Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
I can feel the hot blooded Miyukichi. Dammit, I shouldn't be excited for this.Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
Woah, I would accept a Rozen Maiden made like this, but it would probably give me nightmares. It´s kinda creepy.
Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
I can feel the hot blooded Miyukichi. Dammit, I shouldn't be excited for this.
Well it doesnt look horrible. Ill give it a chance >_
Don't put my Miyukichi love on the same level as duckroll hype!Duckroll hype train begins, all aboard!
Wagnaria!!2 1
Now in 720p!
And we're setting up the situation again.
Yessss. now its the Yamada show!
Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
Excuse me while I go light myself on fire.
Imagining your avatar looking at the burning Shard made me laugh hard.Everyone gather round, it's time for a bbq!
Everyone gather round, it's time for a bbq!
Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
Excuse me while I go light myself on fire.
I didn't see that :,(I had offered to proxy a group buy of them!
Yeah, looks alright, but after the shitfest of the first season I am not even touching this with a stick.Sword Art Online II looking good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXsodIO2yKc
Yessss. now its the Yamada show!
Fantastic episode. The music used near the end of the episode similar to the one from the first episode is still one of the best tracks from the anime. Also I started looking up some terms for the game now, figured might as well learn more about the techniques and moves since they will be mentioned a lot from now on.
We need more Yamada on this thread.
When Otoo san asked her what she wanted I jokingly said "Adoption papers" and I burst out laughing when she actually said it right after.
I'm not enjoying S2 as much but I'm only a few episodes in. S1 was excellent. Shout out to Link Man for posting his impressions otherwise I would have never know this series existed.
We need more Yamada on this thread.
Well, it gets better along the road.
I'm eager for SAO2 only for the impressions from everyone here. It might still be shitting but entertaining in a different way.
Were there ever any art books from SAO? I thought some of the world designs, especially in ALO looked kinda cool.
True. S1 started off kinda slow too but it got pretty good. I'm optimistic about S2.
ITrue. S1 started off kinda slow too but it got pretty good. I'm optimistic about S2.
My eyeball would not stand to watch another second of SAO unless it came to Toonami.
Dunno if someone has already said you this but since you like Working then Servant x Service is a must watch. Both are made by the same creator.
Join usssssssss
Sweet. Will add that to the queue.
Calling him a pansy is sort of missing the point of his character.Trigun 24-26 END
So Vash spend 10 years with Knives even after the latter had already murdered Rem and countless other people ? Talk about being a pansy. I was bit iffed they didn't shed more light on the whole alien race deal and how the brothers found their way on the ship.
Legato didn't amount to much. Given how he thought his death would bring never ending suffering on Stampede I thought he would turn out to be Rem's son or other kinsman.
The final confrontation was really good. It was nice to finally see Vash going all out, and onhis brother to boot. Even after his death, Nicholas was the deciding factor. Best character in the show.
If you use your imagination, the Ant Arc is actually three arcs!("queen and Kaito in NGL" part, "training, comeback and infiltration" part, "final showdown" part)
SAO2: Child Porn The Sequel.
My eyeball would not stand to watch another second of SAO unless it came to Toonami.
What about the other eyeball?
I wonder if the full version of the Chaika OP is out yet.