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Sailor Moon Uncut and Subtitled Episode 1:

Seemingly from the depths on oblivion VIZ has pulled the old Sailor Moon franchise out of its ancient mothball conveniently a few months ahead of its troublesome rebirth as Sailor Moon Crystal. Anyway, first I want to note that Hulu still sucks and if I could burn it down with digital fire I would. Anyway, to all myths and legends there is a beginning, and this is kind of it ignoring Sailor V and the manga. Anyway, I always found it a very bold choice to feature a protagonist as eminently hate-able as Usagi. I know she get somewhat better as time goes by, but Jesus Christ how did this show survive more then 10 minutes with this petulant brat at the helm of things. Still, it is good to know that Usagi still sucks even in the language of Japanese. Anyway, this was you pretty typical set-up episode for the season, introducing many of our mainly players, hero and villain alike. Also, not exactly sure if this holds true for all of modern Mahou Shoujo but having such a prominent male character in Mamoru certainly feels out of lock-step with modern times. The fact that he is a creepy pedophile is sadly more in lock-step.


Sailor Moon Uncut and Subtitled Episode 1:

Seemingly from the depths on oblivion VIZ has pulled the old Sailor Moon franchise out of its ancient mothball conveniently a few months ahead of its troublesome rebirth as Sailor Moon Crystal. Anyway, first I want to note that Hulu still sucks and if I could burn it down with digital fire I would. Anyway, to all myths and legends there is a beginning, and this is kind of it ignoring Sailor V and the manga. Anyway, I always found it a very bold choice to feature a protagonist as eminently hate-able as Usagi. I know she get somewhat better as time goes by, but Jesus Christ how did this show survive more then 10 minutes with this petulant brat at the helm of things. Still, it is good to know that Usagi still sucks even in the language of Japanese. Anyway, this was you pretty typical set-up episode for the season, introducing many of our mainly players, hero and villain alike. Also, not exactly sure if this holds true for all of modern Mahou Shoujo but having such a prominent male character in Mamoru certainly feels out of lock-step with modern times. The fact that he is a creepy pedophile is sadly more in lock-step.

It survived on the strength of the supporting cast.
Suite Precure♪ 1

Probably the most underwhelmed I've been by a Precure first episode so far.

The introductory section was entertaining enough, with a somewhat more involved setup of the show's premise than usual, and I'm not going to complain about a cat-themed villain and mascot pair, but there was a definite sense of going-through-the-motions with the introduction of the two Cures themselves. I really can't say I'm much of a fan of either of their character designs, which doesn't help. I think Hibiki might be the first sporty Cure ever who doesn't seem like waifu material.

Their transformation sequence is...decent, I guess. It's nice and "dual", and of course slickly animated, but aside from that it just feels by-the-books. Nothing particularly unique or eye-catching going on. Except the "cosmic" effect their bodies have got going on at the very beginning, that's kind of neat.

Oh, and I'm not impressed by the ED either, either music-wise or dancing-wise. Though Precure EDs often grow on me after a while, so we'll see I guess. The OP is reasonably catchy.

But the stock footage is one of the things Suite does best! Best of Precure really.

Suite Precure♪ 2

wow. such handholding. very friendship.

Definitely felt like a step up from the first episode, thankfully. The utter disaster that was their first battle was decidedly amusing, and the subsequent character-development-through-incredibly-convenient-parallel was extremely sweet. Remember, kids: simple misunderstandings can destroy friendships forever!

What I want to know, though, is why Kanade is blatantly better than Hibiki. It's a little unnerving and feels somehow wrong, because she's clearly the "Honoka" of the duo, and that's never the kind of character I'm attracted to. But she is definitely starting to grow on me already nonetheless. Hmmmm.

Funny, I don't really think Kanade is, and part of that started with an episode with her brother coming up shortly.
Happy Birthday Cajun!

Gurren Lagann 4
This was not a great episode. Like at all. Most of the main cast was out of character. Kamina wasn't as cool. Simon was blushing a lot. Almost zero screen time for Yoko. Animation was horrendous. The only redeeming factor of the episode might have been the Black Syblings. I feel bad for Simon. Gets gets the ladies at first and then when Kamina shows up all the girls swoon to him. I think that was the only scene in the entire episode I actually laughed at.

You're better then this Gurren Lagann.
Gurren Lagann 4

This was not a great episode. Like at all. Most of the main cast was out of character. Kamina wasn't as cool. Simon was blushing a lot. Almost zero screen time for Yoko. Animation was horrendous. The only redeeming factor of the episode might have been the Black Syblings. I feel bad for Simon. Gets gets the ladies at first and then when Kamina shows up all the girls swoon to him. I think that was the only scene in the entire episode I actually laughed at.

You're better then this Gurren Lagann.



It's a little atypical, but the making-of feature that came with the Little Witch Academia Bluray does a good job of showing all the steps of making an episode of an anime.

i was gonna mention this too.

Remind me, does he even like dogs?

I likes you Woofy

He likes dog girls!

dog girls transcend the norm! Kemonomimi= better than

Indeed, I suppose that did show the strength of her supporting cast though.

Yeah definitely. Very strong support.


Sailor Moon 01-02

I really want to expand my knowledge of magical girls, but due to length and age, the classics are tough to get to. And I never really watched Sailor Moon when it was on TV - I saw the toku version first (Yasuko Kobayashi is love), so to me, this being uncut really has no bearing on my experience, since I'm watching it for the first time.

The OP's visuals are trippier than I expected for a magical girl series, and the animation is clearly of a different age from the Precures of today, but it's easy on the eyes and flows well enough. I feel like the fights don't last very long, but that leaves a good amount of time for character drama, too. Not a whole lot has happened in these two episodes, both being routine monster of the week stories, but I'm so used to those from Sentai and Rider and also Precure that I don't view them negatively. They can be used as well as anything else.

Usagi makes Miyuki (of Smile) look almost competent in comparison. She's definitely flighty, and prone to crying, but I can see that the heart of a hero is in there.... somewhere. She knows just what kind of speech to deliver to the MotWs, even if they can be one-shotted as soon as her attack lands. The newest character to me is Umino, who was cut from PGSM. I want to call him Milhouse. Naru's cool, and her family has a pretty active presence in the show, for all of the two episodes I've seen. The OP is a classic, but I never really hear people talk about the ED.

It's a different experience from what I usually watch, and it's also a chance to bond with friends and get caught up on my magical girl history. Especially my Junichi Sato magical girl history. This slow drip approach will take years to cover everything, and who knows where I'll be by the time it finishes, but it gives me a second point of comparison for Crystal in the summer and something retro to post on Monday nights.

And I finally understand some of the parodies in Ebiten episode 2! So I'll keep doing this.


Sailor Moon Unfiltered Episode 2:

Yep, it is going to be a fucking slog waiting for the worthwhile Sailor Scouts and we are in pure Monster of the Week territory already and really just going through the battle motions, that was pretty fucking quick there. I suppose if this episode had a highlight it was heel Umino display some swagger. This episode could be safely skipped and nothing missed.
Sailor Moon - 1-5
Jumping on this bandwagon as well. Like a lot of other people, I have vague memories of watching and enjoying the DIC version when it aired in the US. Thankfully, those memories are really vague, so I don't have any real attachment to how that version was handled outside of liking the main theme that everyone knows.

So I didn't expect to get as hooked as I did today, but man, I'm really enjoying this. Despite only having seen a few of each other's work, this feels like a cross between SatoJun and Ikuhara's styles in a way and it works quite well. I find it so interesting how much time its taking establishing Usagi as Sailor Moon before introducing any of the other sailor soldiers/sailor scouts(?) yet. It's not that I mind necessarily, since I actually do like Usagi, but it's nice not knowing what to expect from something as popular as this. Also, maybe it's just me, but I like how the previews before the OP are handled with that very calming track. It reminds me a lot of how it's done in Aria. It's very classy.

I always get a kick out of those random spats between Usagi and Tuxedo Mask whenever they cross paths on the street too. lol

Edit - Happy birthday, Cajun!


Sailor Moon Unfiltered Episode 2:

Yep, it is going to be a fucking slog waiting for the worthwhile Sailor Scouts and we are in pure Monster of the Week territory already and really just going through the battle motions, that was pretty fucking quick there. I suppose if this episode had a highlight it was heel Umino display some swagger. This episode could be safely skipped and nothing missed.

The first season is very structured MOTW. Towards the end shit gets really real though.
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