Guilty Crown 22 (FINAL) / A Certain Magical Index II 24 (FINAL) As bad as Guilty Crown was, I'd be lying if it didn't keep me glued to my seat more often than not. It's got a good presentation about it all and the soundtrack slowly became a treat. Index II had nothing going for it aside from Misaka and MILFsaka. Index S1 and S2 are amongst the worst shows I’ve ever forced myself to watch and Touma is THE worst main character I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. I cannot understand how a show this bad got two seasons, both two cours long. 1/5 for both
Now I begin Railgun alongside two shows I've dropped in the past: Nichijou and Hanasaku Iroha, two shows that I've wanted to like but couldn't hold my interest. After what I've seen, that shouldn't be the case anymore.
Oh, right there was an '80s cartoon, I'd forgotten about that. It's not something I watched.MLP is from the 80s, dude. I guess these damn bronies must think it started in 2010. They don't understand what real friendship is :/
You're right, the source is indeed a 4koma series. And yeah, that style does show through. There are some 4koma mangas which change more in their animated form (K-On immediately comes to mind), but they stuck pretty close in SYD. They definitely keep the jokes coming quickly, and move on as soon as the last one's out.I can't remember if the source is a 4koma, but it feels like an old sketch show where they do a joke a minute in order to just keep the pace fast and keep the audience entertained. That way, if a joke bombs, you've already forgotten because they've moved onto another joke.
But yeah, it's also thematically pretty one note.
But that's from 2010... unless they mean US disc releases? But then it'd still finish second to Sora no Woto!Clearly both are up there with ANN's AOTY 2011 Angel Beats!
I almost never actually force myself through an entire series I despise... you have my condolences. As far as anime goes, the only recent case of that I can think of was Maken-Ki, but that was only 13 episodes, not 26/52... still though, that was pretty painful. That's got to be the worst harem action series in recent years, or at least it's the worst one I've actually watched any of.Guilty Crown 22 (FINAL) / A Certain Magical Index II 24 (FINAL)
I once knew someone from the Peace Corps. He spent his early 20-something in war torn nations rather bars. In the backwater holes of the world rather than in the arms of the women he sought to marry. In places where those power compete for corruption the same way neighboring restaurants compete for customers. The boy I saw leave and the man who I welcomed back into society were two different people. His speech was different. His habits were different. He often shook his head whenever he engaged in conversation, even if it was a positive subject. He and the girl that was waiting for him broke-up weeks ago his return. Eventually we started to talk less and less. When I confronted him about it, I simply asked him why. He responded, “I’ve seen some shit.”
My first-world problem doesn’t compare to my friend’s issues but what he told me that day didn’t truly resonate until now. It’s incredible what gets allowed on the air these days. Here we have two main characters, two students even: Shu and Touma. Despite their seemingly simple lives, they both have remarkable powers bestowed upon them. Powers that leave those who’ve witnessed them in awe, anger and disappointed. It is the power of bad writing. These two adolescents endure different paths and respond with different experiences. What was quite remarkable was just how different they were. Shu for instance, is very human. He’s been schooled in the art of melodrama. He loves to do 180s on his personality whenever something significant happens, sometimes it works (Episode 15) and sometimes it doesn’t. I think what Shu has going for himself is that despite these shortcomings in how his character was written, at least the guy was flawed. Sometimes he didn’t know the right answer to a situation, sometimes he got it completely wrong. So even if he was a nitwit at points, he was entertaining to watch as well. Touma, on the other hand, is a robot. He is a procedural robot that is stupid, unfunny and a total jackass of a protagonist. He lives in a city programmed to guide awful villainous robots to him so that he can lecture them on how wrong their perception of life is and how he has the right solution. He does this without fail. Then he saves the world and goes on to act like a modest asshole like he does every arc.
This is the tale of two characters and two shows, shows that revel in their ass pulls. That revel in their poorly written characters faced by poorly written scenarios. I must admit though, if there's one show that made me appreciate the good, it was Index II. Shu is nowhere near as bad as Touma. I would take a million Shu’s over an eighth of one Touma. I would rather take Shu’s melodrama over Touma’s shitty goofy good guy persona. As bad as Shu is, at least he’s human with flaws and shortcomings. Then there's their sidekicks. Inori is nowhere as bad as Index. Inori does not abuse the hand that feeds her and she is 5,000,000 times more useful than Index. For all the ass pulls that Guilty Crown commits, Index beats it by miles with every arc dealing with theology and it gives you a lecture on the subject too. As bad as Guilty Crown was, I'd be lying if it didn't keep me glued to my seat more often than not. It's got a good presentation about it all and the soundtrack slowly became a treat. Index II had nothing going for it aside from Misaka and MILFsaka. Index S1 and S2 are amongst the worst shows I’ve ever forced myself to watch and Touma is THE worst main character I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. I cannot understand how a show this bad got two seasons, both two cours long. 1/5 for both shows.
“I’ve seen some shit,” is right. It’s enough to make you a cynic. Enough to make you quit anime. But you don’t. Instead you learn to appreciate. Like a man who was stuck in the desert for weeks learns to appreciate a glass of clean water. You appreciate.
Now I begin Railgun alongside two shows I've dropped in the past: Nichijou and Hanasaku Iroha, two shows that I've wanted to like but couldn't hold my interest. After what I've seen, that shouldn't be the case anymore.
I saw that mentioned a few pages back and it's an interesting, albeit creepy dilemma I'm faced with. I don't want to watch another anything with Touma as the main character but I also have to make sure that
I saw that mentioned a few pages back and it's an interesting, albeit creepy dilemma I'm faced with. I don't want to watch another anything with Touma as the main character but I also have to make sure thatdoesn't become a reality. I've never felt this way before about an anime relationship and I am totally aware of how weird that is but Touma is just that awful to me. I have to make sure he keeps his dirty hands off of her.Misaka x Touma
Good effort, good job.ANN reviews in a nutshell:
Ya see DTL, I've read your final impressions of Guilty Crown and I have know idea when you're being serious or if you're trying to pull our legs.I did read the whole post, it oddly makes me want to check out that magical index anime (if its dubbed and released here and whatever).
But anyway you werent a fan of the everlasting guilty crown, a 1/5 is harsh for all that Guilty Crown had going for it. Brisk, concise, gorgeous, and emotional, stands above most other in the genre.
After doing some Googling on this Maken-Ki, it does indeed not look good. I also see it's been licensed by FunimationI almost never actually force myself through an entire series I despise... you have my condolences. As far as anime goes, the only recent case of that I can think of was Maken-Ki, but that was only 13 episodes, not 26/52... still though, that was pretty painful. That's got to be the worst harem action series in recent years, or at least it's the worst one I've actually watched any of.
... That actually brings me back to Maken-Ki, though! Indeed, that that MC was one of the worst white knights I've seen in anime was absolutely one of the things I hated about him most. That guy borders on F/SN Shirou levels of bad.
Judging from spoilers from the bookzthey never do because cockteasing sells more
So rest easy, comrade.
This info on the other hand, I didn't ask for.
It looks as hilarious and cringe-worthy as the Doctor Who anime that I saw a while back. Good work guys!
So why are you going around watching the worst animes you can find, again? Maken-Ki is indeed a decent choice for such a project, but why...After doing some Googling on this Maken-Ki, it does indeed not look good. I also see it's been licensed by Funimationand I will be all over it when it gets dubbed.
After doing some Googling on this Maken-Ki, it does indeed not look good. I also see it's been licensed by Funimationand I will be all over it when it gets dubbed.
She's too busy making Rin-ne and pretending it's not Inuyasha =/We should show this to Takahashi.
I straight up blitzed this anime. There were a lot of funny moments, though the repetitive sex jokes did get a bit worn out by the end. The story, of course, is more like a bunch of random scenes strewn together to setup each joke so there's no real cohesiveness to that.
Despite that, much enjoyment to be found here if you want some laughs.
She's too busy making Rin-ne and pretending it's not Inuyasha =/
She's too busy making Rin-ne and pretending it's not Inuyasha =/
Does anyone even read Rin-ne? Even Inuyasha was a big deal at one time, but now she seems to have completely fallen off the map.
Did you watch the three OVAs?
Also, if you liked this show, you might want to check out High School Girls. Similar set up, but more long form jokes/episodes.
i've been meaning to check this out for ages so maybe i'll just wait till the dvd's out and watch more awful shit like pretty much all the cg stuff from these guys while i wait
i've been meaning to check this out for ages so maybe i'll just wait till the dvd's out and watch more awful shit like pretty much all the cg stuff from these guys while i wait
Don't forget: ANN's illustrious Zac has declared Madoka "the best anime I've seen in years and years". Now go out there and buy those BDs!
There's no hope for this world. As horrid as we're led to believe, Anime-GAF may very well be the shining beacon of anime criticism on the Interwebs.
Not yet. I plan on watching them, though. My brain needs a break from the inundation of sex jokes
I'll look into High School Girls. This kind of anime is ultimately a guilty pleasure anime, so I need to break it up with something a bit more meaty in the story department.
Jeez. If that's all her hair curled... how much hair does she have? More than Bayonetta?This Horizon figurine looks rather... horrifying. I understand it's just the head, but still.
Mad Bull 34 "Quite possibly the best bad anime ever made." And it's directed by Satoshi Dezaki, who's related if you're wondering.
I'd watch it.
I realize this, which makes it all the more frightening. Here's my first attempt:
Why do you continue to subject yourself to this when you could be watching more Gintama?![]()
It's all about Aum Shinrikyo, Ultima. Happy Science be damned in the face of Sarin gas!
i have to expand my horizons to other forms of animeWhy do you continue to subject yourself to this when you could be watching more Gintama?![]()
lmaoThis Horizon figurine looks rather... horrifying. I understand it's just the head, but still.
And yes, that's hair.
Now I begin Railgun alongside two shows I've dropped in the past: Nichijou
This Horizon figurine looks rather... horrifying. I understand it's just the head, but still.
And yes, that's hair.
SYD -> Gintama. It's the perfect transition, if you think about it.Speaking of Gintama, I need to get back to watching it. I left off at like... episode 20? Or was it... damn, I forgot.
This Horizon figurine looks rather... horrifying. I understand it's just the head, but still.
And yes, that's hair.
This Horizon figurine looks rather... horrifying. I understand it's just the head, but still.
And yes, that's hair.
It's a great comedy with some fine animation.wait
people genuinely like blood-c
not ironically ?
It's not terrible, but it is quite flawed. I'm actually going to rewatch it soon.I was under the impression that Madoka was actually good from second hand impressions (haven't seen in yet) in animeGaf and won awards.
This is still on my list!
Man, this anime sounds great! I'll check it out, thanks ANN!
Mad bull 34 is absolutely incredible.
Dont miss it!