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For the record. I warned firehawk that he probably should not watch this episode of Haikyu, but he proceeded to watch it anyway! He only has himself to blame! :D
HappinessCharge Precure 13


It's the Nafe and Hito episode

Man, Blue, what did you do? What did you do man, besides becoming a hypocrite?
and being weaker than his manga version
Season of NTR coming underway, and Nafe confirmed to be a Rocket Man, burning up the fuel out there alone.

3rd era Precure seems to be telling us that belly buttons make you the least muteki-est (RIP Cure Nile). I think Nafe is becoming reverse

But yeah, something I notice with Deep Mirror. It's becoming more distorted and disturbed with each passing episode, something something symbology? That and, Not-Adol Christian is pretty dang strong as it is. I think I also see a Precure World Tour arc (HAH) much like Adventure 02 (HAH). Who knows.

All I know is NEXT TIME! Episode 500 of Precure! Kamen Rider references


Mekakucity Actors 3

Dat exposition. Nice to finally know basically who everyone is, what they can do, and what's going on. The Mekakushi-dan seem like a fun little group of characters all round, though Momo and Ene are still the best.

And now that we're all caught up with the situation from Episode 1, I look forward to hopefully seeing how things move forward from there next week.


The Wings of Honneamise-
So for whatever reason, I decided to watch this. Not sure why as I have a backlog of stuff but I guess I decided to knock this one off. A lot of people are already familiar with the movie as it's Gainax's 'big break'. In short, it's about a man and his dream to become an astronaut.
There were a few things that surprised me about the film. The first is that the movie takes place in a fantasy setting, in that it takes place on a completely different planet (or heavily different Earth). I was expecting something with a more real life basis and this initially threw me for a loop. The other thing that surprised me was the spirituality component of the film. I expected the film to be more about the practicality and the physical issues of launching the main character in space, but the movie also really delves into his faith. I'm not a religious person so I didn't really like this on a personal level but I did think it worked fairly well for the main character and does tie into the bigger themes. The 'Bible' in the movie did have some gorgeous classical Japanese art though.
The visuals were great, as I knew going in. There are especially some really great cuts in the middle and near the end. There's also a lot of camera work, such as shifting DOF. One segment with the main character on a motorcycle felt like something from Akira, even though Akira came out a year later. There's also some quality work on the lighting and effects front. The film at times reminded me of Oshii, especially early on. I have mixed feelings for the OST as at times, it's really good, and other times it feels out of place.
I'm not sure how I feel about the political stuff in the film. There's some stuff I loved such as the debate over the usage of funds. That's something that is highly relevant even today with NASA and whether the public would be better served giving funds to NASA. The movie did a really good job characterizing both sides of the argument in that you see people starving in the streets but also the ideal of man reaching for the stars. I also liked the political maneuvering, in concept, as it gives a legitimate reason as to why the government is funding this as well as tying into the theme that man is doomed to repeat his mistakes. The problem was that, at the end, I would have liked to see the launch stuff in more detail but they had to rush it due to the invasion. I also felt that the politicians themselves were somewhat flat and boring.
There's a couple of things I didn't like about the film. The first is that I felt the middle segment was somewhat boring at times and dragged on a little too long. I didn't mind it that much but it did stick out a bit. The other issue is the
attempted rape scene
. Oh man, this felt out of place. She forgives him way too fast and I suppose there could be some commentary about how either he was providing her with money and so she was dependent on him(although they never really state or imply that), she did actually like him but wasn't ready for that, or she was a bit infatuated with his celebrity status. Either way, it's a very serious moment and I don't think they did enough with it. I understand it's way of showing how flawed the main character is, but it seems like there would have been other ways than for him to
attempt to rape a woman in her home, in front of a child
There's a lot of mechanical porn in the movie and I enjoyed the hell out of that. The launch sequence was just awesome to watch.
Black Bullet 3

Villain and his daughter continue to be fantastic, Rentaro continues to be better then the average man, and Enju continues to mood swing but it's all still enjoyable. The villain really does elevate what would be a pretty average series into a far more enjoyable one.

Also Black Bullet has probably the best OP of the various anime I'm watching this season.


Tonari no Seki-kun 17

A soap opera as brought to you by the Japanese version of Mr. Potato Head, one of those dress up dolls. Either way, Seki's ability to tell a story with basically everything he does is amazing. And Rumi got in a win this time! Kind of.


Do some Anime's have scenes that are changed when released in bluray and DVD because of time restraints through tv broadcast.

Yes - several do. It's becoming more and more common.

I don't think, however, that the guidance counsellor in Mahouka is likely to be redrawn for disc release. There's nothing wrong with the art, you just like the manga version better :p


Too much sport, not enough character drama, if I remember firehawk's frustrations with Chihayafuru correctly.

a show about a sport concentrates a lot on the sport? No way.

magica rebellion

pretty movie, although its hella hard to follow at times visually and plot wise (probably shouldn't have been playing ffx while watching this).

so... what was the whole point?

And whats the whole sniff sniff joke people talking about? I feel like i missed that.

I have no idea what this joke is but the point was obviously to give the show a different possible direction and setting up a sequel.

Guys have you seen the new Sailor Moon anime! OMG brings back memories of my childhood. Hope they don't mess it up, the girls look too....how do I put it doll like...girly ahhh I can't find the word.

Its called shoujo or bishoujo and whats wrong with girls looking girly?


Man, good thing I don't care about Int Saimoe. Otherwise I'd be all anxious and stuff. But I'm not. Yep.

Oh wow. I totally forgot this was a thing. Imoutos are pretty strong. kotori has a chance. Just not in MY heart.

Do some Anime's have scenes that are changed when released in bluray and DVD because of time restraints through tv broadcast.

Yes. Look up the lettuce scene in Brighter than The Dawning Blue and one of the earliest examples in ROD TV.
Do some Anime's have scenes that are changed when released in bluray and DVD because of time restraints through tv broadcast.

I think its only happened with final episodes being longer on the BD release, like DC versions of Persona 4 Anime, and Gatchaman Crowds? I dont remember cases with random episodes being longer on BD (though Fate/Zero potentially?)
Yes - several do. It's becoming more and more common.

I don't think, however, that the guidance counsellor in Mahouka is likely to be redrawn for disc release. There's nothing wrong with the art, you just like the manga version better :p

I'm just saying her face seems a bit weird, but if they do change it I will definitely appreciate it.


cajun you like cute stuff right

i'm going to PM you a webm of something the korean girl I've been talking to sent me since I don't want to post it in public

she sent it after i went to sleep and told her goodnight, didn't find it until now that i've checked my messages


I'm just saying her face seems a bit weird, but if they do change it I will definitely appreciate it.

I think it's a deliberate character design choice to give her a more plump face to go with the more plump boobs (though, actually, they've just chosen to make her look less mature). That kind of wholesale alteration isn't the kind of thing that gets changed, it's more commonplace that they correct things which are outright wrong (or In Shafts case, actually finish things)
Majin Bone 4

Our hero finally got in the fucking robot armor to fight. Good fight but not much else happened out of tease for upcoming plot points at the end


I feel this is a very important discussion, so I'm going to put some effort into explaining this. Those who have not watched Wings of Honneamise and do not want to read about a major plot point being dissected should skip this post.

The attempted rape is a very interesting scene because I feel that what the viewer takes away from scene and its place in the overall narrative generally indicates the level of understanding they have for the characters, or whether they are able to really relate to the sort of personality the characters embody. I don't think the scene is meant to show off the flaws of the main character as much as it is a critique on a specific sort of lifestyle and mentality, and how it can be create incompatible relationships.

The girl in the story is a deeply religious person who truly believes that she can better the world in small ways by sharing her faith and helping others. It is very clear from the body language and signals she gives that she is not in any way interested in the guy romantically. She sees him as someone she can "save" and her happiness in being with him comes from thinking that he truly has an interest in the message she is sharing with him.

This social blindness is an extremely real thing - she could be simply socially inept and unable to read the obvious signs that he's interested in her and not her message, or she chooses to ignore it because she wants to believe he can be receptive to the message anyway. This ends up hurting her because he takes it as a sign that she is putting up with him and hence must have a sort of interest in him, but since she doesn't want to progress the relationship he is frustrated and tries to force the matter on a night where a combination of factors causes him to become a sick brute. She clearly does not want any part in that, and her natural instincts kick in and she defends herself.

What happens next is the most important point of what the story is trying to say about this relationship - she doesn't just "forgive" him. She -blames- herself. This is not the writer saying that it is her fault, but the story showing how real these people are. It is not making a personal judgement on whether what happened was right or wrong (it is clearly wrong to anyone who has half decent morals, and she should have nothing to blame herself for) but rather it shows that such a girl who lives such a life in a society which is not too different from some places in our world, would not only forgive a friend or acquaintance for attempting to force themselves on her, but would blame herself for failing in making him a better person. She sees the incident as something which she shares blame for - instead of being a source of inspiration and godliness, she became a source of temptation. She feels shamed for being herself, rather than being offended by what he did. That is the tragedy of the relationship in the movie.

I never felt that the scene was out of place, and from the very start, the possibility that something like this could happened was fairly obvious based on the personality and characteristics of each character, which the audience gets a better look at than they do of each other. There is nothing in the narrative which condones or encourages such an act, only the acknowledgement that these things happen to people, and a realistic look at how flawed views of how society should work can hurt people deeply. The emotional pain caused by his actions have far greater impact when this is understood, than if any sort of strong reprisal was delivered just to say "rape is bad".

In the end, like many of the other themes in the movie, it isn't trying for moral commentary, but rather a more meaningful study into the dynamics of how people, organizations, religion, and politics work on an emotional level. That is the strongest point of the film, and why it resonates so strongly with me.


Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 4

That was a pretty boring episode all round. I dunno, this show just feels so weirdly...static a lot of the time. Like even when things are happening, it doesn't really feel like anything is happening. Perhaps it's just because of how unnaturally calm and composed the MC always is regardless of context.

I was fairly amused by the sheer extent of the MC's OP-ness as usual (casually revealing that
he's developed an original technique so broken that revealing it could overthrow the balance of power on a global scale
, lol), and it does at least seem like there might be some kind of actual plot incoming with the whole
anti-magic terrorists
angle coming into play.
HappinessCharge Precure 13


Man, Blue, what did you do? What did you do man, besides becoming a hypocrite?
and being weaker than his manga version
Season of NTR coming underway, and Nafe confirmed to be a Rocket Man, burning up the fuel out there alone.

3rd era Precure seems to be telling us that belly buttons make you the least muteki-est (RIP Cure Nile). I think Nafe is becoming reverse

But yeah, something I notice with Deep Mirror. It's becoming more distorted and disturbed with each passing episode, something something symbology? That and, Not-Adol Christian is pretty dang strong as it is. I think I also see a Precure World Tour arc (HAH) much like Adventure 02 (HAH). Who knows.

All I know is NEXT TIME! Episode 500 of Precure! Kamen Rider references
All i see is Hates*x while cure fortune say "no" , but cure lovely pushes forward the friendship anyway...
Proof ?:
Their team/dual attack wasn't even fused ! Unlike the dual attack lovely does with princess ..i can't wait to see how many does of friendship are required to melt this cold heart in appearance !


Man, good thing I don't care about Int Saimoe. Otherwise I'd be all anxious and stuff. But I'm not. Yep.

Of course , we don't care , kurumi will win anyway ...

Let me set -up my proxies and i'll be right back ..


I feel weird trying to discuss a serious subject in a serious film, surrounded by Precures, Mahoukas, and a CRAZY dude who tries to brush his teeth off with a gun... literally! :(
All i see is Hates*x while cure fortune say "no" , but cure lovely pushes forward the friendship anyway...
Proof ?:
Their team/dual attack wasn't even fused ! Unlike the dual attack lovely does with princess ..i can't wait to see how many does of friendship are required to melt this cold heart in appearance !


I was thinking more on Nafe's overall circumstances (and the show in general)
being that Moonlight's loss of powers was due to her sister, whereas Fortune gained hers from her sister. And I guess a bit unneccessary, but missing father vs missing mother. Not to mention Angst monsters vs monsters of happiness (sort of).


cajun you like cute stuff right

i'm going to PM you a webm of something the korean girl I've been talking to sent me since I don't want to post it in public

she sent it after i went to sleep and told her goodnight, didn't find it until now that i've checked my messages

Oki Ill check it out
Haikyuu 4

I really enjoyed this episode as it brought some character development for Kageyama and Hinata. The visuals so far have been great and I still love that opening too. The way the characters make faces are hilarious especially Tanaka and it makes this anime way more enjoyable. That fast spike that Hinata did was awesome and splendidly animated. Can't wait till next week.

Oh yeah is the manga so far great, as I been wanting to check it out.
Irregular at Magic Highschool 4

Everything was going normal and then out of nowhere fucking terrorist shit gets dropped like a bomb

So let me get this straight, in high school there is a group of students who wish to make equality between the two different classes of students the gifted and the not gifted, these students are in some ways part of a terrorist cell that is attempting to usurp power and destroy the country from the inside due to a mysterious backer from outside the country... and our main characters knows this because... and somehow the terrorist want our MC for their plans because? I mean I get why the students want a not gifted who's so powerful to try and break down the class wall... but our MC is more gifted then any gifted... and


What the hell am I watching, what the fuck is even going on in this series?


omfg Brynhildr is so dumb

hahahahahahaah just saw the hot spring part

this show makes no sense. I don't get what tone its going for.


The commentary track is of limited help here. Yamaga and assistant director Takami Akai, the other Gainax member on the track, discuss the buildup to Shiro’s attack on Riquinni and how it was “difficult to explain to the animators.” But what explanation does Akai offer when Shiro hurls her to the floor and mounts her? He reminisces about how he wanted to use the animation cels of the scene as “promotions or gifts” but that people stole all of the production materials showing a bare-breasted Riquinni struggling beneath her attacker. Clearly, the people behind this movie had their priorities straight.


Then there’s the aftermath of the assault, during which Akai points out that Riquinni reveals herself as a “strong woman” by completely forgiving Shiro and saying that it was her fault.
wow such tact
Nobunaga The Fool Episode 16: Ace of Cups

Nobunaga continues to be the best continuing mecha of 2014 thus far with really good and detailed backstory and mythology to help the drama advance. From the visionary girl, to the savior king that destroys, and heavenly pillars every moment this half feels adventurous, daring, and suspenseful.

Machiavelli remains way to persistent though but that did help on the Mitsu front
but sadly, one of my worst fears had to happen. Why did he need to be separated, Caesar as well in this foreign place, while everyone returns. I dont even know how they can rendevous and or even get back now. Nobu and Hide looked so crushed even :(
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