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Does it have to be one or the other? Can a work not just be? It's this rampant mindset that would make modern anime fans detest Detective Conan.

I don't mean to offend by the way, it's just a pet peeve.

None taken. :)

FYI I think the eventual recap ep is only half recap with some story stuff in the second half. Never realized that on my first watch.

Thanks, will keep it in mind.


That is absurdly broad and a context that I've never even heard people associate with before.

Well duckroll already explaining beyond my wording capability lol, adding to that I think we all know the otaku media have its very specific brand of fantasy fiction with all of its trope, with a little bit of familiarity we can know some story that feel so "anime" and such..

The tern maybe not used that much at anime discussion community, but at VN discussion the term often used to referring title that not simply romance sims but the plot already involving saving the world, fighting in ridiculous setting etc, TYPE-MOON is the pioneer at this kind of story they're not the one that introduce it, and outside of VN I think we can agree other otaku media sharing the same kind of fantasy story packing that very easy to label with one name whatever that is, but they belong in that same label, the story that rather obnoxious and making up some difficult word to be "cool thing" for the manchildren like DC/Marvel stuff at US Comic.

Awhile you can argue the context of labeling is not fair at all, but you can just see the difference from the work that more articulated and not "dumb" as subjective that is.


I don't think he explained it well, but what actually makes a show/manga/game "chuuni" is usually the presentation. It's kinda derogatory in the same way as how some people tend to look down comic book or videogame style works in the west which try super hard to be taken seriously.

When you have something like Naruto or One Piece, where it's clearly targeted at kids and not trying to be anything more, that's not really chuuni because it knows what it is. But when you have those same elements but in a more "serious" context where the authors clearly seem to be taking everything seriously even though it has ridiculous stuff like "The 5th Holy Grail War" and all sorts of made up "rules" and characters shouting attacks while doing them, that's definitely what people would call "chuuni". That also includes all sorts of references to "cool" stuff like [The Mage Association] and so on. It's just viewed as very childish manchildren stuff. Yes, stuff like Xenogears and FFXV are totally viewed that way too.

I guess one parallel in a western context would be the term "syfy". It doesn't mean the same thing, but in cultural tone it's similar in the sense that it's a critique by viewers comparing actual scifi works which are approached in good faith, and scifi works which are just pandering dumbed down stuff meant to hook dumb audiences with superficial presentation and garbage worldbuilding which relies on twists and poorly thought out but cool sounding stuff. Oh, and I guess "phantasy" works the same way too.

Yeah, there are two related uses of the "chuuni" term.

1) "Chuuni sufferers" - fans who get so caught up in fantasy settings that they imagine themselves as heroes or villains with special powers and come up with their own convoluted settings (borrowed from existing works or otherwise) to explain their imagined identities.

2) "Chuuni anime" - a loosely-defined "genre" of anime/manga/etc that stereotypically appeals to chuuni sufferers. Generally featuring such elements as: badass special powers that lend themselves to power fantasies, dark heroes or antiheroes, often convoluted magic systems, frequently gothic elements such as vampires, lots and lots of "cool-sounding" terminology (often using gratuitous English, or alternatively German etc).

OreImo provides excellent examples of both - Kuroneko is basically your stereotypical example of a chuuni sufferer, and her favourite series Maschera is a stereotypical example of a chuuni anime. Traditionally "chuuni anime" would refer to type 2; it's only in recent years that chuunibyou sufferers have become popular as an actual character type, making it ambiguous whether "chuuni anime" should refer to anime for chuunis or anime about chuunis.


Maturity, bitches.
Or when you're up in Glasgow and the DJ is banging out some drum n bass on the decks you're all like "that is a hectic chuuni son!"


I'm aaaalmost catching up with KissxSis, I might need more anime/manga with cute teachers in love with their students. Kiryuu-sensei is too stronk


Escaflowne of the Heavens 02

Well then now THIS is more like it. HELL YES.
They also introduced what I presume is best girl until further notice.
Oh yeah. The music in this is pretty fucking rad too.
Why can't we control our boners.png


Art style's an important part of most chuuni stuff. After all, you gotta look "cool" too.

Maybe it'll all be clearer if we describe it as Teens On Deviantart? Or Sonic The Hedgehog fans?


btw something like eyepatch, gothic, and european dress is usually a must.


Lemme give an illustration of how you can tell something is chuuni as fuck.

This is definitely chuuni:

But even without any art, this is chuuni as fuck too:
What about amnesiac protagonists? Surely they must count as Chuuni, with the way their stories usually go.



Soul Eater NOT! 6

I don't understaaaaaaaaand how the arrrrrrrt is so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad in this fucking show


Broken perspectives.


Terrible, basic animation allied to broken anatomy


:wonzo faces everywhere.

Let's not even talk about the 'moeblob' artstyle which sacrifice's Soul Eater's sense of style and coolness in search of cuteness and can't even manage that most of the time. The show looks okay in shots where they spent time/money, but moment to moment it's really kind of terrible all up. Christ. From Soul Eater, visually, to this drek. Ugh.

The direction and writing is... okay enough, but the art just destroys so much of it. Actually, as exposition on the basic manga chapters, I think the anime does quite well. But christ, if this had as much care and attention as Soul Eater had it could really be quite something.

I hope they're just stealing the budget for SE:Resonance.


Tsunderes, tsunderes everywhere.


Escaflowne of the Heavens 03
Dammit Hitomi. When are you going to use the fact that you have premonition to you know.
Also I forgot to mention last time but the audio design and mechanical detail they put on the Guymelfs is amazing.


Escaflowne of the Heavens 03

Dammit Hitomi. When are you going to use the fact that you have premonition to you know.
Also I forgot to mention last time but the audio design and mechanical detail they put on the Guymelfs is amazing.



Some of the best music and sound design in anime, as well as art design. I need to watch this series again.
Lemme give an illustration of how you can tell something is chuuni as fuck.

This is definitely chuuni:

But even without any art, this is chuuni as fuck too:

Is it Chuuni when a 30 years old married man with a 1 year old baby still watches Naruto and believes it's the best thing ever?
I knew a case in my old work...

edit: oh yeah, it reminds me of..



Major update on the official site. They're going to start promoting this with the end of Unicorn. The final Unicorn chapter will have a 90sec trailer attached to the screenings. Lol. Sunrise isn't wasting any time.

The staff listing is.... erm.... interesting.

Chief Director: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko (Origin manga author)
Director: Takashi Imanishi (Sunrise CG producer)

Character Design: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Tsukasa Kotobuki

Script: Katsuyuki Sumisawa
Unit Directors: Kiyoshi Egami (directed some Yamato 2199 episodes), Ichiro Itano (only seems to direct CG stuff these days)

Chief Animation Director: Hiroyuki Nishimura (Little Battles Experience)
Chief Mechanical Animation Director: Takuya Suzuki (Valvrave)

Music: Takayuki Hattori (Slayers, Code:Breaker)

Yeah, I think all the mecha action are likely to be full CG for this one. If you're expecting 2D mecha animation and stuff like Unicorn, abandon all hope now.


@about gundam the origins:
I dont know if i should be hyped or cautious.

The source material is great. The story should be interesting. The direction will probably be good. But don't expect it to have tons of awesome 2D mecha battles. It'll be CG for all the mecha stuff like Valvrave and Yamato 2199. I think it'll still be a good production, but keep you expectations on the animation in check.


They are putting all the 2D people on GBF like they should.
GBF>>>Tomino's new Gundam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Origins
I have to say that episode 6 of Ping Pong was really amazing. I'm really in the mood for a Christmas celebration right now.

Does anyone know the name of the song Kong sings?


So I've never really delved into Gundam. All I know is from my school days is that Trowa is a character and his hair was the hottest thing around. I watched parts of it in passing but it never grabbed me so I never went further with it.

The premise for Gundam Build Fighters sounds pretty awesome though, and I was wondering if it's easy for anyone to get into and enjoy. Obviously it would help to be familiar with Gundam models, but is previous Gundam series knowledge a big prerequisite to watch?
The source material is great. The story should be interesting. The direction will probably be good. But don't expect it to have tons of awesome 2D mecha battles. It'll be CG for all the mecha stuff like Valvrave and Yamato 2199. I think it'll still be a good production, but keep you expectations on the animation in check.
Thanks for the confirmation, that was probably what i was probably planning on doing.

Lots of pics for The Origin there.



The CG stuff looks really wacky. Thick lines, lots of details, really strange shading. Need to see it in motion... but... the screens are kinda yikes.

i'm kinda ok with this

So I've never really delved into Gundam. All I know is from my school days is that Trowa is a character and his hair was the hottest thing around. I watched parts of it in passing but it never grabbed me so I never went further with it.

The premise for Gundam Build Fighters sounds pretty awesome though, and I was wondering if it's easy for anyone to get into and enjoy. Obviously it would help to be familiar with Gundam models, but is previous Gundam series knowledge a big prerequisite to watch?

Not required but it helps..you'll miss some in-universe gundam jokes but aside from that it's damn enjoyable
So I've never really delved into Gundam. All I know is from my school days is that Trowa is a character and his hair was the hottest thing around. I watched parts of it in passing but it never grabbed me so I never went further with it.

The premise for Gundam Build Fighters sounds pretty awesome though, and I was wondering if it's easy for anyone to get into and enjoy. Obviously it would help to be familiar with Gundam models, but is previous Gundam series knowledge a big prerequisite to watch?

Not really. It makes you understand the references but the story stands well enough on it's own.


Akuma no Riddle Episode 7:

Okay, this was actually one of the better episodes of this series, that isn't saying much, but lowered expectations and all that.
Indeed it took us a long time to actually get a Riddler styled assassin, with a little bit of Jigsaw and The Highlander spruced in thee for good measure. Yea, some of this shit was really contrived, like that Slide trap, but that is more the nature of these kinds of villains more then anything else. Also, in a post-Sakura Trick world passing off a lesbian kiss as CPR seem to quaint.
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