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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Rabbit 8

So they went "So should we do the Onsen or the beach episode?"

And lead guys said "Fuck it, let's do both".

So basically this.

Well I think I finally watched enough anime for Spring 2014 to come up with my own awesome list.


No Game No Life

Best show of the season so far. Doesn't take itself too seriously to piss you (or just me) off, heavy comedic elements, thought provoking aspects, and its references are always enjoyable. The OP/ED themes likewise is also great.


One Week Friends


Brynhildr in the Darkness

Dropped Shows

Captain Earth

Lasted for one episode. Nothing in particular hooked me onto this show and the bombardment of technical terms and explanations further alienated to me, not to mention the needless flamboyance of the introduced villains.


Lasted for eight episodes. From the getgo I knew this anime was going to be horrible with its super-drawn out exposition (lasting 7 episodes), the incest bro-con, the harem, and the ridiculous OP gary-sue for the MC. Yet I stuck around for perverted humor of seeing how ridiculous the trainwreck will go, finally gave up after episode 8.

Black Bullet

Lasted for four episodes. This show was more disappointing than Mahouka, though I attribute that to viewing this show in a different light. Filled with rushed pacing and a loli harem, the potential for its interesting premise and primary antagonist was squandered.
Wixoss 9
And now the reversal of friendship. Though after this, I'm not sure where else could go to make it more of a tragedy. The world ending?


selector infected WIXOSS 9

Well, this is awkward.

I think somebody needs to tell Kazuki the truth, you guys. So many mixed feelings about
his and Yuzuki's feelings for each other finally being realised only when Yuzuki is no longer really there at all
. Whoever created this game has a pretty twisted sense of humour.

So, at this point I think the game of Wixoss is so fundamentally screwed up that the only way we're really going to get a happy ending to the series is by finding some way to undo the rules of the game themselves. But if we assume for a second that that's not an option (which as far as the characters are concerned it doesn't seem to be), sadly I can see where Yuzuki's coming from.
If there's no way to break the rules, then Hitoe winning the game is probably the closest thing they can hope for to a happy ending. It would mean Yuzuki gets to come back into the real world (albeit in Hitoe's body...), and as for Hitoe, there's a possibility that becoming a LRIG might free her from her curse. The only major catch, of course, is that winning battles means someone has to lose, which means creating more curses. And presumably killing more LRIGs (since they seem to disappear forever when their owner loses for the third time), which seems extra awful now that we know where the LRIGs come from...

If there's one major difference I can see between the fucked-up systems in Wixoss and Madoka, it's that
in Madoka, the cycle of despair was something of a stable one - it had been going on for pretty much all of history, and could have gone on indefinitely. In Wixoss, though, this shit doesn't seem stable at all. There has to have been some kind of starting point that we don't know about - since if LRIGs are created from victorious Selectors, then where did the first LRIGs come from? - and the whole thing doesn't seem remotely sustainable, since the pool of LRIGs should be constantly shrinking (victory removes one LRIG from the pool and replaces it with a new one, but failure removes an LRIG from the pool without any replacement).

...idk what any of this actually means, I'm just thinking out loud.
A TV show that wishes so bad to be half as good as breaking bad

I love Breaking Bad but this show has only one real thing in common and even then it's only in the idea of a character, and it's very loose. Also it has Sault talking folksy and saying "AH JEEZ"

So I guess what I'm trying to say is No U. Either ways I preferred True Detective and Hannibal this season.
Sailor Moon 5

Man this can be a pretty fucked up show at times, what the scene of the poor starving dog digging though the trash to then be ignored by Shingo and his friend? Then to follow it with a scene of a cat being kicked? Damn this is like a completely different series to what I remember as a kid lol


I love Breaking Bad but this show has only one real thing in common and even then it's only in the idea of a character, and it's very loose. Also it has Sault talking folksy and saying "AH JEEZ"

So I guess what I'm trying to say is No U. Either ways I preferred True Detective and Hannibal this season.
Both going for the same thriller feeling except one is good fun while the other is dumb fun.
Episode 6 finally updates the OP to have the girls throw those cloth things, that was always my favorite scene in the American OP and it was driving me crazy that it wasn't happening in the Japanese OP
Wixoss Episode 9

So why does Hitoe want to battle since she must know that "winning" would mean getting her body hijacked? The power of depression?




The odd time being a music major and taking music history has caused me to stop watching an anime
Oooo, another music major. I have an M.M. in comp. Doing DMA or PhD stuff too. Haven't chosen.

That said, hopefully music history isn't fucking your shit up. I had a lot of friends who couldn't make it though it in undergrad lol
Oooo, another music major. I'm an M.M.

That said, hopefully music history isn't fucking your shit up. I had a lot of friends who couldn't make it though it in undergrad lol

I already passed the first class, would have already taken the second had it not been for life crisis leading me to taking some time away from school. I hope to go back next fall. I did really well in music history, the hardest part was just spending hours listening to the dozens of songs the teacher wanted us to know for identification on the final.

Fucking Organum and Discant lol. Once you get past that the listening wasn't so bad..



I already passed the first class, would have already taken the second had it not been for life crisis leading me to taking some time away from school. I hope to go back next fall. I did really well in music history, the hardest part was just spending hours listening to the dozens of songs the teacher wanted us to know for identification on the final.

Fucking Organum and Discant lol. Once you get past that the listening wasn't so bad.

"Doctor I can't sleep"

"I know just the cure. Listen to this album by Radiohead"
Nah, those would be the music therapists! I'm in academics and theory/composition. I can tell you how music is built, what's actually in the piece, how it functions, and why you perceive it the way you do. And i've had pieces recorded by orchestras.
Nah, those would be the music therapists! I'm in academics and theory/composition. I can tell you how music is built, what's actually in the piece, how it functions, and why you perceive it the way you do. And i've had pieces recorded by orchestras.

Guess I better ask you Doctor Bear. Why does some music give me goosebumps of excitement? Like listening to Attack on Titan's 'Attack on Titan' song.

Joe Molotov

And this is why, I voted that Love's Mom is the best Precure Mom

This show has some great side characters. Love's Mom, Tarte (I think he might be my favorite fairy), Kaoru-chan, Miyuki. Also, Westar is pretty great too.

Miki's younger brother/fake boyfriend kinda got kicked to the curb after like 2 episodes though, haha. Haven't seen him in a long time.

Andrew J.

Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san 08

Torikai isn't very birdlike. Unless...are birds associated with ghosts in Japan? I've never heard of such a thing before, but that doesn't mean it's not out there.
This show has some great side characters. Love's Mom, Tarte (I think he might be my favorite fairy), Kaoru-chan, Miyuki. Also, Westar is pretty great too.

Miki's younger brother/fake boyfriend kinda got kicked to the curb after like 2 episodes though, haha. Haven't seen him in a long time.

I bet it was for the implied incest that he was kicked off.

But yeah. Some great side characters in Fresh. Kind of wish it kept up this level of side characters after Fresh.
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