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It's not exactly that I hate SAO. It's just that I'd watch pretty much anything before it. And watching it makes me physically ill.

I would only rewatch any portion of it for the brief glimpse of Lizbest but even then Id rather just look at screencaps of that episode on the net.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Uncut Episode 5:

Another Monday is upon us and thus another two episodes of Sailor Moon have been added to the Hulu. Episode 5 is one of a pair of of episodes that were left undubbed during the DiC era. That is a shame because this episode is actually really important in quite a few ways. Looking back on this series, one of the most stunning things is just how much time Sailor Moon has spent as a single and indeed how much time is spent actually assembling all of the Sailor Scouts. This isn't how the majority of team stories play out and indeed even Sailor Moon would adhere to team conventions in later seasons and in the manga as I understand it. So right now we get the narrative of Sailor Moon dealing with being a rookie superheroine as well as her regular human supporting cast getting focus episodes.

Indeed, Usagi's younger brother gets his day in the limelight and this episode uses it to surprisingly good effect seeing a heretofore unobserved role for our heroine and that of the big sister. It was a really nice dynamic that made her more altruistic and proactive in her goals and kept the shitter parts of her personality at bay. The main plot with the Chanela is pure monster of the week goofiness. The secondary plot is the real one of importance as this is the episode that brought Luna literally into Usagi's family and indeed the relationship between Luna and Usagi has already changed in an unexpected way. Special commendation to the battle this week for cracking the mold, more work needs to be done here, but formula cracking and added moves are already happening. Overall, this episode comes highly recommended.
I like the main Fuko story though, just not the comedy bits after.

I do too but it's undeniable that it's one of the weaker arcs and she's one of the weaker characters. But I honestly love everything about Clannad so...

I gotta call bullshit on these percentages being thrown around. 64% of all percentages shown on the internet were made up on the spot so I'd need some hard facts to back those claims up.

Bullcrap. I heard it was closer to 75%. :p


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Uncut Episode 5:

Another Monday is upon us and thus another two episodes of Sailor Moon have been added to the Hulu. Episode 5 is one of a pair of of episodes that were left undubbed during the DiC era. That is a shame because this episode is actually really important in quite a few ways. Looking back on this series, one of the most stunning things is just how much time Sailor Moon has spent as a single and indeed how much time is spent actually assembling all of the Sailor Scouts. This isn't how the majority of team stories play out and indeed even Sailor Moon would adhere to team conventions in later seasons and in the manga as I understand it. So right now we get the narrative of Sailor Moon dealing with being a rookie superheroine as well as her regular human supporting cast getting focus episodes.

Indeed, Usagi's younger brother gets his day in the limelight and this episode uses it to surprisingly good effect seeing a heretofore unobserved role for our heroine and that of the big sister. It was a really nice dynamic that made her more altruistic and proactive in her goals and kept the shitter parts of her personality at bay. The main plot with the Chanela is pure monster of the week goofiness. The secondary plot is the real one of importance as this is the episode that brought Luna literally into Usagi's family and indeed the relationship between Luna and Usagi has already changed in an unexpected way. Special commendation to the battle this week for cracking the mold, more work needs to be done here, but formula cracking and added moves are already happening. Overall, this episode comes highly recommended.

DiC left out quite a few episodes, because they are shit.
It takes a surprisingly long amount of time to introduce all the girls in Sailor moon. I had to wait way too long for Minako :mad:


DiC left out quite a few episodes, because they are shit.
It takes a surprisingly long amount of time to introduce all the girls in Sailor moon. I had to wait way too long for Minako :mad:

Episode 5 is a very curious case because it really does contain important overarching elements, this one should have been dubbed. Also, agreed, the formation of the Sailor Scouts is way too drawn out and it forces us to deal with much more Usagi then is recommended.


Just reading up about the ending of Gundam Unicorn - holy shit what's with all the stupid Newtype shit in UC stories.

None of the characters or plots in can be grounded when they have to deal with silly psychic naked space ghost nonsense that Gundam fans pretend is justified due to it being "thematically relevant" because of the theme of "advancing humanity". The Newtype stuff has never and will never be interesting because it's always so poorly written.

Their devotion to that dreck, and making it central to the plot at all times, makes me hope that no-one makes any more stories in the UC-verse every again. Every story ends up becoming completely incomprehensible and convoluted because their doesn't seem to be much of a focus on telling a solid story about interesting characters and instead all we get is writers jerking off about UC history stuff and Newtypes and Spacenoids for hundreds of pages.

For a perfect example of this, consider War in the Pocket, a story which is actually, you know, about war and the consequences that war has on people. Gundam shows aren't about that anymore because everyones too busy trying to speak with the light of the their hearts and send the human soul further into space.

Literally every time Tomino brought Newtype nonsense into his shows the stories got worse. Why the franchise as a whole has clung this notion is beyond me because I can't think of a single time that this plot element has improved the story or enriched the characters in a series. I know they used it to differentiate themselves from the other mecha shows but really that time has long passed.

The craziest part about this whole thing is that, originally, the notion of Newtypes feels like something threw into the original Gundam show to spice things up. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but originally Gundam was just about a war of independence where one faction wishes to break way from the Earth to do their own thing. People were invested in the series because of the story and the mecha and the characters of course, Char. Then by the time we get to Unicorn the entire universe has been re-written so that every major event has happened because of Newtypes. I personally find this to be disgusting because it changes the whole UC timeline from a tale about a gritty war to a tale about naked space psychics.

Fuck Newtypes.
Minako joining as late as she did is a mark against the first season honestly. It's a good thing the whole thing is an ongoing story, so it doesn't hurt quite as much.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Uncut Episode 6:

So on the flipside we have this episode where I completely understand why it was left on the cutting room floor the first time around. Maybe not downright insipid like Episode 4 was but this was utterly forgettable involving a one shot couple that you could not pay me to give a toss about. Also, I suspect Sailor Moon knows as much about jazz as she does about hardcore gansta rap. This episode was inoffensive but you can skip and not lose one damn thing.


Don't know why but seems 2ch hate Mahouka so much(though it also have a lot normal thread posts),while Sidonia,NGNL,WIXOSS have nice discussion amount
Quote from 4chan(only including new shows,so sequel shows like LoveLive and JoJo etc won't be here)

Example of hate post pls, btw the pre-order also not doing too hot at the moment.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Love Live S2 08
It's another bad episode where one of the idols acts completely out of character to create a sympathetic scenario that feels like it was ripped from the most boring episode of day time TV soaps.


persona 3 the movie #1: spring of birth -

This feels more like a collection of cutscenes bound together as a compilation than a singular work. Ditch the game's ost and the calendar scrolling and it's already a step closer to the goal of actually making a movie than just a youtube mashup of the Key Scenes, but it won't help the poor sense of cohesion from scene to scene, the feeling that we're moving from setpiece to setpiece with nothing tying them together. A poor movie, but a good fanwank for fans who enjoy a good wank.

Looks okay for the most part. Not really movie quality, more like an average tv production with some ugly art and some standout moments here and there, which basically makes it an average tv production.


Yukari <3


Binbougami ga 06-08
Ranmaru is best girl. Only way to get better would be if she was voiced by Miyukichi.

Sailor Moon R 01-08
So far so good. Still safe from Chibiusa till the end of the arc. Also the villain girl is best waifu.


Minako joining as late as she did is a mark against the first season honestly. It's a good thing the whole thing is an ongoing story, so it doesn't hurt quite as much.

It was a bit frustrating the first time.

Binbougami ga 06-08
Ranmaru is best girl. Only way to get better would be if she was voiced by Miyukichi.

Sailor Moon R 01-08
So far so good. Still safe from Chibiusa till the end of the arc. Also the villain girl is best waifu.

En is cute. I guess I can give R that much.


Spice and Wolf 7

Nothing happened. But it was fun.

Holo and Lawrence's mutual teasing is growing more incisive and accurate. He prods at her childish tendency to indulge in her desires despite her wisdom, she uses his affection for her as a way to get under his skin. But they like each other. It's nice to watch, and the Japanese dialogue has a lot of fun little wordplay and turns of phrase that kind of feel lost in the translation.


Weiss and Holo's exchanges are always amusing.

Not much else to say besides that.

Link Man

Oh, looks like Sorairo may have actually been banned for pirating Watch_Dogs.

Edit: Er, maybe not. Aena's ultimatum was issued after his ban.


This Past Week in Puchimas (41-45):

Adventures, birthday parties, and general cuteness. Ah, such a good way to spend 3 minutes.
Vividred Operation - 2


The black hair, the purple eyes, the bow, and the cold way this character acts. Really show? Really?

All right, the :sdburton and :theonik of this show aside, they really couldn't have just let those two do their...symmetrical docking or whatever and just kick that thing's ass? They had to shove in a half-assed backstory about a girl with a orange tomato complex towards her friend?

This is only the second episode. If you're going to show that something's wrong with your kick-ass battle system, do it later on! Not the first time you show the system! I get they have to show how it works, but they couldn't have just had them be super best friends and animated a longer epic fight scene for the rest of the episode? Or at least accept that the docking failed and just find another cool way to destroy the robot?

See, if they did the former, I'd be pretty pumped up to see some more awesome :sdburton DBZ fusion action! If they did the latter I'd be interested to see what the docking was going to do! (Though I already had some idea of what it was going to do).

But now I guess I can expect this exact same thing to happen with the other girls that show up in the OP, and that kinda diminishes the little expectations I had for this show. It's an okay idea, just not a very good execution.

Still, it's only the second episode, so maybe the show will do something unexpected somewhere down the line. Maybe.


What the effing what??????


The Spyair vocalist has throat nodules so has decided he's quitting the band rather than risking damaging them further. I suppose there's always the potential for a successful operation and maybe learning to sing in a different way so as not to damage his throat further, but who knows?


Maturity, bitches.
I'd like to say a brief word of Love Live S2 Episode 7. Well since the episode is a week old discussing this out in the open shouldn't be a problem now. Am I the only one who finds storylines where the character is supposedly overweight and yet looks no different from before a bit annoying. Especially when said characters could probably afford to pudge up a little bit anyway. No wonder we suffer from a skeletonial society.
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