I tolerated Bleach, so maybe my taste has been misplaced up until now.
揃う "line up (on the shelves)" - "We have everything (you need) on our shelves!"*checks dictionary*
Oh, the そろう being used here is the conjugated form of そる (剃るor "to shave". Presumably to shave all prices. Got it, thanks.
*adds to notes*
揃う "line up (on the shelves)" - "We have everything (you need) on our shelves!"
Searching "何でも揃う" for examples, first hit I get is Tora no Ana:
Comic Tora no Ana: For doujinshi or any other moe items, we have what you need!
Acchi Kocchi 07:
There's just nothing I can say about this show beyond how amazingly cute and well done it is! The animation is very nice, the artwork is consistent and HOLY FUCK TSUMIKI IS SO ADORABLE SDFHJWEGIHGWNFNQKINWER(@$)&%R@$(YU~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[REDACTED]Acchi Kocchi 07:
I certainly agree with the bolded above and I imagine most people who post here regularly will know what you mean but do you think you can unpack what you mean a little bit by using some other terms?
Bleach has far better pacing
Elena getting called out on her adolescent foolishness.
Sounds like a quality show. :|Sure. For me, "animu" is a pejorative shorthand for tropes and character types that are largely endemic to anime and pander to otaku at the expense of more natural, realistic plot development and characterization. A few examples in E7:AO include the following:
- overabundance of adolescent female pilots
The ratio of male:female pilots in Generation Bleu is improbable and there's no logical reason for the organization to use exclusively young pilots outside of a plot contrivance. The pilots of Pied Piper/Goldilocks are a thinly-veiled harem for Ao and their ages are unrealistically low solely to suit the otaku taste for barely-pubescent girls.
- Elena's otaku tendencies
Elena's personality is what it is solely to attract otaku by being "meta". The face on her helmet is a 2ch symbol and her helmet has cat ears, she's often seen browsing videos on a future NicoNico, and she even says "sabi-sabisu~" while taking a shower by herself which might as well be breaking the fourth wall in spite of the fact that she was "talking" to the sloth. It doesn't even make sense for her to be spouting off random references to Madoka Magica and Dynasty Warriors in a future alternate timeline, but it's a pretty transparent attempt to pander to the "OMG a female otaku! fapfapfap" set, a la everything in Nyaruko.
- the loli pilot introduced in Episode 5
See my first point, but there is no reason for this character to exist other than for there to be a loli in the show.
- multiple instances of men falling on women and recoiling upon the realization that they've touched a breast.
A classic anime gag, it feels especially tacky and forced in E7:AO due to the show otherwise being light on fanservice. There has never been a reason for this kind of scene to occur in the entire history of anime other than to serve as a cheap attempt at titillating the audience.
The original Eureka Seven, while far from free of the use of overused and unfitting anime tropes, gags, sexualization, and character molds, at least never felt like it was overtly trying to pander to otaku. This is why I argue that E7:AO is a more "animu" series in its presentation.
Errrrr... Sure...
That's a lot of words just to say, "this show is cute but has nothing else going for it"!![]()
How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.
And people claim this has good character designs
Sounds like a quality show. :|
Bleach has far better pacing and kept the action high, one piece has too many lulls.
I don't know, it's one of the reasons I decided to stop watching it, probably for good. It appealed initially because of its pacing, but when it approached the filler-arcs, it obviously reversed all of that goodwill.
I called it at about episode 160(ish) so well into the Hueco-Muendo arc. I just came to the realization that it had strayed too far, especially from what I had felt had been a well balanced tone becoming extremely erratic. There was just too much goofy nonsense that punctuated nearly every other scene. That's not to mention the pace becoming almost glacial.
Maybe I'm missing something by dropping it at that juncture, but it was beginning to feel like an obligation to watch. It was my first time watching such a long-running anime series, so I don't consider it a complete waste. I still maintain that the premise is still interesting though, I just don't think it fully delivered that potential.
I can not recall the last time bleach went at a pace of .5-1 chapter an episode.
Nah, your impression is correct; Bleach eventually shits the bed in every way imaginable, and not just with the filler arcs or the pacing. You're lucky to have quit it when you did because the concentration of wasted potential and terrible storytelling just snowballs with each successive arc. Although several of us have endured it all, DTL may be unique here in actually liking it.
How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.
I won't lie, it had me for a while, the soul-society arc specifically (big suprise there!). I was a little sad to let it go, but I'd rather choose that over retroactively ruining any good memories I have of the first couple of arcs.
I won't lie, it had me for a while, the soul-society arc specifically (big suprise there!). I was a little sad to let it go, but I'd rather choose that over retroactively ruining any good memories I have of the first couple of arcs.
I really like Bleach through the Soul Society arc, but after that.... Kubo should just quit making manga and become a fashion designer.
I really liked the character designs (for the most part), so you can understand why I was crestfallen when I realized that after the SS arc, most of the The Gotei 13 would be relegated to the sidelines! Most of the interesting captains weren't featured nearly enough after that point.
I really liked the character designs (for the most part), so you can understand why I was crestfallen when I realized that after the SS arc, most of the The Gotei 13 would be relegated to the sidelines! Most of the interesting captains weren't featured nearly enough after that point.
If you can believe it, most of the captains. I think I finally have my response prepared for that "if you could punch one person in the face" thread in OT.have still received zero character development and we don't know half of their Bankais nearly ten years later
There are 12 hints up now, so it's time to do a recap since there's a little more than a week left before it's revealed. I'll group the hints into categories so it's more informative.
General details:
- The theme is "friendship"? (Hint #1)
- The genre is "girl's scifi action" (Hint #4)
- There are 5 main heroines (Hint #5)
- The show depicts the girls trying their best in a cute manner (Hint #12)
Main character:
- The main character is a 14 year old girl (Hint #2)
- She lives with her sister and grandfather (Hint #6)
- Due to various circumstance, they live in poverty (Hint #7)
- The show is set in a peaceful world where science can resolve all problem (Hint #10)
- The actual stage of the story is set on two different islands - a natural one surrounded by nature, and a man-made one filled with science (Hint #11)
- The director is also handling the character designs (Hint #3)
- The series composition is handled by both the director and the main writer (Hint #8)
- There is a mecha designer among the main staff members (Hint #9)
To recap what we already know, this is a new original TV anime being bankrolled by Aniplex and Dengeki G's magazine. The current information we have suggests very strongly that the director/character designer/writer for this series is Yasuomi Umetsu of Kite and
Mezzo Forte fame. Based on comments he made on his blog 2 years
ago, it is also possible that the main writer for the series is Michiko Itou of RKB fame.
I started watching bleach cause it was new at the time only the first episode had aired and I need something to watch cause I caught up with naruto.
I thought it had potential but I manly watched it for the side characters once they showed up, I disliked ichigo fights and hollow monster of the week crap, loved the sound track.
I am still waiting for those bankais, there's no way am allowing this man to end it without giving the bankais.
[Sankarea] 07
I like how they are not even hiding anymore the fact that Chihiro is a self-insertion fantasy for otaku.
Is it my birthday? This is exactly what I wanted.
Ignoring the worthless Bounts filler arc characters did received lots of screentime after that even having fights and stuff when Ichigo wasnt around and getting their own focused good filler arcs and episodes. You should finish the anime now that its over, I can assure you, its worth it.
If you can believe it, most of the captains. I think I finally have my response prepared for that "if you could punch one person in the face" thread in OT.have still received zero character development and we don't know half of their Bankais nearly ten years later
Ignoring the worthless Bounts filler arc characters did received lots of screentime after that even having fights and stuff when Ichigo wasnt around and getting their own focused good filler arcs and episodes. You should finish the anime now that its over, I can assure you, its worth it.
Not even Zaraki?
So worthless that you watched it three times?
I started to watch Gintama after all the love Gaf gives it. Can I expect the show to ever be serious, or will it be firing comedy at me all the time? I would love to see a balance between the two!
Just to clarify, I found the first episode relatively funny. I got a few chuckles from it.
Orihime! <3
oh no not her, she managed to make me cringe few times she too anime, she should get shipped off to some magical girl show where she belongs.
Kazuma, be glad that you quit the show before the above happened to Orihime.
I have to admit I liked some of the bounto arc like the fights with the guy with the metal doll and Kira.
I have to admit I liked some of the bounto arc like the fights with the guy with the metal doll and Kira.
oh no not her, she managed to make me cringe few times she too anime, she should get shipped off to some magical girl show where she belongs.
Bleach didn't become interesting until ishida showed up then we learnt more about shinigami world
Average background art for an average episode.
Such a caring guy. Of course she likes him!
This was a great way of mixing the past and present, and I think if stuff like this happened more often in the episode, I would have cared more about what was happening.
Sankarea 7
Why is she so drawn to someone who totally ignores her, and doesn't care about what she thinks?
Bleach is the opposite of One Piece in that it had a good start and fell into obscurity
whereas One Piece slowly grows on you (it helps that all of the main characters are actually characters)
[*]Elena's otaku tendencies
Elena's personality is what it is solely to attract otaku by being "meta". The face on her helmet is a 2ch symbol and her helmet has cat ears, she's often seen browsing videos on a future NicoNico, and she even says "sabi-sabisu~" while taking a shower by herself which might as well be breaking the fourth wall in spite of the fact that she was "talking" to the sloth. It doesn't even make sense for her to be spouting off random references to Madoka Magica and Dynasty Warriors in a future alternate timeline, but it's a pretty transparent attempt to pander to the "OMG a female otaku! fapfapfap" set, a la everything in Nyaruko.
Acchi Kocchi 07:
There's just nothing I can say about this show beyond how amazingly cute and well done it is! The animation is very nice, the artwork is consistent and HOLY FUCK TSUMIKI IS SO ADORABLE SDFHJWEGIHGWNFNQKINWER(@$)&%R@$(YU~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ah, I had the wrong kanji again. >_> I have a ways to go in my studying it seems. :/
Elena is voiced by Omigawa though, and that alone is enough to make her better than
the rest of the cast.