight by virtue of this for each of us.

It's also why I trust Zach implicitly!
My love of fluffy tails has influenced several apparently!
Time to start referring to it as Boomerangs & Bellybuttons
Brown, Boomerangs & Bellybuttons.
Nisekoi - 16
The best part of this episode was the end card.

Onodera certainly tried and she certainly gained some points but her gap in the course toward the other 2 girl is just too big with something like that only.

Onodera mother was certainly good however , can't wait to see her sister.


I forget, did you buy the newest Banner book? I'm kind of interested in this interesting situation,haha. Unless it's something weird...?
There's a translation around for it. It's not the best but it's readable in a form.
To spoil it:
The Abh empire is approached by one of the "neutral" human empires. The plan is to push forward and leave the homeland undefended. Lafiel's brother is then sent a message that in the worst case scenario that they're betrayed and the homeland becomes under attack, he becomes defacto emperor despite him being a low ranking officer on a mine transport ship. Needless to say, the worst happens.
Then the book ends which is most frustrating!

Did you watch Banner II before III was released? I personally wasn't as worried as
I assumed he would be alive in Banner III.
Then there's also the knowledge that not all the books didn't get adapted.
I was aware it existed but it didn't really click in my mind at that point! The entire scene for some reason felt very final.

Now that I see you mention it, I think I vaguely recall you mentioning there was a director's cut version of Banner III. I don't know which version I've been watching,haha. I'll have to look.
The way to tell is that around the 20 minute mark there's a fight of sorts between some Abh. (Hopefully that's suitably vague!) From the timers, it looks like there's only maybe 15-20 minutes extra but I felt it added enough to make it feel less rushed.

Thank you for all your thoughts on the series!


I'm not watching Captain Earth, but the more I see posts about brown girls, bellybuttons and a goofy tone, I'm thinking I may add it to my backlog, or just catch up with the first cour near the end of this season.

Though a lot of my mech preferences (and preferences in general) are already fulfilled by Daimidaler.
I'm not watching Captain Earth, but the more I see posts about brown girls, bellybuttons and a goofy tone, I'm thinking I may add it to my backlog, or just catch up with the first cour near the end of this season.

Though a lot of my mech preferences (and preferences in general) are already fulfilled by Daimidaler.

I don't even know what to think of it. I can't tell what they are going for. I didn't watch Star Driver so maybe that's why I'm so lost on it.

belly button scene was better than advertised

I'm not a peddler of belly button scenes but the next time one shows up I'll sell it harder
How to kill a Shaft character 101

Well, this episode was definitely better then the last 2. Seems things are coming together now, I guess.
KanaHana manages to make it into everything I watch once again


Well, my three-week vacation back home in England with family is over. I'm back in godforsaken Germany and going back to work on Monday and not even pretending to be happy about it. On the bright side, no family here means nobody to get in the way of me watching anime! See, silver linings and stuff.

(Happy belated birthday, KirbYuuYuu of the shiny new yuusername!)

Reason is the best Hunter x Hunter ED though.

" You can Fly Away" opening.

I had to check that this line actually appears in the HxH OP because all I could hear when I read it was the third Eureka Seven OP >.> (Which doesn't actually contain the line now I look at it, it's in first person instead of second. But same difference.)

Nanana 3
This show is starting to climb as one of my favorites this season. #teamtensai

Is there even any other team? =D


though I wish it was Hana instead of Akari

Akuma no Riddle 4

I'm starting to think I should keep a tally of how many times Haru would have got herself killed hilariously easily if Tokaku wasn't there to save her ass. I mean, seriously, who
sees a suspicious book marked with a suspicious item that was clearly left there specifically for her and thinks "oh I'd better just pull that book off the shelf then" when she knows for a fact that somebody is trying to assassinate her within the next day
?! Especially when
she's already come close to triggering two similar explosive traps from the same goddamn assassin mere hours earlier
?! Who does that?! And this girl was planning on making it out of this death game alive on her own to begin with?!

I guess to be fair, since Haru's primary strategy for survival seems to be to try and make friends with all the people trying to kill her so that maybe they won't want to kill her, you could say Tokaku's presence in and of itself is actually a prime example of her plan working perfectly. But...yeah.
Mahouka - 04

So after 4 eps , the true "start" of mahouka is there with the beginning of the first arc.

They are really doing their best to explain as much as possible , while trying to flesh as much character develloppement possible in this time frame ..as a result , those episodes might be a little boring , but we should get to the big stuff soon.

Thank god the student concil room has unlimited goods , because the price of a joke ( freezing everything ) would be costly at this rate :p


Going to be so backed up on anime since I'm busy this weekend.

I know that feel bro

Eureka 7 AO 1-24


Fuck the hours I wasted marathoning this, fuck the plot, fuck the characters, fuck the random convoluted jargon, fuck the setting, fuck the script, fuck the tacked-on fan service, fuck Truth, fuck Naru, fuck AO, FUCK Elena, fuck Generation Bleu, fuck EVERYTHING this abomination of a mess unleashed upon ruining what Eureka 7 stood for.

Quite possibly the worst anime sequel I have ever bore witness to-completely blows SEED Destiny out the water. Fucking train wreck all the way through and such terrible pacing. This shit never happened as far as I'm concerned. Jesus christ man just fuck this anime.....

Thats so Raven!

I can't do it man. I wanna remain pure and innocent.

Well when your at rock bottom you got nowhere to go but up, but in this case they came crashing back down in a sea of flames and deus ex machina time/dimension travel invalidating the whole thing.

You are already tainted. Im so sorry :(

Castle In The Sky

So basically... every JRPG ever is trying to be this movie.

very few live up to these aspirations. I can see what you mean though.

Whatever your opinion is on the music, the power metal ED is fucking awesome.

when is power metal not awesome?

All the Makotos.

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