Accel World 01+02
Considering how low my expectations were I guess this isn't completely unwatchable. The story seems pretty convoluted even out of the gate with three separate realities just kind of thrown out there with such little background. At least they're mostly padded out with some fairly interesting design world on both a character and architectural level.
The show might have been okay without the sniveling lead. I get that the role is supposed to be a write-in/wish fulfillment thing, but this guy is unbearable. It's kind of hard to even feel like his real life is so completely awful when half of what's shown is him hanging out with cute girls who make him picnics. I also don't really get all the theatrical movements people seem to make in the real world to interface with the virtual one, or the Gameboy link cable to directly interface with people, but whatever. I guess those aren't really the questions you're supposed to ask.

Considering how low my expectations were I guess this isn't completely unwatchable. The story seems pretty convoluted even out of the gate with three separate realities just kind of thrown out there with such little background. At least they're mostly padded out with some fairly interesting design world on both a character and architectural level.
The show might have been okay without the sniveling lead. I get that the role is supposed to be a write-in/wish fulfillment thing, but this guy is unbearable. It's kind of hard to even feel like his real life is so completely awful when half of what's shown is him hanging out with cute girls who make him picnics. I also don't really get all the theatrical movements people seem to make in the real world to interface with the virtual one, or the Gameboy link cable to directly interface with people, but whatever. I guess those aren't really the questions you're supposed to ask.