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Maturity, bitches.
Captain Earth has to go full Gundam Zeta.

So it's either:

Have all the characters have fist fights with each other with one in perticular who likes slapping people into shape.

OR [Zeta Spoilers Below]

At the last few episodes kill almost every single character and make the main character fall into a coma?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Nisekoi 16
An entire episode about Onodera that was even worse than it sounds on paper. I could swear that both of these characters already said they liked one another, but here we are with the show taking two steps back for every step forward. At least there was rad crossover Zvezda art at the end, but nobody should have to endure this episode for it.


Nisekoi 16
An entire episode about Onodera that was even worse than it sounds on paper. I could swear that both of these characters already said they liked one another, but here we are with the show taking two steps back for every step forward. At least there was rad crossover Zvezda art at the end, but nobody should have to endure this episode for it.

Why are you watching Nisekoi expecting character progression?
They haven't even introduced all the girls that are already in the manga yet, and there's surely more to come as long as the series keeps making bank.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why are you watching Nisekoi expecting character progression?
I'm not, but Onodera's shit is really boring because its only trick is dangling the possibility for progress as the characters continuously avoid the obvious.


Setec Astronomer
At first glance it looked almost like a documentary, an explanation of all the concepts of Happy Science, which didn't seem as absurd as the three we picked, or fun to watch while in company so we decided to skip it.
I could be wrong lol.
The suggested order goes like this:

- Overview of basic theology
- Overview of practice
- Historical reinterpretation
- Inner sanctum. When the group lets it all out and shows the crazy.
- Cooldown
- Sequel to Inner sanctum
Captain Earth 4

Bones and their surprises, who would of thought the belly button would become a thing in this episode. And once again Team Rocket blasting off again. Aside from that visuals were great and Daichi/Akinari being my favorite characters so far were enjoyable. Will continue to watch.


Studio 8bit confirmed for adapting Grisaia no Kajitsu (Oh no):
Director: Tanaka Motoki (Kiniro Mosaic)
Series Composition: Kurata Hideyuki
Character Design: Watanabe Akio (There is always a silver lining)

There are rumors that the series is going to air this Summer.


How's it managing so far?

Doesn't seem all that likely to happen, but Misty is hope.

Studio 8bit confirmed for adapting Grisaia no Kajitsu (Oh no):
Director: Tanaka Motoki (Kiniro Mosaic)
Series Composition: Kurata Hideyuki
Character Design: Watanabe Akio (There is always a silver lining)

There are rumors that the series is going to air this Summer.

Only thing I enjoyed about this was Mr. Jeff telling me about the endings.


Visual novel anime are rare these days. Good to see one of like, three come to fruition. Pun not intended.

I'm still waiting for the day either Full Metal Daemon Muramasa or one of Masada's VN's get adapted, I've just grown more disappointed with each passing year.




Studio 8bit confirmed for adapting Grisaia no Kajitsu (Oh no):
Director: Tanaka Motoki (Kiniro Mosaic)
Series Composition: Kurata Hideyuki
Character Design: Watanabe Akio (There is always a silver lining)

I know nothing about this property, but if the King of Godly Lolis is on character design duty I'm hoping for great things already.

Kinmoza director sounds good too on the cuteness front. Not sure about Studio 8bit, the only thing of theirs I've seen is Tokyo Ravens and that had its positives and its negatives. One of the positives was containing the cutest character in the history of anything forever, though, so I guess I can put that as another (somewhat tenuous) mark towards my agenda!


Only thing I enjoyed about this was Mr. Jeff telling me about the endings.

Also Makina Bag ending. And this.

Wonder how they'll manage the adaptation though. If they wanted to spin it out into possibly another series they'd go the Amane route which leaves the massive non-subtle cliffhanger. Can't really see it working as an Amagami type affair though.

Sachi and Michiru* remain the best.

*purely because it's Kaori Mizuhashi

The man who wrote Samurai Flamenco?

Day 1.
Unless he re-writes the entire damn thing, don't get your hopes up.
Date A Live II 3

Yeah, these twins are pretty amazing. So. Much. Lewdness.

Of course, when I say "these twins" what I really mean for the most part is "Kaguya". But Yuzuru is nice to have around for the sake of provoking Kaguya into adorable and/or lewd acts. And of course, she did win some points for herself this episode by
insisting on the undeniably true fact that Kaguya is best girl

Choosing between the yamai sisters ? Heresy !


Choosing between the yamai sisters ? Heresy !

It's barely even a question of choosing, though. They're not even close.

Mushishi Zoku-shou 4

Unsettling as fuck. That scene where the big brother
reached out to pat his little brother's head with his Hand of Evil
was just... *shudder*

To be honest I'm surprised
this episode didn't end a lot worse than it did. I guess the guy did have his fucking arm pecked off by a swarm of birds, which is no small price to pay, but I felt almost certain there were going to be actual deaths, so it felt like a relatively minor price compared to what could have been.

Come to think of it,
we haven't had an actual "bad end" story yet this season. Episode 4 was the first bad end in the first season, so I feel like we should be due one soon. It doesn't feel quite like Mushishi if it isn't crushing my soul on occasion =p
Nisekoi 16
An entire episode about Onodera that was even worse than it sounds on paper. I could swear that both of these characters already said they liked one another, but here we are with the show taking two steps back for every step forward. At least there was rad crossover Zvezda art at the end, but nobody should have to endure this episode for it.

It's not that bad, onodera mother appeared.


If I like what I see so far then, am I likely to like star driver?
Star Driver is a lot sillier and features a lot more :DTL.
I think you can enjoy this. Did get a bit repetitive.
The movie is an option too for the awesome action but you miss out on some of the silly.
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